How to Behave at Halloween (Mm/Ff)

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KP Presents
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How to Behave at Halloween (Mm/Ff)

Post by KP Presents »

“It’s good of you to have the girls and Steve over for the night, Chrystine,” Tammy said as she put her coat on, “with Tammy and Abigail’s parents inviting me to go to this party it takes a load off my mind.”

“Well, it means we can have some fun as well,” her mother in law said with a smile. Chrystine was in her late fifties, and was wearing a grey top with a snakeskin print, a brown suede skirt and tan sandals. “You go and enjoy yourself. The girls have already gone Trick and Treating, and I’m sure Steve will look after me.”

Steve looked up from his seat and nodded, then went back to reading his book. The eleven year old was wearing a short sleeved blue polo shirt and jeans, and had no desire at all to go out with his sisters and cousins.

“Right – well, I’ll see you later,” Tammy said as she left the room, Chrystine smiling as she went to see her out. When she came back in, she looked at Steve and said “do you want a drink, and then we can pick a film to watch?”

“Can I have some milk, Grandma,” Steve said as he looked up.

“Of course you can,” Chrystine said with a smile as she went to the kitchen, Steve smiling. He liked his grandma, and knew she wouldn’t disturb him later when he went to his own room. His sisters Holly and Sandra had their own room as well, as did her cousins.

It wasn’t that he did not like Halloween – but he just did not want to go out with them dressed as they were. It was a boy thing…

When he heard the knock on the front door, he called out “do you want me to see who is there?”

“Please Steve – there’s a bowl by the door.”

Steve stood up and walked into the hallway, smiling as he picked up the bowl of sweets and then opened the door.

“There you go – help yourself…”

“Don’t mind if we do.”

Steve was taken by surprise as one of the two men standing there took the bowl and put it on the front porch, then they both walked in, closing the door behind themselves. They were both wearing dark clothes, one of them carrying a bag while the other had a gun – and both had stockings pulled down over their heads.

Steve recognised them instantly, as he said “oh my god – it’s you!”

“Does he know us Ernie,” the one holding the gun said.

“I don’t… Wait a minute, we’ve met you before haven’t we?”

Steve slowly nodded his head as he looked at them. It had been three years before, at his other grandmother’s house – they had come in, and tied them all up – and he had discovered that night his secret pleasure.

“Who was it at the door Steve,” Chrystine said as she came into the hallway – and then she stopped and stared at the two masked men, shaking her head as she said “oh no, not again.”

“Grandma,” Steve said, trying not to show he was excited, “remember when we were robbed a couple of years ago at Granny’s house? These are the two men who did it.”

“And now it’s your turn,” Bert said as he looked at the older woman, “and from the way you’re reacting, this isn’t the first time this has happened to you either.”

“No – no it’s not,” Chrystine said quietly. “Steve, we’re going to do whatever they say, all right?”

“I understand Grandma – does this mean you’re going to have to tie us up like last time?”

“We will,” Ernie said quietly, “but who else are you expecting tonight?”

Chrystine shook her head, but Steve said “my sisters have taken my younger cousins round the houses to get things – they’ll be coming back here later.”

“Well then – I guess we need to make sure you can’t tell them we’re here,” Bert said with a smile under the stretched nylon. “If you promise not to warn them, we’ll leave you until later – but right now, you’re going to help us.”

“How,” Steve said as he struggled to hide his excitement.”

“In the front room,” Ernie said, “and you, lady, sit down in an armchair, hands on your head.”

“Just don’t hurt my grandchildren,” Chrystine said quietly as they walked in, and she sat down, Steve standing and watching as Ernie put down the bag he was carrying in, opening it and taking out a length of rope.

“You’re going to help us make sure your grandmother can’t raise the alarm,” Bert said as he stood there, gun in his hand. “Take the rope from my friend, and then kneel in front of your grandmother.”

Steve nodded as he walked over, and knelt down, looking up as he said “I have to do what they say Grandma – he has a gun.”

“I know,” Chrystine said as she patted Steve’s head.

“Right – double the rope over, wrap it round your grandmother’s ankles, and then wrap it round her ankles. Put the ends under the middle, and pull back.”

Steve nodded – he had done this to himself a few times since that night, but somehow this was different, and as he pulled the rope around Chrystine’s ankles a thrill ran through him. Did they know what he was thinking?

