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Not a real experiment (mmm/fffff)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:34 pm
by WayBiggerJaws

My parents have been gone an hour now, and at the earliest it'll be another five before they return slightly tipsy from Glenn and Deboras garden party two streets over. I say my, but I should really say our parents, since my sixteen year old twin sister Kayleigh is currently laid out on a towel in one of several bikinis she owns, a black Roxy tie side this time, working on her tan. I should leave her be, I really should, but I won't.

I wander over, in my red Animal boardshorts, white tee tucked into my waist, and position myself so my shadow falls across her face. This has the desired effect of getting her attention as after a minute she sighs, and sitting up removes her sunglasses to give me what she hopes is a suitably annoyed look. "Yes little brother?" I grin, and she grins back, the false anger gone, she's only older by a matter of minutes, but likes to tease me. I put on my best thoughtful face, hand cupping my chin. "I was thinking."
"You were huh?" Still smiling, she knows me well enough to know I'm working up to some revelation or crazy scheme, she just has to play along and wait. "Care to fill a girl in."
"Sure." I nod, over exaggerating the gesture as a show of my eagerness to share. She laughs, as do I. "You know how stuff attracts stuff, like blood attracts sharks."
"Or your next door friends bellies attract pizza?" She's smiling, trying to bait me, and trying to join in without actually knowing where I'm headed with this. The two brothers next door aren't fat, but they love a Dominos more then anyone I know, as does their sister, who at fourteen is slightly too young to be Kayleighs friend. I smile back, refusing to be drawn, and bat her comment away with my hands. "Right. So, I reckon if I were to tie you to our tree, then by that logic within, I don't know, say three hours? Yes, three hours. Within that time you'd attract maybe up to a half dozen other tied up girls." By the time I've finished my arms are folded across my chest, and I'm nodding along with my own hypothesis like a college professor. As I stop speaking she just looks at me, and then bursts out laughing. "Seriously?" I pretend to give the matter some more due consideration, even pacing away to the tree, a small birch planted ten years ago when we all moved here, I shake it gently as if testing something, and put up a finger as if checking wind direction for good measure before looking back at her. "Yes." I conclude. "I've no doubt in my mind of the certainty of this theory." She laughs all over again at my completely serious tone. Then gets up, makes a show of brushing herself down, before walking over to stand with me. Giving the tree a pat herself she asks. "And I suppose the good professor has all the equipment necessary to conduct this important experiment?"
"I do yes, there's spare washing line hanging in the garage."
"Okay, off you go and fetch it then."
"Really?" I can't quite keep the surprise out of my voice, she almost always plays along with my stupid games, because it keeps life interesting she answered when I asked her why once, but I was sure tying her up would cross the line. But I guess not. "Yes." She says, nodding. "I'll wait here." So off I go.

