College misadventures. 5th: Building Trust (mf/f)

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College misadventures. 5th: Building Trust (mf/f)

Post by Isspong »

Hi! If you haven't read my previous stories: I'm Isaac, and I'm mostly sharing some of the stories I shared with my partner Alice, and some of our friends around the time we were attending university.

At the time of these stories I was a young man, tall and lean, going to the gym on and off to stay in shape. I had dark brown hair (sometimes a bit long, sometimes with one themple shaved) and usually wore black, while I loved to goof around, I usually kept a more serious attitude at first
Alice, was a head or so shorter than me, with brown-blonde hair past her shoulders, she had a very expressive face and very vivid eyes. She enjoyed excersing, keeping herself fit but a bit curvy. She had very vivid brown eyes and even though she was a touch shy with new people, once she felt comfortable she was extremely energetic and, usually, said yes to almost any plan.

P.D: I'm thinking of collecting my stories, from now on, on this topic, updating the subject as I go. I don't know if this is the best approach or there's a more accepted way of doing it on this forum, so feedbackon this topic is greatly appreciated.

Acress debut

This anecdote starts the summer I started university, when I agree to help an old friend, Max, to finish filming an amateur short film for a local contest. After some internal drama, some members of the crew left the production and they were short on people, and shorter on time, having only two or three days left to film before starting to edit the footage. They wanted help behind the cameras and a replacement for one of the actresses. None of the team knew very much what they were doing, they filmed without a script or much organization, resulting in an inefficient process with delays and tons of unnecessary footage.

Knowing this, I agree to help, out of curiosity, as I didn’t care about the contest and it could be something to pass the time and maybe get a cool experience. After I agreed, Max “subtly” asked me if I could convince Alice, at that time we had been dating for almost a year already, to appear in the film. He said that they were filming a black and white noir detective story, about a grumpy detective searching for a serial killer with a cultist theme. The story had 0 originality and all the cliches you could cram into 15 minutes of footage. They needed someone to play the detective’s partner/assistant and the other girl on the team already played one of the victims. After a phone called with Alice she agreed, intrigued about acting on camera for the first time.

To put some order and smooth the filming Alice invited Anne, an old friend of hers who had started filming school that year, and who we suspected, and sometime later confirmed had been attracted to Alice in secret for a while. Anne accepted immediately and jumped into the director/producer role immediately after a short meeting with the old team, creating a short script, buying supplies, and preparing a filming plan to shoot the remaining scenes in one day.

When the day arrive I joined the crew on an abandoned two-stories house in the outskirts of our town. The place was isolated and fit perfectly as the cult hideout. While Anne and Max left to pick Alice and re-shoot an old scene with the new cast, the rest of the crew spent the morning transforming the house from “safety hazard” to “just very dirty” and decorating it as the lair of a secret satanic cult, with blood writings on the walls and a makeshift altar upstairs.

In the evening Anne arrived with the rest of the team, the costumes for the actors and the first surprise of the day: Alice wore her character’s outfit, chosen in part by Anne, and it was obvious that her role wasn’t what we had imagined at the start. Her blonde-brown hair was collected on a ponytail and a white headband, she wore a light brown cardigan and underneath, a light blue sleeveless dress with white polka dots, a modest cut and a ruffled skirt that reached to her knees and a pair of sandals. The dress and the cardigan were bigger than it needed to be, so she had snugged it to her waist with a simple brown belt. Her outfit was more appropriate for an “innocent and old-fashioned” assistant that for the hard-boiled detective she had imagined.

At firs,t Alice was visibly uncomfortable with the outfit, adjusting the dress, the cardigan and her hair every couple of minutes, so while the rest of the cast prepared themselves, I tried to ease her nervousness, reassuring her that the outfit looked great on her, even if it wasn’t her usual style. And seeing the rest of the cast in their costumes helped her relax and she quickly was eager to start. The rest of the costumes were simpler, but look sillier in comparison: black clothes and long cheap cloaks and face paint for the killer and his henchmen, a suit, some sizes too big, for the detective and corpse make for the actress playing the previous victim.

Anne and Max directed the crew and gave the guidelines for each scene as we went, so most of the acting was improvised, which, alongside our lack of experience, meant repeating scenes several times:

Outside the house. The killer and his henchmen arrive by car. They put on cloaks and enter the building. After some time, Alice appears trailing the car by foot (how was she abled to keep with a car by foot? Who cares!) and she sneaks towards the building as the shadows of the cultists are projected on the windows of the second floor.

Inside the house. The front door opens, and Alice enters trying to remain completely silent. She advances silently through the corridor while conversation can be heard upstairs. She opens one of the doors on the ground floor and finds a room covered with black plastic sheets and something on the middle covered by black plastic bags.

(This part was repeated multiple times due to someone giggling or Alice stumbling into something on the dark corridor)

Alice enters the room and lifts the plastic bags to reveal the previous victim of the cult (who obviously blinked on several takes while pretended to be dead) gasps audible and stumbles backwards towards the door, when she bumps into the cultists who just appeared.

“Cut!” said Anne “Perfect, now, the next scene is the killer threatening the detective with the life of his partner. Max and part of the team will go outside to the cars to record their part while we prepare the scene.” She turned towards the team and started directing how we needed to fix the lights and added casually “While we fix this, there’s some bright orange rope in one of the bags, can someone tie up Alice, so it seems realistic on the camera.”

Alice opened her eyes, a bit surprised, and look towards puzzled. I was fixing some lights to the wall so I could only shrugged as it was news to me, and before I could go and grab the rope one of the henchmen took the initiative. He grabbed the long coil of rope and approach Alice who was standing arms crossed on the middle of the room, it was obvious he was a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed about the situation and didn’t know how to start, she sighed and put her arms at her side “It’s ok, just loop it around so I can’t fight back and that should do it”.

The henchman followed her instructions and started looping the rope. The coil was too long and when he finished, Alice had multiple loops of fairly loose rope around her arms and her body, from her hips to below her chest. “oh no! please don’t hurt me!” started Alice on a very overacted helpless voice and twisted her arms for a bit, with the rope instantly falling to the ground. When she was completely free, she stepped outside the rope on the ground, and saluted her “audience” “Ta da! The new Houdini”

“No, no no! That won’t do” Protested Anne “We need something that holds for some time, or keeping continuity will be hellish, let me do it” Anne took the ropes from the ground, and before Alice could pose again, she grabbed her wrists and started tying them together in front of her. When she finished, she moved to the arms, pinning them to her body with the remaining rope. At this point Alice and me were enjoying the show and throwing complicit looks at one another.

When Anne was finished, instructed Alice to go sit down on one of the walls of the room. But, on the way there, Alice struggled for a bit on her new bounds and the rope started fall again, freeing her hands instantly and the loops resting of rope resting on her hip. “Arrrrgh!” protested Anne in frustration “Could you stop doing that? Can someone tie up a real knot here?”

