Anna and the cousins ff/f

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Anna and the cousins ff/f

Post by lasse672000 »

Early Saturday morning. Anna got off the bus, after having been travelling since late yesterday afternoon. She was sore and stiff, but glad she had finally reached her destination.
"Finally!" she thought. "I can't wait to see the look on my cousins' faces, when I turn up." she giggled.
She looked down to see if she was presentable, and found she was. She was dressed in a blue leotard, with a silvery flash going from her right shoulder to her left hip, beige nylon pantyhose and white sneakers. She had packed a couple more leotards and pantyhose, along with clean underwear and her toothbrush in her Pikachu back pack. She turned around, and started walking along the dirt road.

Joan looked out the kitchen window, and drew a deep breath.
"Alastair?" she called to her husband, and pointed out the window. "Isn't that little Anna coming this way?"
Alastair stood beside her, and looked out.
"Sure is!" he acknowledged. "Wonder what she's doing way out here, so early on a Saturday morning?"
"Mm; I do too!" Joan confessed, a worried wrinkle appearing between her eyebrows. "I hope everything's fine at home?" She turned and went to the door, just as Anna knocked.
" Hi, hunny." she cheerfully said, as Anna walked in. "To what do we owe the honour?"
"Nothing special." Anna replied. "I just wanted to play with Esther and Loretta. And maybe stay the night?"
"Does your parents know you're here?" Alastair gave her a piercing look.
"Well, I did leave a note on the kitchen table." Anna confessed, looking uncomfortable. "And they know I love playing with Esther and Loretta."

At that moment, the subjects of their conversation came walking down the stairs, Esther wearing a green leotard, and Loretta a red.
"Hey, Anna?" Esther, who was the oldest of the three, said. "No one told us you were coming?"
"That's because I didn't know myself, until I walked out the door yesterday."
"Gonna be here for long?" Loretta asked.
"Dunno." Anna shrugged. "Depends on how long you'll let me stay?"
"Oh," Loretta chuckled, and walked close to Anna, "we can MAKE you stay for quite a while, girl."
"Looking forward to it!"

After lunch, the girls went down to an old tool shed in the bottom of the garden, that was partially hidden by bushes. Alastair had renovated it on the inside, to his daughters' taste, so now it doubled as a dungeon or a prison cell.
As soon as they had walked through the door, Esther pressed a button on the wall, which opened a hatch in the middle of the ceiling, and a pair of soft padded cuffs fell out. She turned a handle so they hung quite low, and ordered Anna to put them on. When she had, she locked them and again turned the handle, but in the opposite direction, thus making her "prisoner" almost having to stand on her tippy toes.
"Comfortable?" she sneered.
"No, not really." Anna huffed.
"Good!" Esther smiled. She went over to a little desk in the corner, and sat down beside her sister.
"From now on and until we tell you otherwise, you will call me and Loretta 'miss' at all times. Is that clear?" she masterfully said.
"Yes, miss." Anna huffed.
"Good. First question; why are you really here?"
"To be with you, for a couple of days. Miss."
"M-hm; I see. Second question; While you're here; have you made any special plans?"
"No, miss. I will leave that in your capable hands, miss."
"M-hm. Have you really only left a note, telling your parents where you went?"
"M-hm. I see." the sisters started whispering to each other. Then Esther lowered Anna so she stood properly on her feet, albeit with her hands still high up in the air.
"Wait here," she smiled, "we're just going to check something. We'll be right back!"

Loretta came back a couple of minutes later, holding a key in her hand, which she used to unlock Anna's cuffs.
"Your story's confirmed, by none other than your mum." she told Anna, "so from now on and until she can come and get you you're ours, to do with as we please!"
"Good! Miss." Anna said, as she rubbed her aching wrists. "Looking forward to it! Miss."
"So do we!" Loretta smiled. "So do we!"
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Post by CapturedCarol »

Nice start. Is there a part 2?
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Good start a part 2 would nice.
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