Mrs Felder, Escape Artist Once Again Conclusion

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Mrs Felder, Escape Artist Once Again Conclusion

Post by Ianc1980 »

Jimmy and Phil, two 12 year old boys, were walking home from school one day, talking about a rumor going around amongst their friends. "Are you serious!? Mrs Felder was a magicienne?! How do you know!?!?" Phil replied,"Not only a magicienne, but an escape artist as well!! Mark and I were over Mike's house and we were watching some magic show. So some act was on where a girl is a spy who gets captured by the bad guys and they tie her to a table with spikes above her. A rope holding the spikes is lit on fire, leaving her with seconds to escape. Of course she escaped, but that's not the important part."

Phil continued, "After the act and during a commercial we were talking about how cool the illusion was Mike told us that his mom was an escape artist a few years back." Jimmy's mind immediately began to race with ideas and the thought of seeing his friends pretty 39 year old mom, who he and his friends all had crushes on, bound and possibly gagged at the hands of him and his friends. He stopped Phil mid sentence and said,"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Phil nodded his head while giving a sinister grin. Jimmy then walked up the steps leading to his house and said,"I think we need to all go over Mike's house! Sometime when we know his mother will be there!" Both boys laughed as they said their good-byes.

The next day at lunch The four friends say together talking about the days events when Jimmy saw his opening,"Hey Mike, I was talking with Phil yesterday and he told me that your mom was involved with magic, is that true?" Mike looked up from his food and replied with a chuckle,"Yeah, can you believe that? She used to travel around the state going to Amusement parks, State fairs, Charity events, no big productions. Why do you ask?" Jimmy, not prepared for the last part of his answer stumbled before saying,"Uhh, I don't know, I, I"

Phil, noticing his friend struggling jumped in and said,"Wow, Mike, your mom is so cool to begin with! Now after finding this out her coolness rises to another level! I think it would be so cool to see her do a trick for us! Do you think she'd do it?" The other boys besides Mike chimed in to agree,"Oh, wow! That would be amazing!... We could be her assistants!" Jimmy kept quiet and simply watched Mike for his reaction. He hoped that he would not realize that his friends were simply patronizing him in order to get him to go along with them and allow them to bind his mother. Jimmy got nervous since he looked hesitant but then, finally Mike spoke up,"I don't know...I guess we could ask her."

Jimmy was relieved and a bit surprised that Mike had somewhat agreed to even ask, after all, he knew about his friends having crushes on his mom. His friends were never rude or crude about it, he could just tell by the way they acted differently whenever she came around. Being the youngest of the group there really wasn't much Mike could do about the adoration his mother got from his friends. "So, why don't we come over your house tomorrow since it's Saturday." Jimmy said to Mike. He agreed and the plan was set into motion, for this time the next day Jimmy hoped to have Mrs Felder bound and gagged!
To be continued?!

Part 2
The next day Phil woke up to the sound of Jimmy banging on his bedroom door,"Phil, come on, let me in! We have to hurry up and get over to Mike's!" Phil looked at the clock, still in a sleepy stupor, and said, "For crying out loud! It's 8:30!... I'm coming!" Jimmy burst through the door as soon as Phil open it, carrying with him his backpack.

Excitedly, Jimmy began, "Come on, dude! Don't you remember what today is? It's the day that we find out how good of an escape artist Mike's mom is!" Phil's eyes immediately lit up"Oh yeah, that's right! Sorry, I just didn't sleep too well last night I guess." Jimmy stopped him and said,"Did YOU have dreams of tying up Mrs Felder too!?!? Ha! You sly dog!" here then have him a playful slap on the back. "Uh, no, nahhhht exahhhctly.What's in the backpack?" Jimmy went to grab the bag and began to open it,"I'm so glad you asked! Let's see, there's nylon rope, two handkerchiefs, a wash cloth, and a few other items that we will use as needed!" Phil nodded his head, impressed and said,"wow you sure are prepared for this! Mrs. F won't have a chance, Should pretty much be our prisoner!" Jimmy chuckled in agreement, high-fived is Buddy and said"Yep, that's the plan. Hurry up let's go we've got to meet up with Brian. He wants to help us out too!" As they closed the front door to leave Phil said,"Wait, isn't Brian a Boy Scout?" "Yep!" Jimmy replied with a grin. Phil just shook his head and said"You're unbelievable!" "Hey you never know, we may need some tips on how to tie some special knots!"