Taking my chance, I raised my hand and took the ropes. Using the scissors we were using for the tape to fix the lights, I cut the ropes in two parts. Alice presented me her wrists, with a smirk on her face, and I started looping the rope around one, and then, to her surprise, I turned her around and brought her other hand, crossing them together and tying them at her back. Then I tied her arms and torso with the rest of the rope, taking care to tighten the loops enough so they wouldn’t fall off, but not too much as to be uncomfortable during shooting. It wasn’t the most restrictive bindings, but they would hold unless Alice started struggling for real.

She tested her restrains for a bit and then resigned herself “Ok, you got me now, help me sit down” I helped her by her arms as she sat down on the floor with her legs together, to keep her skirt modest.

The detective (in a car) maintains a furious conversation with the killer (inside the house) while he gesticulates wildly, surrounded by his henchmen and in front of Alice tied up on the floor, who struggles lightly and shoots killing looks at them.

Without a script, the conversation was completely improvised and, at the fourth take Alice was getting bored sitting on the floor, so she decided to improvise herself. “We are on the abandoned house!” She started shouting “The one outside town”. The cultists looked at one another confused, then at Anne, that gestured them to continue, and the killer continued “Shut her up! Quickly! And exited the room to finish his conversation.”

Anne, without missing a bit, handed a strip of duct tape behind the cameras to one of the henchman, who approach Alice, who sat defiantly on the floor with her back straight, and put the strip over her mouth. The gag wasn’t very effective but Alice played along Hmpfing a bit and adopting a more scared and defenseless attitude as the henchmen threatened her.

While most of the crew remained on the ground floor to shoot a fighting scene, Alice (untied), Anne, the killer and me moved upstairs to prepare the final scene. The room upstairs was decorated with candles and a folding camping table, with benches attached, covered with a thick grey blanket to resemble a stone altar.

“Ok, this is were the killer will try to sacrifice Alice, before the detective comes for the rescue” Started Anne “Alice, can you lay down on the altar, please” At this point we were a bit tired already, so there were less fooling around. Alice climbed to the table and laid down. To keep her skirt in place, we tied her ankles together, and then her wrists above her head, each of the ropes were tied to one end of the table, so she could move around to increase the tension but not fight back against the killer. We tested the lights and then the killer left to see the fight scenes downstairs.

A bit exhausted, Anne and me sat down on the benches at each side of Alice. We started to do some small talk, laughing about the clumsiness of the shooting and the silliness of the script, it was quite surreal maintaining a conversation above Alice, while she had to raise her head from time to time to join in. After a while, she added “hmm if they are going to take a while, maybe you could untie me, this isn’t the most comfortable position.”

“Don’t you complain” Replied Anne “you are lying down and you don’t have to do nothing else”

“Hmm yeah, but I’m tied up, this table seems like it’s going to fall and I have the feeling that I’m going to move and my dress is going to show something private to the camera” Alice replied pressing her legs together. “Then” I added “don’t move” and poked her gently on the side.

“Hey! Stop that” Protested Alice wiggling about on the chair as I poked her. Anne was quite amused by the scenario, and she didn’t miss a bit in tormenting Alice “Oh! This reminds of something” She left the table, grabbed the duct tape and approach Alice from over her head “We need you to be silent during this scene” She gagged Alice with a simple layer of duct tape, as before, and Alice played along, not wanting to fight to much “HMPF!” Protested staring at Anne furiously.

Upstairs, the killer walks around the altar, chanting, with a knife on his hands. Alice, tied up on the altar, struggles and adds some “HMPPFS!” from time to time. The killer walks towards Alice and raises the knife, suddenly, the detective storms the room and shoots the killer (gunshot added during port-production) BANG! Killer and knife on the floor. “HMX!” Exclaims Alice rising her head a bit to see her rescuer.

Max grabs the knife from the floor and cuts the rope that binds Alice’s hands to the altar (After this proves to time consuming, on the next takes a person just let’s go the rope from below the table) The killer rises and starts to fight the detective.

Meanwhile, Alice, with her hands tied up, but free from the table, ungags herself, sits down and frees her feet. She stands up from the table and looks at the fight while trying to free her hands fighting against the rope. Another gunshot is fired during the struggle and Alice takes her hands to her mouth, turns around and starts running downstairs.

(This process was repeated multiple times, having to tied up Alice to the altar again, if needed. By the end, her outfit was a bit less neatly put together, giving a bit more of realism to the scene and the only real knot on the rope was the one tying her hands, as it was the one not repeatedly been untied and retied)
The last shot was Alice, hands tied, running from the building, as another gunshot sounded inside, and a mysterious hand grabbed the door frame of the front door.

The filming ended around 4-5 AM. After the filming, everyone started picking up the equipment, but Anne, Alice and I made our excuses (we already had helped more than enough) and left with my car. I was quite tired, so I didn’t pay much attention to the conversation between Alice, at the co-pilot seat, and Anne, seated behind, focusing instead on driving.

Later, Alice told me that Anne had been teasing her until we left her on her house, mostly, as I realized when we reached Alice’s house, because she still had her hands tied up in front of her. When I parked the car, we were both completely exhausted, I yawned and Alice followed suit, covering her mouth with her hands. Then, she looked at her restrains and presented her hands to me “Please, can you free me? I feel completely spent” And she looked the part, the ponytail was mostly undone, and the cardigan had felt to her elbows, alongside one of the straps of her dressed. The vision gave me the last bit of energy I needed to not fall sleep right there on the wheel. “I don’t know if I have the energy to do it, that knot seems pretty tight, let’s go to bed and see what we can do” She pressed her hands to her body, covering herself and answered in a fake offended tone “I knew I couldn’t trust you” and together we entered the house.
Last edited by Isspong 2 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Cool story! Filming amateur movies often leads to tie up scenes, it seems. There are quite a few similar stories in the archives, each with its own twist. Yours is well written and an interesting read. Looks like you have more stories to tell, possibly involving Anne and Alice : looking forward to reading them.
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Post by takeru »

This was fun, plenty of fun, both the experience as well as the story the way it is narrated. Although, the end, you should have untied her then. But okay, everyone was safe. Hoping to read more from you!
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Post by slackywacky »

Very nice read. Enjoyed it. Thank you.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

Nice story. Plenty of background to build up towards the TUG. Thanks for sharing
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Post by Isspong »

Thanks for the feedback everyone! Greatly appreciated, I'm glad you all enjoyed even tough re-reading my story I think my writing still has room fore improvement, I hope to improve with time.

And you're right, I should have untied her, we were younger and I think I trusted too much that she would let me know if she was uncomfortable of felt unsafe, looking back it wasn't the only time it happened, but luckily we never had any accident or bad experience.

This is one is a bit simpler, less people, more intimate, hope you like it!

Home “Invasion”

This one happened some weeks before my last entry. It was the end of spring and Alice’s parents were going to be out on a trip for a weekend and, seizing the opportunity I was going to spend two days in her house. Though she had to finish some university work, I was to hang around, help her out and spend some time together during her brakes.

