A new participant: Handcuffs (f/m)

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A new participant: Handcuffs (f/m)

Post by Amy »

I know I have been neglecting this site for a while. I post on 3 different boards and my proofreader has to go over everything before I post. However, I am neglecting here too much and I want to start posting here again. My little seatbelt story wasn't overly well received. So, I am going to break from that topic and move into something a little better themed for here. Likewise, there was another intermediate story I was going to share before this one and I was working on a long introduction to this one. I might still post the introduction if there is interest. But since nobody gets's tied in it, I am going to leave it on the back burner for now.

This story took place the summer before I started high school. The spring of the year I was finishing 8th grade we moved. My family moved south of where I grew up. My older siblings were all in college by that point, in fact, I think Jen was just about done. My aunt that my mother went to visit most weekends had left her job and decided to move south to a new community to retire. This added a longer commute for my mother to go and visit. After 3 months of it, my Mom decided it was time to retire early as well and we moved. We bought the house next door to where my Aunt moved and it was just the three of us. My mother, father and myself. The home was smaller with just two bedrooms. My parents took the master, we left the second open as a guest room. I ended up getting a room that was fixed up for me in the basement.

The community we moved to was based around a large lake. Back in the 1950's, it was a huge community. Now, it was more of small-town retirement area. It was mostly seniors and the population seemed to change with the weather. During the summer there were quite a few people, during the winter a lot of the migrated south with the birds. I am not going to go into too much detail on it here. If there is a lot of interest in the topic, I finish up the intro I was working on and post it.

It was early August that year when I left the house that morning. The weather was pleasant for Summer in the low 80s and sunny. There was usually a nice breeze blowing off the lake and the park I was going to was nicely shaded with a lot of trees. I was on my way to meet a boy there whom I will call Cody for the duration of these stories. Mostly because it's a short name and easy to type. There weren't too many kids in this town. Especially not ones around my age. I think there were a total of about 40 children in the community. Cody and I had met by accident about a month prior and became fast friends.

I was dressed comfortably for the weather in some denim shortalls and a white t-shirt. I was also wearing some tennis shoes and white socks. Shortalls are overalls, but they stop at the knee like shorts do. I was wearing an open face helmet along with my skateboarding pads; knee, elbow and wrist guards. I have always had a thing for safety stuff. It made me feel safe and restricted my ability to move slightly. I made my way down the road towards the park that morning planning to meet Cody around 8:30.

The park was between our homes and a little over a block from where I lived. It was slightly further for Cody, but it was easily a 10-minute bike ride. It was mostly a combination of paved trails with a few spread out trees and a pavilion. The park also had a beach area and a gazeebo where some summer events sometimes took place. Now, it mostly served as a running path for the seniors doing jobbing and power walking in the morning. It also had a beach area with a small pier. However, very few people used it to launch boats and there was no lifeguard on duty if you want to go swimming. Overall, it was a little run down, but still serviceable for the purpose I wanted it to serve.

A short distance from the main pavilion there was a small playground. It had one set of equipment to climb on with a slide and a few other things spawning off of it. There was also a short row with 4 swings set up a little away from the main playground. I parked my bike and locked it to a bike rack with a chain next to the pavilion and waited for Cody to arrive. I didn't have to wait terribly long for him to show up.

Cody was running a little behind schedule as usual. But he showed up none the less. He was in overalls, a red t-shirt and some backstrap sports sandals. He was wearing a red bicycle helmet as well. He pulled up to the bike rack and locked his bike in place. Cody slipped his helmet off and hung it from his handlebars by the chinstrap. He waved and then began making his way over to me. Him wearing a helmet was a compromise we had come to. He would wear his helmet, which actually made his mother pretty happy. I would cut back a little and not look like I was going to do backflips in a half pipe on my bike. Still, I didn't want to give up my pads.

"Hey, good morning." Cody greeted me with a wave. "We match." He said looking at our outfits.

"You should have called ahead, I could have worn a red shirt," I commented back looking at him.

"Are you going to keep all that stuff on?" He asked looking at me.

I just shrugged. I got up and walked back over to where my bike was. I slipped off my helmet and hanged it on the handlebars like he had. I left the pads on my body where they were.

"There, now I don't look like a total dork," I replied back.

"Yeah, you still kind of do." Cody pointed out.

"It takes a while to get in and out of my pads. Besides you probably want to climb around and I don't have a good place to leave them." I replied.

Cody just shot me a smile and turned and ran off towards the playground. I followed fast on his heels. The equipment was intended for kids in the 4 to 10-year-old range. But since there was nobody else there we just had at it. Cody and I were both still kind of young at heart. He headed up to the platform and went down the slide. I tried the fireman's pole. We spent about 45 minutes just climbing around being kids. Once we burned off our initial energy we headed over to a bench that overlooked the playground and just sat down to talk for a while. We normally saw each other 2 to 3 times a week and it was fun to just catch up when we did.

