Jay Twists The Day (MF/fF)

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Jay Twists The Day (MF/fF)

Post by KP Presents »

4 pm

Alexandra and Suzanne sat and watched as their three daughters stood up and started to dance the music. Ali, Alexandra’s oldest daughter, was eleven and Eleanor ten, the same age as Soo, Suzanne’s daughter. All three were wearing black round necked tops with short sleeves, a row of sequins below the neck line, and poodle skirts with a picture of an actual poodle in black on them – Ali’s was light blue, Eleanor’s dark pink and Soo’s light pink, while all three were also wearing flat shoes and had their hair in ponytails.

They also had matching chiffon scarves, which were now pulled between their lips while they danced with their hands secured behind their backs, their ankles tied together, while their mothers watched silently, praying nobody else would come yet…

2 pm

Alexandra Cormack as she smiled at the mirror, applying the red lipstick before she stood back and looked at herself. The grey top she was wearing had a low square neckline, the top of her red basque visible under it, while her long red skirt with white polka dots covered her legs. The string of red beads hung round her neck, while the red heels she was wearing added a good three inches to her height.

The day was a special one – the dance club she and her partner Suzanne ran had an upcoming fifties night, and she and her daughters were getting together at her house with some friends to have a dress rehearsal for their routines. As she left her room, she saw Ali and Eleanor ran into their room, dressing gowns on as the steam escaped from the bathroom.

Alexandra walked down the stairs, smiling as she heard the doorbell ring and opened it, saying “hey Suzanne – the girls are upstairs if you want to go and get changed Soo.”

“Thanks, Mrs Cormack,” Soo said as she ran up the stairs, while Suzanne Chow came in. She had long hair dyed platinum blonde, and was wearing a blue dress with white polka dots, gathered at the waist with a pleated skirt. Like Alexandra, her taupe shoes had a kitten heel.

“So do you think they’re ready for the show,” Suzanne said as he friend closed the door.

“Well, they are ready as they can be, so we’ll see what they are like when they show us their routine. Coffee?”

“Please,” Suzanne said as they walked to the kitchen, “it’s been a long morning, and I could do with some…”

She fell silent as she and Alexandra looked at the people who were in the kitchen. There were five of them, all wearing dark boiler suits, leather gloves on their hands, and black balaclava masks covering their heads so that only their eyes and mouths could be seen. Four were male, but one was most definitely female, as she looked at the two women, smiled, and said in a soft Scottish accent “hae we interrupted a special day, Jay?”

“It would appear we have, Mrs McPhee,” one of the men said, his voice betraying a North of England accent, “But that is not an unusual occurrence for us. Good afternoon ladies – especially you, Mrs Cormack.”

“Who are you,” Alexandra said quietly as one of the other masked men walked behind her and guided her hands behind her back. She felt the rope rubbing on them as it was pulled around her wrists, before she said “hang on… Jay… Mrs McPhee… Oh God, no, please no…”

“I am afraid you are correct,” the masked man said as Suzanne said quietly “who are they, Alex?”

“Allow me to make the introductions,” the man said with a smile, “my name is Jay Edwards. My friend Mrs McPhee, and these other fine gentlemen are here to assist us in our endeavours today.”

“Jay… Jay Edwards? Oh lord,” Suzanne said as she sat in a chair, feeling faint as a second of the masked men walked behind her and guided her hands behind her back.

“Please, don’t hurt us,” Alexandra said quietly as she felt the rope going between her arms, the binding tightening as the ends were tied off.

“My dear Mrs Cormack,” Jay said, his voice calming, reassuring, “I have no intentions of hurting either of you, your daughters, or the other people you are expecting today. I merely need your help to persuade your husband to assist us when he returns tonight. In return, I promise you an experience you will all remember.”

Suzanne nodded as she felt her own wrists been secured together, as Alexandra said “Suz, if this is really Jay Edwards, this is going to be a very different day.”

“In what way?”

“All will be explained in due course,” Jay said with a smile. “Where are your daughters?”

“Upstairs – why?”

“Mrs McPhee, would you and one of our friends kindly go and inform them of what is going on, and bring them down to the front room? Alexandra, is you and your friend Suzanne would kindly make your way into said front room, once one of my other friends have made sure the curtains are drawn?”

“I love these outfits,” Soo said as she twirled around, her light pink skirt rising as she did so. She looked at Ali and Eleanor, in their blue and dark pink skirts, as they tied the matching chiffon scarves round their necks.

