The Baseball Hazing Blues ( mmmm/m )

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
Deleted User 122

The Baseball Hazing Blues ( mmmm/m )

Post by Deleted User 122 »

REPOST from the old TUGs site. For some reason, there is ASCII text garbage that shows up here and there in the story. Its the result of a copy paste I did from the old site some time ago. If anyone knows what this is or how to correct, all ears. Otherwise, it doesn't interrupt the story flow that much! Enjoy!

The Baseball Hazing Blues

Chapter One -- The Mistake

It started on the bus ride back to school. The varsity baseball team won their away game and was celebrating loudly. Being idiots too. Things really got out of hand when one of the senior players took off his cleats to rub his feet. The odor of his feet quickie spread throughout the bus. "Damn dude! Your feet are rank! Those socks stink!" a teammate next to him gasped. Chris Martinez indeed had a reputation for wearing the same pair of baseball socks for a week or more. They were the blue, long Under Armour brand socks issued to every player. It wasn't uncommon for those type of socks with their elastic material to get sweaty fast. But Chris took it way beyond. They ended up being passed around as a way to embarrass younger players. Most of the senior's were making them sniff those awful stockings. Most of them caved in to the peer pressure. Except Wally, a slender, quiet blonde kid. Even when his two friends next to him insisted he "just do it." He refused. That would seal his fate.

Back in the locker room, as the team was changing out of their dirty uniforms, the mood seemed to chill out. But as Wally was removing his pants, a group of senior players gathered around his locker.

"I don't think our new teammate understands the code," Steve Drobeck said loudly, getting Wally's attention. The other players all nodded in agreement with Steve.

Wally looked around him to notice no less than five teammates had surrounded him. His best friend Kenny rushed over to his aid and asked the others to "lay off." That didn't do any good. Several of them grabbed Kenny and threw him out of their way. Wally looked frozen for a moment then made a mad leap to get out of the hot zone.

The players immediately plowed into Wally. Their hands were grabbing every corner of the half naked skinny rookie. Within seconds, they had him pinned face down on the concrete floor. "Get the tape! Get the tape!" several of the players yelled. A moment later, one of the boys returned with rolls of white athletic clothe tape. As Wally squirmed under their grip, they began wrapping him up. His wrists were taped behind him. Then one set of players began wildly wrapping the tape around his upper body, pinning his arms to the side. Another set were busy taping up his ankles, then his legs.

"Hellllp! Stop this!" Wally was crying out, feeling how tight and sticky the tape was against his skin. One of the players quickly silenced him, holding one of their sweaty half-shirts over his mouth. "Mmmmmm hhmmmm mmmpphh!"

Kenny attempted once more to come to his friend's rescue. "Seriously guys! Please let him alone," he begged. That proved to be a big mistake for Kenny. Several other players watching decided to grab Kenny as well. They subjected him to the same treatment.

Within a few minutes, both young boys were nicely wrapped head to toe in the athletic tape. Kenny was already gagged, taped shut with generous rounds of tape wrapped around his lower face. He eventually gave up crying for help and just looked helplessly with his eyes. Wally still had one of the players hand gagging his mouth with the t-shirt.

"Remember boys, this one needs a special something' to shut him up!" Dudley Connors laughed looking down at their main victim. Wally grunted and tried to shake his head away.

"Ha hah… that's right! Some socks!" Carl Slack, another player roared. They all joined in and cheered on the task, yelling "Sock gag! Sock gag! Sock gag!"

By now Dean, another young player, could be seen watching quietly in the background. Wally and Kenny caught him with their eye and gave pleas for help with their eyes. He was their other good friend from childhood. But Dean knew to keep his distance and just watched sympathetically.

As the crowd of sweaty players teased and carried on, the player closing his mouth pulled away. The shouting drowned out Wally's renewed cries for help. He saw Chris Martinez removing his socks which he knew what would follow. Chris was one of the more rowdy players with a reptuation for body odor and dirty feet. Wally shook his head and yelled "No no!" as he saw Chris leaning towards his mouth.

Wally closed his mouth firmly and thrashed his head side to side. This only queued some of the players to start tickling Wally on his feet, making him laugh like crazy eventually. As soon as Wally's mouth was open from laughing, he felt the cruel sensation of one of Chris' socks being shoved into place. "Noo…. mmmmmhhh!" he tried to plead a last time before being muzzled.

