His Biggest Fan (m/m)

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His Biggest Fan (m/m)

Post by GMen »

I was mucking it up with some of our fellow board members in the chat this evening when someone made a suggestion to a story that was in the process of being posted on this site. As the story was nonfiction, suggestions weren't really possible to take into consideration. However, that instantly recalled me back to the great Stephen King novel "MISERY" (in all honesty I have never seen the movie.) Those of you who don't know the plot, well, look it up.

Anyways, this is just part I of a story that came to mind as soon as I saw this discussion. And to understand the full reference, I strongly urge you to first read "Adventures in Babysitting" in the nonfiction section by our very own [mention]fratboydanny[/mention]

His Biggest Fan

The clacking of the laptop keys intensified throughout the night as Daniel work feverishly to complete the latest chapter of his story. It had been a number of years since he posted his last installment - work, romance, everything you could possibly come up with - had gotten in the way of him finishing his story. While the author did genuinely feel a sense of regret disappointing his readers, those regrets were easily dismissed considering the sheer number of his fellow authors who posted to the site with their own creations. Moreover, unlike his competitors’ stories, his was non-fiction and he wasn’t soon to forget the experience; he could finish this whenever he chose without skipping a single salient detail. In fact, he did not have any real intention of progressing with the story at the moment, but a chance encounter saw the first three chapters be reposted on the forum, allowing hundreds of new members to read it for the first time. The feedback was glowing, enough to stroke Daniel’s ego enough to prompt him to come out of his self-inflicted retirement to finish the story.

As he typed, he reflected on the experience some sixteen years before that ignited in him his passion for being tied up. The neighborhood boys had tied him up and gagged him numerous times over the course of a few days; the consequence of making a foolish bet. There were nets, rope, bandannas, and above all, there were socks. Lots of socks. Even as Daniel remembered and he typed, he’d occasionally scrunch his toes in his black UnderArmor crew socks. In the intervening years, he had been tied up countless times, both physically and through the cyber world. The forum in which he posted his first segments of the story had become a beacon for all tie-up enthusiasts, and he found himself engaged in a wide variety of different scenarios, almost all of them resulting in his capture.

The memories kept flooding back and as he got more and more excited, he typed feverishly; his thought process momentarily derailed by the knock at the door. Must be the Blue Apron, he thought to himself as he rolled his chair out from his desk and went to answer the door.

He shuffled his socked feet as he emerged from his spare bedroom that he used as an office and while he was certainly not prim and proper for a night on the town, his attire of socks, long-sleeve light blue t-shirt and gray Adidas shorts made a fitting outfit for what was going to simply be a night in to complete the story. He opened the door, revealing another gentleman in his early thirties, holding the familiar brown box Daniel has been accustomed to receiving every few weeks. Although the deliveryman isn’t the usual kid in his early twenties, Daniel doesn’t take too much notice, the delivery guy’s very casual attire of shirt, jeans and beige flip-flops failing to appeal to him on any level.

“Thank you. I’ve been expecting this all day,” Daniel said as he took the box.

“Yea, we’re sorry about that,” the unnamed visitor said casually, but assertively. “We had a malfunction at the sorting facility that’s been causing us chaos all day and backed up the delivery system. As a result, we need you to sign for this package so that we’re absolutely sure you received it.”

The excuse seemed plausible enough to Daniel, who nodded his head and turned around to set the box down on the table. No sooner had he set the box down than he heard the apartment door close shut. Before he could illicit any reaction, he felt one arm wrap around his waist, pulling him backwards until he was up against the body of the now-intruder. Any vocal protest was soon muffled, the result of a scrunched up no-show sock clamped over his nose and mouth. It certainly smelled like it had been worn before, but there was something else that invaded Daniel’s nostrils.

“Just like in your story, Danny, only this time, it’s real,” he heard whispered in his ear, the warm breath piercing his right ear.

“Mmmmmmpphhh,” was all that could emit from Danny’s mouth as he tried desperately to process his predicament. With each breath he took, however, the pungent and sweet odor intensified, sending his mind into a cloud. Then it hit him: chloroform!

FLASHBACK, SIXTEEN YEARS EARLIER: When I returned down stairs, I was grabbed from behind and a sock was shoved over my face. I mmmmphhed into the sock. It did have a used smell about it. Sean walked up to me which meant Doug was holding me. Sean said, "That is what we like to believe is a chloroform rag. We are knocking you out. You can smell the fumes right?" I knodded. Sean continued, "This is what we used to do when we would play. It tries to make it more real than just tying each other up. Are you ok with this?" Doug released the sock from my face. As Sean was saying what he said and as I was held by Doug, my mind was once again racing that this was too good to be true. These guys truly did get into the whole tie up thing and even added the notion of being kidnapped into it. I looked at Sean and said, "ya, I am ok with this. It adds a little to the game."