Chrystine watched as Bert said “wrap it round a few times – keep it tight, and make sure the coils are on top of each other.”

“Like this,” Steve asked as he did this, Chrystine watching with an amused look on her face as Bert nodded. “Good – now, tuck the ends under the top loop, and then take them between her legs in different directions.”

“At least you know what you are doing,” Chrystine said as she looked at Bert, and then felt Ernie guiding her arms behind her back, the rope around her own wrists as Steve cinched the rope round her ankles.

“Very good kid – now, tie the neds off behind her legs,” Bert said quietly, Steve nodding as he did that, and hoped her had made a good job. Bert looked at it, and then nodded as he said “nice job, kid – what’s your name?”


“Well, Steve,” Bert said as he looked at Ernie, “go to the bag and get another length of rope – I want you to tie your grandmother’s legs together in the same way as her ankles, below her knees.”

“I remember you doing that to my mother and grandmother,” Steve said as he did what he had been told to do, hoping his grandmother would not notice what he was feeling as he did so. When he knelt back down, Chrystine leaned over and said “good job – and don’t worry, I won’t tell your mum.”

“Tell her what?”

“That you know exactly what you are doing,” Chrystine said with a wink as she sat back up, Steve watching Ernie as he wrapped a longer length of rope round his grandmother’s arms and body, and then looked at her legs as he started to bind them together as well.

“So I presume you’re going to search the house once you have us secured,” Chrystine said as she looked at Bert.

“You presume correctly – although that all depends on when the rest of the kids get back,” Bert said, the smile clear under his stocking mask as Steve tied the rope off between his grandmother’s legs. He then stood up, watching as Ernie took the rope above and below her chest.

“Does it hurt, Grandma?”

“No – you did a good job,” Chrystine said with a smile, “and it’s not too uncomfortable.” She then let out a little gasp as she felt Ernie take the ropes between her arms and body, Steve looking at the way her top was now stretched over her chest. As she looked at her grandson, Chrystine shook her head and said “I know what you’re thinking.”

“What am I thinking, Grandma?”

“You’re wondering why you feel the way you do when you look at me like this,” Chrystine said with a smile as she looked at her grandson. “Don’t worry – I know it’s natural, and I also know you’re not going to do anything about it – and neither are these men, are you?”

“Not that way inclined, lady,” Bert said as Ernie finished securing her upper body, “but…” The two men then looked at each other as they heard the front door open and close, Ernie putting his gloved hand over Chrystine’s mouth as Bert whispered “come over here kid” to Steve, then standing with his hand on the young boy’s shoulder.

“We’re back, gran,” he heard his sister Holly say, and then she came in. The fourteen year old was wearing a long black wig, with a pair of cat ears on a headband, and cat whiskers drawn on her face while her nose had black tip. She was wearing a black body stocking, with a short black jacket and tutu, a black cat’s tail fixed behind her waist and a pair of black fur Ugg boots on her feet/

She looked at the scene, Bert putting a finger to his mouth as she walked in, and motioning to her to come and join them as he whispered “not a word – where are the others?”

The answer to his question came as the door opened and closed again, both Holly and Steve watching as their older sister Sandra came in. She was dressed like Katniss Everdene in the Hunger Games films – a black leather jacket over a black roll neck top and leggings, and over the knee black leather boots, her fair hair pulled back in a ponytail. She looked at her grandmother, brother and sister, and at the two masked men, and said quietly “no... No, not again…”

“Stay calm, Sandra,” Chrystine said as she wriggled round, “where are Abigail and Tammy?”

“We’re here, Grandma,” the two younger girls said as they came in, and stood next to Sandra. Abigail was eleven, and was dressed in a Spider Girl costume – a blue sleeveless dress with a red Spiderman design on the front and back, and a lace skirt, and she was wearing a Spiderman mask over her eyes, with red flat shoes.

As for nine year old Tammy, she was wearing a pale blue Disney Princess dress, with short puffed sleeves and a white band at her waist, and white shoes, her blonde hair still up on her head the way Chrystine had done it before they set off.

“Who are they, Grandma,” she whispered as Sandra put her arms round their shoulders. “They’re robbers,” she replied quietly as she looked at them, “they robbed our other grandmother’s house a few years ago. Have they hurt either of you?”

“No they haven’t” Chrystine said with a smile as she wriggled round, “but I am afraid that we are all going to end up like me. I want you to do whatever they say, all right?”

