Nothing personal Captain Harris (mf/f)

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Nothing personal Captain Harris (mf/f)

Post by McMurdoPI »

"Why are you doing this?!" The words burst from the naval officers lips unchecked. Elisha Harris knew she should be afraid of this man and his team of mercenaries but she was too angry to care.

The goons had subdued her entire command, some just tied and gagged, others wounded during the take over. They had taken her and the team on the bridge first, seizing communications and the brains of the operation. A very organized plan.

"You ask a lot of questions for someone who says she doesn't need to be gagged." The man tying her up had threatened her with the gag earlier. She had convinced him that it would be unecessary given the circumstances.

"Please just tell me how I can help keep this situation's death toll at zero." The tight knotting of the rope behind her shoulders made her gasp.

The woman in charge of the terrorists on the bridge came over and got face to face with the captain.

"You know captain, a gag is an honorific of sorts. It means we think you're too smart to leave talking. Intelligent men and women, especially women, can talk themselves out of situations. They can even get a well oiled team to turn on one another given the right circumstances."

Captain Harris swallows nervously, "look I'm just trying to help. I'm not a fool. No- don't, don't put those in my mouth! I'll be good." The socks were stuffed into the Captain's mouth, smudging her lipstick across her upperlip. That didn't matter though because the sadistic criminal wrapped the medical microfoam tape around Captain Harris's head until she couldn't be heard outside the room, despite her loud energetic protests.

"I agree Captain. You are no fool. That's why you need to be prevented from doing any talking. You're too smart for you're own good. I fear you have what it takes to get out of this if we aren't extra careful with smart women like you."

Captain Harris's assistant on the bridge was a young man named Todd. Todd sympathetically looked over at the now restrained and silenced Captain. His look said it well, "all hope is lost."
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Post by McMurdoPI »

Captain Harris tried to remain calm and using her eyes, she visited each face around the room, reading her captors and reassuring the men and women under her command. The men and women restrained and gagged, unable to move or call for help. Men and women who depended on Captain Harris to save them..

After an hour at sea, the bridge atmosphere became tense with anticipation. What would happen next? Would they be all thrown into the ocean at the end of this ordeal? She had heard of pirates tying sailors to ordinance and tossing them overboard. She felt a shover of fear at the thought of it.

An alarm buzzed on the communications desk. Another ship was trying to hail the USS Penelope. The woman in charge of the bridge, the leader of the terrorists walked over to Harris and said, " you will tell them all is well."

The captain made a noise into her gag, signaling she would do none of the sort. A gun was pressed against her skull, causing her to angrily shout into the socks pressed into her mouth and the tape holding it all in.

Still, the captain refused to be a pawn. Thinking quickly the lead terrorist grabbed the second on charge and brought him over to the bound captain. She took her gloved hands and pressed them over his gagged mouth and nose, sealing off air to his lungs, heart, and brain. Despite being expertly gagged like the captain, the man managed to make desperate noises that reminded Captain Harris of wild dogs or Coyotes. She couldn't... She wouldn't let this happen.

"Mmokmmay mmmyyyle mmooo mmit, (okay I'll do it)!" the captain shouted into her gag. The female hostage taker wasted no time in removing her hands and unwrapping the tight gag surrounding the Captain's mouth.
Hello everyone! 32, m, Michigan, always willing to chat and help new folks get oriented.

Post by Hojojutsutengu »

This is an excellent story! Much too smart for her own good!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good idea!
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Post by McMurdoPI »

"i- I'm sorry for the delay," the captain flexed her jaw after the wadded cloth came out of her mouth. Even as she spoke she was getting back control so it sounded just a little shaky.

After a breath she continued, "we are all fine over here, just tied up... with communications problems."

After a skeptical confirmation from the other vessel the line was closed.

The leader of the gang picked up the spit soaked stuffing from the table and began roughly pushing it back into captiain Harris's mouth. She fought valiantly, not wanting to be gagged so tightly again, still fighting the soreness in her jaw.

"We will see who will be having communication problems after this. Nice cute joke, tied up with communications problems. Ok J I want the gorilla tape and I want it now."

As the thick sticky tape was layered onto captain Harris's face the creul woman said, "oh does your jaw ache? Just wait till you've had this gag on for a few hours. Who knows you might not be able talk right again." She laughed as she finished tightly pulling the tape around the victims head one last time. She used her teeth to separate the roll and just smiled at the poor captain.

"Might as well get her ready boys." The command was followed without question. Captain Harris was placed standing on a chair with a noose around her neck. One leg of the chair was purposely shortened to make the chair tiddle...

*Thanks for the comments all! As much as I like gags in my stories, I don't want them on critics with something constructive to say lol!*
Hello everyone! 32, m, Michigan, always willing to chat and help new folks get oriented.

Post by Hojojutsutengu »

No these are great! Especially the gorilla tape cameo!
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Post by Caesar73 »

The Terrorists are really cruel ..... poor Captain Harris ...good Story - and a good gag :D
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Post by McMurdoPI »

After an hour of "smooth sailing" there was an alert. The ship they had hailed earlier was coming after them. The Iranian captain seemed to be convinced that Harris was under duress based on their short conversation earlier. He was demanding to speak with her again. The terrorist leader clicked her tongue, looked at all of the tape pressing against the Captain's face, her face red with agitation from the gorilla tape. She decided that it'd be too much work to get that gag off now and besides, the gesture would ruin all of the hard work. She was starting to break the strong willed captain. No need to undo that gag, it was slowly beating the determined captain into submission.