Five minutes later and true to her word Kayleigh is still at the tree, waiting. I dump the rolled up washing line on the ground, and hand over one of her scarves, thin and wool with multicoloured stripes. She eyes it suspiciously. "I'm supposed to do what with this, gag myself?"
"Got it in one." I make a show of thinking and gesturing out the response. "Talking could ruin the whole experiment, scare away the other tied up girls." She shakes her head, silly brother, but she's smiling as she does. "Okay then, we'll do it your way." Taking the scarf she places the centre behind her head, before wrapping each end around towards her mouth, pinning her shoulder length blonde hair to her head as she does. Opening wide she ties a large double knot, using it to force her jaws apart, before wrapping the remaining slack around and tying it off tightly behind her head. She gives me a twirl, so I can see what a good job she did. I laugh, and she smiles as best she can around the large tight knots. "Let's get you finished then yes?" She nods, and obediently backs up against the tree, standing straight and reaching around behind her to reverse hug the trunk. I grab the washing line and unwind it, moving behind her. Starting with one of the ends I tie her wrists, wrapping and knotting tightly a couple of times, tying them crossed together. She flinches each time I pull a knot tight, small grunts escaping around the gag. It occurs to me she never actually asked any questions of my plan, such as how tightly will you tie me, or when exactly will you let me go? I shrug it off with a small smile, her problem, should've expected it all to be tight really. Right? With her wrists finished I begin wrapping. The excess washing line is heaped on the ground, I begin to feed this through my hand as I circle her, keeping it tight as I go. First off I bind her wrists to the trunk, then I work my way down. All the way to her ankles, around and around, pulling tight as I go, securing her legs tight together to the trunk, tying her ankles to it like I did her wrists. The washing line is plastic coated, and I can see it digging into all her exposed skin as I repeatedly pull it tight. At her ankles I move back upwards, around and around, back up past her waist, being careful to wrap above and below her breasts rather then pinch or squash them. At her shoulders I wrap back down, there's tons of this stuff, and make it back to her wrists. I tie the final loose end to her original wrist knots, sealing her in. My sister is now covered in plastic coated cord, she'll look quite a picture when I do free her, or she escapes, since it's digging in all up and down her from the tightness of my wrapping. I step back, look her up and down, and nod. "Okay?" She gives a little squirm, testing I guess, but seems unable to move much of anything. I give an amused giggle. "Caught then huh?" She nods. "Okay then. So, now I guess I'll start the clock." I pull out my phone, and show her a four hour countdown, which I start. "So let's see how many tied up girls our lure attracts." She shakes her head at me, and I walk away.

She makes a couple of grunts as I disappear behind her, and I see her attempt another struggle, her breasts jiggling as she wriggles fruitlessly. I smile as I approach the fence that separates this back garden from my friends nextdoor. At a particular section of fence, known only to me and the two brothers on the other side, I knock. "You there?" There's a creak, and one of the vertical wooden panels comes away. Stood in the gap is Ed, the older brother. "What's up?"
"Okay, I can explain, but, I need to borrow your sister. For about four hours."
"Sure." Which brings me up short, since I was all ready with some crazy explanation as to why I needed, really needed, to tie up their sister. "Sure? You don't even want to know why?"
"We already know why. Hold on, we're coming through." And with that his brother, John, begins removing the other preloosened panels.

Re: Not a real experiment (mmm/fffff(possibly more))

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:35 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
Like it so far!

Re: Not a real experiment (mmm/fffff(possibly more))

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:34 pm
by Deleted User 93
Great start!

Re: Not a real experiment (mmm/fffff)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 6:22 pm
by WayBiggerJaws

It's Ed though, to mostly everyone. My Mum still calls me Edward, she's off with Elwoods parents at the garden party, enjoying the sun. I couldn't even begin to guess at where Dad is, he 'went out to pick up more milk' five years ago. I don't even miss him anymore, and I haven't walked in on Mum crying over him in over three years, which is good. My younger sister and brother only ever use my full name to tease, but it's always playful, so I only give them a dead arm some of the time.

John, he's fifteen, is inside, no doubt on the Xbox again. Jennifer and me are sunbathing on loungers, a low table holding iced fruit juice between us. The day is perfect, not too sunny or hot, just warm enough for me to be comfortable with my shirt off, something I don't often do outside of the garden due to not being a member of the six pack club. John and me just don't have the motivation to work out, unlike the two nextdoor. We three here all take after Mum, slightly on the short side, rounded more then skinny, messy brown hair all round.