“Put your scarf on a swell,” Ali said, “and then we can – who are you?”

“Well hello there Lassies – ah must say, ye all look grand like that.”

All three looked at the masked woman as she came in, before Eleanor said “Are you… Are you robbers?”

“Aye we are that,” the woman said with a smile, “My name’s Mrs McPhee, and I promise you we’re no here tae hurt ye. Are you Eleanor?” As the young girl nodded silently, Mrs McPhee said “So ye must be Ali, and ye’re Soo. Ma friend Jay Edwards is downstairs wi yer mummies, explaining what’s gona happen, but ah said Ah’d cum and talk tae all o ye.”

“You sound funny,” Soo said with a giggle.

“So do ye,” Mrs McPhee laughed. “Noo, we need yer daddy tae do sumfin for us later, ahn that means we need tae keep ye all nice and quiet, but I promise you we’re gonna hae some fun as well. But richt now, we need tae take ye doonstairs – once we make sure ye cannae move yer arms or tell others we’re here.”

“And how are you going to do that,” Ali asked.

“Well,” Mrs McPhee said as the masked man handed her a length of white rope, “I need ye all tae turn round ahn put yer hands behind yer back. Ah’m gonna tie yer wrists together, but it won’t hurt. Ready?”

For some reason, Soo felt she could trust the masked woman, so she nodded and turned round as Eleanor and Ali hugged each other. She felt the masked woman cross her wrists, and then the rope as it was quickly wrapped around and between her arms, securing them tightly together.

“She’s right,” she said as she looked at her friends, “It doesn’t hurt.” She turned round and showed them her bound wrists, the other two nodding before they put their hands behind their backs and allowed Mrs McPhee to tie them together.

“Noo then,” she said with a smile, “Ah love yer scarves. Do ye know how they got used in old movies tae keep ladies quiet?” As all three shook their heads, Mrs McPhee smiled and said “let me show ye…”

“You’re going to keep us like this all day?”

“Until your husband does what we need, yes,” Jay said as he looked at Suzanne and Alexandra. They were both sat in armchairs, their legs secured together at their ankles and their knees with ropes, and as they twisted round Suzanne said “what about the girls?”


Both woman watched as Ali, Eleanor and Soo came in, their skirts moving with them, their scarves now tied between their lips and around their heads as they sat side by side on the couch, Mrs McPhee taking some more ropes and securing the ankles together of each girl in turn.

“I understand they were going to show you their routine,” Jay said with a smile as Mrs McPhee went to the music centre, selecting a CD and putting it in. He tore strips of brown sticking plaster from a roll and pressed them over the mouths of both women, before he said “I think they may still be able to do so. If you would do the honours, Mrs McPhee?”

As Buddy Holly came out of the speakers, the three girls stood themselves up and started to dance on the spot, both mothers watching, amazed they were taking this so well and praying nobody would come yet…

So, when the doorbell rang, Alexandra groaned as Jay said “ah – more guests. Mrs McPhee, invite them in please.”
The girls.jpg
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Post by KP Presents »

4.30 pm

The breeze blew in the front of the house as the twin girls stood there, their blonde hair pulled back in ponytails. Both of them were wearing white short sleeved tops and long pink skirts – the slightly taller of the two was wearing a t-shirt with elbow length sleeves, her skirt nearly to the ground with a grey poodle on the front, while the other had on a snort sleeved blouse with the sleeves folded back and fastened at the elbows, her skirt coming to her knees with a white poodle on it. Both were wearing white bobby socks and black and white shoes.

“Haven’t they opened the door yet,” Greta Schwartz said as she walked over. Her brown hair was arranged on her head, a pink satin jacket over a pink and black striped jumper. She was also wearing a long black skirt, a pink poodle embroidered on the front with a leash running to the waist. A black scarf was tied round her neck, and she was wearing black shoes.

“Not yet, Mum,” the taller of the two girls said.

“Well, try the door handle, Ella,” Greta said with a smile, watching as she pulled the handle down and the door swung open. “Come on, Cindy,” she said as the two girls walked in, their mother following them – and then standing still as she saw the two masked men holding them, their gloved hands over the mouths of their daughters.

“Close the door, lassie,” a woman standing with them said, smiling under the balaclava mask she was wearing, “yer kids will be fine if ye do as we say.”

“What… What’s going on…” Greta could hear the sound of music and somebody jumping about, but no speaking.

