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The cake factory F+/f part one.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:06 am
by Poppy
Working in the cake factory was a little boring and repetitive. Standing on a production line for hours on end .So if you had a birthday coming up or some other celebration ,you could expect to be the source of the days entertainment.
This weekend Jane was to get married. She just knew something was going to be done to her .
The production line consisted of nine women of different ages ,Jane being the youngest at 19.
About three weeks ago a young lad Working in the warehouse department was striped naked and covered from head to toe in butter.Jane hoped this was not going to happen to her .
One of the girls teased her by saying to her I think you are going to be dressed up and you will look good in yellow. She laughed and walked off .
This didn't seem to bad ,thought Jane and no need to take the rest of the week off sick ,as she was considering.
For three days now Nothing,just the feeling of being talked about ,funny looks and the odd laughter. Today is
Thursday Jane thought . it was her last day as Friday was booked as a holiday .perhaps they didn't realised that and she had got away with it.
Then her supervisor came over and gave Jane a clipboard and asked her to go to the loading bay and check an order before it goes out ,you can take an early break when its done .This was not unusual so Jane thought Nothing of it.
When she got to the bay the outside doors were closed .
Three women were stood near a table .On the table was a yellow plastic jacket and trousers the type the guys wore when loading trucks outside when it was raining.
Jane knew something was up and turned to go back but several other girls were behind her .
They grabbed her and blindfolded her .
She struggled a little but not much. Lets get it over with she thought.
Off came her white overall ,tee shirt and bra .
She felt the plastic jacket going on ,didn't struggle even helped put it on .
Down came her jeans she kicked out when someone pulled down her knickers .
On went the plastic trousers and some white rubber boots. Very funny she said now let me go .
Not yet someone said as they handcuffed her hands behind her back .Come with me she heard ,sounded like her supervisor.
She was led to the lifts ,these went up to the canteen and the sales offices.
Her left hand was released from the handcuffs and handcuffed to the hand rail at the back of the lift.
Part one

The cake factory F+f part two

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:05 am
by Poppy
So now Jane handcuffed to a handrail inside a lift .
Thinking she was dressed in yellow plastic trousers and jacket.
She managed to remove her blindfold just in time to see the lift doors close with several girls waveing and laughing.
She then noticed the buttons to each of the three floors had been pressed.
Then it hit her .The plastic trousers and jacket were not of the yellow type the forklift guys wore .She was dressed in clear plastic from top to bottom, she may aswell be naked .
The lift stopped at the first floor, the canteen, the doors opened ,fortunately no one got in but lots of people in tTBChe canteen saw her and there was much amusement.
Doors closed up to the second floor .sales department again no one waiting but much laughing from the corridor.
Next third floor ,two guys entered she asked for help .
The guys stopped at the canteen level ,she pleaded with
Them but one of the smiled at her and pressed all the buttons, off she went again .
This went on for about a hour .
Eventually she was at the loading bay again .
The girls were waiting at the lift doors ,to rescue her .
Well thats what Jane thought.

Re: The cake factory F+/f part one.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:55 pm
by CapturedCarol
That's so cruel.