I arrived late Friday evening, as we were planning to eat dinner together in her house. She lived in a small town, in a two-stories tall house surrounded by a small garden. Coincidences wanted me to arrive just as her parents were leaving the house. We greeted each other and they let me in, telling me that Alice was in her room, upstairs, working.

After bidding them farewell I found myself alone on the ground floor. So, I had the perfect opportunity to hatch a plan. I knew the house well and where the needed tools for my idea were. From the garage I grabbed a handful of zip ties and, from the garden, a length of cotton rope used sometimes as clothesline. Also, from the actual clothesline I retrieved a pair of short socks just cleaned, belonging to Alice.

I laid my tools near the stairs, used a pair of zip-ties to prepare makeshift handcuffs, linking them and closing them a bit, so they could still be slipped easily on someone. Lastly, I balled the two small socks together and put them in my back pocket. And, with everything prepared, I texted Alice:

“I’m at the door, can you come down and open for me, please?” The house was a bit old and not very big, so it never had a proper intercom, just a buzzer and I usually texted her instead of using it, to avoid annoying her parents.

I waited in the dark for a few moments, hiding behind the stairs, until I heard steps upstairs. I could hear Alice coming down and, after a moment, the light of the reception turned on. From my hiding spot I could see Alice from behind, she was wearing black jean shorts, a loose red and white sleeveless top that let her shoulders and most of her back bare, and black low sneakers. Her brownish blonde hair was held in a ponytail and the strips of a dark red bra showed under her top.

I walked as silent as I could towards her and, when she was about to reach the door, I warned her from behind:

“Stop right there!” I wanted to surprise her, but not to frighten her to death. Shouting, she could recognize my voice and knowing it was me fooling around.

Before she could fully react and turn around, I grabbed her from behind, pinning her arms to her side with my right arm and covering her mouth with my right hand.

“HMPF!” She tried to scream. Her first reaction was to struggle for a second until she fully realized what was happening. Then she started to laugh quietly with her mouth covered and trying to bite my hand.

“Don’t do anything stupid, and you’ll be free in a moment, I’m here only for money” I said near her ear. I was almost two heads taller than her, and she wasn’t resisting much so I could surround her body easily with my arm and remark my statement squeezing her a bit, which got another muffled protest as an answer.

“I’m going to take my hand away for a moment, don’t make a sound… or else…” She nodded, and I used my now free hand to search my pocket for the socks. I knew she wasn’t going to play nice, and she didn’t disappoint me. She spent a moment silently, trying to squirm out of my grasp lightly before starting struggling in force and protesting:

“LET ME GO!” She raised her voice just enough to be convincing, without being audible from outside the house. “You’ll never get away with this, filthy thief, let me go before I have to teach you aHMMMPF”

I cut her protests covering her mouth again with my hand. Now I knew she wanted to play along, so I started to push the socks into her mouth. Even if I couldn’t see her face completely, I could tell she was surprised, as she stopped for a moment, before letting in the gag. When I retired my hand again, she didn’t spat the socks and, instead, she hmpfed for a bit and shook her head, tickling me with her ponytail.

“Now, be a good girl and put your hands behind your back, or things will get worse” I said as I freed her arms. I grabbed her left wrists and guided it behind her, while pulling the zip-cuffs with the right one and slipping one loop on her wrist. She followed suit obediently, putting her right hand next to the left one and letting me slip and lock the other loop of the cuffs. I fastened them just enough, so they didn’t slip, but were far from pinching her skin. Alice was quite fit, but she wasn’t very flexible, so having her wrist tied one next to another behind her limited her movement quite a bit.

She tested her new bonds, twisting and pulling from her wrists while trying to look at them over her shoulder. I step aside to see her work struggling, her top had a very low cut, showing a the top of her bra, and it flowed around her with her twists and turns.

“Ok, love, do as you’re told, and things won’t get nasty, ok?” I said, putting one hand on her shoulder.

“Hmpf?” She looked at me with puppy eyes, catching me by surprise. Suddenly, she spat the socks in my face. Then, she stepped on my foot, tackled me, and started running upstairs. “In your dreams! HELP! Police!” She “screamed” while running away.

While slowed her speed while negotiating the stairs with her hands tied behind her, I had no intention of catching up, in part to continue enjoying watching her an in part due to the shock of the attack. When she reached the top, she turned to me, poke her tongue out and ran away adding “I’m going to call the police, you better run away!”

That shook me up. I started going after her. But before going upstairs, I grabbed the rope and some more zip-ties. On the first floor I could see the door to her room closed, but light coming from underneath it. I knocked on the door:

“Come out, now! Don’t make things worse for yourself.”

“Too late, I’ve already called the cops, this is your last chance to run away.” I could hear from inside.

“Ha, I like to see you call anyone with your hands tied. I’m coming in. Play nice and you’ll have nothing to fear” I started opening the door and quickly saw Alice in the furthest corner from the door.

“Ok, ok, ok! You win! Let’s make a deal!” She started pleading nervously, looking around the room, while I approach her as menacingly as I could. “You win, I’m helpless like this.” She added, turning around to show her tied hands. I grabbed her by the shoulders and sat her down on the bed. “I don’t know what you want with me, but hear me out, I have work to do” She said point at her computer with her head “At least, let me finish for today and I promise I won’t fight you anymore”

At this point I was kneeling in front of her, tying her ankles together with two zip-ties. I acted as if I was considering her offer, until the “zzzzp” of the zip-ties broke the silence, forcing her ankles to remain together.

“Ok, deal” I said, “You have until dinner time, while I see what I can steal around from the house” I stood up and grabbed her by the chin, so we looked directly to each other’s eyes “Then I’ll come and steal you”. It was cheesy as hell, and we both were barely containing the laughter, but we were enjoying ourselves.

I helped her stand up and reach her desk chair with two short hops.

“Hmmm do you mind?” She said showing me her hands still tied. I sighed, grabbed a pair of scissors from her desk and freed her hands. As a last measure of “security” I grabbed a piece of rope and looped it around her waist and the chair three times before tying a knot behind the chair.

She tested the ropes, trying to stand up and trying to pull her legs apart. “I think I’ll manage like this” She blew me a kiss and continued “You sure know how to make a lady feel secure, for a lowly thief” and turned the chair to face the computer and resumed her work. I stayed for a bit chatting with her, and enjoying watching her work, before going downstairs to start preparing dinner, leaving her with a bit of tickling and a menacing “Don’t make me regret trusting you, and don’t make noise unless you want me to come back.”

After I finished preparing dinner and setting the table, I called Alice to check on her:

“Are you finish?! You’re time’s almost up.”

“Yeah, all done, come up and get your helpless hostage.” Came her voice from upstairs.

Obediently, I grabbed the rest of the rope and zip-ties and went for her. To my surprise, when I reached her room, it was empty. On her desk there were the scissors and a pair of cut zip-ties.

“You don’t seem so helpless to me” I said to the empty room, leaving the tools on the floor before entering the room “You seem more like a brat that’s seeking trouble more than a damsel. I walked slowly, expecting her to jump from some hiding spot.