“Why don’t ye all cum in here,” the woman said in her Scottish accent as she indicated the door to the front room, “and ye’ll all see? Take yer hands away boys – they’re no gonna call out, are ye girls?”

Ella and Cindy both shook their heads as the gloved hands were removed, and they walked in, Ella saying “oh my goodness – are you all right” as she saw Ali, Eleanor and Soo.

“Whrrfhnnn,” Eleanor said – she was in the same class as the girls, and had invited them to join the dance club as well. Ella and Cindy could see the pink scarf pulled between the young girl’s lips, the material slightly darker at the corners before the band went round her head.

“Are we going to be like them,” Cindy said quietly as she looked at the masked woman.

“Aye – but ye’ll be fine,” Mrs McPhee replied, “won’t they Jay?”

“They will indeed,” another masked man said as he came forward, Greta noticing his North of England accent. “What are your names, girls?”

“I’m Ella, and she’s Cindy. We’re twins?”

“Well, Ella and Cindy, if you both put your hands behind your backs, my friend Mrs McPhee will make sure you are just like the other three, and I’ll take care of your mother.”

“Do as he says,” Greta said quietly, afraid of what might happen as she felt Jay take her hands behind her back.

“Ht’sshhllrrthtdhsnthrt,” Soo said as Ella felt the rope around her wrists, Cindy watching as Mrs McPhee swiftly wrapped the rope around and between them and secured them tightly together. She wriggled her fingers, and then said to her sister “they’re right, Cindy, it doesn’t hurt, so let her do it to you.”

Cindy nodded as she out her hands behind her back, the other three girls grinning as Jay looked at the other two women. “You will be like them,” he said quietly as he took Greta’s hands behind her back and started to bind them to each other.

“Alexandra, what’s going on,” she said as she looked at the two older women, struggling in their seats.

“Htsshsrhbbhree,” Alexandra said, her voice muffled and distorted by the brown sticking plaster that covered her mouth. “Hmsshrrgrhttee, uhrrghnnbhrrehehl…”

Suzanne nodded as she twisted round, the ropes rubbing on her as Jay helped Greta to take a third seat, while Ella and Cindy sat on the couch, watching Mrs McPhee as she knelt down and started to bind Ella’s ankles together side by side.

“What are we going to do when you have tied us up,” she said as the masked woman took the rope between her legs and pulled it tighter.

“Are ye girls getting hungry?”

The other three nodded as she folded Ella’s skirt back, and secured her legs together below her knees, and then moved over to Cindy. “Well,” she said as Cindy watched her ankles being bound together, “when these twa are ready, we’ll go fer a jump around the hoos, while yer mummy sorts out some supper for all o’ ye.

“Including yer other two friends.”

Greta suddenly looked over as she said “oh no – not Mo and the girls? If this is a robbery, after last time…”

“Do not be afraid – they will be treated with kid gloves, just like you,” Jay said as he looked up, the rope forcing her legs together as well as he took it around and between them below her knees. “Now, put your lips together.”

Greta looked at him, somehow reassured as she watched him tear a strip of the brown sticking plaster from a roll, and then press it down over her mouth.

“What are you going to use to keep us quiet,” Ella said as she twisted round.

“These,” Mrs McPhee said as one of the other masked men took two white chiffon scarves from a bag, handing one to her as she rolled it into a band. “Ready?” Ella nodded as she opened her mouth, feeling the material on her tongue as she tied it between her lips and round her head, before she did the same to her twin sister. Both girls nodded as they slipped off the seat and stood up, Mrs McPhee smiling as she said “Richt – on yer way.”

“Fhlllhmhhh,” Ali said as she jumped to the door, the other four girls following her as their skirts rose and fell on the way out.

“So, we do need to consider supper for all of you – and I mean all of you,” Jay said as he looked at Alexandra. “I believe they are due to arrive at about 5.30?”


“Because I do my research, Alexandra – so you’re all going to come into the kitchen, and while Suzanne and Greta here sit in the chairs at the table, I am going to free you and let you cook.”


“Eventually,” Jay said with a smile as they were all helped to stand up, and frog marched towards the kitchen.

5.45 pm

As she heard the doorbell ring, Alexandra looked at Jay as he nodded and said “just go and let them in – remember, the girls are upstairs.”

She nodded as she slowly dried her hands and walked to the front door, the other two women looking at each other as she said “Mo – why don’t you and the girls come straight through to the kitchen, we’re going to eat anyway. And this is?”

