Kidnapped For a School Film MF/F

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Kidnapped For a School Film MF/F

Post by harper »

This story takes place about 3 year ago in April of 2016. My name is Harper and at this time I was a sophomore in high school. I am also 5’6 and Brunette.

Ever since I was a little girl, I’d always found being tied up fascinating. I spent years doing simple self-ties throughout my life but I’d never been able to actually tell anyone because it was kind of embarrassing to me. This all changed when a friend of mine needed help for one of his videos. My friends name was Peter and he needed someone to act in a short film that he had to film for his film class. Being a pretty good actress, and involved in lots of theater and drama programs, I was happy to help out. He sent me the script on Google Docs so that I would be able to see exactly what I’d be doing. To my surprise, and delight, he had planned a kidnapping film. Basically, the film was about a girl (me) who was kidnapped from her home because she knew too much information. I would be taken from the home and tied and put in the trunk of a car. I would then be taken to a barn where I would be tied to a chair for the remainder of the film. I would have to struggle, break free and try to escape the barn (although in the script the barn would end up blowing up because of a bomb). The script was a lot more complex than that but that’s the basic rundown. Anyways, I was very excited as this would be the first time I would be tied up by someone else.

A week went by and the day to film finally came. We planned on filming all day since we wanted to get it done in one day. I put on some jeans, a maroon blouse, a nice navy jacket, white ankle socks and slip on black vans. My friend picked me up early that morning and drove me to our friend Madeline’s house. She would be the kidnapper and we were using her house as the kidnapping scene. We started by filming all the opening shots but eventually the time for me to get kidnapped came. Madeline dressed in all black and wore a mask to cover her face. In this scene, Madeline came up behind me, grabs me around the waist and puts a rag over my mouth and nose. I struggle a bit and yell into the rag but eventually pretend to pass out. We filmed this shot several times to get all the right angles and because we kept giggling during the shots so we had to do some retakes.

Eventually we got the scene down and it was time for me to be tied up and placed in the car. Peter grabbed some rope and duct tape from Madeline’s garage and asked how I wanted to do this. Throughout filming, he kept mentioning that he wanted to make the film as realistic as possible so I figured I should be tied up in a realistic way. The tying would be done off camera, since the next scene would be me waking up in the car, so we didn’t have to worry about the camera right now. I began to walk Madeline through how to tie me up so that I would be tied how I wanted. First, I told her to tie my wrists behind my back. She wound the rope around my wrists several times and then cinched it pretty tightly. I was surprised at how well she was able to tie. She then tied my ankles and knees the same way, nice and snug. After that we still had some rope left so I suggested tying some around my chest to make it more convincing. Madeline wrapped the rope 5 times under my chest area and 4 times around my shoulders then tied it off in the back. Finally, there was one shorter rope and I pondered whether I should ask to be hogtied since it had always been a dream of mine and that’s exactly when Madeline chimed in, “What should I do with this last rope? Might as well do something with it since we have it here.” Bingo. I told her she could tie my wrists to my ankles so that I would look completely helpless since that was the point of the film. “Man, you really don’t want to get free” Peter joked as Madeline tied my wrists to my ankles, completing the hogtie. I laughed nervously, fearing that he figured out I was into it, but realized he was just making a friendly joke. Now, I was completely hogtied and helpless on the floor. I struggled a little to test the bonds and sure enough, they held tight. “That looks very uncomfortable. We’ll get this scene done as fast as we can!” Peter said as he grabbed the duct tape. “It’s fine! It’s honestly not too bad take your time.” I told him because I was really enjoying myself.

