Learning the ropes: My first time (F/MF)

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Learning the ropes: My first time (F/MF)

Post by John421 »

I have been a long time reader here. This will be my first time writing. I have written a few stories on another site under a different name. But, I think I have a couple of stories that would fit in well here. I do apologize that this one is going to be a little longer. But, there is a lot of background to cover and I don't want to omit anything. This story happened during the fall when I was 10 years old.

I had a rather rough transition time during my childhood. I never new my father and I don't wish to speak of him. My mother raised me. We were poor, but she made do the best that she could. She died about 3 weeks before this story happened. Initially, I got placed in a group home on a temporary basis. Once things got sorted, my aunt drove down and took custody of me. I am skipping most of the emotion and details of this because it would take 4 to 5 pages of texts to cover all of it. The short of it was I was moving at age 10 with 2 boxes of stuff to the lower part of Minnesota.

The town we were heading to was rural set and about a 15-minute drive from the closest city. My aunt lived in a farm house on about 6 acres of land. My uncle was dead for a few years now. But, he left enough that his family and I were taken care of. He made a small fortune during the late 90's online. My Aunt didn't have to work all the time that I lived with her. She was very careful with money. She spent what she needed when necessary. But, she didn't live like someone with the amount of wealth that she had.

My aunt was a heavy set woman in her early 40's at the time. She had grown up without money. She had two girls who I will name Samantha and Abby along with me. Samantha was 12 and Abby was 14 at the time of this story. Upon arriving, I was greeted by my cousins and they helped me move my stuff up into my room. The three of us lived on the second floor of the house and we each had our own room. There were a couple of empty bedrooms in the house that served other purposes. My aunt had the master bedroom on the ground floor. I'll get more into the layout of the house in future stories as it becomes relevant.

It was late when we arrived and got everything put upstairs. My aunt had driven thru for my dinner. The girls had fended for themselves. It was a Friday evening and everyone was off the next day. My aunt told me I could wait a week or two before she would enroll me in school. I still needed some time given my mother's recent passing. It was around 8:30 at night and I was sitting in my new room. I was in my boxer shorts and a short sleeved t-shirt. I had just finished my bath for the evening when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in", I called out. The door opened slowly revealing my aunt and the younger of my cousins.

"Hey John, how are you getting settled?" My aunt asked.

"It's a big adjustment, thank you for the room," I replied back.

"It's getting late, you should probably get ready for bed. Normally, I let the girls stay up later on the weekends. But, you've had a long day and a good nights sleep would be best." My aunt explained.

"Yeah, I am just about set for now. I'll probably lay down in the next half hour." I replied.

"Alright, change into your pajamas and try to get some rest." My aunt replied.

"Pajamas?" I asked looking at my aunt. After she didn't respond I filled in the silence. "I am already changed for bed. This is what I normally sleep in." I explained. I hadn't brought any pajamas from my old home during the move. I really hadn't worn anything that would traditionally be considered pajamas since I was like 8. Normally, I just slept in my underwear and a t-shirt.

"Well, that won't do. We cannot have you running around in your underwear in a house full of ladies. Besides, it can get pretty nippy up hear after the sun goes down." She said. My aunt turned her gaze to my cousin. "Sam, do you have something that John could borrow for tonight?"

"I'll go take a look mom," Samantha said departing from my doorway.


Something smelled really good. As I made my way through the upstairs hallway trying to navigate the foreign terrain. I had been woken up by my nose as I didn't have an alarm clock at this point. After a quick trip to empty my bladder. I decided to follow my nose to see what was cooking. I was still dressed in my cousin's pajamas. What she had picked wouldn't have been my first choice. But, they did fit and at least they weren't pink. Well, they had a little bit, but for the most part, they were white.

I was in a big white sleepsuit made out of some sort of material like a heavy sweatshirt. It was a one-piece garment that covered most of your body and zipped closed in the front. The pant legs ended in these built-in slipper like things made of the same material as the rest of the pajamas. But, there was an extra layer of stuff on the soles of the feet to keep you from slipping. The garment had long sleeves that ended in ribbed cuffs at the wrists. Additionally, there was a separate little sleeve I could put my thumbs into. This would bring the cuffs over a good part of the hands kind of like fingerless gloves.

Apparently, I was supposed to be some sort of unicorn. The hood on it had a horses face and a stuffed horn coming out of it. There were also some little stuffed wings on the back. Overall, I look pretty ridiculous, but I hadn't argued the matter. I was too tired. So, when Sam came back with it, I just put it on and went to bed. I had slept rather well. The outfit was warm and my aunt had been right about it being cold. I rounded the corner and made my first appearance at the breakfast table. Sam let out a little laugh upon seeing me. Abby just went on eating.

"Ah, you're finally up. Have a seat and I'll fix you a plate." My aunt offered. I nodded my head and sat down at an empty seat.