Kenny looked over at his friend next to him and could only whimper with empathy. "Hang in there Wally," Kenny said to himself. Dean seemed to do the same.

Thanks to some more tickling assaults on Wally's feet and his waist from players, Chris successfully shoved half his dirty sock in Wally's mouth. Wally accepted his fate, biting down on the stocking, tasting it for the first time. He even gave little resistance as two players helped Chris secure tape around his lower face to hold the gag in his mouth. Now like his brave friend Kenny, Wally was silenced for good. But silenced with the worst tasting, nastiest thing a guy could never wish for. A teammates stinky sock!

For the next few minutes, several of the players took advantage of their young victims' predicaments. They snapped pictures and video with their cell phones. Some of them leaning in to Wally and Kenny giving the thumbs up, mugging to the camera. It was a humiliating thought to consider that videos of their situation would appear on YouTube.

For the next half hour, most of the players got bored and went about their showers or chaining into street clothes. Except for the random teammate or two, Wally and Kenny were left to struggle side by side on the floor. Fighting and twisting as they were only made them sweat more from exhaustion. Their friend Dean knelt down for a quick moment to whisper to them, "Don't worry. They'll let you free soon. Don't fight it. Hang in there." This called the two down eventually. Wally and Kenny accepted defeat and saved their energy.

However when the last few players were leaving the locker room, the young rookies were still left mummified on the floor. Even Dean had left from what it appeared. As they watched more players leaved, they looked at each other nervously, whimpering quietly through their gags.

Steve, Dudley and Chris… the three main hazers of the bunch, returned to their hapless hostages. They were nicely dressed in fresh clothes after their showers. "So you think you've had enough?" Dudley asked smiling down at them. "Wanna get released do ya?" Chris asked.

The boys nodded eagerly and grunted through their gags. "Wellll… hmmmm… nah!" Steve responded.

"Hhmmmm mmmhhh?" the young boys gasped.

The players picked up their young hostages. "Put 'em in these!" Steve directed to a set of lockers.

First Kenny was placed inside one of the narrow metal lockers and the door was shut closed on him. Followed by a pad lock. Then the hazers navigated Wally into the locker next to his friend. They made sure he was sandwiched inside nice and tight.

"My bruthas, he has to be hatin' the smell of those socks in his mouth like that. We should give him an air freshener for his locker!" Steve suggested sarcastically.

"Oh yea… that's right. We've got just the thing!" Dudley laughed.

Dudley and Chris quickly pulled out a jock-strap that clearly had been recently worn and barely washed. Even the cup was still inside. They laughed hysterically as they hung it from the top hook in the locker right in front of Wally. The dirty supporter was now hanging right in front of his nose! "Mmmmmhhhhh!" Wally gasped as the players slammed the locker door shut. He could hear them placing a lock on the door.

Wally struggled but hardly could move an inch. He was now smelling the heavy odor of that jock in the hot locker while still tasting that dirty sock. Next door he could hear his friend Kenny struggling in his own prison.

The two boys were left alone now in those lockers, wondering how long they'd have to endure the cruel imprisonment.

Coming soon... Chapter Two -- Dean to the Rescue, Almost

(thoughts so far or ideas on direction it takes?)

Chapter Two -- Dean to the Rescue, Almost

It seemed like an eternity. Wally was half asleep, exhausted inside the locker. As was Kenny. They could only hear each other's half attempts for escape or soft whimpers. The locker room was quiet outside.

They started to hear some type of activity. The sound of the door opening and closing. And footsteps on the cement floor. "Mmmmmhhhm! MMmmm!" the boys cried out.

Their locker doors were opened and it was Dean. He had on a ball cap covering his dark brown hair. He was small framed and slender like them and normally shy. But at that moment he looked like the hero he was, smiling at them. Dean pulled his two buddies from their standing coffins. Setting them on the floor next to each other. The boys looked relieved, looking thankfully up with their eyes. Dean knelt first to Kenny. He was unwrapping the tape around his mouth. As the last strip pulled from his lips, Kenny gasped, "Ahhh! Thank you man! Thank you!"

"You okay bud?" Dean asked, stroking Kenny's soaked hair. "Not really. Jesus that was awful." Wally started grunting into his gag looking at his friends. "Help him next. Get his gag off first!" Kenny said.