It was finally time for my favorite part; the gag. Peter ripped off a piece of tape and placed it over my lips. The tape was very short and was only long enough to barely cover my lips. “Try talking into that.” I talked and the tape instantly came off my mouth. “Wow how do you think we should do this? I don’t want you to be able to get it off your mouth during the shots.” I suggested that he place a longer strip over my mouth. He ripped off a longer piece this time and when he placed it over my lips it nearly went from ear to ear. “Cmmmn ymmmph ummdermmd mmm?” The tape muffled my speech but I could still be understood pretty well. “Yeah the tape doesn’t do anything. It’s weird how it works so well in the movies” he said as he removed the tape from my mouth. I was happy the tape didn’t work because now I could bring up a more efficient gag. “I think you need to stuff something in my mouth first. That way I won’t be able to move my mouth at all. Then maybe wrap the tape around my head so the stuffing won’t come out.” “What should we put in your mouth?” Madeline asked. “I think a sock or two would work fine. You can take mine off and use them.” I said. I have to admit, I have a small sock fetish so this had always been a fantasy of mine. “You sure you want your sweaty socks in your mouth?” asked Peter laughing a bit. “Excuse me, my socks are not sweaty and I think they’ll work fine” I scoffed in a joking tone. “Alright it’s your mouth.” Madeline slipped off my vans and peeled off my white ankle socks. She tossed them to Peter who then said “Open up.” I opened my mouth and let him stuff the socks in my mouth one by one. I hate to admit it but he was right. I’d kind of forgotten that we had been running and filming for almost 3 hours now and my socks had become quite sweaty and didn’t taste, or smell pleasant. The socks completely filled my mouth and even stuck out a bit as my mouth is not very big. Madeline then held my hair up and Peter wrapped the tape around my mouth 3 times making sure he didn’t tape my hair. The sock that had been protruding out of my mouth a bit was now pressed against the outside of my mouth and directly under my nose, so now, being forced to smell the sweaty sock was a part of the gag, although I didn’t mind this too much. Now I was effectively bound and gagged for the first time in my life. “Have anything to say?” “mmmphh mmmm mmmphhh” This new gag was extremely effective and I loved it.

“Alright let’s get you into the car.” Peter said as he lifted me up. He carried me to the car in the front yard and I started to become a little self-conscious. I had always found bondage a bit embarrassing and now I was completely out in public tied and gagged. Madeline opened the trunk of the car and Peter placed me inside. His car was a SUV so it was very spacious and I had a lot of room to struggle. The back window also provided enough light to see perfectly even when the trunk is closed. The next step was to film the scenes of me struggling in the car. Since Peter said he didn’t feel safe driving the car with me in the back like this (bless his heart) he decided he would place the camera in the car at a certain angle, close the trunk, and let me struggle for a while. He would then open the trunk and move the camera a couple times to get multiple different shots. He first placed the camera in a spot that would shoot my full body. He then closed the trunk and I was left alone to struggle. I put on my best damsel in distress act and began struggling frantically in my bonds. I wiggled my arms and wrists, tugging against the ropes. I wiggled my bare feet and toes and yelled for help into my gag. I had never felt so excited, hogtied and gagged with my socks, all alone in the trunk of a car. I was left alone in the trunk for around 5 minutes before Peter opened it up and moved the camera. The camera was now angled to show a closeup on my face and gagged mouth. He then closed the trunk and let me continue. I made sure I had a scared expression and continued mewing into my gag and struggling. The filming and camera moving continued for around 20 minutes before Peter felt like we had had enough shots. Once we were done, he said it was time to head over to the barn to finish the film. I was pretty tired from all that struggling so I was pleased to be finally taking a break. Madeline came over and untied my hogtie rope so I could finally stretch my body out a bit. As she began untying my wrists, Peter asked, “Hey Harper, is it ok if we leave you like this for the drive over to the barn? It will save us some time when we get there and it will help with the continuity of the film?” I mmphed and nodded yes as I didn’t mind staying tied up for the car ride. Peter picked me up and placed me in the back seat of the car in a sitting position. He then buckled my seatbelt in so I wouldn’t fall over.

