Brothers & Sisters Tied (ff/ffmm)

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Brothers & Sisters Tied (ff/ffmm)

Post by Detective-Gag »

A lot of the games involving me and my sister usually ended up with us trading-off who got tied up…I’d tie her up up…then she tie me up, and vice-versa.

There were a “few” occasions where not only it’d be just myself on the receiving end of being tied & gagged; but also guests.

Kids often invited friends over to hang out; and parents would usually take advantage of getting their children out of their hair for a day so they could go about their business.

That was how Paul, David & Alice ended up getting invited to our place for a day; it was a hot summer, and we were keeping our activities indoors to avoid the humidity outside.

Paul, David & Alice were siblings; and our parents were good friends, so there were many occasions where we would hang out together. Paul, David & I favored video games and sports; it was too hot outside for sports, so we had taken over the basement big screen TV for video games.

My sister (we’ll go with Katie), and Alice were off doing whatever they did; and as the day continued onward, they eventually came storming downstairs.

“We’re bored!” Alice complained to us.

“Wanna take turns?” I offered, gesturing with one of the game controllers.

“That’s too many,” Paul pointed out. We did only have the two controllers; so he was right about that.

“We were thinking hide & seek,” my sister…Katie…explained.

I locked eyes with my sister, raising an eyebrow: we both had an understanding of “our” version of hide & seek; and it usually resulted in one of us getting tied up.

My sister nodded slightly in understanding, so I said, “Sure, why not?”

I stood up from the beanbag chair I’d been sitting in; and David jumped in from the couch to claim the game controller I’d deposited. “Dibs!” he laughed, and started a round with Paul.

“You guys aren’t playing?” Alice pouted.

“Maybe later,” Paul replied; but both his eyes & David’s were now glued to the TV screen.

“Let’s start upstairs,” I said to the girls, and together we trudged up to the main level kitchen.

“Who’s it?” I asked once we were ready to get started.

“Me!” my sister immediately declared. “Go ahead and start hiding…I’ll count it down!”

She scrunched her eyes closed, and began counting…to what number was anybody’s guess; so both me and Alice went speeding off in different directions.

Having the house to ourselves, I decided that the best place for me to hide would be my parent’s walk-in closet; it wasn’t likely anybody would think to check there first.

I stood there in the dark, listening for movement outside the door. Sure enough, I could hear Alice’s frantic breathing as she thudded into the room, lingered for a few seconds, and then ran back out to find another spot. Guess she knew better than to just rush into my folk’s personal space!

My hiding place turned out to be pretty good; because nobody came looking for about ten minutes. I’d wagered that perhaps my sister just assumed I would have hidden in one of our bedrooms, or the guest room.

I eventually got tired of waiting; and so I decided to venture out from the closet, and risk getting caught. Moving to the upper level hall, I heard both Alice and my sister in her room; and peeked inside.

Well, my sister was already way ahead: she was sitting on the edge of the bed, and had a hand over Alice’s mouth; and it looked like her hands were tied behind her back.

“There he is!” my sister cried when she saw me looking through the doorway.

“Rmph!” Alice yelled through my sister’s hand.

I bolted from the room and down the hall, hearing my sister coming after me, and hearing Alice yell “Run!” once she could speak. I sped into my own bedroom; and closed & locked the door.

“Hey!” I heard my sister shout through the door, after she tried to jiggle the handle & found it locked. She started banging lightly on the door. “Open up!”

“Not a chance!” I yelled back; and I heard the knocking stop.

I paused for a moment, realizing what was happening, and quickly ran to my bathroom, where both my sister’s room and my own were linked together at. Sure enough, Katie had thought to use that as a back way in; and before I could close and lock my bathroom door, she pushed her way through!

“Now I gotcha!” she said triumphantly, and I quickly ran back to escape through my main bedroom door. But I didn’t have time to unlock the door handle before my sister tackled me; and we fell in a heap onto the floor.

There was a meager bout of wrestling before ultimately I yielded, my sister sitting with her full weight on my back with my belly on the carpet.

“Hands behind your back!” she told me, and I crossed my wrists behind me like a crook who’d been run down by police.

My sister ran back to her room…presumably where she had gotten rope to tie Alice…and came back with another length; and quickly bound my wrists.

“Now get up…!” she ordered, and I picked myself off the ground, now caught. We marched back into the room where Alice was still sitting patiently at the edge of the bed.

“Game over,” she guessed, as she saw me enter through the doorway with my wrists tied behind me.