As the four boys approached Mike's house they noticed that Mrs. Barbara Felder was in the front yard doing some gardening. The 39 year old brunette, dressed in short khaki pants and a light blue tank top waved to the boys hello as they walked up the driveway. "Hello boys! Paul and Mike are already in the house. They seem to be up to something, you three would not know anything about that now would you?" Nervous and thinking that maybe she was on to them Jimmy replied,"Uhhh.... No trouble that we know of Mrs. Felder." Barbara smiled and chuckled and told him"Jimmy, I'm just kidding with you go on in and have fun. And if any of you boys would like to help me out with my chores today you are more than welcome!" All three of them said okay and began to walk towards the front door but then Jimmy stopped as if you had an idea and turned around to Mrs Felder and said,"Do you really need our help?" "Oh, yes, very much so! I need to get the yard ready for next week. We're going to have Mr. Felder's 45th birthday party! I asked Mike but he said you guys were busy with something. I'd be willing to pay you just name your price, what do you say?"

When Barbara said the words "just name your price" he knew that she pretty much sealed her own fate, and she would eventually find herself bound by he and his friends. The other two boys, Phil and Brian we're also catching on to what was happening and they could not help but smile a wide grin and begin giggling. Mrs Felder asked, "What's so funny you two? Really need your help but if you don't feel like it I understand." Jimmy gave elbows to the two of them to stop thier giggling and reassured Mrs. Felder by saying, "No, no! We'd be glad to help, just give us a minute to talk it over with Mike and Paul we'll be right back."

Once they got inside to where Paul and Mike were they noticed that they were looking through the contents of an old suitcase. Mike immediately got up off the floor and excitedly told Jimmy and the others,"Dude, look what I found in the Attic! I told you it was true, I told you!" The five boys then walked over to the open suitcase and noticed its contents... There were some old photographs showing Mrs Felder in action from back in the day, several leotards one black and one red, a pair of White Opera gloves, and several pairs of tights one white and one black. There was also a pair of black high heels. The boys could not believe it. Jimmy was especially astonished. "M-Mike, this is awesome! Do you think your mom would let us see if she still has the skill to escape?" Mike replied, "I really think so! The only problem is it probably won't happen today since she has so much work to do out there in the yard. Maybe we could have you guys come back next weekend, what do you think?"

Jimmy placed on arm on the shoulder of the younger Mike and said,"I think I have a plan that will get your mom in our ropes today!" Mike expressed his doubt just as they heard the front door open.. it was Mrs. Felder! Everyone except for Jimmy went into a panic, trying to put away all of the items they found in the suitcase until Jimmy told them not to worry about it. Paul then said,"Are you crazy!? She's coming, what if she sees all of this?" Jimmy simply told them to trust him.

Barbara walked into the living room where the boys were and said,"Hey, I thought you were gonna hel- hey, what are you doing with that suitcase?! Where did you find that?! So is this what you boys were up to!? Nevermind, let's just put everything back and put it back where we found it!" She then bent over to gather the items and put them back into the open suitcase. Paul then keenly commented,"Gee, Mrs F, you really were an escape artist!? That's soooo cool!" "Yes, uh, yes I was but that was a long time ago! Now, if you wouldn't mind giving me those pictures Brian?" Brian continued starting at the pictures in his hand and said,"Wow, Mrs Felder, did these hooded men hurt you? It looks like they have caught you and are tying you up to that table with spikes above! In this picture it appears that you were able to escape, you must have been really talented!"