Dean moved to Wally and started unraveling the tape from his face. They had done an extra number on him so it took longer to unwrap. And as the last strip peeled away, they could see how strongly it had gripped to his face, pulling a lot at his flesh. Wally didn't care and just kept encouraging him to continue. Wally immediately spit out the large sock that plugged his mouth for so long. It was a soaked mess as it landed on the floor. "Fuck! Oh man, ugh… Thank you!" he sighed.

Thwwwakkkkk! Unwrapping the heaps of athletic tape was both a tedious chore and irritating their skin. So Dean started looking around for something to cut it off. "Look in the lockers dude," Kenny suggested. Sure enough Dean found a swiss army knife. He used one of the blades to carefully begin breaking away the tape, concentrating on the gap between the arm and chest. Kenny was the first to have his chest and arms free.

"Awesome! I can get the tape off my legs… help Wally!" Kenny said.

Dean moved over to a thankful Wally and did the same job. However Wally's hands were also bound behind his back so he carefully cut the tape on his wrists. Once he was half free, he started getting the tape off his legs and feet too.

When their tape was removed, Wally and Kenny looked like a mess. They were beat red and sweat soaked. Plenty of red marks too from where the tape was peeled away. Wally's pants were down to his knees, showing his compression shorts. Kenny was captured while already down to just his compression shorts so he had a healthy series of red marks on his legs too.

"Man, that must have been intense!" Dean said looking at all the marks on their skin.

"Ya it was messed up," Kenny shook as he stood up for the first time and used a nearby towel to dry off.

"At least you didn't have a disgusting sock in your mouth dude!" Wally laughed for the first time in a while.

"Or that jock!" Dean added. "That whole locker smelled from that. Whose was that?"

Wally stood up, drying himself off with Kenny's towel. He reached back into the locker and grabbed the jock with the very tips of his fingers. It was clearly used by someone and hadn't been washed. "Gross!" Kenny gasped. "Man I didn't know they did that!" "Ya… it was Chris and Dudley. I'm not sure whose it was though… but whomever it was… they're not getting it back." Wally grabbed the jock around the banana cup part and threw it like a basketball into the large trash bin across the way.

"Let's bust out of here before someone returns," Dean warned. "They're long gone dude," Wally said. "Ya… they left us… those assholes," Kenny agreed.

Dean persisted but the boys convinced him to relax and hang out for a minute while they took a shower. They wanted to get cleaned up before putting on their clothes. It would be embarrassing if their parents noticed how disheveled they were. They wanted to forget the whole thing and swallow their medicine.

Wally and Kenny stripped down, wrapped towels around their waist and headed off to the shower room while Dean waited by their lockers.

The boys relished having a long hot shower. They were busy soaping up and scrubbing any tape residue away from their skin. They helped each other clean their backs with soap and rags where it was hard to reach any of the sticky residue. They took their time, spending more than fifteen minutes in the shower room.

As they dried off with towels, Kenny shouted for Dean. "Bring us our flip flops will ya?!" They had forgotten them. Wally yelled again after a few seconds as well but Dean still wasn't responding or showing up.

"Screw it dude," Wally said as he wrapped his waist. Kenny nodded, wrapped his towel and they walked back to the locker room. Shouting again jokingly, "Dean? Did you leave us you scaredy cat?" As they rounded the corner to the row of lockers where Dean was waiting, they were startled by what they saw.

Dean had been bound and gagged sitting on the floor against the bench. He was trying to say something desperately to them and shaking his head with wide eyes.

"Oh shit! We are.. mmmmmph!" Kenny started to say as his mouth was quickly stuffed with something from someone behind. Wally was also grabbed and had his mouth hand gagged. "Mmmmmhh!"

It was the big three. Steve, Dudley and Chris. Chris and Dudley were holding the boys in head locks while covering their mouthes. Steve stepped in front of them, arms folded, smiling proudly.

"You're just a bunch of dumb rookies, huh?" he said. "We were coming back to let you boys go. But your little buddy Deano had to be a hero. He shouldn't have upstaged us!" "Grrmmmmm mmmh!" Dean was muttering under his gag. "Ya now we gotta start all over with you piss ants," Dudley said leaning into Wally's ear. "Mmmmm mmmhhh!"