“Nah, just getting started,” my sister said, and gently pushed me inside. I sat down next to Alice on the bed.

“She’s going to tie us up more,” I elaborated, while my sister fetched more ropes from the bin in her closet. She returned with the coils, and began wrapping them around my arms tightly. Soon, my upper body was completely bound.

“Your turn,” Katie said to her friend, and Alice shuffled to put some distance between us so my sister could do the same to her.

“Wow,” she muttered, as her arms got pinned to her sides, but exchanged a look with me and grinned. “I don’t think I can get out of this!”

“Kinda the point,” I remarked. “We’re her hostages now.”

“Let’s go see if the others want to join in,” my sister suggested. “But first…”

She opened a drawer to her dresser and pulled out the folded bandanas we sometimes used.

“We use the bandanas for gags,” I explained to Alice.

“She told me,” Alice divulged, as my sister folded her pink bandana into a band, and approached her bound friend.

“I’m going to tie this over your mouth; and the rule is that while you’re wearing it, you can’t talk,” she explained to Alice. “It makes it more realistic. You’re allowed to mumble; but that’s it.”

“Okay…” Alice responded, and my sister carefully pulled the pink bandana over her friends mouth, making sure it went over her long, frizzy hair.

“Hmph,” Alice said, testing the gag, as I saw my sister finish knotting it behind her head.

“Use that one there for me,” I said to Katie, whose hand hovered over a grey bandana on the pile on the bed. She picked it up, folded it, and pulled it tightly over my mouth.

Now both me and Alice were gagged, with our arms bound.

“Mmph!” I mumbled at her, jerking out my chin beneath the gag.

“Hmph! Wmph cmn’t tlkmph!” Alice mumbled back, giggling as she shook her head.

“Alright, enough of that!” my sister said gruffly, and stood us up from the bed. “You two hostages are coming with me!”

Together we marched downstairs, with both me & Alice kept silent by the bandanas, and then onward to the basement, where Paul & David were still playing the videogame.

“Whoah!” said David, when he saw me and Alice standing with our arms bound & gags over our mouths.

“Ha ha ha!” laughed Paul, pausing the game and setting the controller down. “What happened to you?”

“Gmt cmnt,” I murmured.

“They both lost at hide & seek,” my sister said to the two brothers. “Now they have to stay tied up.”

“You didn’t mention that before,” David mused, as both myself and Alice made a show of struggling. “So you still playing?”

“Yeah…and you can join in; but I have to finish with these two to make sure they don’t escape,” my sister said.

“What do we do?” Paul asked eagerly.

“Run and hide,” my sister said simply, explaining to rules. “You get caught, though, and you get tied up, too.”

“C’mon!” Paul said to his brother, and went running up the stairs.

David glanced at us, shrugged, and followed his little brother; albeit at a slower pace.

My sister then shepherded Alice & myself into the back corner room we used as a spare guest room; but also made for a good place to keep prisoners. To that effect, my sister nudged us both through the doorway, and we stood in the center of the room.

“Now sit down,” Katie said to us, and we both got down on the floor side-by-side. “I’m leaving you both here; no helping the other two!”

She closed the door, leaving us alone, and me and Alice looked at each other.

“Gmph!” I said to her, renewing our gagged conversation.

“Ktmph tmph mmph gdmph,” Alice replied, flexing against the ropes. She stood up from the floor, as my sister hadn’t tied our legs, and walked over to the closed door to put her ear to the surface.

“Dmph gmph awymph,” I mumbled to her; reminding her that we needed to stay in the room.

“Mmn jsmt lstnmng,” she murmured quietly, hearing out into the basement. She turned and came walking back to the center of the room. Not able to lift her hands, she perked up with her chin, working her jaw so that the gag came loose.

“Doesn’t sound like she’s out there,” Alice told me once she could speak. “I think they’re all upstairs.”

“Thylm bmn bckmph,” I mumbled in reply.

“Wanna try to get that off?” she asked me, poking her chin in the direction of the grey bandana on my mouth.

I didn’t really; but I played along. Working my own chin, I slowly inched the gag down from my mouth. “She’ll probably gag us again when she comes back,” I said.

Alice shrugged.

We waited for a few minutes; with Alice deciding to sit in the office chair in the room. Sure enough, we heard someone come down into the basement after a bit, and the door to the back room opened.

It looked like my sister had caught Paul first: the brother with short blonde hair had his wrists tied behind his back, and my sister had her hand over his mouth. She also notably had brought more rope from upstairs, slung around her shoulder.