“Figure it out yet?” he was taunted by his soon-to-be-captor.

Instantly, Daniel thrived about, twisting left and right in a desperate attempt break from the vise-like grip. Unfortunately, his admiration for socks was proving to be a critical element of his eventual defeat; the socks failing to grip the ground properly as he continued to struggle.

By now his “mmmmppphhhs” were more of a high-pitched muffled scream that only delighted his intruder more.

“That’s it, just take nice deep breaths…it’ll all be over soon.”

The intruder was right. Daniel’s head felt like it was spinning. The smell emanating from the sock had been so intoxicating…so inviting; he couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Just as he felt himself losing it, the smell dissipated as the sock was pulled down from his face. He gasped for oxygen as he tried to look up at the assailant. In his blurred state, he saw the figure clearly smiling down at him.

“Having fun yet, pal?” he heard in a mocking tone before the voice then imitated a heavy German accent. “Tell me, Daniel, vill dis chloroform keep you unconscious?”

In his dazed state, he still remembered the reference and a sense of calm overwhelmed him; a sense of excitement rather than fear. He looked up at the captor, gave a weak “Yes…” before the sock was replaced over his face yet again. “Sleep peacefully, Danny,” was the last thing he heard before the darkness closed in around him.
Last edited by GMen 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cj2125 »

Like this intro. Nice callback to danny's story! I'm sure [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] will enjoy being in this scenario :D . Hopefully you get to continue this but don't worry, take your time man!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Masterfully told [mention]GMen[/mention]!
Welcome back to the [mention]Xtc[/mention]'s League of TUG writers.
(Sorry Xtc, this one really stuck on me 8-) ).

A very original and creative beginning to what promises to be an exciting tale.
I greatly admire the detail and the introspective nature of this first chapter and hope the rest will follow suit.

Your attention to detail really pays off, and the early parts of the chapter (especially) made me smile and chuckle.
As for the chloroform, I know somebody on here who'll be VERY happy reading this.
@[mention]mikeybound[/mention] I think this one's right up your alley mate! ;)

PS. don't forget to add the gender roles to the topic title (before the mods tell you) and don't forget to add "His Biggest Fan" to the Story Catalogue section.

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Post by Xtc »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago Masterfully told [mention]GMen[/mention]!
Welcome back to the [mention]Xtc[/mention]'s League of TUG writers.
(Sorry Xtc, this one really stuck on me 8-) ).
Feel free: the League will grow stronger and soon we'll take over the world! Do you tihnk that was a bit strong?
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Post by fratboydanny »

I have to say this was a most enjoyable read! I really look forward to seeing what happens next.
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Post by GMen »

Part II

Danny let out the briefest of sighs and his arms fell limply to his side as if they were wet noodles. The assailant gave it a few seconds to ensure the victim was really unconscious before removing the crumpled sock from his face. Danny’s mouth remained agape, his head leaning back against his captor. Satisfied with his work and the fair amount of ease it took in coming up with this dastardly plan, the captor immediately went to work.

He gently turned Danny around and knelt down, letting him slump over his shoulder. In quick succession, he hoisted Danny up and rose to his feet, wrapping his arms around Danny’s legs. As Danny was carried through the apartment, the captor couldn’t help but grin to himself as he felt Danny’s socks. “Of course he’s wearing socks,” he grumbled to himself. “He’s always wearing socks.” The captor surveyed the apartment nonchalantly, almost as if he was like any other ordinary person walking around except with an unconscious person slumped over his shoulder. As he walked around, he could feel Danny’s arms sway back and forth behind him, occasionally brushing against his back.

Immediately the living area of the apartment was ruled out of the question; it was far too close to the door for possible escape or alerting the neighbors. While he was fairly convinced there wouldn’t be any longterm objections to what had just transpired, he could not afford to take the risk in the beginning. After perusing and scoping out the entire quarters, the captor settled on the spare bedroom that Danny used primarily as a den. While there was a window which could cause some issues, it was in the back of the corner apartment and had a door; any protests, muffled or otherwise had a significantly lesser chance of alerting anyone in the vicinity.

