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The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, conclusion added mm/f

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:25 am
by Bandit666
The Davidson brothers, moms secret is out, part one

“Hello boys”, Susan said in greeting as Kaylum and Michael entered the kitchen that fine, warm sunny July morning. “You’ve just missed your dad, and he won’t be back till tomorrow night now”, she added referring to the departure of her husband Carl, who’d been called away for work.

“Oh it’s okay mom, we know he’ll be safe and well”, Kaylum piped up with a smile, before simply adding, “and anyway it’s you we wanted to talk to”.

“Umm, really, and just exactly what mischief are you two planning now”, there mother asked, noticing the devilish grins that spread across her sons faces.

“Well, we found something lying around in the bathroom, and, Umm, wanted to speak to you about it”, Michael stated, having remained silent until that point.

“Oh, I see”, their slightly confused mother replied, searching her memory wondering what it could be the boys had found. “Maybe if you show me what it is I’ll be able to explain”, Susan added, still wondering what Kaylum held behind is back.

“We know what it is, and what it’s used for”, Kaylum began in reply, “what we don’t know is exactly what it was doing in the bathroom”, he continued producing the red rubber ball, with two thin leather straps from behind is back. “Unless of course, we’re not the only ones in the house that like to play certain games”, he added with a smirk.

“Err, it’s, it’s not what you boys think”, a shocked Susan exclaimed, her face flushed red with embarrassment. “There’s a perfectly reasonable explanation”, she added, reaching out in an attempt to snatch the offending item from her sons grasp.

“Oh please mom, we’re not little boys any more”, Michael said, stretching till he showed all of his 4’ 5” frame. “What we want to know, is how long have you and dad being punishing us, for our little games, while doing exactly the same behind our backs”, he added, dumping the pile of rope, he’d been hiding behind his back on the kitchen table.

“Now boys, that’s totally different”, Susan blurted out, even though she knew the gig was up and her secret was out. “Your dad and I, are consenting adults, those you’ve been tying, don’t exactly fall into the same category”, she added, her eyes travelling from the boys, the ball gag and the rope.

“I’m sorry mom, but that’s not really a very good answer”, Kaylum boldly stated, “which is why we’ve decided, it’s only fair, that from now on, if we want to play our games with you, you’ll let us”, he continued, with a swagger, he never knew he had.

“Now boys, that’s just enough”, Susan barked, before falling silent, new, interesting thoughts entering her mind. But the boys had already taken a set back, shocked by her sudden outburst.

Only to be shocked once more, when she quickly added, “okay, you’ve got me, but you must promise never to tell another living soul about this”.

“We won’t, we promise, as long as you’re good and keep your word, starting right now”, Kaylum replied with a smile………

(Well a few of you wanted a follow up, I hope it’s too your liking and as always you’ll pass on your thoughts, and yes, in case you’re wondering the picture of Susan has change, sorry for that, but there’s simply more to work with using Miss Carter)


Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 1 mm/f

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:05 am
by Nainur
well, it's a Pretty 'follow-up' I dare say (being just part 1).
One Thing: shouldn't it ne marked as 'mm/F'?

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 1 mm/f

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:44 am
by harveygasson
Good start, I'm looking forward to more

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 1 mm/f

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:50 am
by Caesar73
Nice idea for a sequel :)

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 1 mm/f

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:04 am
by wolfman
Lovely start. I really like the playfulness of these stories and am glad to be getting more.

And there is always room for more of the delectable Miss Carter.

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 1 mm/f

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:58 am
by Bandit666
Thank you all for your kind comments, part two will follow soon I’m sure. But as always I am to keep this playful and in keeping with not only site rules, but also the nature of the topic. :)

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 1 mm/f

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:46 pm
by slackywacky
Yeah, a new story from [mention]Bandit666[/mention] . Thank you!

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 1 mm/f

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:46 am
by CarouselCowboy13
Very Nice and Lovely Start to story

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 1 mm/f

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:04 am
by Bandit666
Thank you both for your comments it’s always good to know my stories are enjoyed and looked forward to......

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 1 mm/f

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:25 am
by Bandit666
The Davidson brothers, moms secret is out, part 2

“But alas, mom can’t play your games right now”, Susan told her sons, eager to delay the inevitable for a little while longer. “For just like you, I have my chores”, she continued, hoping they might loose interest given a little time. “The breakfast dishes must be washed and put away, the trash needs to be taken out, and your rooms need a tidy up”, she added, with a sweet innocent smile.

“Oh, mom, that’s not fair, we have a deal”, Michael, her youngest complained, almost instantly going into one of his famous sulks.

“We’ll do your chores mom”, Kaylum interjected, before his brother could say anything else and spoil the opportunity.

“Wait, what, hows that work”, his brother asked, “moms been naughty and we caught her, and instead of being punished like we would be, she gets rewarded”, he added in confusion.

“Hush, and listen carefully”, the old boy said, sounding just a little frustrated. “Mom has chores to do, we want to play, so there’s a compromise available to be used”, he added, puffing out his chest in pride, at how grown up he sounded.

“Oh right, I guess it works when you put it that way”, came the young boys response.

“So, what you’re saying, is, if I get this right”, Susan commented.

While suddenly thinking to herself, “this could have its advantages if I play my cards right”.

“Is, in return for me letting you bind and gag me, as you’ve discovered my secret, you’ll do all my chores, including tidying your rooms”, she added, deliberately placing just a little skepticism in her tone.