“…going to keep you here with the others,” she was saying to him, while Paul made muffled noises through her hand.

My sister glanced down at Alice & myself. “Hey! You two ungagged yourselves!”

She released her hand from Paul’s mouth; who was grinning mischievously. “Does this mean we’re not doing that anymore?” he asked.

“No, it means we need to put them back on,” Katie sighed, and stooped down to put my gag back in place.

“I told her that this would happen…mmph!” I mentioned, before the grey bandana was pulled back over my mouth.

Katie went over to Alice; who was smiling coyly in the chair.

“This time keep it on,” my sister told her, as she tightened the pink gag.

“Mmph wlmph,” Alice grunted.

“Come to think of it, we may have to use tape,” Katie commented, once she was done gagging Alice. “But for now…”

She took a blue bandana from her pocket, folded it, and went back over to Paul, who had been pacing in the background. She pulled the blue cloth over his mouth; and now all three of us were OTM gagged.

“Sit down next to my brother,” Katie instructed, and Paul took his place next to me on the floor. The two of us looked at each other, muttering through our gags, while my sister took the extra rope she’d brought, and tied our ankles.

Then she went over to Alice sitting in the chair, tied her ankles as well, and started untying the ropes around her arms…and then using it to secure her to the back of the chair.

“Whdrymph dmphing thmt frmph?” Alice asked as she was tied to the chair.

“To make sure you don’t try and get away,” my sister replied.

Now with Alice stuck in the chair, and me and Paul on the ground, my sister ran back out of the room to find David.

The three of us started making as much noise as we could through the bandanas. Alice could only shift around in the chair, kicking outward with her feet; but me and Paul were able to drag ourselves across the rug.

“Hlmph!” Alice yelled in feigned drama, wooden chair creaking beneath her.

“Mmmmmh!” Paul intoned, looking over his shoulder at me.

“Mmn cmnt gmnt mnt!” I mumbled back, as I twisted against the ropes.

True to our words, this time we kept the gags on, and for the next few minutes, we continued to struggle with amusement.

Eventually, we heard the sound of people coming down into the basement through the door, and all three of us turned to look and see if it’d be my sister with David already in tow.

Much to our surprise, it was just David…no sign of my sister. Moreover, he wasn’t tied up…the older brother entered the back room, and saw Alice in the chair, and me and his brother Paul on the floor.

“Cool, I’m going to bust you all out of here,” he whispered, stepping forward.

“Mmph!” Paul said, perhaps a bit too loudly.

“Shhh!” David said. “Don’t want her to hear you!”

David made his way over to Alice first, and pulled the gag down from her mouth, then began untying the ropes around her.

Partway through, we heard my sister come racing down the stairs.

“Crap,” David said, and in moments we saw Katie reappear in the doorway. She had more rope, and as stated before she’d left, a roll of silver duct tape.

“Got you!” she declared. “Thought you could sneak past me, huh!?”

She shut the door. “Don’t think about running,” she baited, turning to David.

David shrugged in reply. “So what now?”

“Sit down next to Paul,” my sister stated, and David went to sit next to us on the floor. My sister looped the rope around her wrists behind his back.

Then, Katie tore off a piece of duct tape. “I’m gonna use this to gag you,” she said to him. “We put it over your mouth.”

“Sure,” David agreed, and Katie raised the tape up and smoothed it over his mouth, before adding another to better cover his mouth.

“Hmmph,” the older brother grunted.

My sister then turned to Alice, whose arms were now free. “You keep on getting loose,” Katie said to her, approaching with the duct tape.

“Hey, not my fault this time!” Alice defended, pointing to David on the ground. “HE came in here!”

“Too bad,” my sister said, and strode over to put a piece of duct tape over her lips. Alice rolled her eyes, but allowed Katie to gag her with two more strips. The rest of us watched as she tied the pink gag back over her mouth, and then tied her back against the chair.

Once we had all been silenced, my sister turned to regard us ponderously. “Ya know; I’m just gonna use duct tape on all of you,” she decided.

She went over to me first, and pulled the grey bandana off my mouth. “You don’t have to do this!” I said with fake desperation, once the gag was off. “Just let us go and…GMPH!”

My sister, with the timing we had developed during our own games, pressed the duct tape over my mouth to cut me off. “Be quiet!” she said gruffly, and added two more strips before tying the grey bandana back in place.

I made a point to squirm angrily as Katie then went over to Paul, who was bobbing his head in anticipation.

