Sleepover at David's (M/M)

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Sleepover at David's (M/M)

Post by slider40337 »

This is a repost of a story from TieUpGames. I hope to get my stuff from there posted over here!

Author’s note: While this story is true, names and some details have been fudged so nobody gets IDed!

Part I

My friend David was a toned soccer player who sat behind me in language class in high school. He always liked to wear tight t-shirts and khaki shorts, of which I definitely approved. We struck up a friendship because we both liked Goldeneye (totally dating myself here) and played against each other a lot. We’d started to do some sleepovers so we could play video games late into the night when I mentioned getting tied up the previous year at a sleepover as a challenge. I boasted (truthfully) that I was quite good at escaping and had only been “caught” twice before, and those were flukes because my circulation got cut off or something hurt. He said he’d be up to the challenge and we should do it at the next sleepover.

That next Friday, we met up near his house on our bikes, the sun already going down. David was wearing his usual khaki shorts and t-shirt and I was in some soccer shorts and a t-shirt of my own. His t-shirt was olive green with some fishing supply logo on it that I fail to remember that was darker than his non-cargo khaki shorts. I recall liking the contrast between the casual t-shirt and preppier shorts. My own outfit was one of my white marching band t-shirts I wore all the time and my shorts were black Nike soccer shorts with subtle white stripes down the sides and around the legs. They were quite popular with all the soccer clubs so I was used to seeing other kids wearing them at school as well. We both had on sneakers with ankle socks too, which was pretty normal warm summer wear for teens. I also had my backpack with toothbrush, my copy of Goldeneye, and some khaki shorts and a polo to put on in the morning.

There’d been a new house going up down the street from his, so we decided we’d check it out since they had the floors in but the doors and drywall and such were still not installed. This was fairly common for kids to do since the town was growing fast and there were houses under construction everywhere.

We put our bikes in the entryway and played the game of trying to guess where the different rooms would go, since only studs were up. After playing around a bit, David pulled me upstairs into one of the future bedrooms. Then I noticed that he’d done some planning. “It’s time for your challenge,” he said, indicating a milk crate on the floor.

The plastic crate contained more rope than I was used to seeing, along with a roll of duct tape. “Here’s my game,” he said, “I tie you, you get half an hour to escape, and if you fail you lose your shirt and I tie you again. If you fail another time then you lose your shoes. If you lose your shoes, then you don’t get out until morning because I’ll tie you a way you definitely can’t get out of.”

“What’s the tape for?” I asked, “It’s not fair if you use that to tape me up.”

“That’s just to keep you from being able to change your mind later and asking to be let out,” he said, pulling his scout neckerchief from his pocket, “It’ll keep this in your mouth so you can’t say anything.”

I was nervous, but definitely excited as I agreed to his terms. I’d never been gagged before, but he seemed to know how to do it effectively since I knew from trying alone at home that a simple strip of tape or cloth over the mouth never actually did anything. He hadn’t said he was a scout, but I should have figured with all the rope and his confidence in the challenge. He must have done tie-up games at his scout camps the previous summer. David turned over the crate, dumping out the lengths of rope and the roll of tape onto the wooden floor. “Stand on the box,” he said, indicating the crate on the floor.

I walked forward and stepped up onto the box, wondering what use there’d be for that. David pulled my wrists in front of me and began wrapping them parallel with rope. He wrapped several feet of rope, going about halfway to my elbows before then wrapping in between my arms around the rope. He pulled tight and knotted the rope off right between my wrists, leaving about 4 feet of length hanging from my wrists. I noticed that he’d wrapped from the rope’s middle, so both ends of the rope were hanging off. David then did a similar tie to my ankles, but left no length there, using all the rope to secure them together. He then wrapped rope around my legs right above my knees (just below where my soccer shorts were hanging) and below my knees to secure them together there as well.

I was wondering what David’s plan would be, since I could easily reach the knots binding my wrists and would eventually be able to get that rope off. “Last chance,” David said, holding his red neckerchief in one hand and duct tape in the other.

“I got this,” I replied with a smile, “I think you’ve gone too easy on me.”

David promptly reached up and stuffed the neckerchief into my mouth. I really couldn’t say anything with all that cloth in there. He then pulled some duct tape away from the roll but didn’t tear it. Instead he started on my cheek and walked around me, wrapping my head as he went. He must have wrapped five or six times by the time he tore off the tape and slapped it sealed on my cheek. I really wasn’t spitting that cloth out at all!

I started working on the knots binding my wrists, but David grabbed the rope ends. “I never said I was finished!” he exclaimed, an evil grin on his face.