All five boys listened as Mrs Felder responded,"Well it was all part of an act. I was playing the part of a spy trying to steal the evil villains plans for world domination. They captured me and tied me down, but as you can see I'm fine! Ok, that's enough, I've got a ton of work to do and since you boys aren't going to help I guess I'll-" Jimmy then interrupted her mid sentence"But Mrs F, we'll be glad to help you!" Mrs Felder looked at Jimmy and smiled and said,"Oh, that would be wonderful! I would be indebted to you all! As I told you outside, name your price! Cookies, brownies, muffins.... really anything you wish!" Paul standing next to Jimmy blurted out,"How about you let us tie-owwwww!" before Jimmy stomped on his foot. "What was that, Paul?" Barbara asked to which Jimmy said,"Oh, nothing, he's just being silly. We really can't think of anything right now that you could do for us, Mrs F, so why don't we get started since we're short on time? We'll figure out some way that you can repay us after we've finished!"
Mrs Felder exclaimed,"Fantastic! Let's get started, but seriously, let me do something for you boys when you finish, I mean it! Promise?" Jimmy, not believing his luck or his skills as a manipulator, slyly said,"If you insist, I promise." and off they went to do Mrs Felder's bidding, but little did the housewife know that the boys did not agree to help her without getting something in return!

The boys began the work of getting the yard work finished for Mrs Barbara Felder, raking leaves and weeding the garden under the direction of Mrs F herself. Phil and Jimmy were working side by side when Phil asked,"Why didn't you ask her to demonstrate her ability as an escape artist for us as a payment for our services?" Jimmy answered,"Because I didn't want her to say no and turn us down before we got the chance to help her out. We need to do something for her so that she owes us! If I let bozo Paul ask her flat out if she would let us tie her up before we raked one leaf she'd never agree to it, but after we do so this for her she'll have no choice but to do it! She's to kind a person to refuse! Trust me, we have her right where we want her!" Phil nodded his head and said,"I see. It makes sense, Mrs F has always been a good person. I just hope your plan works and she's up for it!"

About an hour later Mrs Felder approached the boys and happily announced, "Wow! You boys did a great job! And you're just about done! Well, have you thought of what I could do for you as payment for your services?" The boys remained silent and looked at each other, dumbfounded and not wanting to say the wrong thing until Jimmy intervened and said in a half joking manner,"I don't know, Mrs F, how about putting on that black leotard that was in the suitcase for old times sake!?" Mrs Felder stopped in her tracks, looked at Jimmy with wide eyes and said,"James Nelson! Where on Earth did you come up with that idea?! Why would you think that would be a good way to settle our debt!?" Almost in unison the rest of the boys responded,"I think it's a great idea!"

Mrs Felder didn't like the idea but deep down in a way she was slightly flattered by the suggestion. Seeing how the boys reacted she felt the need to calm her son and his friends down. "Now, now boys... Settle down, settle down. I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be putting on the outfit I used to wear 15 years ago! You boys are so silly! Ok, I'm going to go in and make you all some sandwiches, you must be hungry from working so hard out here." she then turned and walked back towards the house. Jimmy, feeling foolish for bringing up the outfit, said,"But Mrs F, we just thought it would be neat to see you in the leatard and tights. It would also be an easy way to pay us for helping you with the yardwork!" Mrs Felder chuckled at the soon to be teenager and said,"Oh, you thought it would be NEAT, huh? Sure it wouldn't have anything to do with that pre- pubescent brain of yours wanting to see me in that tight fitting get up!? I'm going in to make some sandwiches, try to think of something else that I could do for you boys as payment!" and off she went into the house to prepare lunch for the boys.

There was an awkward silence among the boys until Mike said to Jimmy,"Welp, I guess you didn't see that coming! Why did you ask, I thought you were going to wait until we we're finished with the yard and then ask! Now it looks like we won't be having my mom get out of the ropes!" Jimmy shook his head in a dejected way and said,"Sorry, fellas, I thought there was an opening there to ask her. It seemed like the right time." He then looked towards the house where his hopeful damsel went and said,"There has to be some way to get her to do it!"

Meanwhile in the kitchen Barbara was making lunch for the boys and thinking about the old days when she was on the road doing shows throughout the state in the illusion show that she starred in. She hadn't reminisced about those times in awhile, they brought back many fond memories. She then began wondering about whether or not she could fit into the leotard! After all, it had been over ten years since she wore it! After completing the last of the sandwiches she set the table for the boys and called them in to eat. She then grabbed the suitcase and brought it upstairs to the bedroom.

