Confessions (m/mm, m/m)

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Confessions (m/mm, m/m)

Post by cj2125 »

Dylan really liked his friends, Tom was his best friend in the whole world of course and he had grown to greatly appreciate Max’s and Luke’s company. Of course, nobody was perfect and one particular flaw really bothered him: Their fascination with getting tied up.

At first, he found it endearing and even fun sometimes, but as time went on he started finding it quite annoying. He didn’t mind getting roped up now and then but sometimes he wished to do other things

Take for instance this evening. The day was warm and clear, with little wind and few clouds in the sky. Dylan could have spent it swimming, playing soccer, playing basked or just hanging under the shades of the trees at the park. Instead he was sitting in the middle of a living room, tightly bound and gagged to a certain red-haired freak

He just knocked the door and stepped inside the house only to find Max bound and gagged on the floor. Next thing he knew, there was a (toy) gun aimed at his forehead and soon he had removed his shoes and sat on the floor tied with Max back-to-back

His hands were pulled behind him and tightly lashed together, his arms were pinned to his sides, ropes went above and below his chest, under his armpits and over his shoulder, he was starting to suspect that was Luke’s favorite tie, his ankles and knees were lashed together too, cinched in the middle. One more rope had been wrapped around his and Max’s chest and waist, holding them together. As a final touch, a red knotted bandanna had been tied between his teeth (he had to admit it matched his red t-shirt)

What else he could have done? There was a gun against his face, he couldn’t fight back against it…
“It was a toy gun, you could have told Luke to fuck off” a voice in his head spoke, he felt slightly alarmed that it was making a good point. If he hated being tied up so much why did he agreed?

Max smiled, biting down on the black bandanna tied between his teeth and rested his head on Dylan’s shoulder. Dylan found himself returning the smile. He was stronger than any of them, why did he always let them tie him up?

“You two look adorable” Luke grinned lying on the couch, looking down on them as the squirmed against each other. Both Max and Dylan glared at him letting out annoyed grunts. Dylan was always surprised that despite being the less strong of the group (after Tom), it was Luke the one who always turned tying the others up. Like everyone else, Dylan had noticed how his demeanor would change during those moments. How Luke would get more relaxed, extroverted and bratty (not to mention quite sadistic). He had seen him reduce Max and Tom to tears. Interestingly enough Dylan himself had never suffered the full extent of Luke’s assaults. There had always been tickles here and there and a few playful teases but never to the extend of Max or Tom… not that he complained.

“Ghn nhh rmhgh mn gnhtf?” asked Max fidgeting the ropes around Dylan’s wrists. He wiggled his fingers testing their bindings and shook his head; as always, Luke had made sure to keep the knots away from their fingers. The two kept squirming though, arching their backs and trying to flex their muscles.

“Whnt! Lhhg!” Max grunted jerking his head to his left. Dylan followed his eyes and noticed a small pocket knife lying on the floor

“Oh! You found the knife, how careless on my part!” Luke laughed watching them as if it was a really entertaining show. Max and Dylan ignored him and silently, with grunts and jerks, formulated a plan. If they could shift their butts sideways, they might be able to grab the knife and use it to cut the ropes

“Ht thrmm wm mhvm...” Max grunted

“Whn nht hnm?”

“BMGHHFM HmT'F HLWHNF HT THRMM!” something good from the time they had spend bound and gagged was that they were becoming quite prolific in gag talk. Too bad Dylan couldn’t add that to his list of skills for a future CV

“Hnm...twh...thrmm!” Max exclaimed and both tried to shift sideways, unfortunately they miscalculated each other’s strengths. Max was the first one to lost balance and fall sideways, the ropes tightened, digging into Dylan’s skin. He did his best to stay up but soon Max weight dragged him down too, until both ended lying on their side, the knife just inches from their noses

“That was epic!” Luke laughed jumping from the seat “Too bad you couldn’t escape, you know what that means right?”

Both kids gulped, shaking their heads and nervously wiggling their toes. Luke crouched and grabbed their ankles “Tiki wiki woo…” the moment his fingers grazed their bare soles both boys started squirming and giggling under their gags, Dylan closed his eyes bracing himself when an alarm went off

“Really?” Luke exclaimed letting go of their ankles and picking up his phone “I guess it’s time” he sat on the couch disappointed “You sure you can’t stay a little more?”

Max shook his head giving his friend an apologetic look; Luke reluctantly untied him, helping him get up.