The room wasn’t very big, and it was a bit cluttered, so moving around was difficult. After two or three steps, I noticed on the floor the rope I used moments before on Alice. I went to pick it up and heard a faint noise from the room across the corridor, behind me. That door let to a small walk-in closet, a much more likely hiding spot, I thought. I decided to take my chances, picked the rope from the floor, slowly, as if I haven’t heard anything. I grabbed the two ends of the rope with my right hand and the middle point of the rope with the left.

As I expected, suddenly, the closet door swung open, and Alice jumped from inside to attack me from behind swinging a closed umbrella. I spun around, receiving a light blow on the left shoulder

“Ouch! Stop! You’re crazy!” I raised my arms, first blocking the umbrella, and then, passing my hands and arms over her head. I hugged her, squeezing her a bit, and throwing us both to the bed. We were both laughing and struggling, the bed was full clothes and disorganized sheets adding to the chaos.

At last, I got on top of her, striding her hips, while she laid face up on the bed. My plan had worked, and the rope now ran from one of my hands to another, between her back and the bed. I started to pull and managed to pass the ends of the rope through the loop on my left hand. From there it was easy to tighten it.

Alice was laughing and she didn’t notice the rope forming a loop around her until it began to pin her arms. The rope tightened just below her chest, pining her elbows to her sides, and her top downwards, showing more of her bra. We looked at each other, her ponytail had completely gone at this point, and her medium-long hair was messy around her on the bed, she had a roguish smile and began struggling deliberately making one strap of her top fall down her shoulder.

I tied a knot on the rope in front of her, and she let me grab her hands without a fight. I used the extra rope that hanged loose from the knot to tie her wrists together, in front of her, so she could move them just a short distance from the rope below her chest.

She clasped her hands together and gave a pair of strong tugs on the rope, managing only to press her arms more to her sides for momentarily. “Do I look more helpless now?” She said, squirming on her bonds.

“Much better, but I can’t trust you anymore.” I reached for the bed table where, among other stuff, Alice kept a red, soft, thin, and long headband, one of our favorite toys, the origin of which will be explained on a future story.

“Ooh, there’s no need for that, Mr. Thief, I’ll be a good hostage” She started to plea with fake innocence. I tied two knots on the middle of the headband and she, despite her pleas, opened her mouth to accept the knots and raised her head to let me tie the headband behind her, gagging her.

Once I finished, she resumed her acting with puppy eyes, light struggle and frightened “Hmmmmmpf.” I started “torturing” her, playing with her hair, tickling her, and lowering the rest of her top. But before things could advance, she put her palms on my chest, stopped her struggles and looked at me, a bit embarrassed.

I looked at her puzzled. “Fmrst, hmmrr, plf” she tried to say while mimicking using a fork and knife, as best as she could. I sighed and we started laughing together. I stood up and helped her to her feet. To calm my nerves, I tidied up the bed a bit, while she tried to tidy herself up as best as she could, tied up as she was. She managed to put her top completely on again and I helped her to organize her hair.

She gestured to the rope tying her, and let a inquisitive “Hmpf?” Asking me to free her. I nodded and grabbed rope below her chest with my right hand. She looked at me puzzled, raising one eyebrow. Instead of untying her, I started pulling gently, guiding her out of the room.

“You’re not getting out that easily, missy. I told you, you’re going to be punished.” I continued pulling, and, after a bit, she complied and began following me, putting just a token resistance.

“Hmpf! Hmmmpf” She protested from time to time, stopping suddenly or pushing me, trying to make me fall. When we reached the stairs, I let go, and stayed close to help her come down, and ensure she didn’t fell.

Once down, we entered the kitchen, I helped sat down, and she made fake attempt to reach for the fork. “Hmpf?” Tried to say while squirming on her bonds and looking at me pleading.

I sat across from her and started eating, “Oh, this is so tasty!” I started taunting her, while she began pulling against her ropes and HMPFING along.

“Calm down, calm down, it was a joke” I stood up and went to free her. I cut the rope that joined her arms and the rope around her torso. Luckily, I was able to re-tie the loose ends, so her wrists remained tied together in front of her and her elbows pinned to her sides, but now she had considerably more reach. Then, I went behind her and loosen the gag, letting it fall around her neck.

“You’re the scummiest thief I’ve ever met” She said, managing to grab a glass of water with both hands and drinking, spilling just a few drops.

“That means you’ve met multiple thieves?” I’ve asked, sitting again across the table.

“You’d be surprised!” She said as she tried to get used to eating with her movements restricted “It seems like I can’t go two weeks without someone kidnapping me or tying me up.”

“Huh, I can’t think of why that could be.” I added, as we enjoyed our dinner together, and later, the rest of the night, coming in and out of character.
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Post by JohnnyRockets »

Another great story!
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Post by Beaumains »

This is a very cute part, and please, don't worry too much about your writing: It is absolutely great!If you have any more of such stories, I will await them eagerly.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Really enjoyed reading about your home invasion scenario. Seems like you are very creative in your tugs and know how to make them fun for your captive. Well done!
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Post by Isspong »

Thanks for the feedback everyone. This next story is one of my fondest memories from this period, as it was a moment I recount and restaged sometimes with Alice, and also, it started kind of a yearly tradition that lasted longer than neither of us expeted.

Hope you like it!

Costume party (First year)
A bit of context to start this story. Until we moved to the city Alice lived with her parents in a tiny village and commuted to the university daily. Each august there was a week of town festivities with concerts, costume parties and the like. The events were mostly organized by the people who were around 18 to 21 at the time, usually around 10-15 people, while suppliers and locations were agreed beforehand, they decided which music groups to invite, which events to schedule and so on. In addition, they were given an empty lot enclosed by a brick wall with a metal door that they could use for meeting and as a private bar.

While I had been to previous years events I lived in a nearby town and during the festivities there was a bit of rivalry, mostly in jest. The first time I went while going out with Alice, she in the group that organized the event, so she was quite busy.

While that afternoon there was a small parade with the group that organized the festivities and some of the previous groups disguised with different themes. I arrived with some friends in the evening, to have dinner at a bar, the plan was to meet up later with Alice and her group before the concerts started that night.

Alice wasn’t texting much, so I assumed it was because she was having fun with her friends. So it came as a surprise when I noticed something poking at my back and a familiar voice shouting.

“Har! Hand over your booze or we’ll cut you to bits.” I turned around to see Alice, and three of her friends. The four of them wore the same cheap pirate costume and plastic cutlases. The costume consisted in a long red bandana, a white frilly shoulderless blouse with a low cut, and short puffy sleeves, a brown vest tied with rope at the front and a medium length irregular black and green skirt.

Alice looked at my surprise face, blew me a kiss and poke at me again with her sword. Her friends started picking bottles from our table while menacing us. My friends and I protested for a bit but quickly followed along.