“Are you all right, Steve,” Holly said, her younger brother nodding as she looked round the room.

“You two,” Bert said as he looked at Abigail and Tammy, “come and stand next to your grandmother. As for you two, stand in front of me, and put your hands behind your back.”

“It’s Bert, isn’t it,” Sandra said quietly as her young cousins walked over to where Chrystine was sitting, “and Ernie? I remember you from that night – so what are you going to do now?”

“Wait until Ernie secures your wrists,” Bert said quietly, Steve watching as the other masked man walked behind his sisters, starting with Holly as he took her hands behind her back. He was struggling now to contain his excitement, as he watched both of them having their wrists secured.

“Think clean thoughts, Steve.”

He looked at his grandmother, as Sandra looked at him and said “oh lord – I forgot you liked women been tied up.”

“You do,” Tammy said as she looked at her cousin, smiling as Steve blushed and nodded.

“Well – can you tie me up if we’re going to be tied up?”

Steve looked at Bert, Ernie and Chrystine, Holly laughing as she said “he might as well – he’s been practising on himself anyway.”

“Ah – that explains it,” Ernie laughed as he finished tying Sandra’s wrists. “You two, sit on the couch and don’t move. Come over here kid.” As Steve walked over, he took two more ropes from the bag, while Bert smiled.

“Time for you two youngsters – go and stand in front of them, turn and face the others, and put your hands behind your back.”

“Does it hurt, Gran,” Abigail said quietly as she looked at Chrystine.

“No it doesn’t – so keep calm, and we’ll treat this all as one big adventure, all right?”

“I’ll take care of Abigail, you take care of Tammy,” Ernie said as he handed Steve a length of rope. He nodded as he said to his younger cousin “put your hands behind your back Tammy – I’ll try and make sure I don’t hurt you.”

“I know you will,” Tammy whispered back as he crossed her wrists, and then doubled the rope over, wrapping it round her wrists and gently pulling it tight. She looked straight ahead, Abigail looking over her shoulder as Ernie tied her wrists together while Steve looked at him and copied him.

“How does it feel,” he whispered into Tammy’s ear as he tied the ends off, and tucked them into the bands.

“Different,” she whispered back as Ernie went and fetched tow longer lengths of rope, and handed one to Steve. “Copy me,” he said quietly as he tied the rope round Abigail’s stomach, and then wound it in a double of figure of eight round her arms and body so that they were pinned to her sides.

“Why did you tie Grandma the way she is,” Abigail said as she felt her arms forced against her body, Steve doing the same thing to Tammy.

“To make sure she cannot get free – this is the way we’re doing it for you and your sister,” Bert said with a smile as Steve tied the ropes off, and out his hands on Tammy’s arms. “I hope that’s all right,” he said quietly, Tammy nodding as she bit her lower lip.

“And what are you going to do to us?”

Ernie looked at Holly, and then said to Steve “Kneel down, hands on your head.” As he did so, Tammy looked down and smiled at him, while the two masked men took a long length of rope each from their bag, and then used them to bind the upper bodies of the two older girls, forming two bands as the ropes rubbed and squeaked on Sandra’s jacket.

“That’s what they did to us last time Grandma,” Steve said as he watched.

“And are you going to do the same to our brother,” Sandra said as the ropes were pulled tighter.

“It’s a good question,” Chrystine said as she looked over. Steve looked at Ernie and Bert as the ropes formed two bands, framing the chests of her sisters, as he felt something in his trousers and hoped they did not notice.

“Don’t worry, he’ll be as tightly secured as both of you,” Bert said quietly. “Young man – go to the bag, get two lengths of rope, and tie the ankles of your cousins while they stand there.”

“I need to do as he tells me,” Steve said quietly as he stood up and walked over, collecting the ropes and then kneeling behind Abigail. “Put your ankles together for me,” he said quietly as he doubled the first length over, and then started to bind them in the same way as he had his grandmother’s.

“Try to stand still,” Abigail said as she looked at Tammy, “or you may fall over.”

“Okay,” Tammy said quietly as Steve went behind her, and said “time to put your ankles together.”

“You’re very good at this,” she whispered as he pulled the rope around and between your ankles.

“Are you scared?”