The leader of the violent group reacted quickly, "ok this isn't how we planned it, but we will go with it." She turned to the captain, now losing feeling in her toes, the noose tightening around her neck.

"I respect you captain. This is not personal. I had to be severe with you because you are a severe woman. You are not weak, nor easily subdued. But now I regret to say we will have to go beyond simply killing you and your crew. You will have take responsibility for this disaster."

Captain Harris tried to communicate, plead, anything but the tight and cruel gag made her entreaties sound like a wounded animal.

As the ship changed course they prepared to ram the other ship. "Take her down, we will need to be sure she survived this. You see captain Harris, you will face what is surely far worse than death for a honorable officer. You will become a villain, the cause for World war three perhaps." The captain could only manage angry noises as the plan was put into motion and she was lifted into a chair.

"Prepare for impact. Full speed ahead!"
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Post by McMurdoPI »

The ship appeared on the horizon quite quickly. Captain Harris knew that all ships were equipped with a reinforced bow that could cause damage to the broad side of other vessels. Never having been through a direct, purposeful collision before she couldn't be sure how it would impact he bridge.

But she had a pretty good idea. The leader of the pirates was standing in what the Captain would consider to be a very poor spot. She was positioned underneath the control modules' power supply.

Despite everything, despite all of the horrid treatment the woman had subjected her to, Captain Lena Harris couldn't stand by while someone was endangered. She began to feverishly kick her bound legs and grunt forcefully into the overkill gag thatd been her sentence for trying to save her crew. The trick had worked but not well enough.

The leader of the kidnappers just waived this new set of struggles off as more insubordination. "Shut her up, she is annoying me!"

One of the henchmen came over to the bound and rediculously gagged captain Harris. "Gee boss what do you want me to do, we've already gagged her so much that I'm worried she'll collapse as it is!"

"Just put your hands over her mouth and nose until she gives in. Do it!"

The man looked uncertain but he began to smother Captain Harris, gently pressing his black leather gloves hands over the powerless woman's nose...
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Post by Hojojutsutengu »

Ha! She’s going to get much worse if she ain’t careful!
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Post by McMurdoPI »

After a short period of sturggles and gasps for air, Captain Harris seemed to doze a little. The hardened criminal was sickened by the idea of killing someone that way and let off before she lost consciousness and felt bad for the poor woman as she gasped air through her nose.

The man even began to pull at the gorilla tape and slowly unwind it. As he did the impact occured.

The power supply fell onto the leaders shoulder, she would have been decapitated by it but a quick reaction left only her shoulder wounded. When all was said and done, both ships were slowly sinking but distress calls would lead to a rescue soon.

The leader of the badits glanced once at Captain Harris as she left on a gurney, perhaps acknowledging that the woman had tried to help her with those furious struggles earlier.

The man who'd been assigned to the Captain's torment began to earnestly pull apart the tape on the woman's mouth. As he extracted the cloth from her mouth he said, "are you alright ma'am?"

"Yes, tha-thank you. I don't know how much longer my jaw could have taken that gag. I really do think she wanted to shut me up for good."
Hello everyone! 32, m, Michigan, always willing to chat and help new folks get oriented.

Post by Hojojutsutengu »

Very nice. Please keep writing stories!
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Post by McMurdoPI »

The man took a wet rag and clesn the adhesive debris from Captain Harris's face as she breathed in and out trying to relax. The man said hopefully, "I suppose the other ship is calling for aid right now. It'll only be a matter of time and you will all be returned to the Navynor coast guard.

Just then something came on over the crackling radio, "it appears limited.....range.."

Captain Harris interpreted the broken chatter, "their' antenna is broken. They will only have short range radio capability. We're going to sink in hours... and without help..."

The man who'd taken charge of the terrorists made an order to cut everyone loose. As the crew took charge of the bridge, orders were made to prepare the lifeboats.
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Post by McMurdoPI »

On the way out to the life boats the crew noticed captain Harris hadn't followed behind.

Her first mate and the navigator raced back to the bridge where they found Captain Harris at the wheel. She was determined to go down with the ship.

Taking up the duct tape they wrestled the captain to the floor and bound her foot to mouth in an act of compassionate mutiny. They comforted her with words of praise for her bravey and told her they'd cut her loose once they were safely away.

As they reached the lifeboats a voice cried out over the din. It was the female terrorist leader from before. Whatever the doctor had given her was working. She was leading a band of the hardest meanest terrorists down the deck towards the last life boat. As the trio of naval personnel prepared to be gunned down, something unexpected happened. An explosion blew the terrorists to cinders. A whistle from the deck above drew captain Harris's attention to a man in black, the terrorist who had cut her loose. He waving and smiling. "Looks like I just got promoted. Funny how things happen."

He saluted as they sailed off in the boat to safety shouting, "until next time captain!" According to the first mate, the noise the captain made into her gag sounded a lot like, "I love you!"
Hello everyone! 32, m, Michigan, always willing to chat and help new folks get oriented.
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