“A perfect catch!” Continued Alice “We’ll take this to our ship, and all of you, outsiders will suck it up and meet us later at the concert.” And with that, they all went away drinking their stolen goods.

After some more time at the bar, the concert was about to begin, I texted Alice to arrange a meeting place. And she informed me that her friends had already left for the concert and she was alone at their lot. “Say no more” was my answer, informing my friends that I would see them later at the concert.

On my way there I encountered some Alice’s friends in their way to the concert, including pirate Anne, a good friend of ours, very short, with very dark hair with and a quite not so secret crush on Alice. And we chat for a quick minute. Seizing my opportunity and knowing Anne shared some of our “sense of humor” told her Alice was waiting me and asked her if I could borrow her plastic sword, which she was glad to give me with a wide grin.

At last, I reached the lot, I hid the sword at the back of my pants and knocked at the metal door. After a second, the door opened and pirate Alice, unarmed this time, greeted me with a hug.

“Welcome to our ship!” Said Alice pulling by the hand me inside and closing the door. The lot was decorated like a pirate ship, with pirate flags, some canvas tied with ropes to a central wide pilar as awnings and an old wooden barrel next to the bar and portable fridge. “Usually only we can enter our ship, but I though I can do an exception for you.”

“Wow! You all did a really great job at this.” I said admiring the decorations and Alice’s costume. “So this is where you took the drinks you stole from us, huh?”.

She let go of my hand, stood in front of me with her hands at her hips and retorted “Yup! We pirates can take whatever you want from you, landlovers”

“Is that so?” I answered pensively. Then I took the sword from my back. It took me a second and two pulls that diminished the surprise a bit, but I maintained the act “Then prepare to defend your goods, you dirty thief!”

After she ended laughing at my clumsiness, she played along “HA! You don’t know who you’re dueling with!” And she went for her sword, but she forgot that she had left it at the bar, she looked at me, at first surprised then with a killing stare and then raised her arms in the air and smiled. “You win this time, but you better prepare for when my crewmates come back.”

“Is that so” I said approaching her with my sword raised. “I think I’ll have a good bargaining chip” With my other harm, I took Alice’s bandana, it was long, thin and red, and quite soft. “Now, hands in front, pirate, it’s time to learn what happens to thieves around here.”

Alice lowered her arms and clasped her hands in front of her, which I took as consent on her part. Lowering the sword, I tied a loop around each of her wrists and then two loops around both, finishing with a knot that resembled a bow, similar as the one used in shoelaces. It was more about style that inescapable restrains.

“Very cute” She teased, and started testing tested her bonds for a bit, quite dramatically, making exertion noises, moving her shoulders and hips without trying to untie the knot. “But you won’t get away with this.” She launched at me and we spend some time messing around. I pulled from her hands and kissed her, while she tried to punch me with her tied hands.

After some time, we were relaxing, sitting on two hairs, she was playing around with her bonds and I was rearing her hair a bit, when we heard a knock at the door. We looked at each other surprised, she showed me her hands to untie them, when from the other side of the door, came Anne’s voice.

“Hello? Alice? It’s me, Anne. The others are at the concert, I’ve came to see if everything was ok.” Recognizing Anne’s voice, Alice pulled back her hands, before I could untie her, opened her mouth and started breathing in, as if to prepare a big shout. Reacting quickly, I covered her mouth with my hand, grabbed my sword with the other and poked her to stand up.

She let a small “hmpf” but complied without a fight. With Alice in front, we reached the door. I positioned behind Alice with a mouth covering her mouth, with the sword I signaled her to open the door. She reached with both hands, opening the lock, and then I pulled us both behind the door.

Anne entered the lot, now seemingly empty, as we were hiding behind the door. “Alice? Are you there?” Asked Anne. When she had pass the door, I kicked it closed. Anne spanned around and Alice resumed her Hmpfing and struggling, moving her bound arms around, until I raised my sword to her neck.

“Not a step closer, or your crewmate gets it” I said with my best menacing tone. Alice whimpered a bit and added some “hfmg mpf” for effect. But Anne had other plans.

“My crewmate?” Started Anne with her arms crossed “If she has been defeated so easily, she deserves it” which garnered a surprised “Hmpf!!” from Alice. Seeing that I had a new ally, I took off my hand from her mouth and pushed her a bit putting her between Anne and me.

“Hey!” Alice protested a bit, before addressing Anne “You can’t be serious! Help me or he will stole our loot!” But her pleads fell in deaf ears. In fact, while Alice was pleading, Anne took of her bandana and tossed it at me. “Grab this. And wait a sec, I think I have something left around here.” Said Anne walking towards a small closet next to the bar.

Alice walked behind her pleading for her help. So I took my opportunity, grabbed Annes bandana in both hands, approached Alice from the back and passed the bandana over her head and gagged her. The gag was too thin so I could hear her “What!?!” clearly over the small cleave gag. She didn’t resist after the initial shock, and the bandana was long, so I made another loop behind her neck up to her mouth.

“Ha ha ha fery fuffy” Said Alice, with a bit more difficulty. I turned her around to look at me. The bandana wasn’t knotted yet and both ends dangled in front of Alice, so I took them and tied two knots that went right into her mouth when I pulled at them. “Hmpf! Sfmpf!” Now the gag was somewhat effective, she took a step backwards and look at me with puppy eyes, rocking her elbows back and forth with her tied hands tugging at her gag a bit.

While we were doing this, Anne returned from the rope that had been left after decorating the empty lot. “Shall we?” She said pulling taught the rope between her hands and pointing at the pillar at the center of the lot. It was a concrete pillar, that was built to prop the bar and the decorations of the different groups that used the lot over the years.

I grabbed Alice by the shoulders, she didn’t put much of a fight, just enough to continue her act while letting me know that she was up for it. I put her back right up to the pillar and Anne started looping the rope around her and the pillar. Anne was short and Alice was struggling a bit, so the loops ended between her elbows and her chest, which, once Anne had finished tying her up, let Alice throw a kick at me, before saying “ympf thf wrfst” and staring at us both.

After tying the last knot Anne and I shook hands, and admired our masterpiece. At first Alice was playing the part of the furious prisoner, tugging at her bonds and throwing muffled insults, but soon she calmed down and started enjoying the feeling of her bonds.

We knew we had to untied her soon, as the concert was well on its way by now. But we took our time to mess a bit with our prisoner, poking her with the swords and taking pictures of us menacing her. The disheveled cheap costume, the blouse and the best were caught in the rope showing a bit more of cleavage, added to the messy hair, caught in the gag, completed quite well the look with the improvised bonds.

At last we had to untied her. Anne untied Alice from the pillar, and I untied her hands and put the bandana again on her hair rearranging it. Alice lowered herself the gag to her neck, it was a bit wet, and the knot was a bit tight, so Anne didn’t seem to want to recover it and neither Alice nor me made any gestures towards untying it.

Alice wore the gag like a collar during the rest of the night, until we bid farewell to the others, and I accompanied back to her house, where I was going to spend the night with her. When we arrived, it was a bit late, and her parents were long asleep when we entered the house.