Part 4
The boys made their way into the house and in to the living room where Mrs Felder had their lunch waiting for them on the table. "Where's your mom, Mike?" asked Paul. "I don't know, probably doing laundry or something like that." The boys then began eating their sandwiches as upstairs Mrs Felder was looking at herself in the mirror, now wearing her old escape artist attire of a black leotard, white tights, and White Opera gloves.

After making several quarter turns she said out loud to herself,"Not bad for a nearly forty year old woman! Oh well, the boys did such a great job on the yard, I guess I'll go give them their reward!" She then sat on her bed to slip on her black high heels. She felt silly in a way since she put on an outfit that she hadn't worn in over a decade, but at the same time what harm was in it?! She knew most of her son Mike's friends for years with the exception of Brian, who was a relatively new arrival to the group who moved to the neighborhood six months ago. He was also slightly older than the rest at 13. Her mind was put at ease once she stood up to see herself in the mirror, now wearing the heels. She then sighed out loud and thought to herself, Why am I so worried? All I'll have to do is walk around and serve the boys food and drink while wearing this silly outfit! At least I'll be able to save a few dollars, it would be money I could use for Bill's birthday party! She then made her way down the stairs and into the dining room where the boys were eating.

The boys were preoccupied with their meals when suddenly Mrs Felder stood in the rooms entranceway, her hands held aloft, in an entertainers pose and announced,"Ladies and gentlemen, the Amazing Barbara! Tah- dahhhh!" The whole table stopped what they were doing and just stared at Mrs Felder in her leotard and tights, her raised hands in the white opera gloves, and black high heels. After a long pause Jimmy remarked,"Wow! You really put it on for us! You-you look great! Thank you! I'll go and get my backpack!" A bit confused by Jimmy's last comment, Barbara then asked if she could get the boys anything else and that she made fresh chocolate chip cookies.

Paul said,"That would be great, Mrs F. Thanks!" Mike added,"Yeah, I guess we could grab a cookie or two, mom, before we start the show!" Mrs F was headed to the kitchen to grab her cookies for the boys when she stopped, turned around, and said,"Uhhhh, show?! What show?" Paul stood up and said,"You know, Mrs Felder, the escape artist show, we're going to tie you up to see if you can escape!" She then looked at her son and said,"Now, Michael, I didn't think I was going to be asked to be tied up today. Now I'm going to get you but some cookies and drinks, once you've finished I think you all should go home since I have a few other things to do today!"

"Brian then countered with,"But we helped you with the yard! Without us to still be out there!" Mrs Felder looked at Brian and said,"Brian, right?" After he said yes she went on,"I put this outfit on for you as payment for your help!" Mike said,"Come on, mom! That's not enough! My friends and I did a lot of work for you! Besides, don't you want to show us how talented you were?" "I'm sorry, did you say WERE!? I'll have you know that I can still get out of ropes, why just last week I was able to get out of ropes your father- oh, nevermind! We can't do it anyway. We have no ropes to tie me up with!"

Just then Jimmy returned, his backpack in tow. Phil then informed Barbara,"Don't worry, Mrs Felder, we have all the supplies we need! Isn't that right, Jimmy!" Jimmy then placed the bag on the table and began removing it's contents onto it. "Right you are, Phil! I've got all the rope we'll need to have you immobilized in no time!" Mrs Felder then felt a bit nervous as she eyed the strands of white nylon rope on the table. She then began to feel as though the boys had no confidence in her ability to escape! Really, who do these little twerps think they are!? Then she remembered the"were" comment as if she no longer possessed the capabilities to escape from their knots!

Jimmy then approached her and said,"So, do you accept our challenge!? Come on! It'll be fun!" Mrs Felder put her hands on her hips, tilted her head, pursed her lips and said,"It seems as though you're giving me no choice! I guess I'll do it!" Phil and Brian then got up and stood beside her while Jimmy said,"Awesome! Why don't we go into the living room where we have more space! Guys, why don't you escort our captive!" Brian and Phil each took an arm and walked her toward the living room. "Uh, captive? What do you mean by captive?" Mike told her as he walked,"We're pretending like your illusion show, you know, the one where you play a spy captured by villains! We gotcha and now we're gonna tie you up so you don't escape!"

