Ransomed Date MMM/FFF

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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Ransomed Date MMM/FFF

Post by WyattW5 »

Character Bio’s

Christie: 16 six foot hundred thirty pounds rectangular body shape. Wearing a pink t-shirt and jeans. With white sneakers shoulder length red hair with brown eyes.

Anya 17 five foot four, hundred twenty pounds long black hair kept in a pony tail and a headband. She wears a white long sleeve shirt with a button down collar her inverted triangular form was tightly hugged in the soft fabric. with black tights and red sneakers.

Nina. 16 Five foot six a hundred twenty five pounds, blondish brown shoulder length hair. Wearing a white polo shirt and grey tights hugged her rectangular shape gently. Her bluish green eyes always filled with joy.


Christie, Anya and Nina all ride their bikes from school, the three girls were excited to go out to the mall to pick up their dresses for the next school dance in two days. Christie and Nina had spent the day teasing Anya whose crush who had approached her about going to the dance. That same morning.

Nina’s mother was going to drive them to the mall to pick up their gowns and drive them home so they could all see what they look like together. Christie and Anya did not go traditional bring your friends shopping the girls felt a little cheated.

However Anya’s bike chain had broken. Leaving her to push her bike the entire trip. Which was a half hour on a good day, this seemed like it was going to take forever. Nina and Christie stayed behind the keep their friend company on the long trek back home.

Passing a small thicket from their school to the suburb where the three girls grew up. While nothing sinister lived in this thicket the three girls had an uneasy feeling setting in as they go past it. Encircling the road on either end in the dead of night this thicket could prove as eerie as the next Friday the thirteenth.

A blue truck passes them on the road before three guys jump out. The three girls recognise them as Trent Jackson (football captain) Lewis Campbell (soccer fanatic) and Charlie Hammond (basketball star) while these three boys were charming the three girls had no real interest in them. The three boys walk over to the girls.

“Looks like you could use a little help” Trent speaks up a cocky grin on his face. He stood six foot spiked blond hair two hundred pounds athletic build.

“We are fine thank you” Christie spoke trying hurry the others along. When Charlie approaches Anya on her feet pushing the bike he knelt down. Charlie was a tanned skin boy with thin features at six foot two his black hair spiked at the tip.

“Chain must’ve broke, I can fix it for you”

“No thank you I got spare chains at the house” Anya spoke attempting to politely decline his courteous request.

“The rate you three are going you won’t be home till pertnear dinner time, why don’t we offer you a ride?” Lewis spoke calmly leaning on the box of his truck his Ranoldo style hair cut looked a little odd with his Irish reddish brown hair.

“Surely you are not just offering us a ride because you feel a bout a chivalrous, what would you like in it’s stead?”

“Well the three of us, we are going to the dance and you guys know how embarassing it is to go to the dance and not have a date, you practically get picked on for hours”

“If you stay away from the cliques you survive”

Christina spoke dryly making Trent growl as he turns to Lewis who nods. Opening the back of his truck. Trent turns around and speaks to Charlie.

“Tag em and bag em”

the three girls stopped what they were doing and looked to each other before they knew it. Trent Charlie and Lewis had them tackled to the ground. Grabbing their hands behind their backs.

“What the hell are you, this is not augh” Christie spoke as Trent stuffed her mouth with a cloth.

“All we wanted was a simple proposition we drive you home Charlie fixes your friends bike you go out to the dance with us, that’s it” Trent speaks taking a white bandana and ties it around her head of hair.

“Well this is more fun isn’t it boys” Lewis speaks after stuffing Nina’s mouth he tapes a red ace bandana folding it three times then wraps it around her head tying it behind her hair.

“Lmmphf uhphf gmmphf” Anya mumbled into her blue ace bandana. Soon after the boys marched the three girls into the thicket just a little deeper.

Finding three small trees the boys tie Anya to the biggest tree using an extra rope around her bosom to pin her arms to her torso and the tree to her back. While Christie and Nina were tied to pair of smaller trees ropes around and between their bosom. Emphasizing them for the three jocular boys to drool over.

“Well we have the girls now what?” Charlie asks Lewis whispers in his ear and the boy begins to giggle like a nitwit.

“Alright girls we are gonna head off. We are taking your bikes for ransom, if you want them back undamaged, when we come back to free you in say two maybe three”

“No four hours” Lewis speaks cynically smiling at the girls who eyes all shot open mumbling at him with mixed voices of anger and despair.