“Sssssh. Try to be silent.” Whispered Alice “I don’t want us to wake my parents. Don’t say a word.” She turned at me, winked and raised the knotted bandana up to her mouth again, gagging herself loosely. “Cmfng?”
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Post by slackywacky »

Great 'misadventure' again. Thank you for posting.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

Oh, wow. Such a cute story. Thanks a lot for sharing!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Fun times you had! Cute story, thanks for sharing it!
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Post by Isspong »

Again, thank you for the comments, people, very much appreciated.
I’ve been quite nostalgic recently, so I want to do a small effort to take things chronologically. At least, for a bit.
(I realized the "college" isn't very representative of the anecdotes I've chosen to share at the moment, sorry about that, it will be more relvant in others, ideas fore better titles are appreciated though"

Hope you all like it!

First time

Technically, Alice and I knew of each other for some time before, as we run in similar circles. But it wasn’t until she, and a mutual friend organized a trip for Halloween to a cabin Alice’s family had in a small mountain village (the same place where the first story I wrote here took place).

8 of us stayed there for some days, relaxing, hiking… Once we started talking, Alice and I quickly took to each other, as we shared interests, sense of humour… Behind the cabin stood a small brick shed now used for laundering indoors, storing food and BBQing. The third day we decided to use the BBQ and, as the one with more experience in the matter, I volunteered to cook and keep the fire, and after some time the group retreated into the heated cabin, as the chill was noticeable away from the fire.

I was staring at the wood burning, waiting for the embers, when Alice entered the shed offering to keep me company. It was the first time we talked completely alone for some time and bit by bit our friendly banter turned into lightly flirting.

Her brownish-blonde hair was larger at that time, a bit pass her shoulders. She wore a loose thick grey woollen sweater, a big black scarf, winter black jeans and mountain boots. There was a moment where I lost myself looking at her smiling and at her brown big eyes and kept talking on automatic.

“You think so?” Said Alice, bringing me back from my stupor.

Suddenly, she started attacking me as if the stick was a fencing sword.

“See? Defend yourself you coward!” Said Alice poking and slashing.

I retreated quickly and adapting to the situation grabbed another stick and counter attacked. We fooled around for a bit, until I managed to bat the stick out of her hand. We stayed quiet for a second, regaining our breath in the chill. We looked at each other, and I pushed my advantage.

“Hands in the air! You lost your weapon” said I, trying to sound vaguely menacing while retained laughing under my breath.

To my complete surprise she played along completely. Raising her arms high and with a coy smile added “Ok, ok, you win. But just you wait, you’ll have to look at the fire some time, and then… CUT!”

“You think so, huh…” I started scanning the room seeking… the clothesline tied only around a pillar once, with two long free strands. Sincerely, since the first day of the trip I noticed the rope and was praying to have an opportunity to use it. So, I took my chances, poked Alice with the stick and pointed to the pillar. Following my signal, she walked backwards until her back bumped into the pillar.

She directed me a puzzled look waiting where I was going with it.

“Don’t lower your arms!” Were my instruction, before kneeling for the one of the strands. Now, she noticed my plans, it was the moment of truth, and luckily, she was up to it. She crossed her arms over her head, and I tied two simple loops with a single knot. It was quite loose, but with my nerves and not wanting to creep out Alice, it was more than enough.

I took a step backwards, we looked at each other, and without a warning, Alice tugged and freed her hands instantly. My face turned into a mockery of frustration and deception.

“That’s all you got?” Said Alice, again, taking me by surprise “It seems you’re not taking your opponent seriously” added crossing her arms in front of her.

I composed myself, and pressed on “Huh, you think so? Ok, you’ve asked for it” Alice crossed her arms over her again, with a grin from ear to ear in her face.

Now, at this point I had only tied someone up one or two times, but I had practiced a bit on myself, summed of what I knew from the Internet. But I think I did a well enough job. I looped the rope four times around her crossed wrists horizontally, then vertically and then horizontally again. I finished with a knot behind her wrists and fixing them to the pillar looping the rest of the rope around it and tying another knot.

Again, I took a step backwards, trying to dissimulate my excitement, before putting my arms to my hips and signalling to “give it a try” with my head.

She directed at me a determined look, and gave a sharp tug, trying to separate her wrists. She was visibly surprised when the rope held in place, and directed her attention to look at the knots, tugging and struggling against the rope in a calculated manner. She couldn't move her arms away from the pilar more than a few centimeters, nor separate her wrists as the ropes keeped them in an X position, with her hands dangling of forming fists as she struggled.

Enjoying too much the view, I crossed my arms and started teasing her. "Ha! What were you going to do? I think you are in no situation to make threats anymore”.

“Just you wait, I could get free from this in my sleep” At first, I thought I was imagining it, but she was clearly enjoying the situation, feeling the ropes.

As she kept failing to escape, I kept up the banter “It seems to me you are not getting out anytime soon”

“You… Would… Like… That…, Don’t… You?” Was her answer, with a sharp pull of her wrists against the pillar between each word. “You can’t stop me with just a bit of rope”

At last, she gave up, letting her arms hang by the ropes above her head, with the long puffy sleeves of the jersey now bunched up at her shoulders or elbows, showing a black thermal shirt underneath. Some of her hair was on her face and the scarf was mostly loose.

“OK, you win. I can’t get out. You really know how to tie someone up” Said regaining her breath. “Should I be scared?” She added playfully.

“Hmmm not at the moment, but I might use you as fuel for the fire if it dies out” said I begrudgingly turning my back to her to tend the fire. As I turned, I heard her starting to struggle with energy, until I turned to her, when she stopped to look at the ceiling and whistle ostentatiously faking innocence.

I tend to the BBQ for a bit and adopted a position where I could watch Alice and keep an eye for the fire and the food. We chat and banter for a bit, both enjoying but also a bit awkward about the situation, as she squirmed her wrists in the rope and moving her weight from one foot to another.

In a moment of silence, Alice asked “Do you do this often?”

The question took me by surprise, so I asked, “Do what?” to gain some time.

She tugged strongly at her restrains, rolling her eyes, “You know” she opened her hands and wiggle them about a bit “Tying up beautiful women in a shed, keeping them prisoners” She put her legs together and bent her knees as much as she could to add to the statement.

“Oh that, not really. This is my first time. Any reviews?”

“Hmmm. I think 3 out of 5, the restrains are seem to be solid, but I really don’t feel really threatened, or whatever”

“Huh? So, you are an expert? Have YOU done this before? Being tied up by strange men like a damsel in distress?”

After thinking about it theatrically for a moment, she answered “Not really, I’ve never considered myself much of a damsel.” Se said with a shrug “And I wouldn’t say in distress either, just a bit tied up, although I must confess is a bit… restrictive” Added Alice while trying to kick me mockingly.

“Yeah, I would though you’d be a bit more scared or something in this situation”

“Heh, like what? Like begging for mercy? Screaming for help? PF! If I screamed someone would come and you’d have something to explain.”