My ears perk up at the sound of laughter, drifting over the fence from Elwoods. I hadn't realised they were both home. Jennifer has perked up too. Bless her, she's just too young to be a truly close friend to Kayleigh. They talk, and sometimes the five of us all hangout, but the age gap is against her, too many girlfriends Kayleighs own age for her to talk boys and college plans with. But Jennifer takes any oppertunity she can. "Hold on." I say to her. "I'll go take a peek, see what's so funny."
"Okay." She replies, nodding. I get up, and shrugging my blue Captain America tee on I wander over to the fence. We moved here after Dad left, downsizing to a more affordable rental. Elwood and Kayleigh were already nextdoor and we all soon became close friends. Over the course of a month, working discreetly whenever no parents were around, Elwood and me loosened a half dozen of the panels in the dividing fence. This way any one of us can easily cross between gardens anytime we want or need to. They simply lift out. At the fence I move one slightly sideways, just enough to allow a narrow view into nextdoors garden. I see Kayleigh first, stood next to the birch tree that sits nearly central, looking stunning as usual in a skimpy black bikini that shows off her slim busty frame to great effect. Elwood is a good friend, and it's the risk of ruining this that will always keep me from pursuing his sister. He appears then, as if summoned to defend his sister from my wandering thoughts. Bizarrely he's carrying some green washing line, and a scarf, which he hands to Kayleigh. They talk briefly, and straining hard I pick up something about an experiment, something about other tied up girls, and then taking me by complete surprise Kayleigh uses the scarf to gag herself, wrapping and knotting it very effectively from what I can see at this distance. With this complete she backs herself against the tree and Elwood proceeds to truss her tightly to it using the washing line.

"So what are they doing?" Jennifer's voice, virtually in my ear as she'd snuck up behind me whilst I was distracted by Kaylieghs barely clothed and nearly helpless by now body, makes me jump. I look at her, and then wordlessly step aside to let her see for herself. She steps up to the fence, and takes a peek. I can hear her sharply indrawn breath. "Why is he tying her up?" She asks me over her shoulder, still watching. "Do you know?"
"I do, I heard them talking. It's a game, I think there are supposed to be other girls too."
"Other tied up girls?"
"I think so, that seemed to be what Elwood was implying."
"So where are they?"
"No idea, maybe they're coming soon. Why, want to go through and volunteer?" Which gets her attention, as she steps back from the fence and looks at me. She's got that far off look all of a sudden, and I sigh internally realising I've just presented her with a potential oppertunity to join in and copy Kayleigh. "Do you think I could? Do you think I could join in?"
"Honestly, I don't know Jenn." Her face falls slightly, and seeing that a sudden plan takes hold, and I rally. "Tell you what though, if John and me tie and gag you, maybe to the lounger, then carry you through the gap. If you're already tied up like her then either Elwood unties you or you're officially playing. Right?"
"Yes. What a brilliant plan, thanks Ed." And she gives me a quick hug. "You and John won't untie me though will you?" I put up my hands. "Promise, we'll leave you strapped to the lounger all night if that's what you want?" Jennifer appears to consider. "Just untie me when Kayleigh gets untied, okay?"
"Got it. Now, go inside and fetch your brother. Tell him to get the cable ties from our toolkit." She nods okay and races off. I wander back to the loungers and sip some drink whilst I wait for them both to return.

Doesn't take them long, from the look on Johns face Jennifer likely turned his game off and dragged him out here, he's visibly scowling whilst she seems overjoyed at what she obviously sees as a fun game ahead. "Cheer up." I say to him. "Did you bring them?"
"I did." He nods, holding up the assorted bunch of plastic ties and a pair of cutters. "What's going on Ed, she wouldn't tell me, just danced in and turned off Call of Duty before dancing out again yelling about cable ties. My team is going to give me hell when I log back in next." I quickly hide my smirk at his worry over what a bunch of people he's never actually met think of him, it's all just too serious sometimes, and explain. "Long story short. Elwoods tying Kayleigh to the tree, and our sister wants to join in. So we'll tie her to the lounger here then drag her through the hole in the fence. Okay?"
"Right, bizzare, weird, not in the slightest what I was expecting you to say, but right. Okay." We both turn to face Jennifer, who without either of us realising was carrying a scarf, and whilst we were talking had been using it to gag herself in a very good copy of Kayleighs effort. She's stood now waiting, hands on hips, which looks very comical combined with the gag. John and me giggle, and she rolls her eyes at us. "Okay Jenn." I say. "Down on the lounger then, let's get you joined in." She lays down, on her back, and we get to work.