“you will agree to go to the dance with us or we get to see if some unfortunate child could use them or send em to the scrap yard, aluminum not a high priced metal but I think we could get thirty bucks for three bikes”

“Nmmphf nemphrr” Christie growls through her gag Nina and Anya whine and whale into the bandana. The three boys turn around and leave.

The three girls struggle in their bonds. Christine remained quiet in hers trying to focus on getting her arms free. While Nina waled into her gag fighting viciously flapping her arms around. While Anya attempted to use the rough knots in the tree attempting to saw through the ropes with the wood became tedious.

“Dmmph ymm rephy phinphf phfay philphf lmmphf uphf phatphf lumphf?” Nina looks to Christie who remained calm and collected. Christie looks to Anya then Nina and raises her shoulders to shrug.

“Uhmphf dmmphf knomphf”

the Nina and Anya groaned again into their gags before Nina’s cell phone commence to ring in her bra strap her eyes wide she seen a chance to escape pressing her chest forward for Christie to reach and grab it. However the girls hands did not grab fast enough.

The phone fell to the ground and Nina attempts to slide and grab it but the rope binding her torso began to raise and tighten around her neck beginning to choke the girl. Knelt down as far as she could go she attempts to reach the phone but to her despair the phone had fallen below three fallen tree branches.

Anya did not give up her frantic squirming shaking her shoulders and consequently her chest trying to loosen the ropes connecting her to the tree. All she wound up doing was hurting her torso as she began to wear herself out. She leans back against the tree trying to collect her breath.

It seems the three girls fate is sealed to wait and comply with the demands of Trent, Charlie and Lewis.

Unknown to them down a travelled path in the thicket. Stood Walter Colton standing six foot one two hundred seventy pounds. He was a football defensive lineman. With short dishevelled brown hair and a deep red complexion.

Walter was walking his eight month old puppy. An Australian shepherd named Ranger. With reddish brown fur and two adorable brown eyes. Rangers nose was to the ground as they began to walk down this way. Sniffing the ground Ranger attempts to pull Walter for a ride. But his master was too heavy to try and pull.

Approaching the bend in the train Ranger was bent on trying to go off the trail and towards a smell. Giving little yelps Walter went with the dog off course over a tree around a few other trees. Until Walter himself seen what the dog was yelping at.

Three girls tied to the trees Walter and Ranger race over. Hearing the dog yelp and Walters approach the three girls commence to moan and holler in their gags. Approaching the middle between the three girls Walter looks from Nina to Anya then Christie.

“What the heck happened, hold on let me untie this”

struggling to untie the bandana from under Anyas black ponytail. He managed to get the blue bandana off she gasped as he removed the sock from her mouth.

“Oh my god Walter thank you, Trent Charlie and Lewis did this, they stole our bikes and weren’t going to give them back unless we”

“Relax slow down tell me when you calm yourself” removing Anya’s bonds Anya helped Nina get free before Walter eyed Christie carefully. Swallowing nervously he commenced to untie her chest she eyed him warily expecting him to turn on her. He removed her chest ropes then commenced to untie her hands but he whispered.

“I know this is probably not the best time to ask this especially after what happened but, I’ve had a huge crush on you since grade one I helped you with the school project remember”

Christie nods her brown eyes narrowed looking cautiously at the man who was untying her wrists.

“I can certainly understand if you don’t want to go, I can definitely understand if you already agreed to go with someone else, but... would you consider going to the dance with me”

His large hand struggled to free Christies bandana while he held Rangers leash, Nina and Anya were on their knees petting the puppy without a clue of Walters whispered request. Taking the leash in his mouth Walter managed to get the double knotted bandana off her mouth throwing it to the ground.

She raised her hand to pull out the stuffing but Walter took her by the chin gently moved her forward and slowly pulls the stuffing out. Looking to Walter, his pale blue eyes filled with concern. Chistie could see how nervous he was for a large broad form for a man. She could see there was a gentle timid little boy inside who had just asked her to be a friend. He did not push as to want to go on a date, just wanted her to go to the dance with him.

Wrapping her arms around him she made him freeze with uncertainty as she held him tight whispering her answer in his ear. The boy turned exceptionally red from his blushes. Turning back to Anya, Nina who were still loving the puppy and his soft red fur.

“Come on girls lets go home we have our dresses to pick up, Walter cannot thank you enough” Christie spoke first leading the girls away.

“Yes thank you for saving us, love your puppy” Anya waved goodbye and Nina approaches giving Walter a hug.

“Thank you both for the rescue, we owe you big time”

“Take care girls. Happy to help”

holy sh** I can’t believe she said yes

Walters mind thought as he walks Ranger back home.