Nervousness returned to the mature housewife as she was"escorted" to the next room by Brian and Phil. Brian, an older boy who she was not as familiar with had an especially firm grip on her arm. What was she getting herself into! Once in the more spacious living room Brian and Phil released her. "Ok, here we are. Now what?" Jimmy then approached her while holding a length of rope and said, "Now we tie up the snooping spy! Won't you be so kind as to place your arms behind you?" She then looked at Phil and then at Brian, who gave her a look as if to say, 'You heard the man!' she paused, let out a sigh, rolled her eyes and said,"Ok, let's see what you've got!" and slowly did as ordered.
Last edited by Ianc1980 4 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Of course, there should be a second Part :) The first one is very promising :)
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Post by Ianc1980 »

The story continues. Please comment, I'd love to hear your feedback!
Thank you!
Last edited by Ianc1980 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, Mrs. Felder seems to reconsider :) I like that Idea!
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Post by Ianc1980 »

Part 4 added
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Post by Caesar73 »

Ianc1980 wrote: 4 years agoPart 4 added
Duty noted :) The fun is about to begin, I like that :)
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Post by Ianc1980 »

Brian then took position behind her and said,"Thank you, Barbara." and he watched as Jimmy tightly tied her hands together. Mrs Felder, feeling a bit insulted, asked Brian,"Where are your manners, young man? Don't you know you should address adults as Mrs or Mr?" she was starting to not like Brian. Brian have a sinister grin and said,"We don't need to show manners to captured spies!" the rest of the boys chuckled at this comment while Mrs Felder rolled her eyes and said,"What have I gotten myself into?" Jimmy let her know by saying,"By the time we're done binding you I'd say more than you've bargained for! There, all finished with her hands, now what Brian?"

Mrs F was confused and asked,"Why are you asking Brian? I thought a master villain doesn't need to ask one of his minions for advice!" A bit upset at Mrs Felder's comment, Jimmy told her,"Well rest assured my dear, I am a very capable master villain. Some of the best masterminds are smart enough to employ others who specialize in certain areas, that's why I recruited Brian here!" Barbara turned to look at Brian and asked, "And what, might I ask is your specialty? Having no manners?" Brian chuckled as he took the rope from Jimmy and began wrapping it around her arms at the elbows. "My specialty is tying knots, Barbara!" At the very moment he said the word knots he pulled the rope tightly. Mrs Felder yelled,"Owww!" as Brian continued,"You see I've earned several merit badges for knots. I'm very capable of the art. I won't be taking an active part in tying you up, I'll simply be acting as a guide for the guys to make sure they're tying you as tight as they can...there, that should render your arms useless. From here on out she's all yours, boys, good luck!"

"Ok, who's next? We gotta wrap some rope around her upper body!" said Jimmy as the rest of the boys stepped up to volunteer. It was Phil's turn so he took some rope and began to wind it around her body starting at her shoulders and working his way down to just above her breasts and then just below then. Mrs Felder then looked at the 12 year old boy and said,"Watch it young man!" as he nervously continued to wrap her up around her breasts. He then tied of the rope into a knot on her left side, looking at Brian for approval which he gave with a nod off his head.

Barbara began to squirm a bit in an attempt to test her bonds when suddenly Jimmy and Brian grabbed her from behind at her shoulders to get her to stop. "Now now, Mrs F! No cheating! You'll get your chance to free yourself!" said Jimmy on her left side. She turned her head toward his direction when Brian, behind her on her right side added,"So, what does the captured spy think of our work so far?" Barbara turned her head and shifted her eyes in his direction and said,"I feel more like a trussed up turkey at Thanksgiving than a captured spy!" Jimmy chuckled along with Brian at her comment as if they were the only ones in on the joke while everyone else seemed confused. She asked him,"Was it that funny?" Jimmy smirked at Brian and said,"Well let's just say that your reference had something to do with phase two of our operation.