Noticing the desk chair that was pulled away from the desk, the captor knelt down again, repositioning his right arm to Danny’s back to gently lower him into the chair. Satisfied his victim would be out for quite some time, the captor left the room to retrieve the Blue Apron box and return to the den. Shaking the box, the captor couldn’t help but mock his unconscious captive. “Sorry buddy, no dinner in this box tonight!” Ripping the packaging tape from the top of the box, he meticulously removed the contents of the box: a few yards of coiled rope, a half-dozen paisley bandannas in assorted colors, and a trusted roll of duct tape.

In actuality, the captor was not a fan of tape; it made these sticky situations even stickier - pun intended - and didn’t really offer the captive any real means of escape. But it did make for a good insurance policy if necessary. First, Danny’s arms were pulled behind the back of the chair and the rope draped around the top the wrists. Wrapping the rope around the wrists and crossing the initial draping four times before pulling it under all the wraps, then securing it with a simple square knot. He pulled at a few times, checking to see if there was any snugness to rope. Satisfied that there wasn’t, he repeated the procedure over Danny’s socked ankles. The remaining rope was wrapped around Danny’s chest, securing his arms to their side and just as the final knot was tied, Danny started to moan and move his head slowly from left to right.

The captor knelt down to be on eye level with Danny, lightly tapping his cheek to get him to come around. “Take it easy, Danny. Don’t make too many sudden movements.”

For the first few moments, all Danny could say was “wha…” or some variation thereof. The captor had done his homework enough to know that the depiction of such deviant methods in the entertainment industry were not entirely accurate. He waited a few more minutes while Danny got acquainted with his surroundings and his predicament. After sufficient time had elapsed, the captor addressed Danny.

“Well welcome back, buddy. Has a little zing to it, doesn’t it? Don’t worry about the metallic aftertaste, I’m told it’s normal with chloroform.”

With those comments, Danny’s eyes widened as he recalled the attack. Instantly, he tried pulling at his arms, but to no avail. Tied up, Danny thought. Of course. As he processed his situation, he still had no idea who his captor was. Certainly it was someone who had known his internet alter ego, but why bring his kidnapping fantasies to life? Thankfully, at the very least, he wasn’t gagged…yet

“Who…who are you?” Danny asked, his eyes still squinted a bit as the chemical hangover lingered just a bit.

“Why, I’m your biggest fan, Danny. And as your biggest fan, I’ve gotta say…I’m a bit disappointed that you still haven’t finished your story. I think we’ve all been patient enough, don’t you think?” he asked, shaking his head in disappointment.

“But I am finishing it,” Danny pleaded. “It’s right there on the laptop!” He continued to pull at his arms, and twist his body, hoping for some slack in the rope but the knots were tight. Whoever this was knew what he was doing, he wasn’t some amateur.

The captor looked over to the laptop on the desk and opened up the Word document. Danny was right - there was the final part of the story. Danny noticed the captor scroll through the whole thing, running through a list of potential identities this person could be. The problem was that in all of his years on the site, he had become acquaintances with so many, it was hard to keep track. As the captor hunched over the laptop screen, seemingly immersed in what he was reading, Danny continued to tug at the knots, refusing to scream or verbally protest; he did not want to give the captor an excuse to gag him. But when he noticed the captor starting to edit the page before him, he hadn’t a choice.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?”

“Pipe down. I’m just adding some spice to this otherwise bland story,” he said, nonchalantly typing away.

“You can’t do that! It’s nonfiction!” Danny protested.

The captor closed his eyes and dropped his head, indicating his disappointment. Turning to his captive, he couldn’t help himself.

“Nonfiction…you think that matters? Do you realize how many of the ‘nonfiction’ stories are just made up? It’s called literary license…let’s give everyone something. The guy who likes Nikes? We’ll keep them on your feet. The guy who likes sweaters? You’ll be in a sweater now. Ohh, and a sleeping bag, too. Everyone will be happy!”

“No! You can’t do that! You can——mmmmpphh!!” he yelled, his protest cut off by the captor shoving another sock in Danny’s mouth. The sock was then secured with a red paisley bandanna with the knot tied in the middle of it.

“There…now that’s better!” the captor said, stepping back and admiring his handiwork. “And don’t worry, that’s a good clean sock.”

Complete with a gag now, Danny would give a muffled groan every now and again; he absolutely detested the actors in all of the bondage films he had seen, the ones that were a showcase of over-acting and unrealistic struggling and protest. While he struggled, his captor was making extensive edits to what he had expected to be an accurate re-telling of his early tie-up experiences. He wondered just how much of this would be embellished.

