Karen Gets her Due (F/F)

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Karen Gets her Due (F/F)

Post by Kosm_64 »

One thing I like just as much as writing and bondage are memes! This one is based on the 'Karen' meme. I hope to continue this one, so feel free to leave suggestions for what might happen next!


Everyone knows Karen. She’s that stuck-up, entitled, irritating woman you find harassing the poor workers at your local retail location. Her signature line, always at the ready: “I want to see the manager!” Well, have you ever wondered what happens when a Karen goes a little too far?

Enter Karen Jones. She’s thirty-five years old and fits the stereotype to a T. She’s got a perfect blonde bob-cut, an entitlement complex, and an insufferable attitude. On one hot summer afternoon, Mrs. Jones decides to stop for some refreshments at her local coffee shop. She’s dressed for action in her navy blue top, black leather pencil skirt, and equally black pumps. Her egregiously expensive leather handbag is slung over her left arm. Unfortunately for Karen, the coffee shop is reaching capacity today due to the sweltering heat outside. It seems she’s not alone in wanting to cool off. The line-up to place an order is long, and Karen is not one for waiting.

When she finally reaches the counter, Karen is furious. She’s spent nearly twenty minutes in line, and by god, she’s going to let it show. The unfortunate barista whose job it is to take Karen’s order is named Maddie. Poor Maddie is overworked and underpaid, barely making minimum wage. The sweltering heat and the sheer number of customers today are causing her undue stress. Maddie’s sixteen and just got the job a few weeks ago. She’s got brown hair, blue eyes, and a load of freckles. Wearing a black button-down shirt, matching pants, and the coffee shop’s signature blue apron, she’s ready to take Karen’s order. “What can I get for you?” She asks with a fake smile.

“This is unacceptable! Can’t you work any faster?” Karen demands.

“I-I’m sorry miss, but I’m trying my best here. Now please, what can I get for you?” Maddie responds.

“Evidently not! I waited in line for twenty minutes. Twenty. Fucking. MINUTES!” Karen gets more into Maddie’s face with each word.

Maddie’s choking back tears now. She’s nearing her breaking point. Despite this, she still tries to keep a professional image in the face of the bane of all retail workers. “Well, I’m sorry. You’re holding up the line now; please just order something.”

‘Fine,” Karen huffs, backing away slightly. “I’ll have a strawberry iced tea with a shot of raspberry juice. No extra sugar!” She pays for her order (not leaving a tip, of course!) and leaves Maddie to the next customer without another word. Still thoroughly pissed-off, Karen lines up to collect her order. It too is long, and like always, Karen is not having it. She waits in line for another fifteen minutes, stewing all the while. When she finally reaches the front of the line, she’s met with no drink. “Where’s my drink?” She asks, callously.

Kait, the woman now bearing the brunt of Karen’s anger, is not taking any of her shit. Kait’s tall, raven-haired, with steely blue eyes. At twenty-nine years old, she’s been in the business long enough to know how to deal with a Karen. “I’m sorry, lady, but you’re just going to have to wait,” she says, “We’re experiencing an unusually high number of orders today, and yours, in particular, is pretty complex.”

Karen scoffs. “Do you numpties seriously not know how to work under pressure? Monkeys could do a better job than you!”

Kait remains straight-faced. “Lady, if you keep insulting my staff like that, then you’re going to have to leave.”

“Well, it’s not my fault you’re-” Karen is suddenly cut off by a barista placing her drink down on the counter in front of her.

“Here’s your drink, ma’am!” he says with a smile.

“Well!” Karen huffs, snatching up her drink. “Took you long enough!” She turns on her heel and walks away, leaving Kait with the next thirsty customer. Things seem to run smoothly for the next few minutes. Right up until Karen comes marching back up to Kait’s counter, drink in hand. “This tastes like CAT PISS!” She exclaims, slamming the cup down on the counter.

“Lady, this is your last warning,” Kait threatens. “If you keep acting like this, we’re going to call the police.”

And, as surely as death and taxes come, Karen utters her signature line. “Well then, if you’re not going to be helpful, then I’d like to speak to your manager!”

“I’m the manager,” Kait says, a sly smile breaking her facade.

“Well then, explain to me how your staff are so fucking incompetent that they manage to fuck up a simple drink order this badly!” Karen demands.

“That’s it!” Kait cries. “Someone call the police!”

“Will do, Kait,” a barista behind her says.

“Do you know who I am?” Karen asks.

