Pole tied (M self)

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Pole tied (M self)

Post by slackywacky »

This was originally posted by me a couple years back on Mason'd TTT site...

I love it, but I'm also scared to go the full 100% as there are so many things that could go wrong. Dunno what I'm talking about? Well read on and I'll try to explain…

I'm a 40+ male, enjoying bondage from when I was a schoolboy. I have become very good at self-bondage, more than good enough to be able to tie myself up in such a way that I won't get out. My wife will help out every now and than when I want to get tied up in a position that is slightly harder to accomplish on your own and, more importantly, she will let me go after a while. However most times I can do the bondage myself. She only releases me (mostly when she wants to go to bed).

After having a long hard week at the office, I decided to find some release by spending some time tied up on a Friday evening. For some time I had thought of the fact that I would get myself tied to a post, so I had to stand up while tied. I got a wooden pole that was about 9 by 5 centimeters (3 by 1.5 inch) and fixed this in place in the attic (which is my study) to the beams holding the roof up. I had no intention of falling over when I was tied to the pole, so I made sure I used a big enough screw to fix the pole. Than I sorted the stuff out I was going to use. Several length of ropes, leather cuffs, handcuffs, blindfold, earplugs and optional gag. I had told my wife I was 'upstairs enjoying some private time', so she would check in every now and than. I also told her I would not be gagged, as she would not be able to hear me. If I'm gagged she needs to be around more and she had other things to do that evening, but I did put the gag ready in case she wanted to use it. I think I had everything set at 19:00 hours. I had placed a folding chair next to the pole and a cupboard was close enough for me to put additional ropes on that I would still be able to grab, even when I am tied to the pole. Now I had to fix the handcuffs in place, as I wanted my hands to be held to the pole. I stood against the pole and measured where my hand would be. With a small piece of rope I tied the handcuffs to the pole, making sure to use several knots. Than I wrapped some duck tape over the rope, preventing me from getting at the knots. Now it was time to get tied up.

Your feet are actually the most difficult part, unless you are very flexible, which I am not, and that is the reason why I placed the chair next to the pole. I sat on it and took one of the 10 meter (33 feet) ropes, about 4 mm thick and tied my ankles together. With a small piece of rope I tied my big toes together. Than I placed my feet in front of the pole, still sitting in the chair and tied the rope around the pole, fixing my feet against the wood. I only used half of the rope, so I got up, used the pole as support and moved the chair so I could lean on it while I tied my knees together with the rest of the rope. This is tricky as your body wants to fall forward, so I had to lean my head on the chair so I wouldn't fall over. I tied the last bit of the rope off around my knees, reasonably happy with the result. At least I was not walking away from the pole. Next I took another 10-meter rope, this one being 6 mm thick and fixed my waist tightly to the pole, making sure the ropes were cinched, as all ropes were. Another rope of the same size was used around my upper body, just below my armpits and also over my shoulders. Both ropes were tied of with several knots and once my hands would be behind my back, I would not be able to get at the knots. Now it was time to take care of my arms.

I buckled a leather bondage foot cuff around my left upper arm and than another on my right arm. Taking another one of the 10 meter ropes this time a 3 mm thin one, I threaded it through the D-buckle on the cuff and then, behind the pole, through the D-ring on the other cuff. Sorting out the rope, so both ends hanging from the D-rings of the cuffs were about equal in length, I threaded the rope hanging from the left cuff through the ring on the right cuff and the one from the right cuff through the left. I repeated this about 5 times and than let the ends hang down. First I needed to take care of my hearing and my vision, because I would not be able to reach my head once I pulled the cuffs together. I placed earplugs in my ears. They block out most sounds, though not all, but anything outside of my direct environment would be blocked. Than I placed the padded leather blindfold over my eyes and buckled the strap. This was done nice and snug, so the blindfold would not slip.

Now I was almost finished, just the upper arms and my wrists. I sorted both ends of the rope out, the one from my left cuff to my right hand and the one from the right cuff was now in my left hand and I started pulling on the rope. The loops between the buckles got shorter, forcing my upper arms closer together. Like I said before, I'm not that flexible and can't touch my elbows behind my back, so I stopped pulling on the rope once they were about 15 centimeters (5 inch) apart. This gave a nice pressure on my elbows without hurting. I started to wrap the rope around my waist, which was tricky as I was only just able to touch my fingers in front of my body, due to the rope between my elbows. However I wrapped it up nice and tight, the rope between the cuffs did not slip which is another advantage of using enough wraps between the buckles. I tied a several knots at the front, again with difficulty, and let the rest of the rope dangle.