“My sister Jo – she wanted to come and see what was happening.”

“Well – come through,” Alexandra said, praying there would be no problems as the new arrivals came in, the woman wearing glasses stopping as she said “oh no – not again…”
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Post by KP Presents »

“Mo, stay calm,” Alexandra said quietly as the new arrivals saw Suzanne and Greta sitting at the table, their arms secured together behind their backs and their ankles tied to the front legs of the chairs, “I know what happened last time, but they haven’t hurt us so far.”

“What’s going on,” the other woman said as she looked at her sister. Mo was wearing a pink satin jacket over a white top, the long grey skirt almost touching the floor with a white poodle on the front, a white chiffon scarf holding her black hair back. Jo, her sister, was also wearing a white top, but she was wearing a pink skirt with a black belt and a white poodle on the front. The matching pink chiffon scarf was tied in a bow on her brown hair.

“Mummy, who are these people,” the six year old girl said as she held Mo’s hand, “are they like the other bad men?”

“You must be Dee Dee,” Jay said as he squatted won in front of them. “Is this your friend?”

The young girl nodded as she looked at the masked man through her glasses. She was also wearing a pink knee length skirt, as well as a white top with a pink collar, and like her mother and aunt she had on black and white shoes with short white socks. A light pink scarf was tied round her neck, and she had her brown hair in two pigtails.

“I’m Babs,” the other girl said as she looked at Jay, “are you robbers?”

“Yes we are,” he said as he looked at Babs. The other young girl was also wearing glasses, a dark blue cardigan over her white top. Her skirt was light blue, and she had a dark pink scarf tied round her neck.

“The bad men tied my mummy up,” Dee Dee said quietly, “are you going to tie us up?”

“I’m afraid so – but I have to tell you, your friends have also bene tied up for a few hours, and they’ll be down to eat shortly. Would you like to see how they will be secured?”

Something about his voice made Mo calmer, as she looked at the other women. “What’s going on anyway?”

“This is Jay Edwards,” Alexandra said as Greta and Suzanne nodded. “When Steve gets back, I think they want him to do something for them – and we’re all the insurance.”

“All of us?”

“I’m afraid so,” Jay said as he looked at Jo, “so I need you, nice and calmly, to call the mother of Babs, tell her she will be sleeping over at your house, and you will call her in the morning. Your sister should also call anyone expecting her. While they do that, Dee Dee, Babs, please have a seat at the table, and put your hands on your heads while my friends use some rope to make sure you stay sitting there.”

The two young girls nodded as they sat down, feeling the rope as it was tied tightly round their waists, before their arms were taken behind their backs and their wrists tied tightly together. The two masked men then secured their ankles together, as Jay said “as for you ladies, kindly have a seat as well, hands on your head. I think the other girls will be joining us shortly, and then you can all eat together.”

“We’d better do as they say,” Jo said, her sister nodding as they took a seat with the older ladies, raising their hands as their waists were tied to the chair with rope, and then their wrists tied together behind their backs.

“How long have they been here,” Mo asked as the girls swung their legs on the chair – and then gasped as the men took the scarves from their hair, rolled them up and then pulled them between their lips.

“Since lunchtime – and I don’t know when they will go,” Suzanne said as the ladies had their ankles secured to the front legs of their chairs as well – before they heard muffled laughter, and then the sound of people jumping before Ali appeared in the doorway.

“Huuhmhddhhtt – whrhffhfhn,” she said, the dark at the corners of her mouth visible to both Dee Dee and Babs as a masked woman appeared in the doorway.

“Ach – and who dae we ha here?”

“Mrs McPhee, this is Dee Dee and Babs. They wanted to be like the others – I trust they have all had fun?”

“Aye they hae – cum awa in gahls,” the masked woman said in her Scottish accented voice, as the other five girls jumped in and onto the other chairs, waiting as their waist were tied to the chair backs before all seven of them had their hands untied, and the scarf gags removed.

“Wow – that is wet,” Eleanor said as she looked at the rolled pu scarf, the others nodding as Soo said “hey you two – welcome to the big hostage game.”

“What have you been doing,” Dee Dee asked as the scarf was removed from her mouth.

“Playing games, dancing – will we do more after Tea, Mrs McPhee?”

“Ye can watch a film while the adults eat,” Mrs McPhee said with a smile, as the door opened and closed.

“Hey – where is everyone oh god who are you?”
new arrivals.jpg
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