“A little,” Tammy whispered as he took the rope between her legs, “but I know you’ll look after me.” Steve blushed as he tied the ends off, and then looked round as Ernie knelt down and started to bind the ankles of his sisters, as Bert looked back over at him.

“Go on – tie their legs below the knees as well.”

Steve nodded, trying not to show how excited he was to be doing this, how much he was enjoying it, as he walked to the bag, got more rope, and then knelt behind Tammy again as he began to bind her legs together below her knees.

“That tickles,” she giggled as his fingers stroked her legs.

“Sorry –just try to stand still, it’ll be over soon,” he said as he pulled the rope between her legs to tighten it, and then tied the ends off before he moved to behind Abigail.

“Let me have a look,” Bert said as he walked over, checking the two girls as Steve tied the last knot, and then stood up, looking at the others. “Very nice job indeed, kid.”

“So what are you going to do now,” Tammy said as she looked at the masked man.

“Well, I need to have a look round upstairs,” Bert said, “while my mate Ernie stays with your gran and the older girls.”

“So where are we going,” Abigail said, a look of curiosity on her face as Steve wondered the same thing.

“First, we make sure you two can’t call out and raise the alarm,” Bert said as he went to the bag, and took out two strips of towelling, a knot tied in the middle of each one. Tammy looked at it, and then at Steve, before she said “I want my cousin to do it to me.”

Steve tried to hide his excitement even more at this, as Bert nodded and handed him one of the strips. “Open your mouths,” he said to Tammy and Abigail, “and allow us to tie them in place.”

Steve walked behind Tammy, his hand starting to shake as he pulled the knot into her open mouth, and then tied the band round her head as she closed her lips over it. He watched Ernie do the same to Abigail, before he said “stand in front of your cousin.” As he did so, Ernie went back to the bag and took out a roll of white tape, tearing a strip off and handing it to Steve before he pressed the tape over Abigail’s mouth.

“You do the same to her,” he said, Steve nodding as he pressed another strip of tape over Tammy’s mouth. He looked at her, seeing the shape of her lips underneath, before he heard Abigail say “whhrruuhhh…”

Looking to his side, he saw Bert had put his older cousin over his shoulder, as Chrystine said “where are you taking them?”

“Upstairs – think you ca carry her, young man? Ernie is going to stay down here, make sure the others stay quiet as well.”

He looked at Tammy, who nodded as he took a deep breath, and put her over his right shoulder, feeling her wriggle as they both walked to the door. Abigail tried to talk, only to stop when Bert smacked her bottom and said “behave.”

“You as well,” Steve said as he gently slapped Tammy’s bottom, hearing her giggle as she kicked her legs up and down. The two of them walked carefully up the stairs, before Bert looked in one room and opened the door.

“Put her in here,” he said to Steve, “and stay there until I come back. I’m trusting you to not call for help.”

“How can I – you have my grandma and sisters downstairs.”

Bert smiled and nodded as he watched Steve carry his younger cousin in, and then walked off with Abigail twisting on his shoulder. Steve walked to the bed, and gently laid Tammy on her side as she looked at him.

“Are you all right,” he said quietly, his cousin nodding as he sat with her and adjusted the skirt of her gown.


“You can try,” Steve giggled as he heard her.

“Hmegssetthed – hr uh?”

“Yeah – yeah, I’m excited as well, I’m glad I got to tie you up. I hope you’re enjoying it.” As Tammy nodded, Steve knelt over and kissed her forehead, his cousin blushing as he did so.


“Yeah – I know,” Steve said with a shrug, “but I’m ready for it, so long as you all are safe.”

Tammy nodded, and then she said “hffuhwhnhhdthdhhthshghn, hdlhttuh.”

“Would you?”

Tammy nodded as she wriggled round, and then looked over to see Bert standing in the doorway.

“Did he tell you he enjoyed doing that,” he said as he walked over and pulled Tammy’s ankles back, then gave Steve a length of rope. “Tie her ankles to the rope round her chest.”

“Hnhhhsshd,” Tammy said as Steve finished tying her up, and then gently smacked her bottom again, smiling as she giggled.

“Right young man – it’s your turn now. Hands behind your back.”

“You get to watch him tying me up now,” Steve said quietly, Tammy nodding as she watched Bert cross her cousin’s wrists and secure them together behind his back, and then wrap more rope round his arms and body, the same way as his sisters and grandmother so that when he had finished, all he could do was wriggle round.