Because she's not a thin girl, though as I said earlier none of us three are fat, just more rounded or in her case you could sat curvy, Jennifer prefers one piece swimwear to a bikini. That's what she's dressed in now, a blue Speedo one. John and me take a side each, starting at the ankles and mostly working in synch. Each cable tie is pulled around both her limbs and the metal frame, securing her to it, before being pulled tight to the point it's digging in. I'm doing this is partly for realism, since somewhere in my head a voice is saying why tie her up if you make it so loose she'll just wriggle free, and partly because I saw how much the plastic washing line was digging into Kayleigh. I think John is pulling it so tight for revenge though, getting Jenn back for the computer. So together we strap her ankles and knees to each side of the lounger, forcing her legs to stay spread apart. With her arms down by her sides we manage to strap both her elbows and wrists to the side frame too. Stepping back it isn't much, certainly we've not secured her in many places, but as she gives an experimental wriggle I can see it's actually going to do a very effective job of holding her in place. I wander back over to the fence, with John following. And have just reached it when I hear Elwood asking if I'm around.

Together the three of us carry the strapped down Jennifer through the gap John opened up. We place the lounger down beside Kayleigh, who after looking briefly shocked at Jennifer's arrival simply shakes her head and giggles as best as the gag will allow. The two girls regard each other, and Jenn even manages to wave, but only just. The three of us move away several paces, to get some privacy. John and me turn to Elwood. "So." I say to him. "Care to explain why you tied your sister up, and what happens now?"

Re: Not a real experiment (mmm/fffff(possibly more))

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 2:41 am
by freyjaceleste862
Paragraphs are too long for my liking but acceptable story.

Re: Not a real experiment (mmm/fffff)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 4:20 pm
by WayBiggerJaws

Indoors, and my stomach is full of butterflies as I consider what I'm letting myself in for. But before I head upstairs to John's bedroom, where I know I'll find him, where he always is, playing Xbox, I take a couple of moments. I don't know the rules of whatever game Elwood and Kayleigh are playing, but that doesn't mean I can't attempt to put my own spin on upcoming events. I retrieve my mobile from where it was charging on the kitchen counter, and send out two messages.

The first, to Michelle, my Goth obsessed friend, slightly crushing on John who loves Classic metal above all other genres, and has been known to dress up in black from time to time.
'Hey. Bored? I'm at Kayleighs playing some weird kind of tie up game. It's boys tie girls, no clue why. But John is playing wink wink. Here's his number, should you want to volunteer to be captured hehe x'
I attach John's mobile number and hit send.

Secondly I message Helen, my fitness obsessed friend. Helen does so many different sports, she seems to be competing in one form or another almost every other weekend.
'Hey. Want a challenge? No clue why but there's a boys tie up girls game happening right now in Kayleighs back garden. She"s already tied, and within ten minutes I will be too hehe. Want to try sneaking in on a rescue mission? Fair warning though, if you fail you'll almost certainly wind up just as helpless as the rest of us x'
I hit send on that one too. Then without waiting for replies I put my phone back down and race off up the stairs, resuming my original task of collecting John.

Re: Not a real experiment (mmm/fffff(possibly more))

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 8:43 pm
by Deleted User 93
An interesting setup...

Re: Not a real experiment (mmm/fffff)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 10:35 am
by WayBiggerJaws

Ed and me get into a huddle with Elwood, across the other side of the garden, by the back door and away from the tied girls. Neither girl is attempting to look at us, we're kind of on their blind side here anyway, but both seem content to simply stay tied up and await developments.