The car ride was about 45 minutes long and it was one of the most exciting parts of this whole experience. Sitting in the backseat, Peter and Madeline didn’t look back too often, which gave me some time alone in my bonds. I quietly continued to struggle in my bonds, feeling the tight rope against my body. Every once and I while they would look back to see how I was doing, or to take pics or videos for snapchat of me. I also noticed people in other cars looking in and taking pictures while laughing. Peter had to keep his window open to assure some other drivers that it was for a film.

After a while, we finally made it to the barn. Peter placed me back into the trunk of the car. The first scene we filmed was Madeline taking me out of the car and carrying me to the barn. This took a couple takes since we kept giggling and she struggled to lift me a few times but eventually she was able to walk me from the car into the barn and place me on a wooden chair that they had set up. Once the camera cut, it was time to tie me to the chair itself. Madeline untied the ropes that were around my shoulders and chest area but kept the rest tied. She placed my arms through the opening in the back of the chair and made sure my back was firmly against the chair. She then used the ropes she had just untied and used them again to tie my shoulders and stomach area but this time used them to secure me tightly to the chair. They then grabbed some more rope that they found in the barn and wrapped it around my thighs and the seat of the chair. Finally, they used the hogtie rope from earlier and pulled my ankles back under the chair and connected them to my wrists. This way my bare feet wouldn’t be on the cold floor of the barn. Once I was securely tied, Peter began to set up the camera on the tripod as Madeline went outside to film some shots of the barn. I struggled on the chair a bit to test my bonds and sure enough, I was bound very securely. After around 5 minutes of setup, it was time to film. Peter filmed many shots of me on the chair; closeups on my face, shots of my whole body, closeups on my wrists and feet, and many others. I struggled into the chair and moaned yelled as much as I could into the gag. I loved the feeling of the rope pressed against my body, and being bound to the chair was definitely an exciting change. This filming took a good 30 minutes as Peter wanted to get everything perfect. It was finally time for me to be get untied, and I was very satisfied with my experience so I was looking forward to finally being free. I was also looking forward to getting the gag off, as the smell and taste of my socks was beginning to get overwhelming. Peter loosened the ropes around my wrist a little so I would be able to free myself, as it was part of the film. First, I wiggled my wrists free as the ropes were now looser there. Once my wrists were free, my hogtie was now loose so my feet could now touch the ground. Next, I maneuvered my arms and was able to wiggle out of the ropes around my stomach. Once that was free. I reached up and took the ropes around my shoulders off by lifting them over my head. I then untied the ropes connecting my thighs to the chair, and then went onto freeing my knees. I then bent down and untied the ropes securing my ankles together. It felt really good to finally move around again. Finally, I reached up and began unwrapping the tape around my hair. Peter and Madeline had done a good job of keeping it out of my hair, as it came off pretty easily, although the final part that was over my mouth stung a little. Once the tape was off, the first sock that I had been smelling for the last couple hours instantly fell out as it was barely in my mouth and I pulled the other one out of my mouth and tossed it aside. I was then filmed standing up and looking around for help. Once that was filmed, Peter said cut and said we could take a break. I was given a water bottle, which I drank down very fast as my mouth was very dry and tainted by the sweaty socks. I also stretched every part of my body to get the feeling back in my legs, arms, and wrists. After the break was over, we filmed the rest of the film but it all felt like a blur. I was still in a daze and couldn’t stop thinking about everything that had just happened. I had literally just lived my fantasy. Once we finished filming Peter drove us all home and thanked me a ton for being in his film. I told him it was fun and I would gladly help him whenever he needed.

That night, I laid in bed thinking about all that had happened. I had been hogtied in the back of a car and gagged with my own socks! I got to struggle and moan all I wanted. I got to ride in the back of the car tied up, and got to struggle as I was bound to a chair. I wiggled my toes and ankles in bed just remembering the feeling of being tied up and wishing, hoping that this wouldn’t be the last time this happened. Luckily for me, this was far from the last time I would be tied up.