I had a twin sitting across the table from me. Samantha was dressed in the same pajamas I was wearing. Although she had a pink bathrobe on overtop of hers. Abby was seated next to her in a blue nightgown and slippers. I took a seat and soon there was a plate with bacon, pancakes, eggs, and toast in front of me. My aunt took a seat at the head of the table and picked up eating where she had left off. Not much was said at the table that morning. My cousins knew I had recently lost my mother. They ate in relative silence and gave me some time to adjust.

They had been eating for a while when I showed up. So, about 10 minutes later their plates were cleared and they both requested permission to be excused. It was granted and they departed leaving me to eat with my aunt. It took me about half an hour to work through the food and we had a mild conversation. I don't remember all the details and they really aren't relevant to the story. Upon clearing my plate, my aunt offered a second portion which I took. While I finished up eating she started washing the dishes from breakfast. It had been really good.

"Thank you it was very good," I commented entering the kitchen and depositing my plate into the sink of soapy water.

"You're welcome, sorry about the pajamas. I'll take you shopping tomorrow or Monday and we'll get you something better suited for your gender." She commented.

"It's fine, they're comfortable and nobody but the three of you are going to see me in them. Do you want me to dry the dishes?" I offered.

"Thanks," She replied pointing to a towel on the wall. I took the towel and started on the pile. We talked a bit more about what my immediate future held. We also discussed my mother a little bit at length. There were quite a few dishes as the girls had been alone for 2 days and not bothered to wash anything. It took about 40 minutes to finish the endeavor.

After finishing my aunt thanked me for the help. She told me I was free to do whatever for the remainder of the day. On the ride up she had gone over the rules of her household. Likewise, I had been informed of what my options for entertainment were. I am not going to cover all that here as this is already longer than I wanted it to be. I apologize again for the length of the introduction. Anyways, I figured I would head back off to my room and get dressed for the day. Then I would go from there. Maybe I could play something with my cousins.

I was walking up the stairs and down the hallway when I passed Abby's room. The door was open and I saw something that I really hadn't expected. Abby was laying on her bed working her way through a book. Sam seated about 5 feet away from the bed and tied to a chair. I couldn't help but stop and stair. My cousin was still in her pajamas. Her hands were tied somewhere behind the chair. There were ropes angled over her shoulders and one across her waist to keep her upper body pinned down. Each of her ankles was tied to the legs of the chair separately with rope. Finally, there was a bandanna tied in her mouth serving as a makeshift gag.

Sam was a few inches taller than me. She was a little more petite than I was for her height, probably about 70 pounds give or take. She had short blond hair that came down just short of the bottom of her next and green eyes. I was a couple of inches over 4 feet, a little small for my age. I was 5 to 10 pounds of weight less than she did and a more physical build. My hair was cut short and a light brown in color. I shared the same green eyes as my cousin.

Abby was laying on the edge of her bed reading a magazine. She looked up at me when she realized I was watching the whole thing unfold. Samantha had seen me as well, but she didn't seem to be bothered by my presence. My older cousin had changed out of her sleepwear. Abby was in some jeans and a hooded sweatshirt. Although she was still wearing the house slippers she had on at breakfast. As I stood in the doorway she looked up and addressed me directly.

“Is there something you need John?” She asked.

“Why is your sister tied to a chair?” I inquired taking the direct approach to the issue.

“Because she is a whole lot less annoying that way,” Abby commented addressing my questions with a sly smile.

“Aren't you going to get in trouble for doing that to her? I mean if your Mom finds out?” I asked a little more directly.

“MMMpppppp” Sam started trying to say something through the gag in her mouth. Abby got up off the bed to where here sister was sitting and pulled the bandanna out.

“She already knows about it. Abby had my permission to tie me up. It's just a game we play sometimes.” Samantha explained.

“It sounds like a really weird game to me,” I commented looking at the pair of sisters.

“Well, nobody asked you!” Sam shouted. “I Mppppp.” Abby pulled the bandanna tight back into her sister's mouth and started tying it off behind her head.

“Nobody asked you either little sister. So, do us all a favor and keep quiet if you would. At least until you wriggle your way out of that.

“Now, unless you want to join her. Then I suggest you be on your way cousin.”. Abby finished.

“Join her?”. I asked.

“I have plenty of rope if you want to pull up a chair. Otherwise, You could head downstairs and have the big tv all to yourself.”. Abby finished.

I looked at her slowly for a moment. I wasn't sure what to make of the offer. I really hadn't been tied up before. I was an only child and I had grown up without giving it much thought. At the same time, I was somewhat unsure of what to do. I had just lost my mother a few weeks ago and I wasn't quite sure how I fit into the world at that point in my life. The next set of words that came out of my mouth surprised even me, to be honest.