"I'll shut them up permanently… hold them," Steve directed. He pulled two foam Nerf balls from his hoody pouch. He shoved one in to Kenny's mouth after Chris removed his hand. The two of them followed that up with the all to familiar athletic tape. Next was Wally, getting stuffed with the sponge foam ball and tape gagged. The two boys growled with frustration and tried to budge free. "Careful rookie pukes, you don't want your towels falling off! Ha hah…"

"Keep him for a second…" Steve asked making his way over to Dean.

Dean was in an unusual and embarrassing position. He had been stripped down to his underwear, a pair of baby blue tighty-whities. He was seated on his butt, his back was anchored to the dressing bench behind him with rope. His arms were tied stretched spread apart on the bench. They had also tied his ankles and fixed long ends of rope to them connected from far ends of leg posts. This forced him to remain bound in a sitting spread eagle position. As for a gag, it was obvious he had been stuffed with a baseball sock underneath the heaps of athletic tape wrapping his lower face.

Steve knelt down to Dean to inspect the ropes. Making more knots here and there and humorously patting Dean on the head. "There there! You wish you stayed home now don't you?" "Does this hurt?" he grinned tapping Dean lightly on the nuts with the back of his hand. Dean flinched and let out a muffled yelp. "Thought so… perfect!"

While Wally and Kenny watched helplessly with curiosity, Steve sat down on the bench opposite from Dean. He took out one of his baseball socks from his locker and rolled it inside itself, making a ball. He started tossing it in his hand. "You boys heard about nut ball yet?" he smiled back at the two boys being held.

Kenny and Wally looked nervously at Steve and shook their heads. Steve nodded and put his sights on Dean.

"Well its like this boys… We play it from time to time. The goal is to throw a sock at the other guy's nuts and get him to give up. Usually its a toss back and forth between two guys. But for this little game… poor Dean will have to be the sole target!"

Dean grew wide eyed and feverishly shook his head making muffled pleas for mercy. This just made the three seniors laugh. And Wally and Kenny gulp. Wally thought to himself how sorry he was that Dean came to their rescue.

Steve dramatically raised his hand holding the balled sock and slowly cocked his arm back as if he was about to pitch. Dean was struggling in his restraints trying futilely to close his legs enough to protect his crotch. Useless!

"And….. not now!" Steve laughed pausing on his throw. Dean sighed and relaxed his legs a moment. "Wait fellas," he said looking at Dudley and Chris. "We should make it interesting."

"What you thinkin' Steve-O?" Dudley asked.

"We should give little Deano a chance to save his buddies. If he can take three pitches from me without squealing like a baby, Wally and Kenny can go free. But…" Steve began explaining.

"But… if he fails.. we get to hang on to our little prisoners here for awhile," Chris finished as he playfully reached down to twist Kenny's nipple. "Mmmphhh!" Kenny grunted throwing back his head in discomfort.

"Exactly my boy!" Steve chuckled.

"I know! I know what we should do," Dudley shouted with excitement. "What?" Chris asked. Dudley leaned into Chris' ear and whispered. The two starting laughing uncontrollably as they increased their grips on the rookies, now fighting more than ever. Terrified.

"What? What?" Steve smiled curiously.

At once both the players shouted out, "Nut shave!" Dudley added, "We'll shave their balls as punishment…"

"Holy shit!" Steve roared. "That's pretty intense! But I say hell ya!"

Kenny and Wally were begging like little girls making little sense nonetheless through their taped mouths. Those Nerf balls were so effective at keeping them quiet.

So the evil plan was set. Dudley and Chris continued a firm grip on their captives as they watched Steve get into throwing position.

Dean tensed up again, as Steve readied his pitch. He threw his first pitch and the balled sock went flying towards Dean. It landed just above his crotch on his abs and softly dropped to his crotch. Dean buckled and gasped but didn't cry out.

"Lucky punk," Steve said. "I've got two more!"

Steve threw the second pitch, this time landing just to the left of his bulge in the underwear but it bounced off his thigh and still hit his balls. Dean jolted in agony but still managed to keep his reaction to a gasp, not a scream.

Wally and Kenny looked at each other with some relief and put their eyes back on Dean, hoping he could endure the last throw! Their hazers were cheering on Steve to make the last one count.

Steve laughed, confident he'd close the deal. He pulled back his arm, took aim and threw the socked ball. This time the sock sailed straight at Dean's crotch, landing square on his balls. Dean buckled, threw back his head in agony and let out the loudest muffled cry of pain. And he kept sobbing, twisting in his bonds.