As he continued to struggle mildly, he continued chomping on the crumpled up sock in his mouth. While it was clean in the beginning, all the gnashing and saliva had made the sock far more unpleasant now. But while Danny was part indignant at his predicament, he couldn’t deny it was exciting him. In fact, the entire experience thus far was exciting him, a detail his captor either overlooked or was polite enough not to bring attention to it and embarrass his captive.

Danny looked intently at his captor who was back at the laptop, typing away. He started at the top and the light brown hair that was kind of wavy. His eyes moved downward to his thin build that had some definition but he certainly wasn’t Hulk Hogan. Then down to his blue jeans and the tan flip flops. Flip Flops! The realization finally dawned on him. Over the years, there was one critic on the board who continually mocked him for his admiration of socks. And almost every time Danny inquired about what socks he was wearing during a conversation, the brute would respond that he wasn’t wearing any; he was always barefoot or wearing flip-flops.

“Eee-Mummm,” Danny moaned. ““Eee-Mummm!”

The captor stopped typing, looking over at Danny who was nodding his head. Intrigued, the captor walked over to Danny, pulling the bandanna from in between his teeth. Danny slowly pushed the sock out with his tongue. “It’s you!” he said, almost as-matter-of-factly rather than accusatory.

“Ah, finally figured it out, eh? What gave it away? My deviousness? My dastardly handsome looks?”

“No…your flip flops. You fun-in-the-sun types always wear those flip-flops. Now you’ve had your fun, but let me out of here and I can look back at this experience with the fondest of memories,” Danny said nervously.

The captor stepped back looking at his prize once again. There was still plenty more fun to be had. The story wasn’t even finished yet!

“I’m afraid not, Danny, ol’ pal,” he said, taking out the other sock and the amber bottle Danny had become accustomed to over the years. “This is only phase 1,” he continued as he opened the bottle and dipped it into the sock a couple of times, scrunching it to let the liquid soak through.

Danny looked at his captor intently. “Oh come on, I’m already tied, there’s no need for that anymore.”

“Hehe,” the captor said, advancing towards Danny. “First off, you’re going to be retied in another position and I don’t need you fighting with me every second. Second, c’mon, you know you love this. It’s your avatar for crying out loud.”

Danny sighed as his captor knelt down to face him eye-to-eye. “Try not to get too excited this time,” he instructed Danny as he placed the sock over his nose and mouth. The now-familiar scent invaded Danny’s nostrils and he tried pulling back at first, before a few more breaths calmed him down. He gave the obligatory muffled protest not because he wasn’t enjoying it, but because he wanted to provide his captor a fun experience as well. He wiggled his toes in socks as the image before him started to blur and the ringing in the ears returned and his head fell forward in his chest, collapsing under its own weight and darkness enveloped him yet again.
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice part! Liked the casual dialogue that goes along the semi-consensal situation Danny finds himself in! Add the to the small meta bits you threw in and this is already turning into one of my favorite stories
GMen wrote: 6 years ago The problem was that in all of his years on the site, he had become acquaintances with so many, it was hard to keep track.
For some reason I imagined Danny speaking in a valley girl voice "Yeah, like, I have soooo much friends! I'm so popular it's a curse!" :D
GMen wrote: 6 years ago let’s give everyone something. The guy who likes Nikes? We’ll keep them on your feet. The guy who likes sweaters? You’ll be in a sweater now. Ohh, and a sleeping bag, too. Everyone will be happy!”
So he is gonna have Danny tied up in a straight jacket with duct tape inside a sleeping bag while wearing nikes, white crew socks, a sweater, speedos, a jockstrap (both at the same time), a bra, a cowboy hat, chewing on socks and boxers, a scarf around his mouth, a shoe glued to his face while his captors wear gloves? That will make everyone happy right? :lol:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Another wonderful chapter!
GMen wrote: 6 years ago let’s give everyone something. The guy who likes Nikes? We’ll keep them on your feet. The guy who likes sweaters? You’ll be in a sweater now. Ohh, and a sleeping bag, too. Everyone will be happy!”
I caught onto that part too, [mention]cj2125[/mention]!
I have a pretty good idea of who those guys are ;)

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Post by cj2125 »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago I have a pretty good idea of who those guys are ;)
Me too man, me too... ;)
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Post by fratboydanny »

Very well done. I best set my mind to get some wring done before this work becomes nonfiction.
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

A very interesting story.

Now for instance were magical or fantasy bondage be added well then I know I would be satisfied. But as this is Danny and 'Mmmmm's and Gmen's story I can only see what they have planned for poor Danny.

