Sing for me (?/M)

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Sing for me (?/M)

Post by EzraMarubayashi »

I was new in the commune, which was formed shortly after “The Summer of Love”, in the outskirts. The day I left everything behind and joined them was the happiest one in my life. I never felt freer.

There weren’t many amenities in the place, though with a beautiful landscape embracing us, they weren’t necessary. One of the few ones was the bonfire. We used it to make dinner, eat together, and sing and dance afterward. On my first night there I met Wind. You’d never guess that slim, long-haired, pretty boy had such a deep voice. He and his guitar were more than enough to bring you to tears or make your spirit soar. Clothes were optional in our commune, but he was always wearing pants and sandals. I heard mesmerized as he improvised a peace anthem, followed by a love song dedicated to Rain, his sweetheart.

Wind and Rain, sounds poetic, doesn’t it? They were together before they got to the commune and even though they claimed to believe in free love, saying they had no strings attached, you could always see them hand in hand. It all ended when Logan made out with her, and maybe more. We knew something wrong had happened when she tried to snuggle with Wind in the bonfire, but he turned her down and went to sleep early. The fact that she slept on the other side of the single, large cabin, closer to Logan, made everything clear.

We heard no more singing from him. He didn’t listen to the constant demands of his fans. Instead, he became more involved in social activism. That’s when the craving was born in me. I was also a big part of it and one day, we were chained to these old, beautiful trees that were about to be cut down. Wind, being our spokesperson, got the worst part of the police abuse. He was originally chained only around his waist, but the cops brought more chains to fasten his arms behind and around the tree. He had to stay when we were forced to leave the place after the cops cut our chains.

At night, I sneaked back there and fed him while the cops were sleeping in their guard. He looked tired, but he never pleaded for mercy. I know that because I had volunteered to stay as the others returned to bring the meals. The slim boy looked so determined. I had a hard time watching those cowards calling him names, spitting on him, and even gut-punching him. It was unnerving, yet somehow exciting. He was helpless but his spirit was unbreakable as usual. Being his strong voice his only defense, it echoed in the forest as he started singing. It was his first time in months. The cops were astounded, one of them even turned so his comrades didn’t see him crying. I was in tears too. The captain had to intervein, using a bandanna to gag Wind. He was still like that when I brought him food. He was sleeping as well, only lightly enough to wake up when he heard my footsteps. Who knows how long I would have been staring at him in the moonlight if he hadn’t noticed me.

No one in the commune knew about him singing during his “arrest”. For them, it was an anecdote about Wind’s bravery; for me, however, it was a turning point. If I had ever forgotten for a second about his incredibly touching voice, after that day, all I could do was think about it. We became a little closer after I took my chances by feeding him, but he was already more of a heartbroken solitaire at that moment. He refused my plea to hear him sing, as he had done with everyone else’s. Of course, the other side of my obsession was to have him captive before me, which is funny, considering how much I appreciate freedom. Maybe that’s the very reason why I found it so appealing. Alone in the woods, the beautiful singer fights against his binds. I just couldn’t get that image out of my head.

One day, we were in the forest around the commune. We had already finished with our duties and decided to rest for a little while, but Wind was so tired that he fell fast asleep sitting against a tree. When I considered that it was time to go back, I tried to wake him up. Wind was the kind of guy who could sleep his way next to a passing train. I even lightly pinched a nipple of his to no avail. My heart began to pound in my chest as I watched the completely vulnerable guy. I quickly looked through our stuff for something to bind him, but there were only a couple of bandannas that I would use to blindfold and gag him. I then decided to cut off the strap of my bag and rushed behind the trunk.

I couldn’t believe that I had actually done it. Wind didn’t wake up as I tied his hands up behind the tree and covered his eyes with the bandanna. I looked around to see if anyone had seen me, but no, we were all alone and would probably stay that way for another hour, till the sun went down and somebody came looking for us. As much as I loved watching him so helpless and peaceful, I had to wake him up to start with my plan.

He woke up when I shoved a knotted bandanna between his teeth and tied it behind his head. I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down when he started to struggle and whispered to him in a hoarse voice that if he agreed to stay quiet, I would take the gag off. I was touched by the fact that the first thing he did was ask for me. Just woken up and under those circumstances, he didn’t recognize me. He got confused and a bit irritated when I revealed him it was me, and he demanded to be let go. I had to put the gag back on for the next part of my plan.

I told him that the only way he would get out of those ropes was if he sang a song for me, any song. He remained silent, not even grunting, and simply shook his head. We stayed that way for a good ten minutes. I had no problem watching him like that. Damn! I could have built a cabin right there, around us, just to have him for myself. From time to time he resumed struggling, but I was great with knots, he was going nowhere.

The sight was great, yet I knew that I would fail in my mission if I didn’t do something quickly. The guy obviously wasn’t gonna give up just from being tied up for a little while. Fortunately, I was very attentive when he played with Rain, I knew his weakness. So, I straddled on his lap and landed my fingers on his sides, barely touching him. A light grunt indicated his astonishment, which turned to fear as my fingers began to spider their way up, closer to his underarms. He started struggling harder and completely lost it when I brushed the hairs under his arms with my fingertips. All this time, I kept reminding him of the way he could end this up and regain his freedom.

Even under his gag, I loved to hear him laughing, for it was almost as musical as his singing. I could have stayed there forever, watching him so powerless, feeling him fight me with all his might and yet failing miserably. The sun was coming down and I had started to fear that I wouldn’t make it before someone came looking for us and I had to release him. I probably wouldn’t have a second chance for he might as well not talk to me anymore. I heard some footsteps and when I thought everything was lost, Wind started grunting what sounded like a surrender. I immediately stopped tickling him and waited for a second for him to calm down before removing the gag. He said that he would comply if I promised not to do that again. I agreed somehow disappointed since I was really enjoying myself with our little game.

The moment he opened his mouth, he made me forget any other motivation, at least then. It was just so beautiful. Time stood still as the notes floated in the air. It turned out that the search party was made of three girls, one of them new to the commune and who had never heard him sing before. They arrived just in time. We were bemused by such a deep and powerful performance. When I removed the blindfold, he realized the intense reaction of his audience, especially of his new fan.

Wind met his true love that evening. It wasn’t me, but I can’t say that I got out empty-handed. From that moment on, he continued to delight us with his voice every chance he had. We, of course, never got tired of hearing him, and if he ever thought of declining the request of a fan, I would hint him with a reminder of the consequences. He, then, would just smirk and make the world rejoice with his precious gift.
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Post by Volobond »

Mmmm, a cute story with an exciting tickling scene! Well done!

You can find my M/M stories here:
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