“Now, let’s take a walk downstairs,” Bert said as he looked at Steve.

“I’ll see you later Tammy,” he said, the young girl nodding as they left. “Where’s Abigail?”

Bert took him to the next room and opened the door, Steve looking in to see his older cousin on her side on the bed, nodding as she wriggled round.

“Caught in a spider’s web – come on.”

As they walked back into the living room, Steve noticed that both Holly and Sandra now had strips of white tape over their mouths as well, and the band coming from under the tape round their heads.

“Are the girls all right, Steve,” Chrystine said as he was sat next to them, Ernie kneeling down and starting to bind his ankles together.

“They’re fine, Grandma – please, can you let me and Grandma talk for a little while, if you are taking my sisters upstairs as well?”

Ernie looked at Bert, who nodded before the masked man bound Steve’s legs together below his knees, Holly and Sandra looking at him. Once he had tied the rope off, he looked at Bert, Bert looked at him – and then the both took the other two girls over their shoulders, Holly and Sandra kicking their legs up and down as they were carried out.

“I suspect they are going to look for valuables after they have made them secure,” Chrystine said as she wriggled round, and then looked at Steve. “Go on, tell me what you are thinking.”

“I think you look amazing like that Grandma – is this the first time you’ve been tied up like that?”

“Nope – happened a few times, and sometimes – well, this isn’t one of those times,” Chrystine said with a smile. She then looked at Steve, and said “I can see how excited you are.”

Steve glanced down, then blushed as he said “Grandma…”

“It’s all right – I’m not going to say anything, and I get the feeling you’ve tied yourself up a few times as well. Anyone else?”

“Not… Not until today.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“I think Tammy did – is that wrong that we both enjoyed it?”

“No, it’s part of growing up – they have robbed you before, right?”

As Steve nodded, Chrystine said “I guess that was the first time you realised you liked seeing girls tied up, and you liked been tied up?”

“Yeah – I want to say something, but…”

“It’s all right – look, I think we’re going to be quiet soon, so what did they say last time.”

“Bert – he tied me up in my room, gagged me, and told me to let go and just enjoy myself. I… I’d like to do that again.”

“Then do it – I can’t stop you,” Chrystine said with a smile as she wriggled round, Steve looking at her chest. “When you’re older, you might find a girl who likes been tied up as well – that’s the time to have conversation about it. Until then – look, if you ever feel you want to, call and see if I am free, all right?”

“You’d let me tie you up?”

Chrystine nodded, and then looked to the door as the two masked men came back in. “Time we got you two secured and quiet,” Bert said, but instead of taking two towelling strips from the bag, he took out two red sponge balls and compressed them in his hands.

“Remember – breathe in and out through your nose,” Chrystine said to Steve, and then she allowed Bert to push one of the sponges into her mouth. Ernie looked at Steve, and said “open wide kid” then watched as the second sponge went into the young boy’s mouth. He could feel it expanding, pushing his tongue down and filling the space as he closed his lips over it, then wriggled round as Bert taped over his grandmother’s mouth.

The tape pulled slightly no his skin as it was smoothed into place on his face, but it didn’t hurt, and actually felt quite comfortable, as Ernie put him over his shoulder and Bert lifted Chrystine onto his. He tried no tot move as they were carried up the stairs, and then he watched Bert carry his grandmother into her bedroom.

“You’re going in here,” Ernie said as he took Steve into his room, and laid him on the bed, pulling his ankles back and tying them to the ropes round his chest as he looked round.

“I remember last time you had some fun afterwards,” Ernie said as he looked at the bound and gagged boy, “knock yourself out again this time.”

Steve nodded – he could feel how excited he was already in his pants, and as Ernie closed the door and the room went dark, he started to wriggle round, feeling the rubbing and enjoying the sensations they created…

“A nice little haul,” Ernie said as he and Bert got back into their van, and pulled the stocking masks off.

“Yeah – and the kid seemed to enjoy helping us out. I wonder what he might do next…”
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Post by lasse672000 »

KP Presents wrote: 4 years ago
“A nice little haul,” Ernie said as he and Bert got back into their van, and pulled the stocking masks off.

“Yeah – and the kid seemed to enjoy helping us out. I wonder what he might do next…”
As do I. Nice as Always.
David Han
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Post by David Han »

Good story
Tie me up and have fun with me
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