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The Best Valentines Gift is Yourself (M/F x2)

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:57 am
by TamatoaShiny123
It was Valentines Day at the Avengers Compound. The heroes had had a busy week: hunting down HYDRA agents, stopping Whirlwind from creating an F-5 tornado in the center of Time Square and investigating rumors of a blonde Black Widow (long story). They were so busy that Natasha didn’t have time to buy Wanda a gift. So, she decided to give her a different (albeit kind of lazy) gift: herself.

“Steve,” she said as he walked up to him. “I want to do some sparring. Right now.”
“Uh...sure,” he said as he followed her to the training room.

“But let’s make this more interesting,” Natasha said, picking up a duffel bag she had left at the training room’s entrance. “Winner ties up loser.”

Obviously, this was all an elaborate plot for Nat to get tied up. She could’ve asked for Steve’s help directly, but she felt like it’d hurt her image; the dominant and independent spy asking a big strong man to make her helpless. Thus, she decided to take the less direct route.

Steve looked at the contents of the bag (rope and tape) and shrugged. “Hey, your funeral, Nat,” he said, following her into the room.

The two soon locked up, trying to get the better of each other. Steve picked Nat up on his shoulder, but she was able to slip down and connect with a kick to the chest, sending him staggering back. She ran at him, only for Steve to catch her in a headlock and throw her to the floor.

Keeping the headlock on, he increased the pressure around Nat’s skull. “Give up yet?”
“Yep. I submit.”

Steve let go in surprise. “Really?”
“Yep. You win, Steve,” she told him, staying on the floor.
“It’s just usually put up much more of a fight. I was expecting several kicks to the skull when I tightened that headlock.”
“It was a really tight headlock,” the spy told him as she rolled onto her stomach, crossing her wrists behind her back. “Now then, about that stipulation...”

Steve grabbed the duffel bag and knelt down in front of her. “It was your stipulation,” he reminded her. “You’ve no one to blame but yourself.”

”I’m well aware of that, dummy,” she thought to herself as he first grabbed the roll of duct tape. Grabbing each hand, he wrapped both sets of fingers in layer upon layer of tape.

“Creative,” she muttered as he patted the end of the tape wrap in place.
“What? I know that if I don’t keep those fingers in check, you’ll free yourself in no time.”

“Aww, you figured me out,” she pouted as he finally grabbed the first coil of rope. Gently yet firmly, Steve tied it around her wrists and cinched the knot, doing the same with a rope around her elbows.

“Regretting this yet?” Steve asked.
“My only regret is that you tie like a sissy,” she bantered back. This resulted in the next rope, which was around the waist, being extra tight, causing Nat to smirk.

“Watch your mouth,” he warned.
“And if I don’t, then what?” Natasha asked with another smirk.
“I still have plenty of tape left...”

Wanting to keep talking to Steve, at least for a little while longer, the redhead decided to stop the taunting. Focusing again, Steve tied another rope around her shoulders.

“Roll over on your back and bend your knees,” the supersoldier ordered.

When she did, Steve grabbed more rope and tied her bent knees so that they stayed bent; a perfectly strict frogtie.

Natasha struggled around in the ropes, looking for any chance of escape. But there was none; the ropes were expertly knotted and her fingers were kept out of the way via the tape.

“Perfect,” the bound spy muttered.
“Yea,” Steve chimed in. “Wanda is sure gonna love it.”

Startled, Natasha looked up at him. “What?”
“Come on, Nat. Today’s date, the way you challenged me to a fight with that unique stipulation for whoever lost. I put two and two together.”
“I was hoping that you wouldn’t, to be honest.”
“To be clear, this entire thing was a convoluted way to get yourself tied up so that you can present yourself as a gift for Wanda. Am I right?”

Natasha sighed. “You’re exactly right, as always.”
“Not telling the truth isn’t a very heroic thing to do, Nat.”
“I know, Steve. Why don’t you just take me to my room so I can think about what I’ve done.”
“I’ll do you one better.”

With that, Steve picked the roped-up spy and carried her into Wanda’s room, plopping her down in the center of the bed

“Thank you, Steve,” Natasha said, displaying the smallest bit of bashfulness.
“No problem. But I still think you should still be punished for not telling me the truth.”
“What are you gonna do? Use more of that tape on me?”
“Isn’t the tape gonna hurt your lips when it’s peeled off?”
“I can handle it. Besides, I don’t think Wanda will mind.”

The super-soldier proceeded to plaster six strips of tape over the spy’s lips, adding one last piece under Natasha’s jaw to prevent her from opening her mouth and slipping the tape off. With a mock salute, Steve left the room, turning the lights off and closing the door as he did.