“Lady, that’s none of my concern,” Kait replies.

“Well, it should be! I work at Goldman-Fitzpatrick! I can have you all fired within a week!”

At this point, the entirety of the coffee shop clientele are staring at Karen and Kait’s altercation. The staff behind the counter are all trying to keep straight faces. Except for Maddie. She’s curled up under the counter, crying softly. A few more minutes pass of heated argument between Karen and Kait. Eventually, the wail of sirens pierce the air. Moments later, officer Athena Edwards enters the coffee shop.

Officer Edwards is tall and dark-skinned, her equally dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. She’s fifty-five and takes her job very seriously. She needs not ask what the problem is, seeing Karen and Kait’s escalating argument. She immediately walks up to Karen and takes her by the shoulders. “Ma’am,” she begins, “You’re under arrest for disturbance of the peace. Put your hands behind your back, now.”

“Ex-cuse me?” Karen asks, utterly appalled.

“Do not resist, ma’am,” Officer Edwards says. She attempts to pull Karen’s arms behind her back, but Karen doesn’t allow for it.

“Oh, you can’t be trying to defend these clowns!” Karen cries. “You have no right to touch me!”

“I’m afraid I do,” Edwards replies. “Now, do as I say.”

“I swear to god, I’ll have you fired too! It’s well within my power!”

“Ma’am, if you don’t keep quiet, I will gag you,” Edwards says.

Karen scoffs. “Gag me? You can’t do that! That’s illegal!” Shocked by what Edwards just said, she’s distracted momentarily. Edwards uses this opportunity to fully pull the irritating blonde’s arms behind her back. She then tightly clasps a pair of handcuffs around Karen’s wrists. Edwards tries to lead Karen off the property. She’s not all that successful, though. Karen drags her heels and continues to be a nuisance. Edwards, running out of patience, forces Karen to bend forward at the waist. She then damn near pushes the stuck-up woman out of the building. Karen is furious, hollering threats all the while. When the two are finally out of sight, Kait approaches Maddie, who is still crying uncontrollably.

“You can go home for the day, dear,” Kait says sympathetically.

Maddie sniffles and chokes back a sob, “Th-thanks, Kait.” Smiling, she stands up and leaves without looking back. She’s had her first Karen experience, and surely not her last.

Karen and Edwards are still struggling outside. When they reach Edwards’s cruiser, the officer bends Karen over the hood. Karen is too busy making threats to notice Edwards unclipping a large, cherry-red ball gag from her utility belt. “Open wide,” Edwards says cooly.

“What! You can’t just- Hmph!“ Karen is suddenly cut off by Edwards shoving the red ball into her mouth. Edwards buckles the gag tightly, leaving Karen unable to complain any further.

“Stay here,” Edwards says. Karen groans through her gag in response. The officer then retreats into the glove box of her cruiser, withdrawing a pair of metal leg irons, as well as another pair of handcuffs. Moving back over to Karen, Edwards clasps the handcuffs around Karen’s upper arms, just above her elbows. Karen lets out a muffled shriek, but Edwards doesn’t react. She simply bends over and shackles Karen’s feet with the leg irons. Karen tries to buck and kick Edwards in the face, but her ankle cuffs prevent any such action.

“You have the right to remain silent,” Edwards says, standing back up.

“Fhhr fhhks shk,” Karen mumbles through her ball gag.

“Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

“Uh, yh crnt br shuruph!”

“You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you.”

“Gh fhk yhrslf!”

Edwards smirks. She pulls Karen up by her elbow-cuffs and forces her in the back of the cruiser. Karen is howling and screaming all the while. A small crowd has gathered outside the coffee shop to see Karen get put in her place. Always the professional, Edwards pays them no mind. She simply hops in the driver’s seat and speeds off with her prisoner. In the back, the heavily shackled Karen is seething in anger, her face as red as her gag...

To be continued...
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Post by LatexLover »

I like where this is going. Any chance officer Edwards will take her home?
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Post by Viperbound7 »

This is great! I love the quirkiness of it being based on an online meme. Also I love the idea of a police officer gagging a loud captive!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Really good start I am looking forward to hearing how Karen gets punished, humiliated and more besides
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Post by Tieup1 »

Nice start to this story, I look forward to reading more. I wonder if everyone knows a Karen ?
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Post by Marrin »

Excellent so far. And excellent to see a Karen wind up in handcuffs lol. It's nice to see a story involving handcuffs and getting arrested. There's not many on here.
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