Hockey Night in Canada (m/m)

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Hockey Night in Canada (m/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

April 1987. I'm 14 year old. Yannick, my 15 - almost 16 - years old friend and I were at his place on a Saturday night. His parents and his sister were gone to their chalet (cottage, or country house). But April in Quebec is a boring month to be at the cottage. The snow has melted, everything is brown and muddy, winter activities are over, and summer ones will not start for another month. So Yannick had asked and received permission from his parents to stay in town and to invite me for a sleepover. It was only two nights anyway and my own parents were only a few houses down the street.

One thing we had planned to do was to watch the (ice) hockey playoffs - a very serious deal here in Canada. Both his favourite team, the Quebec Nordiques, and mine, the Montreal Canadiens, had made it to the playoffs. But that night only the Montreal-Boston game was on TV - that was a few years before the sports channel were created and made watching every single game possible. But back then Yannick had to settle for watching a Montreal vs Boston game with me, as his beloved Quebec City Nordiques' game against the Hartford Whalers was not on shown on tv in our area that night.

We ordered some pizza - his parents had left us some money for this - opened up a few cans of soft drinks, opened bags of chips and set ourselves on the sectional couch, in front of the tv. I was wearing jeans, a thin black wool turtleneck and my Montreal Canadiens hockey jersey. Yannick was in sweatpants, a long-sleeved t-shirt and his Québec Nordiques hockey jersey. We had a - usually - friendly competition going on, teasing each other if the other's favourite team had lost.

The evening got off to a good start - for me, that is. After a goal by Boston early in the game, the Montreal Canadiens took the lead with a series of 3 goals in a short time, which frustrated Yannick. He was a very enthusiastic supporter of the Quebec City Nordiques, and he HATED the Montreal Canadiens team with a passion. Whoever the Montreal Canadiens played against, he rooted for the other team. Unfortunately for him, he lived in Montreal, and his support of the Quebec Nordiques often earned him some ribbing from our friends, all Canadiens supporters. And I was the one that teased him the most.

At the end of the first period, during the intermission, he got up, a bit grumpy because the Montreal Canadiens were in advance so far in the game. I assumed he was gone for a bathroom break or to get more unhealthy snacks. But I should have known better...

He came back a couple of minutes later. I don't pay much attention to him, until he dumps something on the sectional couch. I looked, and was only half-surprised by what I saw : stuff that he was going to use to tie me up. The usual : a couple of bathrobe sashes, a wool balaclava and a few socks. Instantly, I got goosebumps and a predictable reaction down below.

He looked at me with a wicked grin and dropped the stuff on the couch.

"What? Now?" I asked. "Can't we tie each other up after the game instead?"

"Nope. It's now." he replied menacingly, looking at me with his piercing blue eyes. "And it's the Habs' (Habs is a nickname for the Montreal team) fan that's getting tied up. Like they all should be".

I didn't mind getting tied up - I actually was looking forward to it - but I also wanted to watch the game and I told him as much while he ignored me and started wrestling with me.

"Come on," he said. "Let me tie you up now before the intermission is over then we can watch the rest of the game"

I was about as tall as Yannick, but he was almost 2 years older than me and more muscular, so before i knew it, he was straddling my legs, took my wrists and brought them closer together in the small of my back.

"Oh come on, this isn't funny!" I said desperately. "I'll let you tie me up after the game if you want!"

"I'll do it anyway" he replied while holding my wrists with one hand and running his other through his blond hair. "Want to wear socks over your hands, or I just tie the rope directly around your wrists?"

I sighed and decided to cooperate.

"I'll take the socks". I knew by experience that this was more comfortable, and helped prevent chaffing. It did, however, make it harder to escape. But this, I didn't really mind.

Yannick stretched the opening of a long navy blue ski sock so that I could insert my hand in it. He repeated the process with my other hand. He grabbed a second pair of socks, thick brown hiking socks, and repeated the process to further render my hands useless. He then tool a terry cloth bathrobe sash and tied my hands together, behind my back, expertly wrapping it around my crossed wrists and ending by cinching the sash between them. I had stopped struggling by then. There was no point. And I was having fun anyway.

He took the second bathrobe belt, slipped it between me and the couch. He took the ends, brought them to my back, looped them around my elbows and knotted them together, while I lay there, resigned to my fate. Escape, I knew it, would be impossible.

The whole process took maybe 10 minutes, so by the time my arms were firmly tied behind my back, the second (of 3) period had started. My bonds were snug, the knots tight, and usually double or triple tied.

Next he took the black balaclava. It had been washed so often that it was slightly fuzzy. It had a thin slit for the eyes, but no holes for the nose or mouth.

"No! NO" I said while trying to stand up.

Yannick pushed me back on the sofa and looked at me, smiling. He was definitely enjoying himself, really getting off on tying me up. His big blue eyes sparkled.

"If the Canadiens score again, this goes over your head. And now that I think about it, I think I'll add something else". He got out of the room and came back a few seconds later with his Quebec Nordiques white and blue scarf. "And you'll have to wear this!" he said, while stretching the scarf between his wrists.