"Woooo whooooo!" the three seniors cheered. Wally and Kenny were breaking into a cold sweat, whimpering.

With that, Steve announced, "Boys.. let's get busy tying our two pukes down… so we can shave them nice and clean!"

Dudley and Chris began moving their victims to the benches… Dean, looking defeated and embarrassed could only watch as his friends were going to their next hazing. He gave them a look as if he was saying, "Sorry…"

Kenny and Wally whimpered.

TO BE CONTINUED… Chapter 3 -- The Shaves

The Baseball Hazing Blues
Chapter 3 -- The Shaves

The scene inside the boy's locker room was an extreme sight to behold. Dean bound and gagged with the sweaty, smelly baseball sock. Wally and Kenny being dragged by Dudley and Chris to their fate, sweating bullets. And Steve the de facto bondage ringleader enjoying the control. Just hours ago they had beaten their rival team. All as a unit on the field. Now it was these varsity seniors humiliating the three rookies because of Wally's unfortunate defiance on the bus ride. It was close to 8pm. How much longer, Wally thought, could they get away with this? They would be soon missed by their families, right?

"Get them on the bench," Steve suggested. Dudley and Chris pushed them down on the bare butts. Their towels had long since slipped from their waists and they were stark naked. Their burly captors kept them in headlocks keeping their hands over their mouthes. "MMmmmphh!"

Steve was enjoying himself so much, he friskily sat on the bench directly behind Dean and wrapped his legs around Dean's shoulders. Resting his sneakers on Dean's thighs. Dean could only grovel half-heartedly as Steve's thighs locked around his head. Steve casually started slapping his hands on Dean's head like a drummer while he supervised the others. "Hope my feet are too much pressure on your legs."

"How we doing this Steve-O?" Dudley asked.

"Well bind them one at a time I guess.. oh yea…" he sparked. "Here!" he added pulling handcuffs from his back pocket. "Almost forgot these." He threw them across the aisle as Dudley caught them. "Handcuff Wally first and we'll start with Kenny."

Dudley forced Wally's hands behind his back and handcuffed his wrists. "Stay there," he ordered. Wally knew he didn't have much chance to run anywhere in the nude, not wearing sneaks and tape over his mouth. He sat quietly in his place. Dudley was free now to assist Chris in handling Kenny. The three hazers determined Kenny should be strapped down spread eagle somewhere.

"Oh wait-a-minute, what about their parents?" Chris mentioned. "Its already past eight. Will they…"

"Oh man good point!" Steve interrupted.

The seniors quickly came up with a plan. They'd text each of their parents from their individual cell phones with the message they were staying at the other's house that night. That seemed to be sufficient. Dean, Wally and Kenny looked upset about this but what could they do? Steve rummaged through their stuff and found their cells. He was amused how easily he could find the numbers, all listed under 'Mom.' "How cute…" he mocked. Steve sent out the messages. Soon enough he got back two "Okays" from their mothers. But the third one from Dean's mom said 'Call me.'

"Shit, Dean's mom wants him to phone," Steve griped. "Hmmm…"

"Let him do it… or we'll beat his ass," Chris promised. "Ya and I beat Dean doesn't want to admit the embarrassment anyway… ha hah… unless he's a mama's boy!" Dudley added.

Steve looked down at Dean and asked, "Do ya? You want your mommy to find out?" Dean looked up and eventually shook his head. "Good… cause I'd stick my foot up your ass so fast..." Steve said.

Steve untaped Dean's mouth and the thick, baseball sock that stank so bad finally fell from his lips in a sloppy wet ball. Dean immediately licked his lips and smacked trying to get the funky taste out. He didn't complain or cry out though.

Steve dialed the number and put it to Dean's ear. They listened tensely as Dean said "Hey mom…" They were pleasantly relieved to see he got permission to stay at Wally's house. His mother bought it. After she hung up, Steve patted Dean on the head and said, "Good man.. you bought yourself some kindness. I'll let you keep that gag out as long as you don't get smart." Dean nodded and sheepishly uttered, "Okay.."

"Yeee haw!" Chris roared. He and Dudley manhandled Kenny and took him down to the concrete floor. Kenny was wrestling his best and moaning stifled protests under the layers of tape and the thick sponge ball filling his mouth.