On which subject Ed turns to Elwood. "So, care to fill us in on what game we just joined our sister into?"
"Of course." Elwood is smiling slightly. "It was just a crazy idea really, you know how I get sometimes?" Ed and me nod, both of us remembering past crazy schemes, such as all sneaking over to the local Tesco at midnight, hiding all the trolleys still in the car park in the bushes. Elwood continues. "I just wanted to see whether I could trick her into spending all afternoon tied up, I actually told her if she let me tie her then it would attract other tied girls." At which point we both laugh, and he grins wider. "Yeah, wasn't expecting for any tied girls to actually magically appear. I'll have to let her out before Mum and Dad come home, so will you with Jenn, but in the meantime, since another tied girl has joined us, any thoughts how we could add to the total?"
"Not a clue mate, sorry." Says Ed, and I'm opening my mouth to agree, when my phone text alert sounds.

"Hold on." I say to them both, pulling it out my shorts pocket and unlocking it. I stare blankly, not really believing what I'm reading. Seeing my confused expression Ed asks "What is it?"
"Who is it?" Elwood wants to know. "It's from Michelle, one of Jenns friends." To which Ed nods his agreement. I read the message to them, it's long, but by the time I've finished they're both grinning.
'Hi John, it's Michelle your sisters friend. I'd really love to play your tie up game, but I'm super nervous so can't actually ask except by text. Do you want to come and collect me? As an added incentive my friend Louise is here already tied and awaiting pick up, so she's already playing hehe. I'll explain when you get here. Are you coming?'
I look at the others. "Well?"
"Well, say yes of course." Elwood says, with Ed nodding. "Whose Louise? Doesn't matter actually. Can't pass up two for one right? Ed, you stay here, John and me will go and 'collect' these two. Yes?"
"Right." Says Ed. "Anything I need to do whilst you're gone?"
"Nope." Elwood turns to me. "Ready?" I nod, high five Ed by way of goodbye, as does Elwood, and off the two of us head. As we close the gate behind us Ed is walking around both girls, checking their bonds for slack.

We make excellent time over to Michelles, it's only ten minutes away, I've been there a couple of times to pick up or drop off Jenn when she was younger and Mum didn't want her walking alone. I knock, with Elwood waiting behind me. Michelle opens the front door and steps back to let us in, she looks nervous, but very pretty. Her black hair is tied into two small plaits. She's curvy, slightly bigger then Jenn. Her bigger bust is barely covered by a cut off black Iron Maiden tee, and she has tiny blue denim shorts on too. We all gather in the hallway whilst she shuts the door, pocketing the key. She looks nervous as she speaks to us, and can't seem to stop sneaking glances at me, which I realise confirms Jenns teasing that she has a crush. Realising that makes me blush, and seeing me blush makes Elwood smile. "Um, so I'll just explain, and then you can, you know, capture me I guess yes?" She blushes too as she says that last part, then continues. "Louise is in the garage, tied up on a cart, which is big enough to put me on too. She's my Goth friend, and we've always had this secret tie up game for years now, whenever we're alone. So today was her turn, so when I heard about your game I just kind of tied her up without telling her, and then once she was tied I told her you'd be coming. She got kind of pissed about that, but she's tied up so what can she do right?" At which all three of us grin at Louises problem. "Okay then". I say. "Shall we go to the garage?"
"Yes." Michelle says, really quietly, blushing all over again.

