Teaching Tylers Ties m/f fm/f m/ff

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Teaching Tylers Ties m/f fm/f m/ff

Post by WyattW5 »

Mask6190 request. hope you like it.

Character reference.

Tyler lean dirty blond-haired boy which hung behind his ears. Blue-green eyes and a handful of boyish freckles over his face. Today he is dressed in a red t-shirt and blue jeans.

Becky. Shoulder length strawberry blond hair blue eyes heart-shaped face weighing about a hundred pounds. Today she is wearing a one-piece leotard blue torso and sleeves while her legs are in white tights.

Sadie. Pixie short brown hair. Shorter pudgier build with a heavier chest and thicker in the waist. Her brown eyes are showcased with black eyeshadow. She arrives wearing a black one-piece leotard with white tights on her legs.

Tyler was sitting on the couch. Moping on a Thursday afternoon there was never anything decent on tv. Shaking his head he set the remote down watching/listening to a music video channel.when his sister Becky comes down the stairs.

“Hey Tye, can I ask a favor?” Tyler looks from his television induced haze and shrugs

“You can’t rifle my video games to pick the one you think Sadie will like”

“No silly come upstairs I need your help” Becky turns back around and ascends the stairs. Catching Tyler off guard he turns the television off and ascends the stairs still moping.

Walking into his sister's Princess pink room her fluffy comforter was now the home of a bundle of scarves and tights. Tyler's eyebrow raises curiously looking to his sister.

“You know Sadie, we’ve been going out a year now?” Tyler gave a nod scratching the back of his head.

“I thought it was a decade already” Becky shot Tyler a glare before sitting on the bed.

“I forgot to get her something for our anniversary. So I thought I’d wrap myself up for her but small problem” Tyler gave a nod picking up a scarf.

“You can’t tie yourself up?” Becky nods looking to the clock.

“She will be here in like a few minutes so if you hurry and tie me up gag me and leave me for Sadie I’ll do your chores next week and owe you a favor” rubbing his eyes Tyler shrugs what the hell.

“Okay hands behind your back” Becky jumped and gave a minuscule giggle while Tyler began to wind the first scarf a small silky ascot in his hand. Wrapping it around he began to make a half-hearted knot. Taking a red wool scarf Tyler kneels at Becky’s feet.

“Okay, the last thing tie a scarf around my neck and wait for her to come to the door please” Tyler nods taking a black shimmery scarf he ties it around her mouth television fashion tying the knot he smiles.

“Have fun sis I’ll send Sadie right up” Tyler begins to go downstairs trying to keep his composure when the door knocked loudly catching him by surprise. Walking over Tyler checks through the peephole to see Sadie wearing her traditional rebel jean jacket.

“Hello, Sadie come on in” smiling Sadie looks down on Tyler walking in throwing her bag on the bench before removing her boots.

“Why are you so excited squirt normally you are moping around?”

“I don’t know just found something new” she nods chewing her gum aloud.

“Becky is in her room” Sadie gave a nod waving bye to Tyler picking up her bag she began to march up the stairs. Sitting back on the couch Tyler had to wait all of a minute before hearing.

“Tyler can I get you to help me?”

His eyes narrow as he stands up. Walking the stairs Tyler finds his sister's door wide open she was mumbling coherently behind the gag.

“whatf ipf frong?” Becky asks looking to Sadie sending a look to Tyler who shrugs.

“Did you do this?” Sadie asks pointing to his sister's bonds. Tyler nodded giving a brief explanation. Sadie nods looking down on Becky a warm smile on her face.

“You’re a pretty enough present but your wrapping needs much work, come here Tyler I want to show you how it is done proper” Becky’s eyes narrow “prophfer? Whaphf dophf yuphf meaphf?”

“Well first a gag, you should not hear your victim's words so let's just fix this” Sadie grins pulling the scarf down just long enough for Becky to speak one or two words before Sadie pushes some cloth between her teeth.

“This is a sock stuffed inside will keep her from screaming now I raise the scarf and double knot it in the back” Sadie winds the scarf and knots it good and tight.