All that was left to do was take care of my wrists. I checked if I hadn't done anything stupid, other than tying myself up, but couldn't think of any. The keys to my cuffs were in plain sight for my wife to find and I was tied reasonably tight, but not super tight. I didn't dare to go the 100% right from the beginning. Once I locked the handcuffs on I would be stuck until the wife would let me go, which normally is around the time she goes to bed. I estimated it to be around 20:00 hours at that point in time and she normally would not go to bed until 23:00 hours. Just to get a feel for my predicament, I had prepared another set of leather cuffs, these for my wrists. I would be able to undo them once tightened and that gave me a change to release myself. So I placed the cuffs on my wrists. They were connected by a small padlock, so I could not take them apart. It took some fumbling, but I managed to close both cuffs.

I had done it; I was helpless, well almost. I explored the feeling of being tied like this and it felt good. I wished I was gagged, but knew it was too dangerous being upstairs alone. For about half an hour I just stood there. The bondage felt good, but knowing that I could get out did not, so I undid the cuffs, which took some more fumbling, but I managed and dropped them on the floor. I felt for the handcuffs that were hanging at the back of the post. I had measured it pretty good and the left cuff clicked easily around my left wrists. I tightened it enough to be snug, but not too tight; otherwise I could damage a nerve, something I had done in the past. Now it was time for the right wrist. Another click and I knew I was really helpless. I adjusted the tightness of this cuff also and double locked them, so they would not get tighter. No escape now until the wife would release me.

It felt good to be helpless and it was everything that I had expected from being tied to the pole. I did discover that I had not tied my knees tight enough; I had some slack and made a mental note to do a better job next time. Being blindfolded and the fact that I could not hear much is the most annoying part of my bondage. Not being able to see makes it impossible to guess how long I have been tied. The earplugs prevent me from hearing sounds from downstairs, so I cannot guess what is happening. Otherwise I would be able to deduct from the fact that I hear the microwave going that she is almost coming to bed. That was now impossible. All I could do was stand there and wait.

I tried to escape, that is part of my routine, but I knew it was impossible. After a while I got a panic attack, which I know is coming and it forces me to control my breathing, which helps to pass the moment. When it really is bad I can shout out, but this time it was only a mild attack and controlling my breathing helped it go away pretty quick. I got back to relaxing and trying to listen if she is already coming up. The bondage felt really good, I had done a great job on my elbows, because I really felt like they were pulled together behind me. With nothing else to do than wriggle a bit to stay comfortable, time went by slowly.

Every time I thought I heard something, but than it turned out to be my imagination. This went on for quit some time, until suddenly I recognized the creaking of the stair. Somebody was coming.

My wife entered the room, turned on the lights, which I could hear, but not see, the blindfold works really well. She told me she was going to bed and asked me if I was okay? At this point I'm always indecisive, because I would like to stay tied longer, but also know that if she goes away now, I won't know when she lets me go. Actually I don't want to make the decision, but she always lets me. I tell her that I'm doing fine and ask what time it is. 22:30 she says, which means, because of the fact that I first used the leather cuffs, that I have not been completely helpless for very long. She responds by asking if I want out. I hesitate, and she thinks I hesitate too long, as she says goodnight, turns of the light and leaves the room. I can hear her go down the stairs, while I fight my bondage and call after her. She just shouts back that I have to sort myself out, she is going to sleep. There I am, stuck to a pole and my only way of release is going to bed, which means it can be another 8 hours before she has to wake up.

For about another hour, I stay helpless at my post before I start feeling dizzy. I don't know if it was because I was standing up, but I got the feeling that I was going to faint, and therefore decide to call for help. I need to call out a couple of times, not being able to hear if she responds because of the earplugs, but eventually I hear the wife coming up the stairs. She was asleep and I woke her up, which does not make her a happy bunny. I tell her what is happening and she releases my handcuffs, telling me to do the rest myself, which takes about half an hour. The fainting feeling goes away once I start to untie myself and after I'm completely free, I take a quick shower and go to bed. In total I spend almost 3 hours fully tied. Not the longest I have been tied, but not bad either. Slightly stiff, slightly disappointed because I had to ask for release, but also satisfied with the way I was tied I fall asleep. I made a mental note of some improvements for next time and than I will use the handcuffs from the beginning…
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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