Peter ended up editing the film and getting a very good grade on it. There was about 4 minutes of me struggling and tied up on the film, even though I was tied up for well over 2 hours. Many people told me I was a superb actress and that I was a very believable damsel in distress and this attention became the foundation of many of my future tie ups.. Peter gave me a copy of the film and all the footage that we had filmed so that I could “remember the day I was kidnapped.” To this day, I still look over the footage and remember the first and most exciting time that I had been kidnapped, bound and gagged.

I hope you all enjoyed this. Sorry if the writing style was bad. I actually wrote this down, not focused on sharing the experience, but more as another way to remember the experience clearly. The footage helps me remember, but I love writing things down so this is sort of a journal entry for me. The video is private for me since I’d rather not have people I know recognizing me from it. I look forward to writing more on the few other experiences I have had. Let me know what you all think!
Last edited by harper 5 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
Just a college student who loves socks, rope, and duct tape!
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Very well written and sounds like a fun time. I really like the details you used and it lets us visualize the whole scenario. Good work!
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Post by FelixSH »

Very cool experience, and written in an enjoyable and fun style. And agreed, I like how many details you used, they really add to the reading experience. Thanks for sharing, I'll look forward to your next story.

Also, per forum rules you need to add gender tags, in this case "mf/f" to the thread title. See the rules here: Sorry to annoy you with that, but if I wouldn't do it, a mod would. ;)

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Post by TightsBound »

Thank you for sharing! Your story was actually pretty well written, and gave us all a nice look at you and your first time tied up. I hope we get to read more stories by you soon!
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Post by Nexus »

From a writing standpoint, it could have used a few paragraph breaks is all. Other than that fantastic story! Love your enthusiasm and detail. I wish I had had the balls to pull that off with a female class mate back in my high school film class. Hope you'll share other tie up experiences!
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Post by rash357 »

This is a great story [mention]harper[/mention]!! Glad you were able to live out a dream of yours! Hope you continue to share!

Post by Mouthless »

Any chance you could upload the film to YouTube?
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Post by Deleted User 1078 »

Great story!! Would love to at least see a pic of you tied up :D
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Post by Deleted User 76 »

Great story :D , it was lucky for you that a friend of yours would like to make a short kidnapping with you as the protagonist ;) and it must have been fun for all your friends when they saw you play a damsel in distress :D
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]harper[/mention]. This was an interesting story and I hope you continue to provide us with interesting stories, whether true or not.
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Post by Deleted User 2217 »

Fantastic story and well written. It seems like you were quite a convincing damsel in distress! Hope to see more stories from you in the future :)
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Post by Deleted User 1729 »

As someone who made plenty of movies when I was in middle and high school, this felt rather nostalgic to me. Absolutely loved it!
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome and Great Story!! Very well written!
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Wheezy »

This is a great story. Can't wait to hear more from you. Also, it would be really cool if we could all see that film.
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to read more of your stories
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Post by DTbound »

Great story, it sounds like quite the fun experience!
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Post by Sportsfan »

If this story is 100% true (or even 90% true), then that's certainly a much better tie up than I've seen in typical school films. Wish I had gotten the pleasure of classmates ever making a video involving a tie-up.
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Post by TomYi »

This was an awesome story! I greatly enjoyed it, and I can't wait to see what your other experiences were like.

Though if I could make just one suggestion, please split your stories up into more paragraphs. A wall of text can be daunting to read, and it's easy to lose track of where you are.
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Excellent story! That sounded like a lot of fun! :D
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Post by NikkiNicole »

Good story, definitely sounds like fun
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Post by micoAi »

Really good story! That seemed fun
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Post by BindPam »

It's great to have memories like that.
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Post by captured_prize »

Thank you for sharing this incredible story! You are so lucky to have had an experience like this.
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Post by wolfman »

Sounds awesome. Sounds like a really fun day
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Post by bondageboy87 »

Oh! That sounds like a fun day! What I wouldn't give to have been there. I myself am an aspiring writer and film director. Some of my films obviously involve girls being tied up and gagged. Not all of them, though. XD A shame the video is private, but I understand. Hopefully there are more stories to come about you being bound and gagged!
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