Natasha rolled around on Wanda’s mattress in anticipation. She could just imagine Wanda walking into her room and seeing her girl all wrapped up like a gift just waiting to be opened.

”She’s going to love this,” Natasha thought to herself. ”All that’s left to do is wait for her to come in here.”


Elsewhere in the compound, Wanda, in a moment of seemingly having a psychic connection with Natasha, was recruiting another fellow Avenger, Clint, to help her get the perfect gift for Nat: herself.

“So, you’ll do this for me, Clint?”
“Sure! I did the same thing to Natasha two months ago! I definitely think that it’s your turn.”

As one can see, unlike Natasha, Wanda decided to take the direct route in asking to be tied. And as one can also see, Clint was more than happy to help her out.

The two snuck into Natasha’s bedroom and Wanda sat down on her bed. “How am I doing this?” Clint asked.

“Mmm...hogtie!” Wanda decided.
“Why hogtie?”
“Sometimes Nat will tickle my feet when we’re playing around. There’s no way she’ll be able to resist them when they’re sticking right up in the air.”

Seeing where the archer’s eyes were focused on, Wanda pulled her feet back. “No! I’m saving these for Nat!”
“Not even a tiny bit for me?”
“Doesn’t your wife let you tickle her?”
“Yea, but the kids always interrupt us before it gets good.”

Thinking of something, Wanda pointed to Natasha’s sock drawer. “I shouldn’t be allowed to use my powers while I’m waiting for Nat. After all, I might give in to temptation, free myself, lie in wait, and then capture and ravish her. You wouldn’t want that, right?”
“I would not. Nat would kill me if she learned that me slacking caused her to wind up on the bottom. I got you.”

Clint pulled out two pairs of balled-up socks and ordered Wanda to grip onto them as tight as possible. As she did, he slipped a long black sock over each hand and up to the elbows.

“Better?” he asked.
“I can’t move my fingers, so...I’d say so.”
“Excellent! Let’s keep going, because I don’t think I’m secure yet. I could still easily pull these socks off with my teeth,” Wanda told him with a giggle. “And maybe, if you don’t tie me quickly enough...I just may have to turn my powers on you...”

Immediately, Clint gently shoved the witch down into Natasha’s bed, causing her to giggle. He rushed to Nat’s closet, opened it, and rummaged around until he found some bundles of rope that were stashed all the way in the back.

“Hurry up, Clint,” Wanda called. “I’m beginning to bite these socks off.”

Grabbing the ropes, Clint ran to Wanda, seeing her gently gnawing on the socks. He gently shoved her face-first into the mattress and held her there.

Helpfully, Wanda crossed her arms behind her back. Clint rearranged her arms so that one was on top of the other and tied them in a boxtie position.

“Boo. Now I can’t even get to the socks. You’re a jerk, Clint,” she jokingly pouted.
“‘Jerk’? Do you want your gag now, Wanda?”
“Fine, Mister Captor. I’ll shut up...for now. Now do my legs up now.”

The archer nodded and grabbed a second and a third piece of rope, using them to bind her knees and ankles respectively. Then came the part where Wanda held her ankles up in the air, allowing Clint to tie her ankles to the rope around her boxtied arms. The witch was now hogtied.

“Boo. Now I can’t use my powers at all,” Wanda jokingly complained.
“That’s the whole idea. Nat would’ve killed me and then kill you more gently if you got loose and turned the tables on her.”
“I don’t think I like this. It’s stupid. You’re stupid, Clint,” she replied with a tiny smile, trying to hint at what he should do next.

Luckily for her, the archer got the message very quickly. “I should gag you now, so you can’t cast spells.”
“I don’t cast spells vocally,” she giggled.
“Then how do you cast spells?”

“Well, I concentrate first,” she explained as Clint walked over to Natasha’s closet. “Then, my powers focus themselves in my hands and fingers. And then-MMPH!”

Wanda’s explanation was cut off by Clint stuffing a white silk scarf inside her mouth. Giggling at the sight of Wanda’s chipmunk-sized cheeks, he took a light blue silk scarf and tied it over her mouth and nose to hold the packing in.

“Are you good?” he asked.
“Nothing too tight?”
“So...I can’t tickle those feet?”
“Fine. I’ll leave Natasha to do that.”

Clint stood up and headed for the door. “When I see Natasha, I’ll tell her that I left a little surprise for her in here.”
“Mmm mmm, mmm.”
“You’re welcome, Wanda.”

Right after Clint left, Wanda started rocking back and forth with a mix of nervousness and excitement. She could just imagine the look on Natasha’s face when she walked into her room, seeing her girl bound and gagged and waiting to be played with.

”She’s going to love this,” Wanda thought to herself, unaware that Natasha was waiting for her in her own room. ”All that’s left to do is wait for her to come in here.”