“Sure I guess I'll give it a try. I really don't have anything better to do at the moment.” I answered back.

“All right have a seat” Abby gestured as she brought a chair over to near where I was standing. It was a simple wooden chair with a straight back. I went ahead and seated myself in it facing forwards. Meanwhile, Abby went over to the closet on the far side of the room. She opened the door to it and took out a blue duffel bag. She walked over towards me and set it on the floor before unzipping the top of it. Inside there were several coils of white rope all tidied up. She withdrew one from the bag and began to uncoil it in front of me in the air. The rope was quite long as it dropped down to the floor. I would estimate that the first piece was about 15 to 16 feet in length. She held one end of it in her right hand as she circled around behind my chair.

“Let me have your wrists.” She instructed.

I leaned back in my seat and brought my arms back around the rear of the chair. Abby took hold of my wrist and pulled me backwards into the chair by my arms. This put the back of my butt against the rear of the seat. She took one end of the rope and tied an overhand knot around my left wrists. Then she guided my hands together so they were crossed in an X shaped configuration. Next, Abby used up about 70% of the length of the rope and started wrapping my hands horizontally with it. Afterward she continued to use up the rest of it to wrap them vertically binding them together both way. Finally, she knotted the ends of the rope off and secured them on the top of where my wrists crossed with a square knot.

Abby didn't waste any words and immediately returned to the bag to get a few other coils of rope out of it. She started untangling them. Meanwhile, I tested the primary binding on my hands. They were anchored together quite tightly and any struggles I offered didn't seem to improve my situation. The second coil of rope was a little shorter. Probably to 10 to 12 feet in length. She knelt down and took hold of my left ankle. She pushed it back against the leg of the chair. Next, she started wrapping the rope around both my ankle and the chair leg. After several passes, she used the last two feet of rope to cinch off the binding between them. Then she secured it with a knot. Afterward, Abby got another piece of rope and repeated the binding this time securing my one free remaining limb.

The chair I was in was tall enough that my feet were not touching the floor. Likewise, with the wrapped cinches of rope, they couldn't moe more than a quarter inch in any direction. I tried tugging with all of my limbs. But nothing gave. The ropes were quite secure. With my hands and feet tied, Abby slowed down and started getting more meticulous. She took another long piece of rope and passed the end of it under my right armpit. Next, she worked it around and pulled it through my left armpit putting a length of it between me and the chair. She pulled on the rope until it was centered behind me. Next, she took the ends of it and went up and over my shoulders before pulling down behind the chair. Next, she took the ends of the rope and worked them horizontally across the back of the chair swapping sides. She looped each of them around the front of the chair and made a pass around my arms on each side. Afterward the ropes were brought back together in the middle of the chair behind me against. Next, she brought the ends up overtop of the chair back and brought them down across my chest diagonally making an X pattern across my front. Finally she brought the ends back together and tied them off behind the chair.

This locked my shoulders and upper body against the back of the chair in several directions. It did quite a bit to limit my overall upper body movement and pinned me from several directions. I couldn't lean forwards or shift my arms in too many directions. The next piece of rope went around my waist twice binding me down to the chair like a seatbelt. She wrapped it around my waist 3 times in total before knotting it off in the front. On the second pass, she looped the rope through one of the bindings on my wrists. This pulled my arms down and locked them in place behind the chair even more securely. At this point, I pretty much couldn't move at all. I struggled pretty hard against the ropes. But despite my best efforts, I was cemented in place. Abby took a step back to admire her handy work. There was no way I was getting free from this any time soon.

“Where did you learn how to do all of this?” I asked taking a moment to catch my breath from straining against the ropes. Abby reached into the bag and fished out another bandanna. She started rolling it up into a gag.

“It's a long story. Sometime maybe I will share it with you. But, for right now, I am not in the mood for a conversation.” She commented. My cousin circled around behind me and started lining up the gag with my mouth. Like a real genius, I opened up and let her pull it inside. She drew the ends together behind my head and knotted them off. Next, she pulled the hood on my pajamas up and drew it around my head. Finally, she pulled the drawstring on it tight and tied a neat little bow under my chin. Naturally, I bit down on the wadded up cloth in my mouth and tried talking.

“Tsssss ssssss ellly nnnoyn” I stated through the gag. It wasn't like in the movies where you were reduced to muffled silent grunts. But it did make a major impact on the volume of sound I could make and left my speech uninterpretable. Abby ignored me and returned to reading the magazine on her bed. I tried some more talking through the gag and started straining against the ropes. The chair began to creak a little under my efforts of pulling against it. But, my efforts remained pretty fruitless. I couldn't wriggle loose from any of my bindings. I tried moving my arms. I found I had about 3 to 4 inches of movement total on my upper body. I could shift my legs a little bit more, but I couldn't separate my ankles from the chair legs.