Dudley sat on Kenny's chest, facing him and holding his arms spread apart. Chris got busy tying each of his wrists with rope that he fastened at the ends to bench support legs. Restraining and binding him with arms winged out. He moved down to Kenny's ankles and similarly tied them tightly to opposing bench legs. In no time, poor Kenny was squirming, fully exposed on the ground incapable of breaking out of the ropes. Chris and Dudley folded their arms, standing up to look down proudly at their work. Wally still stayed seated, in his handcuffs looking at the humiliating sight of his friend completely exposed and vulnerable.

"Where should we put Wally now?" Chris wondered. "And man… shaving two guys.. this is gonna be a long night!" Dudley stated.

"Put him opposite his buddy… feet to feet!" Steve snickered.

Chris and Dudley grabbed Wally from the bench, uncured him and shoved him to the ground. They tied him in the same spread eagle fashion but humorously tied his ankles to Kenny's ankles. Their feet pressed against each other. "Mmmmhhh mmmmm mmm!" they grunted in frustration.

"Shaving cream. Razors gents!" Steve said, still playfully wrapping himself around Dean, drumming on his head lightly.

The two seniors returned with a can of Edge shaving cream and several razors. Kenny and Wally were paralyzed with fear. Chris looked down at their crotches, and their pubic hair and heckled, "They got quite a bit of bush goin' for such little ones huh?"

"You know fellas," Steve exclaimed. "We need to knock our boys out with something… since they're goin' under the knife!"

Chris smiled and knew exactly the right thing. He pulled off one shoe then his other. Underneath on his feet were a pair of dingy, sweaty ankle socks. The odor permeated everywhere. "Woof! Those stink! They'll do just fine!" Dudley gasped.

As Wally and Kenny pleaded helplessly underneath, Chris ignored their cries. He took one of the foul foots and placed it over Kenny's taped mouth. Keeping it right under his nose, he secured it with tape. "Mmmmmppphhh!" Kenny gasped.

Chris knelt down to Wally as Dudley helped him hold his head still. "These will make you nice and dizzy!" Chris chuckled putting his damp, rank sock over Wally's mouth and nose. "Breathe in buddy!" he said wrapping more tape around the sock. "Mmmmmphph mmm!" Wally groaned.

"Now… Who first?" Dudley asked.

"Well Dud… you might be right about shaving them both now that I think about it. A long time. So…" he pondered directing his attention down to Dean. "You think we should spare one of your friends? Huh?"

"Ah… well.. please… don't do either of them. Okay?" Dean shyly asked.

Steve reached down and pinched twisted his nipples. "Owww!" Dean whinced. "Wrong request. Tell you what… I'll make it interesting… Two options. One… you get to pick which one gets their family jewels polished smooth, ha hah. Or two… you can spare them both and you'll be the hero again… we'll shave YOUR nuts!" Steve laughed. The others erupted into a fit of laughter themselves.

"Oh man that's just cruel dude! Love it," Chris nodded.

Wally and Kenny were looking up at Dean, wondering what he would do. Dean just paused, gulping at his throat looking at each of them bewildered. "What's it gonna be??" Steve demanded from Dean.

"Hmmmmm…" Dean stuttered. "I just dunno. Come on," he begged.

"Fine Deano… you can't pick? Then we'll just have to shave both of them… and we'll all be here longer," Steve threatened picking up the wet, dirty sock again and starting to shove it back in Dean's mouth.

"Mmmhhmm… amok ok! I'll decide!" Dean yelped. Steve pulled the sock back out.

"Just shave one of them okay," Dean whimpered. "They're already tied down… and you promise we can go home afterwards?"

"Oh we'll be done with you boys that's for sure. But you have to pick. They have to hear it from you who you choose ha hah!" Steve announced.

Dean looked awkwardly at each of his friends. Kenny and Wally nervously waited for Dean's response.

"I'll pick… hmmm… Wally," Dean let out with a sigh.

"I knew it!" Chris cracked up. "Good choice!" Dudley smiled at Dean. "He deserves it the most doesn't he for getting you two in trouble!"

"No no its not li… mmmmhhhh!" Dean began explaining before Steve reinserted that awful used sock back in his mouth. "HHhmmmm mmmhh mm!" Steve wrapped more tape roll around Dean's face, forcing the thick balled sock to sink deep into his mouth cavity.