No way was I going to let him put this scarf around my neck! Not a Quebec Nordiques'! They're the enemy (yes, we took the rivalry very seriously!).

So I grumpily sat down on the couch and watched the game when it resumed.

A few minutes into the second period, the Boston Bruins scored, which Yannick celebrated with loud jeers, and by slapping my face - lightly and by pinching my cheeks.

But less than a minute later it was my turn to celebrate and jump out of my seat, as the Canadiens scored again! It was now 4-3 for Montreal.

"YEAH!!!! TAKE THAT' BOSTMMMPPH". Yannick had slipped behind me and handgagged me and cut my celebration short. He pulled me towards him from behind and we fell on the couch.

He let go of my mouth and grabbed the black balaclava. I struggled and shook my head to stop him, but he managed to pull it down over my face, laughing while doing it. The balaclava's slit was in front of my eyes, so I was able to see Yannick's grin while he grabbed a pair of hockey-themed socks. He tied one of the socks into a big chunky knot around the middle part of its partner.

"The Nordiques are losers, THE CANADIENS ARE THE BEST!", I defiantly told Yannick while he was busy preparing the gag. "Your lousy team will be eliminated soon!".

As you can tell, I was shopping for a thick, muffling gag...

Once his sock gag was ready, he positioned himself behind me and used his finger to try to find my mouth through the balaclava.

I tried biting his fingers (playfully of course), but with the thickness of the wool he didn't feel much I guess. He inserted the sock knot in my mouth, over the wool balaclava, pushing it in my mouth.

"Shtop it" I protested. "You loser, your team should play in minor leagues! MPPPHHHHH...!" He eventually succeeded at inserting the gag in my mouth and he was now pulling the ends of the socks tightly and tying them behind my head.

"Mppphh!" I protested, but to no avail; I was now well gagged and hooded, and as usual his bonds were inescapable.

Two minutes into the game later, the Montreal Canadiens scored again! It was now 5-2 for Montreal! I grunted loud woot-woot-woots and jumped around to celebrate - my legs weren't tied, but Yannick didn't share my enthusiasm. He grabbed the Nordiques scarf and looked at me sternly - but I knew he was faking it. He wrapped the ends of the scarf around his wrists and stretched it menacingly while getting closer to me. I backed up as much as I could on the sectional couch, but I was stuck in the corner.

He straddled my lap and leaned forward to trap me between his body and the sofa's plush cushions. He applied his scarf on my eyes and used it to push my head backwards against the couch. He wrapped the scarf around my head, blindfolding me, and tied the ends in a double knot over my mouth. I tested the blindfold by shaking my head and rubbing it against the couch, but that didn't work. It stayed firmly in place.

"Mmmmmpph" I moaned. I wanted to watch the game! But this was fun, and the Canadiens were winning, so I wasn't too mad, in reality.

"That'll teach you to root for the Canadiens", Yannick teased me.

And that's how I spent the rest of the second period. Boston scored another goal, so it was now 5-3 and I grew frustrated not being able to see the game. Yannick celebrated by pushing my face down on the couch repeatedly, which I found highly annoying.

Oh was he ever going to get it next time, when it will be my turn to tie him up!

At the next intermission, between the 2nd and 3rd period, Yannick got up and I heard him leave the room. He was gone for a little while. As soon as he came back, I felt my legs being lifted and my body being roughly flipped over, so that I was now face down on the sofa. I felt rope being wrapped around my ankles, and before I knew it they were firmly joined together. Next he wrapped a rope around my thighs, just above my knees. He had done this without saying a word, while I grunted and moaned in protest.

"There you go" he said. " Trussed up like you should be."

The 3rd period started and I tried my best to follow the game while being blindfolded. Fortunately the Radio-Canada commentators did an amazing job at describing the action and I was able to follow it quite easily.

I was actually enjoying myself. I always found being tied up fun, entertaining, and arousing. And my team was winning, so all was good!

Eventually, about halfway into the period, Boston scored a goal, which meant that Montreal only had a one goal lead; it was now 5-4 for Montreal. This was stressful! I struggled on the couch as much as I could to get Yannick to remove the blindfold and let me see the rest of the game. I wiggled like a worm, knocking off a few cushions off the couch in the process. But my protests were met by a heavy blanket being thrown over me. Next thing I know, I feel Yannick body slamming into mine. He lies down on top of me while I try to protest under him. He wraps his arms around me and the blanket, positions his legs on each side of my body, immobilizing me with his weight.

There was now 10 minutes or so left to the game, and the excitement had reached its apex. I struggled under Yannick's weight to be let free, but apparently he didn't want that to happen, he just held me more firmly.

After a few minutes I realized that struggling was futile. I would not being able to watch the end of this exciting game. So I concentrated as much as I could on what the TV commentators were saying, trying to follow the game.

The TV commentator announced the results of the other games that were going on in the NHL at the same time, and Yannick's Quebec Nordiques were winning by a wide margin - their first win in 3 games. He was definitely in a better mood now. I groaned and moaned and made a big show of feigning disgust when I heard the news, but he celebrated by straddling me over the blanket and jumping up and down, pushing my whole body deep on the sofa's plush cushions while doing woot-woot-woots.