“Yes mom, we’ll do your chores, while you attempt to escape our bindings”, Kaylum replied, still able to see the uncertainty in his brothers eyes.

“Well, I guess, there’s no escaping the inevitable for me now”, their mom said with a sigh. “Looks like I’m about to be your latest damsel in distress”, she added heading towards the living room, he mischievous, smug feeling sons following closely…………….

(Yes I know still no bondage, but I’m sure you’ll agree the scene is set, and the action is about to start. So stay tuned for part 3 and once more let me hear your thoughts).

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 2 added mm/f

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:27 am
by Caesar73
I like that Deal :) And looking forward to part 3 :)

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 2 added mm/f

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:57 am
by wolfman
In one scene it is transformed from the boys getting one over on mum, to everybody winning. I like the way it was turned around but still set up for fun

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 2 added mm/f

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:38 am
by Nainur
well, that might be a proper win-win-situation arising? Maybe even on a semi-permanent basis? Looking forward to! Also enjoying the slow build-up! 8-)

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 2 added mm/f

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 11:16 am
by Bandit666
Thank you all, and I’m please to announce part 3 is already underway and may arrive soon....

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 2 added mm/f

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:04 pm
by Ianc1980
This is awesome, right up my alley! Mom thinking she’ll get something out of it with the boys doing the chores for her, yet all the while I have a feeling she may be getting more than she bargained for! Can’t wait for a continuation!

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 2 added mm/f

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:49 pm
by Bandit666
Thank you I’m pleased to know you’re enjoying this tale so much, more will follow soon :)

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 2 added mm/f

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:11 am
by Bandit666
The Davidson brothers, moms secret is out, part three,

“Please don’t hurt me you wicked evil doers”, Susan suddenly exclaimed, much to the surprise of her two sons as they entered the living room. “You don’t have to tie me up, I’ll do whatever you want”, she added turning to face the boys with her hands raised.

“Err, Umm, Err, what, what”, Michael exclaimed, in a slight panic, dropping the ropes he’d carried on the floor in the process.

“Oh no lady, we’ve heard that one before”, Kaylum responded almost as quickly, while forming the shape of a gun with his fingers.

“Yeah, right, pull the other once Miss, we weren’t born yesterday”, Michael added, catching onto what was happening. No doubt thanks to the playful elbow to the ribs from his older brother.

“But, but I swear I’ll be good”, exclaimed their mom, even though she was stifling a snigger. “You won’t need all that rope”, she added, wondering just what the boys would do next.

“Should I tie Missy’s wrists boss”, Michael asked, just moments before he received another dig in the ribs from his brother.

“Shh, it’s still mom you doofus”, Kaylum commented, shaking his head,

“Oh, err right”, the younger boy replied, rubbing his slightly sore ribs, before adding, “should I tied her wrists now boss”.

“No please you don’t have to this you fiends”, Susan exclaimed, surprised by how well the boys worked together. “Oh that’s so very tight”, she added, when Michael did indeed begin to bind her wrists snuggly together behind her back, palm to palm.

She felt how he carefully coiled the soft white rope around her wrists, how he passed the ends vertically between to clinch it off securely. She even felt him tie the knot well away from her fingers.

“Hang on, this is exactly how their dad binds me”, she thought to herself. “No, he wouldn’t have, would he”, she asked herself. “Not after all he’s said to the boys”, she pondered, silently.

“Oh no mom, Micky’s done it properly, you’ll have no problems, save for escaping”, Susan’s elder son told her reassuringly slipping out of character just for a few moments. Even though he was busy binding her elbows till they touched.

“You, fiends, let me go, I’ll never escape now”, Susan, playfully complained, whilst nodding to show she understood what Kaylum had told her.

“That’s the point, Miss, can’t have you raising the alarm too soon, now can we”, Michael responded now fully engrossed in the game. “But should I gag her now boss, she’s talking far too much”, he asked his brother.

“Umm yes, and make sure you do a good job, I think this one will be a screamer once left alone”, Kaylum replied, handing his brother the large red ball gag they’d found on the bathroom floor.

“No, please, you don’t have too”, we’re the last few coherent words Susan managed before her youngest, did indeed push the ball into her mouth, did indeed buckle it very tightly and securely.
But still there was more to come, still the boys hadn’t finished with their bindings……………..

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 3 added mm/f

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:23 am
by Nainur
well, I certainly hope there#s more to come...!
Loving the exchanges between the brothers (f.e. 'still your mother, doofus!'), btw!

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 3 added mm/f

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:37 am
by wolfman
Really love the interplay with all the characters in this chapter. You have really nailed the dialogue and tone of this tale. Cannot wait for more.

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 3 added mm/f

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 8:44 am
by Caesar73
I love the light, playful tone of this story :) And a beautiful picture!

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 3 added mm/f

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 10:12 am
by Bandit666
Thank you all, it’s great to know my writing is proving so enjoyable

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 3 added mm/f

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 10:16 am
by Caesar73
That it is :)

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 3 added mm/f

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:01 am
by Dpsiic
Yes Bandit this story is bubbling along nicely thanks

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 3 added mm/f

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:14 pm
by gagged86
Nice story...not really my thing bondage and family, to be honest, but as always very well written, my friend :)

Re: The Davidson Boys, Moms secret is out, part 3 added mm/f

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:51 pm
by harveygasson
Really great, I like the accompanying pictures