David tossed the rope ends overhead. I followed them with my eyes and watched with a sinking feeling in my stomach as they went over an exposed horizontal beam above. So that’s why he’d left so much extra length! David then got up onto the box with me and yanked the rope, pulling my hands up over my head. He reached up high and tied the rope off, then took the remaining couple feet and tied it to an adjacent beam that I likely wasn’t going to reach at all. “That’s better,” he said, “Now for the last touch!”

David got down onto the floor and grabbed the box I was standing on. He started sliding it, and at first I went along. Soon, the rope around my wrists forced me to lean back. Soon after that, my feet were unable to keep contact with the box at all. I swung back as the rope pulled tight and my shoes hit the floor. I could still stand, but all the play I’d had in my arms was gone. I found that I could get a tiny bit of slack if I stood up on my tip toes, but the rope’s final knots overhead were 100% out of my reach in any case. I couldn’t move over to get under the place where they were and I couldn’t get any looseness in my wrist ropes without untying those first.

I looked down and made eye contact with David. His grin said it all: he’d done this before and he was good at it. “You know, the other guys in my troop lost to me a lot this summer,” he said, “But you still have half an hour to try and get out.”

I moaned in the gag and tried squirming my hands out of the rope, but it was too tight. David came up to me and touched my sides. I jerked back but couldn’t go very far as David started tickling me. “I never said I wouldn’t try to distract you,” he said, laughing.

Part II

David’s tickling jolted by body. I squirmed and thrashed and tried to get away, but the rope didn’t offer me that chance. After what felt like forever, David stopped and checked his watch. “Still have twenty-five minutes left,” he said, sitting down.

I looked up and looked longingly at the knots overhead. I tried a jump or two, but I couldn’t get any leverage for even a proper attempt with my hands above forcing me to stand totally straight. David started going through my backpack, which annoyed me but I couldn’t do anything about it. He laughed when he got to my shorts and polo. “You forgot a belt,” he said, “Maybe we should give you a rope one later.”

I tried to tell him it wasn’t funny, but the gag just made it all an mess of “mmmph.”

David didn’t respond and instead just sat back to watch me. After what seemed like forever of jerking on the ropes in the hopes that the knots would somehow come loose, David’s watch made a beeping sound. “Sounds like your time is up,” he said, “Ready for your next try? You can always spend the night like that if you don’t want to try again.”

I was very annoyed that he’d caught me, but I was also having fun with the challenge. I nodded, hoping he’d get the signal that I was ready for the other tie. David pulled over the crate and stood on it, untying the first set of knots above. He then put the crate next to my feet and helped me to hop up on it. With the tension taken off the rope, David was able to untie the other knots holding my arms up.

He then helped me hop down off the crate and started loosening my hands. I finally slipped my hands out once he’d gotten part of the rope off. Rubbing my wrists, I wondered if David was going to take the gag out at all. To my annoyance, he didn’t even untie my feet before untucking my t-shirt from my soccer shorts (how I usually wore them) and removing the shirt. After placing it into the bag, David came back and pulled my arms behind my back.

I felt my wrists crossed back there, then lashed from both directions with individual wrappings around each wrist. It was knotted off, somewhere my quickly exploring fingers weren’t able to feel, but I looked down and saw rope ends hanging down to the floor. Before I got to wonder if David was going to do the same position as before with my arms in back, he stepped in front of me. He reached down and grabbed the ends of the rope and pulled each one around a different side of my waist. He wrapped each end fully around my waist and then got the final rope parts together in front of me.

David tied the rope ends together with several knots that he pulled very tight, judging my the effort of his forearm muscles. He then reached into my shorts waistband, which I tried protesting through the gag, and pulled out the two drawstrings that I’d tie to keep my shorts up if I were running or swimming. “Relax, I just need the string,” he said.

He proceeded to tie the drawstring around the rope knots, effectively securing my shorts to my waist tie. “That’s just to make sure you really don’t try too hard to get your hands to those knots,” he said, getting down onto his knees.

He then untied my legs so I could once again walk. Before I wondered if he was going to hogtie me, he instead put the ropes and tape roll into the milk crate and zipped up my back. “Your next half-hour attempt starts now,” he said, “But part of it will be while we’re walking back to my house.”

I shook my head “no” frantically. What if someone saw me walking like this! I’d never live it down at school. “Don’t worry,” David said, “I’ll walk your bike and put your bag on your shoulders. It’ll cover up your hands unless someone gets close and its only a few houses down.”