I suddenly realized the risk, not wanting to explain to my friends why I had tied up Alice while being with her alone in a shed. “You wouldn’t”

“Hah! Who is defenceless now? Untie me, or prepare for the consequences”

I thought about my options, and approach her from her side while she looked triumphantly to the front as if the situation didn’t concern her. Instead of a scarf, I wore a circular elastic winter bandana with two loops to keep snugged. Trying to be as subtle as possible, I took of the bandana, and, quickly, I passed it over Alice´s head, to her mouth.

“WHAT?” The bandana was to lose and thin, so I pulled a bit, twisted it at her neck, pressing her hair, and passed the second loop over her head to her mouth again.

“Yomf gmpfgged mpf?” When I stepped back in front of her again, I could see that the bandana was still thin and only tight enough to provide the mildest gag.

She started laughing at loud and I followed her shortly. “What, feeling in distress now?”

“Notf pfeally, I mean…” she said ungagging herself with her mouth and lowering the bandana with the chin. “… It’s not really effective.”

“Yeah, I guess so, but it’s what I had, no need to be picky, you are still the prisoner” I said, refixing the gag gently.

She smiled with the bandana in her mouth, looked up to me with the cutest stare and said “Okmpf”. She took a deep breath and started her acting “plf hlllllmpf! Fmbdy hlmpf!” While struggling very slowly and theatrically and putting on puppy eyes.

We laughed again and stood there for a second, me not daring to advance into more intimate matters, and she not inviting many more actions and seemingly enjoying her situation. I talked prodded her a little more, mostly baiting her to keep talking while gagged.

Until, at last, we heard one of our friends shouting for us from outside de cabin, the voice approaching and asking about the progress of the BBQ. Alice and I looked at each other, and the atmosphere quickly turned to panic. I quickly lowered the bandana to her neck, and she started laughing quietly while I untied the knots.
Luckily, I freed her with some time to spare. And when our friend entered the shed, the recent moments seemed like a life away, the only evidence, momentary complicit looks between us.

We didn’t take it further until later that night, started dating after the trip, but we didn’t introduce ropes to the relationship until some time later.
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Post by Beaumains »

That was another good story! Very cute. I am curious what would have happened if you would not have untied Alice on time.
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Post by Isspong »

Thanks! Based on my experience, I would have been extremely embarassed, while Alice would have acted as everything was completely normal while making fun of me.

With time most of our closer friends started to know more or less of our mutual interest, as we became more confident and we grew closer. We didn't shout it out on the street or anything like that, but after years sharing friends and stories things tend to leak out.

It has it's advantages though, once going camping with some close friends, when we returned to our tents at night, we found a coil of rope with a note that read something like "I didn't need to build my tent, feel free to use it" left by other friend of the group.
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Post by Beaumains »

Isspong wrote: 2 years ago It has it's advantages though, once going camping with some close friends, when we returned to our tents at night, we found a coil of rope with a note that read something like "I didn't need to build my tent, feel free to use it" left by other friend of the group.
Oh, wow, that's so kind. You seemed to have some cool, open-minded friends. You undoubtedly accepted that offer.
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Post by Isspong »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago
Isspong wrote: 2 years ago It has it's advantages though, once going camping with some close friends, when we returned to our tents at night, we found a coil of rope with a note that read something like "I didn't need to build my tent, feel free to use it" left by other friend of the group.
Oh, wow, that's so kind. You seemed to have some cool, open-minded friends. You undoubtedly accepted that offer.
Yeah, despite studying engineering in college, most of our friends came from fine arts and the like and most of the were quite accepting. And sadly that day we couldn't play much, as we didn't want to make a lot of noise while in tent next to our friends. But I have other camping anecdote that I intend to write in the future.
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Post by Isspong »

I hope I'm letting out enough from this one to keep it PG-13 to keep in line with the guidelines of the forum. And in part due to personal preference, privacy and because I don't trust my "skill" to write more age restricted stuff.

Building trust

After some weeks dating, I introduced “formally” my interests in ropes and the like to Alice. As one could expect, at first, she was a bit reticent. She genuinely enjoyed our first experience together but had never thought a lot about being tied up as something she could enjoy. I didn’t want to pressure her, so I let her mull the idea over, until (or if) she decided she was ready to try it for real at some point.

At last, one night her parents weren’t at her home she decided she wanted to give it a try. We met to spend the night, starting with dinner and a movie, and we were huddled in the sofa under a blanket idly chatting when the movie ended. Neither of us what was the best step at this point. I was overflowing with anticipation, so I brought up the topic.

I took her hands and asked her “Are you sure you are up to it?”

She mulled it for a second, before answering “Yeah… Yeah! I think so, in fact…” She stood up, went to the garage and came back in a moment, with a coil of white rope “I found some rope in the garage, it’s soft and I think it could do nicely, what do you think? This will be enough?”.

She passed the rope to me. “It’s a bit short.” I said trying to hide my nerves. “But I think this will be more than enough.”

“More than enough? Well, are you underestimating me?” She retorted with a nervous smile.

“Ha, wouldn’t dream of it. I think we’ll be more comfortable if we go to your bedroom, don’t you think?”

She agreed and led the way. Once in her bedroom, she sat down on one side of the bed. I sat next to her and started uncoiling the rope while reassuring her “Remember you are going to remain in control. It’s going to be light, and remember, if you want to stop at any time, 0 problems, click your fingers, open and close your hands rapidly, or shout Safe word! As we agreed. Today it’s just about building trust on each other” (Yeah, our safe word was “Safe word” it started as a joke, but it stuck)

She nodded as I spoke, fixing her outfit to occupy her hands while building confidence internally. She had dressed comfortably, thick socks, light green puffy pants, and a stripped long sleeve loose t-shirt that hanged over one of her shoulders showing a strap of her black bra. She wore her hair loose and her big eyes were fixed on the rope.

“Now.” I said standing up. “Do you have anything in mind you would like to try?”

Alice looked up to me, smiled shily and said “In fact, I was thinking maybe… I don’t know” She laid down on the bed and stretched in an X position, reaching for the four corners “tied to the bed? That sounds fun and comfortable.”

“I think it’s a great idea” I approach her left wrist, and tied four loops of rope around it, over her sleeve, fixing them with a knot. “Comfortable?” She nodded, approaching her hand to her face to look at the knot. I pulled from the other end of the rope until her arm was only slightly bent and repeated the process in the nearest foot of the bed. Once tied, she tried to move her hand, the rope was taught, and a second knot prevented the rope around her wrist to get too tight if she pulled too hard.

I cut the excess of rope and walked to the other side of the bed. “Now, I’m going to tie your other hand, ok?” Again, she nodded focused on the process, while moving her tied hand to test the limits of the rope. I tied it as her other arm, so once finished, she was laying down in a “Y” posture. Her arms were almost practically stretched, so she couldn’t reach anything with her hands and the bed was wide enough so she couldn’t reach her hands with her mouth either or with any other part of her body. She tried for a moment, trying to reach one arm and then the other methodically, before surrendering and laying looking at me.