“Sorry dude, but my parents want me early home so I can get ready dinner” Max apologized as soon as his gag was off. While they talked to each other, Dylan, now without an extra weight, struggled to get up, resting his back against the couch and trying to shift the ropes around him to a more comfortable position

“Anyway, see you later Dylan!” Max waved at him

“Fmm nhh Mhx!” Dylan grunted trying to wave his hand. Max grinned and whispered something on Luke’s ear. Whatever it was, it made Luke blush brightly and punch Max’s arm

“Shut up!” he hissed shoving a laughing Max outside and slamming the door in his face

“Mmphh?” Dylan asked watching Luke walking back

“Don’t mind him” he said still red and collapsed on the couch “Max is an idiot”

Dylan shrugged, he wasn’t going to argue with that “Ghn nhh hntnm mm?” he asked hopeful, slightly squirming

“Nah” Luke smiled gently stroking his hair, it felt strangely good, perhaps Dylan should ask Amanda to do that next time “I like you better tied up” Dylan let a soft whine and made puppy eyes but those didn’t seem to have any effect on Luke, in fact he seemed to enjoy that even more

“Since you ask so nicely, I won’t torture you” Luke smirked, Dylan smiled sheepishly. If he couldn’t get out he could at least live with that compromise. Luke kept smiling at him and patted the cushion besides him “Come up boy!”

Dylan gave him a quick annoyed glare but nevertheless started squirming, leaning his back against the couch and wiggling his body so he slowly lifted his butt from the floor, using his legs for support, he managed to crawl on top of the couch, sitting besides Luke. The black-haired boy leaned sideways resting his head on Dylan’s lap, running a hand through his black hair while looking up at the bound boy

“You look nice with a gag” he smiled “maybe I should keep you gagged more often”

“Hhhh... hnllhrnhhf” Dylan grunted rolling his eyes, Luke chuckled and raised his hand; picking the bandanna and gently pulling it down “Does that means I’m allowed to speak?” Dylan grinned

Luke smile and nodded, still looking straight at his eyes. To be honest it was making Dylan a little bit uncomfortable but he brushed that feeling aside

“Luke… can I ask you something?” the boy nodded looking at him with interest “Why do you like tying others up?”

Luke frowned and looked at the ceiling pensively “It’s fun…” Dylan raised an eyebrow “I’m not sure but… I guess I like being in control. I’m not the strongest here so, when others are tied up I feel like they are my equals instead of above me…”

“I can see that, you are usually more outgoing when in charge…it’s almost like…”

“Evil Luke takes over?” both kids laughed “I’m a weirdo, aren’t I?” Luke finally asked looking away

“Yes, you are” Dylan shrugged “But have you seen Tom or Max? You are plain compared to them!” Luke smiled at him, almost with admiration

“What about you? Why do you like being tied up?”

“I don’t like it!” Dylan complained “I don’t hate it but I’m not-”

To his surprise, Luke burst out laughing “You don’t like it? Dude! You never say no to it!”

“I’m not given a chance!” Dylan exclaimed blushing

“You have one now” Luke smirked “You could be demanding to be untied yet you are playing along”

Dylan was at loss of words. He never stopped to really consider it, why did he always play along? At worse he would offer a token resistance yet he never told them to stop. He never though he would enjoy being restrained like that and his first experiences wouldn’t be considered enjoyable. But whenever his friends were involved, he actually had fun struggling along them, trying to escape, heck even being tortured by Luke was quite entertaining. He looked down at Luke to find a wide grin on his mouth

“You are a weirdo too”

“Shut up!” he blushed looking aside. Luke playfully poke his side making him snort

“Come on…admit it” he hummed repeatedly poking his sides

“No! Hehehe…Luke…hehe…I’m serious…hehe…LUKE…HAHAHA…STOP!... HAHAHA!” By this point the “playful pokes” had turned into a full tickle assault on his stomach and ribs. Dylan jolted backwards, wiggling his body like a worm, desperately trying to crawl away only for Luke to get a hold of his body and drag him back

“Say it!”


“Admit it!”

“LUKEEEE! HAHAHAHA! STOP! HAHAHAHA!” Dylan couldn’t hold it any longer, he felt about to explode “FINEEEE! FINEEEE! YOU WIN!” The tickles subsided and both boy lay on the couch panting. Luke on top of Dylan, using his weight to pin him down. His face hovering above Dylan’s, looking expectantly at him

“I’m... I’m a weirdo too” he blushed unable to hold back a smile “I guess I do like getting tied up with you guys…it’s kinda fummpph!”

Luke leaned over him, his lips touched his. Dylan froze looking straight at his friend with wide eyes, his body tensed as he felt Luke’s lips pressing against his. This was a joke, right? He wanted to shove him aside but his hands remained behind his back, not only trapped by the ropes but pinned down by the weight of their bodies. Luke was lying on top of him kissing him!