The garage is largely empty, tools and other assorted stuff line the walls, and in the centre sits the half occupied cart. It's a big wooden one, the kind you'd use to haul heavy stuff, with four rubber tyres and wooden sides. Louise is indeed already tied and waiting for us. She's been hogtied with belts, lots of belts. She looks slim, with dyed red hair in a spiky fashion style. Like Michelle she's wearing a cut off black tee, but in defiance of the weather she has wet look tight black leggings on too. Her ankles and wrists are secured with some of the smallest belts I've ever seen, as are her elbows. Her knees are bound above and below, with more belts above and below her large bust, holding her arms tight behind her. From the right angle I realise it's possible to look right up the bottom of her cut off top where the top belt holds it tight and the cut off nature of the top means the bottom belt doesn't catch it, so instead it hangs off her chest. She isn't wearing a bra. She has a red ball gag strapped on, Michelle points this out, telling us they each have one, treats for the tie up game that they snuck into an adult shop to buy a couple of months ago. Louise sees us and has another attempt at struggling free, which is clearly pointless as the belts have her too secure. We all smile at her predicament, and in the end she huffs before being still. "There's a large cloth over there." Michelle gestures to a shelf. "You can cover us both so we don't attract attention when your moving us to your place. I'm going to gag myself, and then you tie me with the rope here on that shelf John okay?"
"Okay." I nod, and whilst she straps on the ball gag Elwood fetches the cloth.

I tie her as well as I'm able, not having had any practice. Mostly I look at the belts on Louise and try to tie ropes in the same spots. I make sure to pull and knot everything tight, remembering how the cable ties and washing line dug into Kayleigh and Jenns skin, and figuring that to be the norm. I remind myself she's used to the tightness anyway, I can see Louises belts are digging in all over so they must tie each other tight all the time. Wrists behind first, and then a chest harness as best I can. I have to touch her breasts a couple of times doing the harness, to be sure I'm not pinching them, and I hear her breath catch each time I do. I think I'm going to have to ask her out, or at least talk to her, once this is over. She is a very pretty girl. I help her lay down in the cart, there's just enough room, before finishing off. I tie her ankles and the two knee ropes, before finishing off the hogtie with the joining rope, so now she mirrors her friend. Michelle rolls over, putting the girls chest to touching chest in the centre of the cart. I look up, and Elwood is there waiting, cloth unfolded ready. Together we put it over the girls, tucking it in around them so it won't come loose. Then we open the garage and roll the cart out before closing and locking it behind us. I briefly worry about how she'll get back in, before remembering she pocketed the front door key earlier.

The cart has a big metal handle, so the two of us grab a corner each and start the journey back to Elwoods. I look over at him, and he's smiling. "What?" I ask. "It's just funny is all John, it was just a silly spur of the moment idea to mess with my sister. And now here we are with four actual tied up girls. I mean." He shakes his head in bemusement. "How did that happen."
"I don't know." I say, shaking my own head too.

Re: Not a real experiment (mmm/fffff)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 2:56 pm
by WayBiggerJaws

I'm out jogging when Jennifer's message comes through, at the furthest point of the loop just turning back towards town. I slow down to a walk and take out my phone, then have to stop and focus on the screen as I don't believe what my eyes are seeing. I set off walking again, reading it several more times, turning the possibilities over in my head, it really is quite the perfect hook, Jenn knows me too well it seems, knows how big my competitive streak is. Even the added threat of becoming a tied up captive isn't as off putting as most would likely find it, if anything it only adds a thrill to the whole thing, an element of risk. I come to a decision, it just seems too much fun to not have a go. Plus for all I know, by the rules of this game, it might only be my rescue that can free the girls. What if I ignore the invitation and the two of them end up tied up until midnight because of it. Both Jenn and Kayleigh are friends, Jenn from school and Kayleigh I've competed against several times in the pool, so I owe it to my friends to try. I ring my Dad, and get voicemail. "Hi Dad." I say into my phone, knowing he'll find this in five hours when his shift ends. "It's me. I'm heading over Jennifers. I'll be home late, but I'll eat at hers don't worry." That done I slip my phone back into its armband, restart the music and set off jogging towards Kayleighs.

