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Post by Le222olf »

Another day at Timmy’s, another tie up game. That’s how it went whenever I spent a weekend at his house. We played many games, many of which I can’t recall details of. On this day, him, Samantha, and I were ready to shake things up once again. Every experience was unique, after all.

Highlights from our previous games included: Timmy tying me up on a couch, me tying Timmy to a chair, Samantha kidnapping both of us and trapping us in Timmy’s downstairs tent, Timmy and I teaming up to capture Samantha but Timmy turning against me once we did so, and many more.

Timmy was slightly shorter than me and had short brown hair. He had a sports jersey and a pair of gym shorts on. Samantha was the same height as him and had long, light brown hair. She wore a graphic t-shirt with short shorts. I had blonde hair and a slightly athletic build. I wore a black t-shirt with black running shorts, which I usually wore when we played these games. As it turned out, I had started to enjoy being tied up a while back. At that point, I had my favorite outfit to be tied up in. Of course, I still tried to win, but losing always had its perks.

This week, we were going to play a rendition of this game where we were prisoners that needed to escape. One of us acted as the villain and the other two were the prisoners. This week, Timmy volunteered to be the bad guy. That meant Samantha and I were his captives.

“I’m not used to being tied up.” Samantha said as she and I climbed onto the bed. We sat with our backs to one another and watched Timmy approach us with the rope and duct tape.

“You’ll get used to it,” I said to my fellow captive over my shoulder. “I did.” This wasn’t untrue. I got kidnapped a LOT. At this point, whenever we played these games, there was almost a guarantee I would be tied up. Not that I could complain.

To start off, Timmy taped my hands behind my back. Samantha and I sat quietly for a moment as he did this, wrapping the silvery restraints around my wrists. Finally, I said:

“You’ll never get away with this!” and the game began.

“Oh yeah?” the jailer taunted back. “I already have!”

“I could run away right now, you know.” Samantha giggled, flaunting that she was not yet tied up. She moved her arms from behind her back and put them in her lap as an act of resilience.

“Don’t even think about it.” Timmy finished taping my hands, then went to grab Samantha’s. He pulled them behind her back and started to tape them, as well. She went along with it, still giggling to herself.

Once our wrists were taped, Timmy started tying us back to back. He wrapped the rope around our waists and tied it tight, trapping the two of us together. We both gave little struggles, even though we weren’t fully captured yet.

“Let us go!” I said in defiance.

“No. Keep still!”

Timmy moved to my ankles and grabbed the roll of duct tape. Much like with my wrists, he used the tape to tie my legs together. Lastly, he used a belt to keep my thighs together, a technique I had taught him before. With me all tied up, he took a few strips of duct tape and pressed them over my mouth, effectively gagging me.

“Mmmmph! Mmmmph!” I complained and wriggled in my spot.

“These ropes won’t hold me.” Samantha said intimidatingly. Timmy didn’t seem very intimidated by it, though.

Finally, Timmy taped up Samantha’s mouth like he did with mine. She gave a few “Mmmmmgh” sounds, more like a frustrated growl at the anger of being captured. My muffled cries were more like that of someone helplessly calling out to be rescued. We were very different captives.

Timmy didn’t bother tying Samantha’s legs, either to spite me or because he didn’t want to run out of tape. Either way, he climbed off the bed and left the two of us sitting there, bound and gagged with no hope of escape.

“You’ll never get out of here. No one will ever stop me!” Timmy said in his cliche villainous way.

“Mmmmph! Mmmmph mmmph mmmn!” Samantha and I shouted at him, despite being gagged. Timmy laughed evilly to himself, enjoying the moment of having both of us in his clutches.

As per rules of the game, Timmy had to patrol around the house while we tried to escape. We needed to bring him down, and if he caught us both again, we’d be done for. Our captor left the room, leaving us to struggle out of the prison he left us in.

“Mmmmph! Mmmmmph!” Samantha and I groaned and struggled to get out of our bindings. The ropes were hard to fight, but the tape on our hands and my legs really held us in place. The belt around my thighs was shockingly tight, as well. It made for a sufficient restraint, that was for sure.