Cody started into some of the things going on in his life. I opened up a phanny pack I was wearing and pulled out a game boy advanced. I was pretty good at multitasking and the break was a good time to get some pokemon grinding in. I would normally let Cody talk and divide my attention between him and the game. He was relatively tolerant of this and sometimes liked to watch me play. He liked video games but didn't have a portable system like I did. He was talking about his day out on the water the previous day. But suddenly the conversation changed.

"What are those?" Cody said pointing at something in my pouch underneath my Gameboy.

"They're nothing," I replied as I tried to zip the fanny pack closed. But, Cody reached down and snatched the metal object out before I could. I was a little lost for words when he had hold of them.

"What are you doing with handcuffs? Are they real?" Cody asked holding up the little metal shackles in his hand.

"Yeah, they're real. My Dad got them for me at a flea market a year ago." I explained trying to figure out how to direct this awkward conversation. Up to this point, Cody had no knowledge of my TUG experiences and I had tried to keep it a secret from him. Mostly because I was afraid about how he would react. There weren't a lot of kids my age around this town and I didn't want to lose the only friend I had over something that silly. They had been packed in my fanny pack for a trip to Mary's the previous week and I had forgotten to remove them. Cody held up the handcuffs and examined them.

"Cool." I Cody commented handing them back to me. "Do, you think I could try them on?" He asked looking at me. I looked around the park for a minute. We were alone as far as I could tell.

"Sure, why not," I said digging into my pack to find my ring of keys. I had a small keychain with my house key and a key to my aunt's house. I also had two other keys one of which, was for the handcuffs. I found them pretty easily and then turned my attention back towards Cody. He was standing facing away from me with his arms behind his back together. I decided to just let the situation flow. I used the key to open the shackles and I applied them to his hands. I slid the slider snug and double locked them behind the boy's back.

Cody stood there and struggled back and forth for a couple of minutes. He tried flexing his wrists and pulling them in and away from his back a couple of times. I sat there and watched him explore his captivity. After a few minutes of flexing, he gave up and just sat down next to me on the bench with his hands still locked behind him. We picked up where we left off. We talked and I played my Gameboy for about 15 minutes. Cody worked for his hands a few times trying to see how much he could or couldn't move during the conversation. Obviously, with handcuffs, they weren't coming off without the keys.

After the conversation went on for a little while, Cody stood up again. He flexed his hands behind his back another time. Then he took off at a short running pace. I tried to stop him, but even cuffed he got away before I could lay a hand on him. He didn't go all that far. He headed over to the playground and tried to make his way onto the equipment with his hands still locked behind his back. There were two ways to make it up to the main platform on the playground. There was a ladder on one side which, Cody tried first. But he quickly learned that climbing it with his hands behind him wasn't going to happen. At that point, I caught up to him.

"Maybe you should try the stairs. But, be careful. It can be hard to keep your balance with your hands behind you like that." I suggested seeing what he had in mind. Cody took my advice and circled around to where a small metal staircase led up to the first platform. Climbing it was much easier than trying the ladder. Cody made his way up and went down the slide with his hands still cuffed behind him. He made the journey around two more times. He really seemed to be enjoying his situation. On his next trip up he decided to go down the fireman's pole handcuffed. It didn't work out like he thought it wound. He landed with a soft thud on the ground.

Luckily it was only a 4ft drop and he managed to slow his fall somewhat. Likewise, the ground was covered in shredded tires. So, he was fine, but I thought it was time to put a stop to this. At least before he got hurt.

"Maybe you should give the playground equipment a rest. Come back over to the bench and we can try something else if you want." I offered.

Cody nodded and worked his way to his feet. He followed me back over to the bench and I gestured for him to take a seat on the far end of it. It was your typical park bench with a bottom and a backrest. I circled around him and dug the keys out of my pocket. I reached down and unlocked his right hand allowing him to pull it free from the cuff. Cody took advantage of his freedom and used his hand to straighten his glasses.

"Hey let me have your hand again," I explained.

Cody finished straightening his glasses and then brought his hand down behind him again. I locked it back to his other wrist closing the cuffs once again. Then I got up and circled around to the front of the bench. I took a seat next to him and dug my Gameboy back out. Cody gave his wrists a fresh tug and looked down to see what I had done. The handcuffs were the typical type with the 3 links of chain. I had locked Cody's hands so that they were cuffed around the board that served to support the backrest of the bench.

"Hey no fair, I cannot get out of this." He shouted.

"That's kind of the idea, you aren't going to fall and get hurt if you are locked to the bench like that," I replied.

Cody gave the cuffs a few more good pulls and then just gave up. He was cuffed with his arms locked around the bench and he wasn't going anywhere. We spent the next half hour to 45 minutes like that. We talked mostly and he watched me play pokemon. Suddenly Cody gave his wrists a good hard pull that got my attention.

"Hey Amy, can you check my watch, I need to know what time it is?" Cody asked.