I'm sweating again as I slow down one street over, rounding a corner I almost run into the back of Elwood and John pulling a cloth covered cart towards home. Thinking fast I dive into a nearby bush, and watch from hiding sipping the last of my water bottle as they trundle down the street and turn the corner towards at the end. I give it five minutes, then feeling all Commando at my sudden need for stealth now it's officially game time I cautiously walk down the road after them. Peering around the corner the coast is clear, the back gate closed. I do some more sneaking, right up to the back fence, and without pausing I pull myself up and over in one fluid movement, dropping down into the hedge I know from a previous visit I'll find seperating the fence from the garden proper. The hedge is thick enough to hide me from casual view, and luckily nobody was looking in this direction as I hear no shouts or alarms following my entrance. Content I'm still winning, still undiscovered, I settle down and take in the scene before me.

I can see the tree clearly enough, it sits right in the middle of the garden, and tied to it is Kayleigh. She's been trussed up pretty tightly from what I can see, and wearing only a skimpy bikini too, which admittedly isn't much more then the small black lycra shorts and white sports bra I'm wearing. She's been gagged with a scarf, as has Jenn, who I can see cable tied to a sun lounger at Kayleighs feet in a one piece swimsuit. It's the other two who I wasn't expecting to see here, from this distance it looks like Michelle and Louise, the Goth girls from my year at school. It must of been them in the cart I realise, since the cart sits empty nearby and both tightly hogtied girls are now beside the tree. Of the four only Louise seems unhappy with her predicament, of the four she's the only one putting up any kind of a fight, the only one struggling. The other three seem quite content with being tightly tied and gagged out in the sun. I can see the three boys through the open kitchen doorway, Jenns two brothers and Kayleighs brother too. No way can I make a move with them still right there, so I sit down on the dry ground and wait.

Maybe a half hour later one of them, Ed, comes out to check on the girls, he walks around each in turn, offering up some water through a straw and checking on all the ropes and whatever, making sure of tightness I'd guess. Then he goes in and shuts the door behind him. Through the window I see all three troop upstairs. It's now or never I decide, time to act fast. Breaking cover I don't bother to move slowly, if the boys can see me then I've already lost. I cross the garden and head over to the four girls, Kayleigh sees me as I approach, and I wave, she does her best to smile around the scarf gag. I quickly decide on an order to do this, and move to Louise first, as she seemed to be the least happy. She bucks as I come up behind her and place a hand on the first belt. "Shhh." I whisper. "It's Helen, I'm here to get you out. Hold on." At this she nods, then stills. I see Jennifer look over at me, and she too smiles around the gag. Michelle can't see me due to the angle she got placed on the floor, but she stills too so I know I've been heard by all four. I work as quickly as I can, unbuckling all of the various belts, and the ball gag, until Louise is free. "Okay?" I ask, looking her in the eye, she nods, so I move on to Michelle. I'm just reaching for the hogtie connecting rope, looking for a knot to loosen, when I feel a hand on my arm. I jump, and only just manage to remain quiet. Turning I see Louise has come up behind me, she's shaking her head. "Not her, she's mine now, I'm owed. Help me put her in the cart Helen." I look at Michelle, who has squirmed around to follow this exchange, and is now furiously struggling and shaking her head, pleading through the gag from what I can make out. I look back to Louise. "I think she wants me to get her out."
"Help me put her in the cart or I'll use those belts to strap you face down on top of Jenn over there, and then take her anyway." She flexes an arm. "I know you do all kinds of sports, but don't forget I'm stronger then you. So what will it be?" I look at Michelle, what choice do I have, I can't best Louise, and she knows it, so if I want to rescue the other two I have to let her take Michelle. I look at her now. "Sorry." I whisper, then turn to Louise. "Okay." Together we pick Michelle up and place her in the cart. Louise loads up all the belts, and quickly covers her friend with a large cloth. She whispers "Good luck." To me, to which I nod, before leaving as quietly as possible through the gate.