And yes I'm keeping 'Mmmmm's name a secret too so new members to the community get to guess who he was...or is... hehehe.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by GMen »

Part III

G-Men had to move quickly. The moment he saw the whites of Danny’s eyeballs as they rolled up inside his head, and his eyelashes flutter close, he went to work. He left his unconscious victim for a moment as he raided Danny’s bedroom, assembling all the necessary bits of attire. G-Men knew the audience would love to see the story brought to life and intended to do just that. As he read over the new, flashier version of Danny’s latest story, he looked to see what he would need.

For the parts where Danny was tied in his socks, he simply knelt down, produced his phone and started taking close-up shots of Danny’s tied legs. For the part where Danny was in Nikes, G-Men scrounged around his closet before finding a pretty worn pair of his Nike kicks. They were quickly placed on his feet and a few shots taken. To appease the sweater fans, G-Men had found a charcoal gray one neatly folded in Danny’s dresser. Pinching the fabric, the captor had to compliment his victim. “Cashmere. Very nice, Daniel.” In a flash, the knots were untied and Danny’s t-shirt was replaced with the sweater. As much as G-Men wanted the scene to be as realistic as possible, there just wasn’t enough time! He wrapped the ropes around quickly, giving off the illusion that Danny was still tied. Click! Click! Click!

As he scrolled the list, he realized just how in-depth this undertaking had become. So many people will so many interests. He catered to as many of the wardrobe requests as possible before gently lowering Danny to the ground. He replaced the sweater with the t-shirt yet again and started wrapping the rope around his ankles before pulling the rope to his wrists, putting him a decent hogtie. He pulled at the rope, which gave off some slack but not enough to concern his captor. The two things that did concern his captor however, was Danny’s reaction when he awoke. The scene did not call for a cleave gag, but rather one with tape. Worse, the scene in the story required Danny to be barefoot. He had removed the socks shortly before tying his ankles back together, but G-Men knew Danny well enough to know that he would not be pleasant when he awoke.

G-Men waited a little while, making the final edits to the story when he heard the distinctive moan emit from Danny’s gagged mouth. Danny swayed back and forth on his stomach, not yet realizing the new position he was in. He blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to get them in focus from his drug-induced haze. A few more symbolic “mmpphhs” and Danny slowly came to realize his new predicament. Worse, he felt the air on his bare soles. The “mmpphs” soon evolved into stern-sounding grunts, as Danny wiggled his bare toes in the air.

“Sorry, bud, but the last scene calls for a barefoot hogtie,” G-Men said as he aimed his phone at Danny to take numerous shots from all angles. “I figure the best way to really turn this story into a hit is providing some pictures, if only for reference.” Danny’s eyes got as wide as they had ever been during this entire encounter, as he furiously shook his head in protest. After a few more photos were taken, G-Men headed back over to the desk and uploaded the photos. Clicking “POST,” he turned around to see Danny unraveling the last bit of rope coiled around his ankles. He stood up, slowly peeling off the strip of duct tape and stretching his mouth. “Turns out your hogtie is a bit rusty,” Daniel said, grinning.

G-Men looked at his victim, genuinely impressed at his escape. “I don’t suppose you can just thank me and let me on my merry way?” he asked, already knowing the answer. “Oh you know me too well,” Danny replied. “No, I’m afraid it’s time for me to return the favor. I might have gone a bit lenient had you not violated my strict rule of always being in socks…so I’m sorry, but that’s an awfully big strike on you.”

Danny glanced down at G-Men’s legs and just shook his head in disgust. “Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of socks for you to wear; they’ll look really nice on you. But first,” he said, extending his right hand. “No tricks. Hand it over.” G-Men took the amber bottle from his pocket and handed it to him. “Calm down, I don’t need to use it on you to get you to cooperate. But make yourself comfortable in the chair.” G-Men nodded in agreement. “Very well. Just be gentle…” As he walked to the chair, he felt himself pulled backwards. Soon, the sock was clamped over his face. “MMM??” he blared, his eyes widening.

“I said I didn’t need to use it…but I WANT to use,” Danny said in his most devious voice. “I’m your biggest fan, too. Sweet dreams.”

The End (?)
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Post by BondageKitten »

Lol! I was not expecting that ending, big surprise. I really loved it. :D
I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Sometimes I guess wrong. lol Great story.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Lovely! Congratulations @Gmen for this wonderful tale.
Definitely an enjoyable read.

I look forward to reading more of your works in the future.
Well done!

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