I shook my head again, knowing the gag was plenty visible, but David just turned and walked away with my backpack. I couldn’t let him just leave me. If I didn’t get out, then I’d be in a random half-built house in just shorts with tied hands. I reluctantly followed him down the stairs and out the front door.

David grabbed our bikes and started walking, taking paths through yards to avoid any glows from street lights. I followed him and I yanked on the bindings of my wrists. Normally when my hands were tied like this, I was able to use my flexible fingers to find a knot. Failing that, I’d previously relied on slipped a coil or two of rope over my hands so that I got enough slack to eventually get my wrists out. David had wrapped the rope in such a way though so that I couldn’t move any coils like I was trying to.

We arrived at David’s place and went into the side door leading to the garage. He put our bikes with the others there and led me inside. I didn’t realize until the air-conditioned air hit me how warm I’d gotten. My struggles in that hot construction site had even gotten me to start sweating a bit.

From the lights being off, and the lack of a car in the garage we’d passed through, I figured his parents weren’t home. Just as well, since this would be difficult to explain to them. David just led me up to his room and put down the crate and my backpack. “I think I’m going to give you a chance to reset your timer,” David said, “I’ll give you back the five minutes we spent walking here if I get to add one more piece of rope.”

I nodded, hoping the extra time, plus me getting into the cooler room, would give me a fresh burst of energy to get out. David grabbed a rope from the crate and pushed me onto my belly on the floor. He tied my ankles together and then pulled them up for a hogtie. I figured it didn’t actually add much to my wrist restraint, so it didn’t matter in the end. David, however, seemed to have another idea. He took the remaining length from that rope and tied it to his bed’s headboard. The wooden headboard had several slats in it, and was strong enough for anything really. David then pushed me up against the bed and tightened that tie. The result was that I was stuck on my stomach next to the bed and couldn’t roll over or scoot anywhere. He then adjusted his watch, likely resetting the timer.

“There you go,” David said, “Comfy?”

I tried to make an angry gag noise but he just laughed as he reached toward me. Again his fingers found my sides and I was stuck squirming and laughing into the gag. The tickling seemed to go on forever as he kept shifting his hands to various places on my sides so I never got used to the feeling. For a second I worried that he’d take off my shoes and tickle my feet, but our original agreement had said that my socks and shoes would come off after this tie and he seemed to be holding up to that.

Sometime in the midst of my squirming, David’s watch beeped again. “Looks like you didn’t make much progress,” he said, “Nod if you’re ready to lose your shoes for the final tie, or shake your head if you want to spend the night here.”

Part III

I wasn't happy with David's two choices. If he got me with my shoes off, my ticklish feet would be fully exposed. But I didn't want to spend the night in the hogtie either. I looked from David to the floor a couple times, so he must have figured I was thinking about it. “Ok, I’ll be nice,” David said, “If you get tied again, I’ll promise to only tickle you for fifteen minutes. I can also promise that you’ll be more comfortable there than here.”

I nodded my head, indicating that I was ready for him to take my shoes and socks for the final tie. I’d initially wondered how he would tie me and be sure I couldn’t get out overnight, but based on the two ties he’d done before I think he’d be able to keep me stuck while he slept.

I squirmed a bit as he began untying the hogtie. I really wanted to be out and hoped he'd give me a little break before being tied overnight. David had turned out to be really good at tying me. When we did this challenge again, I'd have to give him limits on how much rope he could use or something to make it more fair. David untied everything except my ankles together and then brought my hands together in front. He tied them with rope wraps like earlier, almost up to the elbows with the knots right up between by wrists. “Ok,” he said, “You get 3 minutes to go to the bathroom before you get put down for the night. Don't try to untie your wrists or I'll think of a worse way to tie you. Same goes for the gag.”

Nodding, I hopped quickly over to the bathroom. After taking care of business and washing my hands the best I could, I came back out. David eyed the wrist ties carefully, but he seemed to confirm that I hadn't messed with it at all. Grinning, he pulled out his roll of tape. “I can't have you getting out while I'm asleep, after all,” he said as he wrapped tape over my wrist bindings.

Now I was really stuck. Even getting the knot untied wouldn't let me get my arms free. David then took me to his bed and had me lay down. He swung my feet over the foot of the bed so my knees were bent right over the edge of the mattress and tied my ankles. It wasn't tight, but I couldn't move my legs enough to scoot higher on the bed at all. He then pulled my arms over my head toward the headboard, which was well out of reach. He tied the ends of my wrist ropes to that, pulling tight enough that I had very little movement of my hands, but not such that it was constantly pulling on me.