I looked down over his shoulder. "It's 11:15." I replied.

"Hey, can you let me out?" He asked. I looked over at him.

"Please, I need to get home for lunch and mom will get mad if I am late." He explained.

I took a second and saved my game. I dug the handcuff key out of my pocket and unlocked the handcuffs freeing Cody from the bench. Cody pulled his hands free and began to rub them. He had been locked up a little over an hour and it showed. I think he had fun, but he looked glad to be free.

"Uh-oh!" Cody commented looking down at his hands. I followed his eyes and saw what concerned him. The handcuffs left some indentations on his wrists from where they had been. I could see that it might not go over well with his mom.

"They'll go away in a few hours. Do you have air conditioning at your house?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah but, what does that have to do with anything?" He asked.

"When you get home, put on a long sleeve shirt and tell your Mom you feel cold because of it. It will hide the marks until they go away on their own." I explained. "It only takes an hour or two."

"You know a lot about this don't you?" He suggested. I turned a little red. "But what about now, I cannot get into a long sleeve shirt until I get to my room?" Cody asked.

I thought the matter over for a moment. Then I had a pretty simple idea. I reached down and undid the straps that held my wrist guards on. I slipped them off and handed them to Cody who looked a little confused.

"Here, you can just wear these until you get home. If she asks just say you wanted to try riding your bike with them and you forgot to take them off because you were in a hurry to get home. You can give them back to me later this week." I explained.

Cody took my wrist guards and I showed him how to put them on over his hands. He looked a little silly being a boy wearing pink wrist guards. But, they covered the marks and did the intended job. Afterward, Cody thanked me for an interesting morning and headed over to where he left his bike. He slipped his helmet back on and departed with a wave for home. I played pokemon for a few more minutes before collecting my own bike and making the return trip myself.

Overall, the situation went over better than I had thought it would. Little did I know where all this would lead over the next couple of years. That concludes this little tale. I could use some feedback on this one if you folks have time for some comments. Do you want me to continue with this story arc? If so, should I take the time to do a post giving the backstory on the move; or should I just work that into the other stories in small doses and move onto my next TUG with Cody? Anyways, thanks for reading. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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Post by cj2125 »

Nice cute story! Well written and pretty descriptive in spite of the simplicity of the situation. Personally I would like to hear your further games with Cody although what you post it's up to you. If you feel that giving the backstory with help understand further developments then feel free to post it
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Post by Solarbeast »

I also would love for you to continue this story, and to tell us more stories between you and Cody. I’m undecided about the backstory though, if you want to tell us it, go for it. Overall though, it is really up to you if you want to include the backstory or not.
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Post by Deleted User 1895 »

Really good story, wold love to see more.
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Post by Felinius »

So, as an unpopular opinion, I’m not a fan of handcuffs, for the fact they leave bruises after and decent struggle. However, I’d love to hear more stories about you, and Cody, as your writing is as good as ever!
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Post by Rivenk »

Hey Amy, nice story. Wanted to let you know that I actually did enjoy the seatbelt story quite a bit, its always nice to see different types of stories on here and your fascination towards seatbelts and car harnesses is definitely interesting! Anyways, I personally think you should just write what you enjoy writing about!
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Hallo Amy, as Rivenk say that with seatbelt and car harnesses was what I like. That is a thing your not can´t read very often. With handcuffs give often. If story found not very much reader I hade in other forum by stories also not much readers and even old a story where I ask me is she worth to post it again.
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Post by Amy »

Thanks for the replies all, I have already written the sequel to this one. I am waiting on my proofreader to get back to me. Should be later today or tomorrow. I have more stories of both instances that I'll share if there interest.
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Post by Felinius »

There is always interest, for stories as well written as yours, at least from me!
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Amy would love If had story your have strapped you self or sister with harness on chair and make it with handcuffs difficult to escape. Especially if wen a blindfold was used to make it more difficult. :D
thank you
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Post by jez »

I wouldnt mind you bringing those handcuffs over and cuffing my hands behind a tree or pole. Then put the keys in my pocket to give me a challenge
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great first part of what will hopefully be a long series of stories with Cody. Thanks Amy for your contributions to this board.
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Post by Amy »

You're welcome Canuck
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Hi Amy, just discovered this and really enjoyed it. Hope the sequels are on their way :)
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Post by fratboydanny »

This was a fun read. I hope we will learn about your adventures with Cody.
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Post by spedoman »

Hello Amy. I was an avid reader of your sisters stories and really enjoyed them and missed them when they ended. Please send her my best wishes. You mentioned that you post on 3 different forums, would you mind telling us which ones they are? I would love to read all of your stories.

Thank you!!
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Hallo [mention] spedoman [/mention],
I think that both not do, to protcet her privatsy. I found only a story from someone how tell about his girlfriend how had use the savfty-harrness in schoolbusses like her or her sister. from drawing he show it could both.:)
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