Jimmy then turned to Mike and said,"We need you and Paul to get more rope, it seems that we ran out. Could you go over to Paul's and get some of his mother's clothesline?" Mike, wanting to lend a helping hand was eager to help so off her and Paul went to retrieve the rope. Barbara started to worry about what was going on, why did it seem as though Jimmy was trying to get her son out of the picture? What were they up to?! Nervously, she asked,"So, what is this phase two that you are talking about?" "I'm so glad you asked!" said Jimmy as he reached into his backpack and grabbed the two bandannas. He also got another length of rope and said sarcastically,"Oh, whadya know! I did have some more rope!"

"So phase two is to blindfold me, correct?" After Phil replied,"Bingo!" she said,"I thought so. So tell me, why did you need to get my son to leave, what's the big deal about a blindfold?" Jimmy walked behind the lovely mature woman and said,"Oh, I guess you might say we didn't want to upset him with the third phase!" He then covered her hazel eyes with the red bandanna. "Third- third phase!? Wha-what is that!? I think you boys need to end this now! Let me go, you hear me!? Let-!"
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Post by slackywacky »

Now how would she react to phase 3 :-)

Fun read, please continue.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Ianc1980 »

The Conclusion!
With Mrs Felder now bound and blindfolded by her son's friends, her son purposely sent on an errant mission to get more rope to bind her, she began to feel scared. What were the intentions of these boys? What plans did they have now for her?

Brian, Phil, and Jimmy tried to calm the woman down as she tried to squirm away from her captors. "Mrs F! Mrs F! Please, please calm down! We're not going to hurt you!" Phil said as he grabbed her left arm, Brian on her right. "Then why have you blindfolded me!? And why send Mike away!?" Jimmy answered her by telling her,"Well, we didn't want him to see you get upset after we informed you of our plans to blindfold you and for the next step especially!" He then grabbed another bandanna and a small washcloth and walked toward her.

"Next step!? What now!? What are you up to!?" Brian and Phil then gripped her up more firmly by the arms and Brian said,"Barbara, remember when you made us chuckle by saying you feel like a Thanksgiving turkey?" Jimmy continued as he stood right in front of her,"Well you're about to be stuffed! Open wide!" Mrs Felder began resisting by squirming and kicking her legs about."No, no! Don't gag me, please!?" She then shut her mouth tightly and shook her head back and forth in hopes of avoiding their attempts to gag her. Jimmy looked at Brian and Phil and said,"Plan B?" They both nodded and began to tickle her.

"Wha-what, whhhhhhhaaaaa haha!!! Stop, stahhhhhhpmmmmmmphh!" and Jimmy stuffed the washcloth into her mouth. She continued mmmmmmphing as Jimmy then wrapped the bandanna around her mouth, thus successfully gagging her. Jimmy then approached her and explained again that they intended to do her no harm and that they were just having fun. He then removed the blindfold and told her that if she wanted they would release her. He sounded sincere, which calmed her down a bit. She mmmmphhhhed through her gag several times and then Jimmy added,"Ok we'll untie you now, but just remember I think you'll be disappointing Mike, he really thought it was so cool that you were agreeing to this. At any time he's gonna be coming through the door excited to help us finish tying you up. So what do you think?"

Just then Mike and Paul came back with some extra rope. Mike looked at his mom, smiled and said,"Whoa, you guys gagged the spy! Was she talking to much!? She sometimes does that! Haha! Anyway, I got some more rope, is it my turn to tie?" Jimmy looked at Mrs Felder as if to say,"Well, what do you say?" To which she responded with a casual eye roll. "Ok kid, you're up! Let's get those ankles bound, shall we? Let's get our captive over to the couch." Brian and Phil then grabbed her by the arms and walked her over to the couch and sat her down.

Mike then took his rope and got on his knees in front of his bound mother, prepared to bind her ankles. "Should we remove her heels?" Mike asked. Jimmy said,"It's up to you, buddy! After all, she's your mom!" After a short pause Mike looked up, smiled and said,"I think we'll leave them on for now!" and began to wrap her ankles with the rope. Brian then interjected,"Maybe we can take them off later if she fails to cooperate with us and she needs a good foot tickling!" Barbara immediately looked up at Brian with saucer sized eyes and began to shake her head and mmmmmphhhhhh.

