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Home alone M/f

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:53 pm
by Sociopath3
"Stephany can you cone down for a minute" John called, "coming dad" she replied walking in paying little attention to anything but her phone, "I'm going out for a few hours and I can't trust you since the last time I left you alone and you broke the tv, so I have to take measure to avoid you damaging anything." he said, she looked up to see him pull out a coil of rope and some duct tape. "No No No, that's not needed, come on dad can't you trust me?" Stephany pleaded "I'm sorry but I have to for your safety and to avoid any further damages, I promise I'll be at most three hours." John replied with a sorry look on his face, "fine, but be as fast as possible".
First her hands, elbows, knees and ankles were tied, then she was tied into a chest harness, she was then sat down onto a chair and her torso and thighs were taped to it. Then John shoved his gym sock into her mouth and wrapped tape around her head thrice, he then said in an angry tone "I found your weed, your punishment is just beginning." and then he left.

Stephany begun struggling and screaming to no avail she stopped to breath and decided to just wait for her punishment.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, if you want a sequel let me know.

Re: Home alone M/f

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:19 pm
by Beetlebailey13
This is Very Nice and Good Start to Story! A Sequel would be Good

Re: Home alone M/f

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:33 pm
by WyattW5
Not bad. I would say a little faster pace then most stories. I would like to see a sequel. (maybe describe what the characters look like) just a couple of little things.

Re: Home alone M/f

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:17 pm
by Caesar73
Good entry! A little fast maybe, but that is no manko, just an Observation. As Wyatt wrote, a few more details would make your characters more colourful. I would appriciate a Sequel! To sum it up? Good job!