“Next we give her a little tickle to find” Sadie digs her fingers into Becky’s ribs making her squeal allowing her ankles to pop free.

“See her legs are not secure so we take the scarf untie this awful knot and loop it and knot it around one ankle” Sadie explains taking Becky’s left ankle with a long extension of the scarf she was able to loop her right ankles and cinching it in the middle.

“Just like this, now you try the same thing on her wrists” Sadie steps back watching Tyler take the silky-smooth scarf in his hand and rebind her wrists across her back.

“Now she can still wiggle her knees and elbows so we restrain them” taking another scarf Sadie goes to Becky’s knee and wrap them around cinching the center.

“You take her elbows. Then I will show you something awesome” Sadie hands him a black wool scarf he began to bind her elbows and Becky begins to gag talk profusely confused with the events transpiring around her.

“Like this?” Tyler asks looking to Sadie who glances up to Becky’s elbows he had wound the black scarf two times around before wrapping the rest three or four times between her elbows.

“Very good, now hand me that set of tights will you” picking up a pair of charcoal grey tights Tyler looks down on her “now help me stand her up” Tyler grabs his sister by her biceps helping her stand and holding her steady.

Taking the tights. Sadie wraps one leg around Becky’s tummy before knotting it and with the other leg winds it tightly between Becky’s legs. Giving the tights a twist they grew tighter and caused a rope-like effect.

“what does this do?” Tyler asks thinking it would drive his sister insane Sadie smiles.

“Oh just gives her a little itch she can’t scratch” smiling she pats Tyler's arm. Taking a black single legging wrapping it around Becky’s eyes blindfolding her.


“So you did well now let's take these and go to your room” Tylers expression changes as Sadie picks up the pile of clothing and walks to Tyler's room baby blue walls with car posters. Sitting down on his messy bed Sadie smiles.

“Now Tyler I brought you in here because I do not want Becky to hear this, I want you to tie me up just like we did Becky except no blindfold, help me hop over to her room so we can”

“Aye yiye yi no need to detail me thanks” Sadie smiles shaking her head.

“Okay, so will you help me?”

“Yes,” Tyler picks up a purple scarf first binding her wrists. Taking a red sash he wound her elbows and her wrists together. Kneeling Tyler began to wind a pink scarf between her knees.

“Very good you learned quickly” Tyler grins slightly cocking his brow before taking a white polka dot scarf and binds her ankles connecting the loose end to her knees.

“Now the gag please” okay Tyler looks around he had only one scarf and a set of tights.

“Take my socks off I will hold them both” Sadie recommends Tyler knelt taking her socks off to see her navy blue painted toenails and a toe ring on her left foot.

“Open wide”

Sadie obliges smiling as Tyler takes the last scarf a navy blue opaque cotton scarf winding it around her mouth three times. Tying it behind her neck he smiles knowing he will never get this chance again he brushes a hand through her short hair.

“So soft”

“Hephf donphf mephf wiphf miphf haphf!” she scowls giving him a little glare before Tyler picks up the tights.

“Okay waist leg itcher inbound” Sadie grumbles using all her might to stand Tyler had to wrap an arm around her arm helping her stand to hold her against him until she steadied. With one leg he wraps her rounder stomach before winding the other leg like a rope and pushing it between her thicker thighs making her squeal upon the first contact.


“Hmphf” was all Tyler heard before tying the two legs together hugging her lower half. Taking her arm Tyler smiles.

“Alright, lets get you over there Now remember you have to hop I am not strong enough to drag you yet” Sadie nods with one heavy motion she jumps and lands a foot away Tyler was by her side the entire time pushing her forward. Walking her back into Becky’s room his sister was left tied on the bed grumbling over the blindfold. Setting Sadie beside her the two instantly began gag talking. Leaning down Tyler removes Becky’s blindfold making her eyes grow wide.