I sat up next to her and lowered her shirt a bit, as it was railing up, showing her midriff, as I thought it would make her more comfortable “You ok?”

“Yeah, it feels… interesting, weird. It’s quite restrictive, but it feels comfortable and kind of freeing at the same time? Don’t know how to explain it really.”

“It’s not too tight, isn’t it? Do you think you can get out?”

“Nope, it’s not too tight” She tested the ropes for a bit, trying to get up of the bed or reaching one of her hands with her teeth or even with one foot. “Hmmm I don’t think I can get out, no, at least not immediately. I’m truly stuck to the bed. At first, I thought you were going to go easy on poor old me.” She said with a grin, her confidence growing bit by bit. “And you? Are you enjoying yourself?” She added squirming on the bed and winking.

“You can bet on it. It’s even better than I expected” I leaned in to kiss her and to take her hair from her face. After a moment, I stood up, and grabbed the rest of the rope. “Ok, I’m going for the feet now.”

I repeated the process with her left ankle, tying the rope over her puffy trousers that bunched up in a very satisfying manner against the rope. When I finished, I left out a small “Oh, oh” as I realized that I didn’t have enough rope for the other one.

“What?” She said raising her head, as much as her tied hands let her, to look at me.

“I don’t think this rope is enough for both feet.” I said, showing the small piece left.

“Oh, you scared me for a moment. I told you that you were underestimating me.” She said kicking me gently with her free feet. “I think there’s more in the garage, I could go for it, but… you know.” She said moving her tied hands.

“Hah, very funny, I’ll go for it. But I’d hate to leave the work unfinished, so, if you don’t mind…” Gently, I untied her ankle and grabbed the other one, putting them together, as closer to the rope tied to the foot of the bed as I could. She lowered her head with a “thud” on the pillow, as I continued working. While I was tying both ankles together, I heard her giggling quietly, as if she was trying to hide it. At first, I thought I had tickle her by accident, but she continued giggling by herself as I finished the knots. Her legs could bend a bit, but she couldn’t separate her ankles from one another or from the lower left corner of the bed for more than a foot or so.

“What’s so funny, huh?” As I stood up to look at her. She was a bit red and trying to hide her face under one of her tied arms.

“It’s nothing, really. It’s just…” She sighed and looked at me. “I think I must be going mad, aren’t I? I’m mean, we’ve been together for some weeks and I’m letting you tie me up to my bed! I mean, one thing is spending the night together, but this? Look at me! I can’t move at all, I’m completely helpless, you could do anything to me, or rob the house, or whatever. And the best I could do is lay here tied up, shout and struggle like a dumb chick from a bad action movie.” She remarked her words trying to bend her legs and being stopped by the rope fixing them to the bed.

I sat next to her so we could look at each other without her raising her head and adopted my best serious tone, as I caressed her face trying to reassure her “We can stop whenever you like. Just say the word and you’ll be untied in a second.” Despite her words, she was smiling, although visibly a bit nervous.

“Hmmmm, no, I think I’m ok. I mean, I didn’t say I didn’t like it, it’s just… weird, being tied up. And… I trust you.”

“You do?” She smiled at me and nodded. “That means a lot to me” I leaned over her head, she smiled and closed her eyes expecting a kiss. “Alice?” nodded gently “Are you sure you are ok, no?” she nodded again, with her eyes closed. “Alice?” I asked again as I grabbed something from the night table.

“Yes?” She answered puzzled. “What haMPF!” She opened her eyes wide, as I’ve had grabbed a thick, clean sock from a drawer and stuffed it in her mouth, without pushing to much, just so she had to bite it and covered it with my hand. “HMPF?” She tried to ask with a puzzled look in her eyes.

“Do you remember the safety gesture?” I asked her, looking at her and remaining serious, she nodded. “Everything ok?” She nodded again, relaxing visibly. She hmpfed at me with curiosity and followed me with her eyes, as I stood up and rummaged in the drawers, producing a pair of long thick socks, taking one of them and sitting next to Alice again.

I raised her head slowly, passed the sock between her lips, pushing the stuffed sock now more into her mouth. It wasn’t very big, and I tried to go as gently as I could. I stretched the sock and made a simple knot behind her head, taking care of letting her hair as free as possible. In the end, the gag was quite effective, and she still could close her lips, although with some difficulty.

“Now I think you are truly helpless” I said straddling her over her waist, now with grinning and her from ear to ear. She HMPFED angrily for a bit and shook, trying to ungag herself and tried to reach the gag with her tied hands in vain, before showing me the bird.

“Aaaaw, don’t be so mean. Don’t you think it’s best to be nice to someone that has you tied up? I mean, they could do anything to you if you make them angry.” I said, raising her t-shirt, up to her neck. She wore a simple black bra, and her chest raised and lowered with rapid breaths.

She started struggling more vividly against her bonds and hmpfing to her sock-gag. I kept an eye for her hands, checking if she did any of the gestures we had agreed upon. Then, I looked at her and nodded, she nodded back at me, signalling that it was ok for me to continue.

I passed my fingers and nails by her sides, tickling her gently, which produced more struggles and muffled laughter. Then, I raised her t-shirt even more, placing it over her eyes, blocking her view. Before raising the intensity of the tickling, caressing, and kissing.

After a moment, Alice stopped moving suddenly, clicked her fingers and started opening and closing her hands. I stopped immediately, lowered the t-shirt to her shoulders, lowered the long sock and removed the stuffed one from her mouth in a rush.

I think she notice that the signal had put me a bit in a panic state when I jumped from the bed to grab the scissor to free her, when she shouted at me “Stop! Stop! It’s nothing, I’m good!” She said while laughing at my surprised expression.

I sat back down, “Are you sure everything is alright?” I said caressing her and trying to recover from the scare.

“Yeah yeah, it’s just…” She squirmed in her bonds, suddenly very coy “I’m peeing myself quite a bit.” She said a bit embarrassed, looking away. I started laughing at loud, with her joining in after a second.

“Well? What’s the problem then? go to the bathroom” I said standing up. She giggled and wiggled in the bed for a moment, trying to stand up, or lowering her legs from the bed.

“Well, I’d do it gladly, but… well… there’s a bit of a problem, you see? Some horrible person has tied me to the bed, and I can’t really move, remember? So… would you spare a moment to help a genuine damsel in distress?” She said, trying to pull her hair away from her face moving her head and looking at me with puppy eyes.

“Hmmmmmmm” I stared at her for a while as if I was thinking deeply about the idea. “I can’t say no to that.” And started untying her, first legs, then arms, and then helping her up. We massaged her wrists for a bit, checking that the rope hadn’t left any marks.

Then we hugged for a bit and took a bathroom break, talking about the experience, and how we felt about it. We spend the rest of the nigh together, without any more tying for the day. But we both had enjoyed the experience deeply and didn’t wait too long before continuing exploring together our new mutual interest.
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