Finally, Luke broke the kiss and pulled back, tenderly smiling at him. Dylan returned a different look. He was surprised, and flattered, and worried, and angry, and scared… he didn’t know how he felt. Luke was looking at him expectantly, his smile slightly wavering. Oh god! He wanted Dylan to say something! What could he say?

“I like girls” he spat


“I like girls! I don’t like boys, I mean I like hanging out with boys and have nothing against them but I don’t like them like them you know? In fact, I have a girlfriend, her name is Amanda, you should meet her! We’ve been official for a week now, that’s why I didn’t tell you anything, last time we went to an arcade, did you know they still exist? I’ve never seen so many retro games…”

Why did he was still talking? How did he never realized how Luke felt? Now that he thought of it the signs were there! The way he looked at him, the way he acted, Max and Tom’s jokes… Max and Tom! Were they aware of this? Was it really so obvious and he was the only one who never noticed it? And why he kept rambling?

“Iputchocolatesyrupineverythingyoushouldtryitpopcorntastesdeliciousprobablynothatgoodinsoupsbut-” thankfully Luke placed his hand over Dylan’s’ mouth. Dylan looked at him expectantly, it was his turn to say something…whatever, Luke was the one who kissed him, it was up to him to fix it, he had to fix that mess!

“Psyche!” he laughed, a really nervous, desperate laugh “Can’t believe you fall for it!” he pulled his hand back, Dylan nervously licked his lips “You should have seen the look in your face!” Dylan could see a teary glow appearing on his eyes

“Haha, yeah, you got me” Dylan played along “For a moment I was freaking out!” he was still freaking out “But it was just a prank, right? You see me just like a friend, right?”

“Pfff! Of course! I don’t like you!” it was painfully obvious that Luke was lying “I just wanted to mess with you” both boys stayed in silence, giving each other awkward smiles. Both boys knew that it hadn’t been a prank yet for the sake of their friendship were willing to pretend otherwise

“Ummm… okay then” Dylan finally broke the uncomfortable silence “So, can you untie me?”

“Yeah, of course!” Luke kept his increasingly eerie smile as he spun Dylan around and untied his hands, helping him get the rest of the ropes off his body

“Umm…listen Luke” he sat up putting on his shoes, not even bothering to look for his socks. There were a lot of things he wanted to tell him, a lot of things he needed to say but each of them seemed to get stuck in his throat “It’s getting late, I should get going” he lied, it wasn’t remotely late

“Dylan” Luke grabbed his hand before he left, nervously looking at the floor “You know this was just a prank, right?”

Dylan nodded, still a little bit tense “Yep, just a prank, sounds right” he pulled his hand away from Luke and made his way to the door “I’ll see you later then Luke!”

“See yah Dylan!” they waved at each other and Dylan walked out of the house. The boy sighed and ran a hand through his brown hair. This was going to be incredibly awkward
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Post by LK3869 »

Hmm, things get complicated in our innocent little town ;) Quite glad I never had to live such an awkward moment, even without TUGs involved . Guess Luke will need his friends more than ever ( and tie them even more ) :mrgreen:
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by Chris12 »

Ouch that's gotta sting :D
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Post by alkaid_ »


Whoi's gonna think thah Like, yhe weakest boy in the group has an evielest and sadisct mind if TuG and "torture" talk about.

We can see it when Like was the master mind in Kyle and gang revenge.

Luke scare me... jejjejejejejejej

But you too let see us what maybe Luke is gay? "Bonding time" was a great example.
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Post by drawscore »

Sounds a bit like my friends when I was growing up. Doug (13) liked getting tied up, but tried not to show it; Scott (13) and Allen (14) were brothers, also good at getting loose, but didn't show off like Doug. Charlie (14), Allen and Scott's cousin, lived with them. He wasn't any good at escaping, but was good at tying, and liked doing it.

Those were the primary kids; secondaries were Ronnie (almost 14); his little brother, Mark (10/11), Mark's best friend, Kevin (11), 1/32 Cheyenne Indian, and quite good at tying whoever he tied; Red Jeff (12) nicknamed for his red hair; and Big Chris, to tell him apart from a tertiary friend, Little Chris (13).

One thing we all agreed on, was that if we were going to get tied up, it was more fun when we were tied up with a friend.

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Post by harveygasson »

Wow that was a really emotional part in the series. Another great part to your ongoing story, I await with anticipation for the fallout of Luke's little 'confession'
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