“Hapfy afiphverfareee” Sadie smiles below her gag leaning down gag kissing Becky's forehead. Leaving the room Tyler did not have the gall to watch this.
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Post by WyattW5 »

After two months Tyler was quite confident with the ropework Sadie had taught him. Every weekend his parents were away Sadie and Rebecca asked him to tie them on their bed so they can “bond” as they called it.

Today was no different only the girls had decided they wanted to be tied up in strange attire. Today Becky had decided she wanted to be dressed in her blue one-piece bathing suit. While Sadie decided she wanted to be tied in her riding attire. A white blouse and jodhpur with her riding boots on.

Tyler had wrapped them both in scarfs around their ankles knees elbows and otm gags. While Tyler had bought some rope to use for their crotch-ropes. Connecting them to each other. Tyler knew they would get some good vibes from it.

Watching them wiggle squirm and moan. Tyler had found their moans to be specifically overpowering. Turning he leaves the room to the bathroom.

(After a few minutes)

in the bathroom, Tyler can hear his sister and Sadie both grunt louder it sounded like panic. Leaving the bathroom to find a person standing in the bedroom door of his sister's room. dressed in a blue leotard with a pair of white tights spreading down her long legs.

“Excuse me!” Tyler's mouth drops open when he finds Sandra Gibbon's long blond hair with sky blue eyes. And thick assets Tyler's nerves got caught in his throat.

“You sick pervert I am calling the police”

“Wait! Sandra, you do not understand”

“I don’t need to you are a sick pers uhmphf” Tyler ran up placing a hand to her mouth forcing her against the wall.

“I need you to listen to me okay...”

“Nmmphf lmmphf mme gmmphf” shaking his head Jason drags her from the bedroom door to his room throwing her on the bed.

“Get off me Tyler please... just don’t” grabbing her wrists Tyler quickly wraps a scarf around three times before cinching the scarf tight.

“Tyler please don’t you do not need to do this please I won’t tell anyone” Tyler finishes binding her ankles and knees.

“Look I wanted to resolve this peacefully so you would understand however you seem quite content on making this a struggle”

“Well, what am I going to think when I see two girls tied up huh?” taking a wet cloth Tyler stuffs it in Sandra’s mouth binding a second cleave gag before wrapping a third otm gag. Tyler sits forward.

Tyler watches as Sandra squirms and wiggles, and bucks like a wild horse. Muffling like crazy incoherent mumbled words. Tyler sat and watched for a total of forty-two minutes before she began to settle.

Giving her another eight minutes seemed impossible but he stood up and walks over to the bed sitting down. “Are you willing to talk peacefully now?” the girl gives a heavy sigh and a tiny grumble before nodding.

“Uhmphf humphf”

Sitting down Tyler leans forward unraveling the knot in the otm gag. Lowering the scarf. Pulling the mouth stuffing from her lips Tyler looks Sandra in her blue eyes.

“Now to explain why my sister and Sadie are tied up, they have been together for little more then eight months just shy a year” Tyler continued to explain to her that for a little bit of fun they liked to be tied up and gagged to have a little fun. By the time he was finished explaining Sandra had just nodded and sat forward.

“In truth Tyler, I knew they liked being tied up Rebecca had written a poem in English class actually did very well on that assignment” Tyler looks down on her curiously.

“I wanted to see what it felt like being tied up, the reason I threatened so you would make the bonds as tight as you possibly could... and I have to say you did very well” nodding Tyler helps her sit up.

“But I have an idea that can keep you quiet”

“And how would that be?”

“Why not you take me out to a movie or a dinner on some Friday night, and you call me your girlfriend... in exchange you keep this whole deal quiet?”

“Okay but I am gonna have to keep you quiet for another forty minutes or so Becky and Sadie do not want to be disturbed until six-thirty”

“Good then gag me good” Sandra smiles allowing Tyler to fill her mouth before wrapping a scarf around her mouth.
Last edited by WyattW5 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome Good and Nice Story!!! Truely Cute and Adorable all the way 💙💙💙
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Mask6190 »

Nice job WyattW5!
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