A few minutes later, the game ended and the Canadiens won too, so we both had reasons to celebrate. But I was quite limited in the ways I could show it.

At this point I had been tied up for about an hour. Yannick put the blanket aside and untied the Nordiques scarf which he had used to blindfold me.

In all honesty, I had enjoyed my helplessness very much so far; Yannick could keep me tied for a while longer if he wanted. We were both "wired" the same way apparently; whenever I tied him up he was the same, he was in no rush to be let loose. Which is why when he pushed me over and started fiddling with my wrist bonds, I tried to turn over and protested under my gag.

"You want to stay tied for a while longer?" he asked, laughing. I'm sure he could tell what my answer would be by looking at my green eyes, which must have been sparkling with excitement. "You think you'll be able to get free by yourself?" he added. That was our way of asking the other subtly if he wanted to stay tied up without embarrassing him too much. Code word for "I'm giving you the chance to remain my prisoner for a while longer", if you wish.

"Uh uh"

"Ok!" he replied while retying the scarf over my eyes and mouth. "But I'm not telling you when your next opportunity to be untied will be! Good luck!"

Yannick let me enjoy the rest of my captivity without interfering much. A quick tickle, a hand over my mouth if I was noisy, but generally he just let me enjoy my struggles (and believe me, I was enjoying them very much), while he watched some movie.

I lay there on the sectional couch, testing my bonds from time to time, imagining all kinds of fantasy scenarios in my head.

After what seemed to be a long time, I heard Yannick yawn and felt him getting close to me on the couch.

"I'm getting tired" he said. Yannick was an early bird while I was more of a night owl. "I should probably untie you now, or I might fall asleep and you might stay tied up until the morning!" . He was a sound sleeper, so this was indeed a risk!

All good things come to an end, so I figured it was time to let him untie me.

He removed the blindfold and the gag first, followed by the balaclava. As much as I had enjoyed being his prisoner, this definitely felt good.

"That was mean!" was the first thing I told him, while he was untying the ropes and bathrobe sashes. "I missed most of the game!"

He ran his hand through my ruffled hair and smiled.

"Yeah maybe it was a bit mean", he said, smiling, although he didn't appear to be remorseful at all. "But let me tell you what : I might let you get your revenge tomorrow".

I knew this wasn't a big concession on his part. He enjoyed this stuff as much as I did and was probably looking forward to having his turn with the ropes. But I pretended that I didn't know this.

"Good. Can't wait", I simply replied.

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Last edited by Canuck100 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Axeljohansson »

I am speechless, you did it again, I enjoyed it very much, thank you so much :)
I like to be blindfolded when I’m tied up :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Great story. And the Canadians won? Must have been a long time ago :lol:
Just teasing.
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Post by Bastian »

Great tale, Canuck!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Axeljohansson wrote: 2 years ago I am speechless, you did it again, I enjoyed it very much, thank you so much :)
Glad you enjoyed it!
Are you speechless because you're gagged? That'd be awesome ;)
slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Great story. And the Canadians won? Must have been a long time ago
Just teasing.
That's just plain mean :lol:
They did win more often back then... Good old days!
Bastian wrote: 2 years ago Great tale, Canuck!
Thanks Bastian!
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Post by slackywacky »

Canuck100 wrote: 2 years ago They did win more often back then... Good old days!
Could be worse, we could be waiting for the Leafs to win :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Killua »

Great story as always. I guess missing the game for being tied up is some kind of a fair trade ;)
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Post by Canuck100 »

Killua wrote: 2 years ago Great story as always. I guess missing the game for being tied up is some kind of a fair trade ;)
It was a good deal indeed... ;)

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Post by MaxRoper »

Those kids sure knew how to have a good time. Yours is definitely the best way to enjoy sports (or anything else) on TV. This brings back many memories of similar escapades in my own murky past.

Thank you for taking the time to write and share!
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Post by Canuck100 »

MaxRoper wrote: 2 years ago (…) Yours is definitely the best way to enjoy sports (or anything else) on TV. This brings back many memories of similar escapades in my own murky past.
I’d love to hear about your own similar experiences
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Post by Pseudonym »

God I'd love to play something like this now. I'm a Devil's fan. You know how much shit someone could put me through on behalf of the Devils being absolutely terrible?
Look, one of us is getting tied up and played with before the end of the night. Is it me, or is it you?
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Post by Canuck100 »

Pseudonym wrote: 2 years ago God I'd love to play something like this now. I'm a Devil's fan. You know how much shit someone could put me through on behalf of the Devils being absolutely terrible?
Haha, I feel your pain! And Yannick probably ever more, as his favourite team has moved to Colorado a long time ago...
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Post by MaxRoper »

Canuck100 wrote: 2 years ago
I’d love to hear about your own similar experiences
Here's one. A bit more R-rated than yours...
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Post by Paris_bondage »

As you can guess, I love the idea of your head being forced into a wool baclava.
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Post by Canuck100 »

To be honest I enjoyed it. A lot.
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