I spent the next 10 minutes struggling all out as hard as I could. Nothing resembling progress came of it. Eventually, I had to stop and catch my breath. I took a moment and looked over at Abby. She was just reading there casually like the other two of us weren't even in the room. I shifted my gaze over to my other cousin. My fellow captive was a lot more relaxed with her situation than I was. She wasn't straining against the ropes. In fact, she didn't look like she was trying to free herself at all. She just seemed to be sitting there relaxing in the whole of it.

After my little respite, I put forth another effort for about 10 more minutes. It ended me right back where I started. I was still tied to the chair in some pretty dorky pajamas. I stopped and caught my breath a second time. I watched as Abby got up from the bed.

“I am going to take a quick shower. You two just stay put and don't go anywhere.” She commented without much else before leaving the two pair of us sitting there. My cousin grabbed a towel and made her way down the hallway to the upstairs bathroom. A few minutes later, was looking over at Sam when something in our situation finally changed. My cousin pulled one of her hands out from behind her back. She reached up and worked the gag free from her mouth.

“There finally out of that. Well, at least the hard part is over.” She commented.

It took her about another 10 minutes to wriggle her other hand free from behind the chair and get herself untangled from the remainder of the ropes. She finally got her last ankle loose and stood up. She stood up and stretched rubbing her wrists and yawning. Then she started walking for the door. I started yelling into my gag to get her attention.

“Oh, did you want my help in getting free?” She asked turning towards me. She took a couple of steps towards me. “If you want me to untie you just ask. Otherwise, I am going to catch some TV and you can stay here and have fun.” She said holding a hand up to her ear.

I shouted into my gag in response. But, she just stated that she couldn't understand me and started for the door. I yelled again, but she kept walking away. She had one foot out the door when she turned and headed back over to where I was sitting. She reached up and dislodged the gag from my mouth.

“Just kidding, seriously do you want me to untie you or leave you like that?” She asked.

“I think I have had enough,” I commented.

“All right sit still a second,” Sam instructed. She circled around me and began untying the knot on my wrists. Two minutes later the last coil fell free from my hands and they were able to separate. I pulled them out from behind the chair and began to rub them. The sleeves on the pajamas had offered enough protection to prevent them from getting marked up from the ropes. But, it still felt good to rub them. Sam stood up and started out the door.

“Hey I thought you were going to untie me!” I shouted.

“Your hands are free, you can do the rest. I would hurry up so you get done before Abby gets back. Otherwise, you might not get out until dinner time.” She said laughing before leaving the room.

I started wriggling around in the remaining ropes looking for the knots I would need to regain my freedom. The one on my upper body was easy enough as the knot was in the front on my chest. It took a minute or two to untangle myself. But otherwise, the process was straight forward. The knot was in a hard place for me to reach and I was still picking at it when Abby came into the room.

“Oh, I see you two got loose. Not a bad job for your first time.” She commented.

I pulled away from trying to free myself and sat upright in the chair. I needed to be ready as I was still half restrained. Abby circled around me outside the reach of my arms and approached the chair from behind. She knelt down. I tried to reach back to grab at her, but then I felt the rope around my waist slacken. Apparently, Sams warning was a bunch of hot air. My cousin undid the knot and helped me free my waist. She went on to untie my left leg while I undid my right. After a few minutes of rubbing my ankles, I helped her gather up the rope and bandannas. We had a short conversation on the matter and she asked if I would like to be tied up again some time.

I had an interesting time with it. It had been a mixture of fun and scary all wrapped into one. I told her that I would game to try it again sometime. But, that was enough for my first day. Well, I hope all of you have enjoyed my story. Again, I apologize for the long introduction, but I needed to lay some context. If there is interest, I have a few other stories I could share. Let me know and I'll post some. Thanks for reading

Deleted User 3595

Post by Deleted User 3595 »

Nice story , thanks for sharing it , you have funny cousins . Is a good first time
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Nice story thanks
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Post by Canuck100 »

I really enjoyed reading your story. I like your writing style, and the fact that your story has a lot of details that lay the context.

Your cousins seemed to be fun to hang out with. Looking forward to reading about your other experiences with them.
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Post by John421 »

Boundandgag wrote: 5 years ago Nice story , thanks for sharing it , you have funny cousins . Is a good first time

It was different than I first expected it to be. My cousins were something different if not a little weird. Thanks for reading.
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Post by rash357 »

This was a fantastic story John! Really appreciate the detail, you’re a great storyteller and it sounds like you had quite some experiences! Sorry to hear about your family and all, of course, but looking forward to much more!
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

I it's a nice first story, I want read more of it.
Deleted User 3087

Post by Deleted User 3087 »

Thanks for the story!

Really detailed and well written - an enjoyable read. Oh, jennifer! :( (Hope she's doing good.)

I feel sorry to hear about your losses; and hope you have recovered well.
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