All I have on me is my house key and phone, but I know I'll find scissors in the kitchen. It takes forever, it feels like, to quietly open the doorway and sneak across the room to retrieve them from the knife rack by the cooker. I close the door again behind me and head over to Jennifer. Being quick I cut through all her cable tie bonds, and leaving her to deal with the gag I head over to Kayleigh. Approaching the back of the tree I can't see any visible knot, so first I ungag her. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. What the hell are you doing here? Not that I'm ungrateful, but, what the hell?"
"Jenn messaged me, more or less challanged me to free you all."
"Not sure you did a very a good job of freeing Michelle."
"Yeah, I know, wonder what'll happen to her?" I shake my head, not knowing, and still cross with myself for giving in so easily. "Listen." I say to Kayleigh. "I need to cut you free, but it'll take time so just relax okay?"
"Okay." She nods. I move around behind her and get to work cutting.

I'm so focused on the task at hand that I lose myself in the moment, and become oblivious to everything going on around me, so much so that as I cut the final piece I look up and am surprised to first find the kitchen door stood wide open, and then to find Jennifer gone. Suddenly I'm grabbed from behind.

Re: Not a real experiment (mmm/fffff)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 2:57 pm
by WayBiggerJaws

From the upstairs window the three of us watch developments. I've no real clue who this new girl is, but John thinks he recognizes her from school. We all watch her sneak over to our captives and unstrap Louise, then we try to control our laughter as Michelle gets what must be her comuppence, just reward for tricking Louise into all this it seems as she's carted off still in a tight hogtie.

When the new girl comes inside the other two are all for grabbing her, but I talk them out of it. "We needed to end this somehow, and this feels better then our simply untying them in a couple more hours." I tell them. Back outside again and Jennifer is freed, then the new girl moves on to Kayleigh, which I can tell is going to take her some time. Jennifer comes wandering in just as the three of us are heading downstairs. "Hi sister, have fun?" Asks Ed. She smiles. "I did actually, maybe we'll have to play again?"
"Maybe." I nod agreement. "You all off?"
"Yeah." Says Ed, unless you want some help?" He asks gesturing at the other girl. "Who is she, and what's she doing here?" I ask Jenn. "It's my friend Helen, I messaged her, more or less dared her to come and free us."
"Oh, well, seems she's doing a good job."
"Yeah, of course." And now Jenn is smiling. "I did warn her she could wind up captured." Now I'm grinning to. "You did huh?" I look outside, Kayleigh is almost free. "Well Jenn, care to carry on playing?"
"Yes." She nods. "Okay." So the two brothers leave, off home nextdoor. After a quick planning session Jenn heads upstairs and I slip outside.

She never sees me coming. Only just having finished freeing my sister I grab her from behind as she steps back. I lock her arms behind her with one arm whilst using the other to pull a woolly hat all the way down over her head, blinding her. And then I'm off, before she can react or find her feet I'm dragging her backwards towards the house. As I pass Kayleigh she bursts out laughing at the sight, before stepping forward to hoist up Helen's legs, making her easy to carry into the house and upstairs. Into Kayleighs bedroom where Jennifer is waiting, working together using scarves and long shoelaces each limb is double tied to a separate corner post of Kayleighs double bed. We stretch Helen tight, being sure to yank each limb out into a straight line before tying it off, making sure she has zero slack. We tie her face up in this X shape, and once she's done we add a scarf over the top of her pulled down hat, making sure to force it into her mouth so now she's both blind and gagged. With that all done we step back, and admire our handiwork. She's easily the most in shape girl I've ever seen, and being stretched out only shows off her muscular toned body even more, especially since she's wearing next to nothing. Her breasts are smaller then Jenns and Kayleighs, but she's not flat chested, and her blonde hair is just visible hanging underneath the hat. She certainly isn't going anywhere soon, I can see her attempting to struggle, but the tight ties mean that she can barely move. Bending down I unstrap her phone holder from her arm, and find a text from her Dad.
'Okay then, see you later, try to be home by 10. Dad x'
I show it to the girls, handing them the phone. "Guess you know when you have to give her back then huh." I say, both are grinning. "Well, okay then, have fun, and don't break her." I grin back, and close the bedroom door as I leave.