“Mmmgh.” I felt Samantha struggling less harder than I was, and I couldn’t tell if she was giving up or just really confident. You can’t be too cocky when you’re all tied up, though. I didn’t ease up on my struggling, as I kept thrashing back and forth and kicking my legs. Part of me knew my struggling methods were inefficient, but I didn’t want to get free too soon.

I felt Samantha wriggling her wrists in the tape, and it sounded like she was making progress. I sat back and waited for her to free herself. After a bit, she successfully tore through the tape and slipped her hands out from behind her back.

“Mmn!” I said as I noticed Samantha’s success from behind her. I decided to stop struggling entirely and let Samantha do her thing. She would be the one to get us out of there.

We were tied up for a few more minutes before my partner was able to free herself from the ropes holding us together. She slipped them off of me, as well, then peeled the tape from her face.

“I’m free.” Samantha said, almost in a condescending tone.


Samantha kneeled on the bed behind me and went to help me with my wrists, but she stopped herself. I looked over my shoulder when I realized she was taking a while to free me.

“You know, I could just leave you tied up here.” Samantha chuckled.

“MMMMPH!” I frantically exclaimed.

“Don’t worry. I’ll come back for you.”

Leaving me on the bed, Samantha stood and went to leave the room. I mmmphed after her until she left the room and shut the door behind her. I started to aggressively struggle until she opened the door again.

“Just kidding. I’ll get you out of there.”

After I let out a muffled sigh of relief, Samantha undid the belt around my legs and helped me tear the tape off of my hands. She went to free my ankles while I took the tape off of my mouth.

“That wasn’t funny.” I said once I was able to talk.

“Yeah, it was.” Samantha said in her usual cocky tone.

Harmless pranks aside, we knew we needed to capture Timmy and win the game. We immediately headed to his room’s closet to retrieve the toy weapons we usually used, but we also grabbed the equipment he used to tie us with, as well as a few jump ropes from the closet. Now geared up, we hurried downstairs to seek him out.

“Let’s stay together. He can catch us easier if we’re alone.” Samantha said. I agreed, and I made sure to stay close to her at all times. We skulked around the kitchen and moved into the living room, but we found nothing. We checked every nook and cranny on the ground floor, but we couldn’t find anything.

“He must be in the basement.” I suggested. We took my advice and went down there, staying close to each other. Timmy had a habit of hiding out in the basement during these games, which often gave him the perfect chance to get the drop on us.

When we went into the back section of the basement, we saw Timmy’s easy-to-set-up tent sitting in the middle of the floor. We often used it to have mock campouts or hide out during our games. It was pretty obvious he was hiding in there.

“Shh.” Samantha hushed me as we crept over to where our nemesis hid. Through the opening flaps, we could see him inside. We could tell he noticed us, too, and was trying his best to remain quiet. However, we immediately dove inside and grabbed him.

“Ahh!” Timmy shouted in fright.

“We got you!” I exclaimed, taking his arms and putting them behind his back.

Timmy protested and struggled as Samantha tied his legs together. I tied his arms, and he pretty much admitted defeat. Even still, he continued to struggle.

“I’ll get out of this! I will!” Timmy insisted, but we knew he wouldn’t.

“Well, looks like we won.” my partner in crime proudly stated.

However, I wasn’t entirely satisfied. I wanted to have one last bit of fun, even with Timmy defeated.

“I don’t think so,” I said, causing Samantha to look confused. “There are still two of us. Only one can win.”

Samantha smiled at my proposal. While Timmy struggled on the floor, her and I were going to fight to determine the winner.

Needless to say, I spent the evening tied up with Timmy.
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Post by Killua »

Great story. I guess it was a lot of fun. I really wished I had such friends as kid to play these games too.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Cool story, really enjoyed reading it.

Post by Drake4 »

So cool story, and lovely experience, i love this innocent and funny games , thanks !
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Post by harveygasson »

Very good story
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