I realized that this was it. I was stuck on my back with my legs bent and arms overhead. The gag was still secure and I wasn't going to say a word. David then took off his shirt and shoes, leaving him in only his khaki shorts and leather belt. He took off his belt and left the room for a moment. He came back, eying me with an evil look on his face. Before I could wonder what he'd done, I heard the A/C kick on. “I figure 64 is a nice comfy temperature for the night,” he said, crawling under the covers beside me, “Consider it an alternative to the tickles I was thinking about doing.”

I moaned and squirmed against the rope as the cold air from the vent blew onto my exposed body. There wasn't a thing I could do about it though, except try to close my eyes and get something resembling sleep.

Part IV

I struggled against the rope some throughout the night, but his tying was good enough that I wasn't getting out, especially with the rope covered in tape. Occasionally, I woke him up with my squirming in the cold, but all he'd do was give me a quick few seconds of tickling or grab my gagged face and shake it back and forth. The latter was actually pretty annoying, because it always succeeded at reminding me that I wasn't able to stop anything he wanted to do.

At some point, I did fall asleep, even with the chilly air on my unprotected body. “Wakey wakey,” David said, patting my cheek a few times to rouse me, “My parents got home late and have breakfast for us.”

I made a gag noise in acknowledgment and looked up at my wrists, trying to indicate for David to untie them. “Two things,” David said, getting my khaki shorts and polo out of my pack for me, “I don't think we should tell anybody about our game, right?”

Nodding in wholehearted agreement, I wondered where he was going next. “Good, on to the second. I think we should play this again next Friday night and see if you can actually escape,” David said, “We'll come up with some rules this week that'll make it harder on me so you have a better chance. Deal?”

My head nodded again, almost before I could think about it. David smiled and got to work untying my ankles. It felt so good to straighten my legs after all night that I momentarily forgot that my hands were still tied. Before I knew what was happening, David pulled off my soccer shorts and left only my compression shorts on me. “Don't worry,” David said, slipping my khaki shorts onto me, “I'm just keeping your soccer shorts as incentive to come back next Friday!”

David continued explaining as he untied my arms. “I know they're not your team's shorts, because those are the green shorts and jersey you wear to school on game days.”

My town did have a tradition of the high school kids wearing whatever uniform they had on a game day, and it often extended to clubs who might have after school games. “I've seen you wear a white and blue shirt sometimes,” he said, finishing freeing my arms, “Can you bring that uniform next weekend along with your regular shorts and polo you normally wear?”

I let David cut the tape on my face and grimaced as he pulled it off. My cheeks were fine, but the back of my head was quite uncomfortable. “Sure thing,” I replied, having just spat out the neckerchief.

The red cloth was soaked, having spend the night in my mouth. I gingerly picked it up and threw it into David's hamper. “Great,” David said, “Now I have to do laundry before the troop meeting on Tuesday!”

I cleaned up in the bathroom and regarded the slowly fading rope marks on my wrists. I was both looking forward to next weekend but also a bit nervous. David hadn't let me out at all, and I'd had no way to ask to be let out with the gag anyhow. I wondered if that'd be normal, giving David the control over my release. I finished washing up and put on my polo, tucking it in as David handed me a leather belt. “Keep it until next weekend,” he said as I put it on my shorts, “We can trade clothing items back then.”
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Post by Michael-Colin »

I'm glad that this was reposted. :D
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice story! Glad that it was reposted
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Post by fratboydanny »

Thanks, Slider, for reposting. Terrific story!
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Post by FelixSH »

I think I remember this from the old board? Rereading it was as enjoyable as reading it for the first time back than. The story creates a nice, friendly atmosphere, which reminded my of my own sleepovers as a kid, though they didn't contain any TUGs.

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Post by MaxRoper »

I missed this at the old site and also the repost so I'm thankful for the Unread Posts button, as I'm slowly making my way through the older tales here. This is great! Reminds me of some childhood games. There were houses going up all over the neighborhood when I was a kid and we had some TUGs in the unfinished buildings. Nothing as intense as this, but thanks for rekindling the memories.
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Post by mikeybound »

Ahh, I missed this story. It’s such a relief when old gems are recovered from the site.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

I wouldn't have needed any extra incentive to come back for another session of being tied up. :mrgreen:
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Post by mikeybound »

Pretty good story.
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Great story [mention]slider40337[/mention] ! I def dug the little things like describing their shirts and socks. Thanks for re-posting!

Let's see more from you, I write similar stories
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Post by mikeybound »

This story would probably be a dream come true.
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Post by megamega »

Nice! Awesome story
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