Mike looked at Brian for approval of his craftsmanship and he said,"Not bad, not bad. Make sure you tie that off tightly!" After he finishes Mike said "There! She won't be getting away! We have her now!" Jimmy said,"Yup, but there's one more place that she needs a little more rope!" Barbara looked all around her body, bound head to toe, and looked up with a shrug as if to say,"Where else can you find a place to tie me!?" Jimmy threw rope at Paul and said,"Here, won't you do the finishing touches!?" Paul had a smile and said,"It'll be my pleasure!" He then walked over and knelt beside their captive and began wrapping rope around her thighs and knees.

Mrs Felder rolled her eyes, sighed through her gag, and leaned back into the couch. "That's it, Mrs Felder, save your energy, you're gonna need it" Brian said as he sat beside her. Jimmy then grabbed something out of his backpack and sat on her other side. "Almost finished?" he asked Paul who was savoring his job by slowly wrapping Mrs Felder's shapely legs. "There... all finished!" he said as he sprang up "She's completely immobilized!" Still sitting next to Barbara Felder, Jimmy now pulled from behind his back a fake dynamite prop, complete with built in timer.

"Do you know what this is, Mrs Felder, beautiful female spy extrordinair!? It's a bomb, and I will now set the timer to the minutes. If you fail to get out of our ropes within that time period, you lose! Are you ready?" She began mmmmphing something the boys had trouble understanding..."Mmmmaaat dooooo I geeeeeehhhh eeefff I esssshhhaaaapppe?!" Jimmy said,"What was that?" She attempted to speak again, several more times until Brian stepped in and said,"Oh, she wants to know what she gets if she escapes!" Jimmy said to the others," What do thi? Should we offer her something? Mike, what other chores need to be done?" He told them that he thought he heard his mom mention something about the garage needing to be cleaned out. Jimmy then compromised with Barbara and, feeling confident, added in an extra chore,"As an added bonus we'll even wash your car!" Mrs F then had a sly smile through her gag and agreed to the deal.

Jimmy then set the timer and set it on the coffee table and said,"Come on guys, let's go see what's in the fridge, I'm hungry!" They all then left Mrs Felder to struggle and mmmmmphhhhhh in her bonds. She wiggled her legs back and forth and slowly lowered herself to the floor. Now sitting upright she began moving her hands back and forth until she finally created some slack. There were two minutes left! Hey hands had some slack but her elbows were difficult to manage. Then she remembered... Brian had dinner her elbows! She then doubled her efforts, tipping herself over and rolling on her stomach. This helped with the ropes that bound her upper body since they sort of got pushed off of her.

With a minute and a half left she then rolled on her side and then curled her ankles toward her hands. Once her hands met her ankles she then loosened the knot with her fingers, her ankles were free! Barbara then found that her wrists were 90 % free and her elbows were starting to show some give with all of her movements! She then stood herself up and propped herself up against the wall and began moving her arms to and down to cause some friction. Thirty seconds left and it began to work! Her only enemy was time! Could she do it!? Then, with 15 seconds left her elbows were free! She quickly undid the knots that bound her knees when the buzzer went off!

The boys, hearing the alarm, put down their snacks, looked at each other, smiled and headed to where the noise was coming from. Expecting to see 39 year old Barbara Felder still writhing on the floor they were surprised to see nothing but a pile of ropes and Mrs F was nowhere to be found! They looked all over the place when suddenly they heard a noise coming from the garage. They opened the door to the garage to find Mrs F standing on a ladder getting car cleaning materials. "Mrs Felder! You- you- you're free! But how!!" said Jimmy, sounding defeated. "What are you doing?!" "I'm just getting the things you boys are gonna need to clean my car! I'd love for you boys to get this done within the hour! Here ya go!" She then made her way towards the door that lead into the house"Whew, time to get outta this outfit! These heels are killing me!" Brian then stepped forward and said,"Man, you really are good! Nobody ever escaped a tie up that involved me! How'd you do it!?" Turning around she said,"Silly, don't you know, I'm the Amazing Barbara! Ta dahhhhh! Now, a deal is a deal so get to work!" Jimmy then told her, "Congratulations, Mrs F, do you think we could try to tie you up again sometime?" Barbara then turned around and replied, "Sure why not, as long as you don't gag me!"
The End
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