“Mmph! Mmph!” he murmured, before my sister slipped the gag down from his mouth. “We’re going to get out of here! After we get loose, we’re going to tie YOU up, and then we’ll use the tape and ga…gmnympnmph!”

Paul was clearly already thinking ahead to the next part of the game; and my sister allowed him to be excited as she slowly tore off the silver tape. Waiting for the right moment, she then put the tape over his mouth to end his rant; causing him to stumble over the last few words.

“Yeah, well…we’ll see about that!” my sister said in reply, as she added two more pieces of duct tape over the slightly-wrinkled one.

“Wrmph gnmph gmt ymph!” Paul mumbled through the tape gag, as my sister tied the blue bandana over his mouth snugly.

David chose not to make any noise at all, quietly watching as Katie then finished tying his arms with the length of rope she’d brought. Differently for him, she took the roll of duct tape and started wrapping over his tall ankle socks.

“Ha ha ha!” my sister cackled once she’d finally secured us all. “You’re all my prisoners now!”

We all “mmph’d” through the layers of gags she’d given us, writhing from our different positions. It certainly felt like a hostage situation!

“I’m going to leave you all here now,” Katie went on. “Don’t escape too quickly, alright?”

She left the room & shut the door.

“Lmph gmnt bck tm bck,” I mumbled through my gag, and dragged myself over to David, putting my back against his.

“Mmkymph,” he replied through the duct tape, and we leaned against each other while we messed with the ropes awkwardly.

Paul, meanwhile, just rolled around on his own; his bandana coming loose from his mouth. He angled himself on his side to watch me and his brother work our knots, puffing out his cheeks beneath the duct tape.

Alice was watching the three of us boys on the floor from her chair, offering passive commentary. “Yrm nmt rchng thm rmps rmnt,” she murmured through her gag, critiquing our botched attempts to reach our wrist ropes.

“Wm cmnt smn thmph!” David retorted, noting that we couldn’t see our ropes with our backs to each other.

Ironically, it was Alice that got free first; she pulled her wrists free & pushed the ropes holding her to the chair over the back of the seat, then pulled the gag off her mouth & peeled away the tape.

“First!” she giggled, rubbing in the victory while we mumbled our defeated disappointment. She unfastened her feet, and skipped over to the basement door.

“Good luck!” she laughed, and shut the door behind her.

We collectively sighed beneath the gags, and continued struggling. I was pleased that neither David or Paul seemed in any hurry to escape right away; and were content to “act out” the hostage theme. David and I continued our communicating through our respective gags while half-heartedly fumbling with our ropes; while Paul kept wriggling throughout the empty room, yelling through the duct tape still plastered over his mouth. Eventually, the younger brother leaned against the wall to his feet, and began hopping madly from one side of the room to the other, before falling on the guest mattress we kept there.

Time passed, and Alice and my sister returned to the room.

“You guys are still stuck?” my sister teased, to a fresh chorus of indignant mumbles from us.

“Well, it’s my turn,” my sister went on, and took the roll of duct tape. She sat on the edge of the mattress, and tore off pieces of the silver tape, pressing them over her mouth. Then she took the roll, and like she’d done for David, wrapped the duct tape several time over her socks to bind her feet.

She wobbled back to a standing position, and hopped over to the chair where Alice had been sitting, and took her place in it.

“Ymn nmnd tm hlmp mmph wmth thm rnst,” Katie mumbled through the tape gagging her, and Alice picked up the rope from the ground to tie my sister to the chair. Then Alice took the pink bandana, copying my sister’s method, and pulled it over Katie’s taped mouth.

Alice stood uncertainly amongst us tied captives. “Guess I’m going now,” she said, and once more ran out of the room.

Paul came up from the ground and hopped over to my sister. “Mmph gmt it!” he murmured, pulling at my sister’s ropes.

“Mmph!” my sister replied, and while they both helped each other get free, David and I did the same.

Having already made some progress, David and I got free first; and removed our gags.

Paul didn’t manage to undo my sister’s ropes; so David went over and helped him. I pulled the gag down from Katie’s mouth, and once he hands were free, she peeled the duct tape away.

Eventually, we all got free; and my sister and I cleaned up everything while the other three went back out to resume video games.

It had been a larger group than usual. Lots of fun when that happened.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Always love sibling bondage scenarios.
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Post by TightsBound »

Great story! This was definitely a “the more, the merrier” kind of story. Thanks for sharing!
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Post by slackywacky »

Nice story, enjoyed that. Thank you.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by fratzon »

does your sister has soft hands ,how was the feeling to have her hand on your mouth ,how is she looking ,?
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