Dean felt betrayed. Was that him getting smart? Damn asshole he thought to himself as Steve finished wrap gagging him.

"And oh yes! Forgot one detail," Steve lit up. "The condition for only one being shaved… is that the other one has to do it!" he burst.

"Nice one!" Dudley clapped.

Both Kenny and Wally were shaking their heads in protest, making muffled cries. Chris leaned down to Kenny and said sarcastically, "Well if you can't do it… then there's no need to untie you and we might as well shave your nuts too!"

"Mmmmphh!" Kenny moaned setting his head back to the floor in defeat.

"So is that a yes?" Chris asked him spitting down in his face. "Huh? You wanna spare yourself and keep some dignity?" Kenny finally nodded reluctantly. "Good choice."

As Dudley and Chris started untying Kenny, they warned him, "No funny business! Any attempts to run away or not do a thorough job… you'll join your buddy. And since we only got one can of shaving cream, we might have to shave your business dry ha hah!" Chris whooped

When Kenny was finally free of the ropes, he stayed submissive, letting them direct him where to go without a fight. They put him on his knees between Wally's legs in front of his crotch. Wally looked at Kenny then his balls and dropped his head back in a sign of surrender.

Chris handed Kenny the can of shaving cream. "Lather him up!"

Kenny meekly began spraying the gel on Wally's nut sack. Then around his privates over the bushel of pubic hair. At their insistence, he reluctantly spread the gel into a foamy substance over Wally's balls and his hair. It was repelling and humiliating to be touching his friend. Wally was tensing up his body, squinting his eyes, gasping from the sensation.

Steve looked from his point of view and said, "That'll do! Razor!"

Chris took the shaving cream and handed Kenny a fresh razor blade. Kenny took it into his hand and looked at Wally with guilty eyes. He went to work. Starting with his balls, he made several careful strokes as hair from his nuts gave way. Wally was squirming in discomfort as Kenny finished removing the hair. He started on the rest of the crotch. Each time he glided the razor, Wally whimpered. But he kept on task. A few minutes later, Wally was completely shaved, relieved of the hair he once proudly had between his legs.

Steve hopped off of Dean and inspected Kenny's work. "Hell ya! Clean shaven, clean as a whistle now!" Steve delighted. All three seniors laughed and mockingly applauded Kenny. He just sighed.

"Well I think we're done for now! Good work Kenny boy," Steve chuckled patting him on the back.

Indeed the hazing was done for the night. But the seniors didn't want to give them an easy exit from their ordeal. Kenny was tied up again. This time his wrists bound and tied off to a beam overhead, forcing him to stand uncomfortably arms up.

"Well boys… we'll leave you three idiots alone now. You'll have to get yourself untied. Good luck!" Steve heckled.

The three seniors gathered up their gear. They snapped a few embarrassing photos with their phones of the helpless rookies. Then they exited the locker room, closing the door behind them. Their laughter trailing off into the distance.

Now the young boys were each struggling to get free of the ropes. Who would break out first and how long would it take? The battle for freedom carried on… Maybe they'd stay like that till the next morning's PE class. Uh oh!

Last edited by Deleted User 122 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks for reposting this great story.

As for the garbage signs in there, input the text into word (or another text editor). Hold down ctrl and press f additionally, this should open up the search function. There should be a button thats called "search and replace" (something like that, I'm going of from the german version). Copy the garbage text into the "search" field and write the sign you want to replace it with into the "replace" field. Click "replace all" and you are done.

This works for word, but I think every other text editor should have this function. If ctrl+f doesn't work look through the menu, there you should find the search function too.

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Post by harveygasson »

Really cool story thanks for posting it on the board
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

FelixSH wrote: 6 years ago Thanks for reposting this great story.

As for the garbage signs in there, input the text into word (or another text editor). Hold down ctrl and press f additionally, this should open up the search function. There should be a button thats called "search and replace" (something like that, I'm going of from the german version). Copy the garbage text into the "search" field and write the sign you want to replace it with into the "replace" field. Click "replace all" and you are done.

This works for word, but I think every other text editor should have this function. If ctrl+f doesn't work look through the menu, there you should find the search function too.
Hey man thanks for chiming in about that issue! Hmmm... I follow you in concept but I believe the ascii garage effects text that may be different to each one so a replace all solutiln may not do the trick. But lemme investigate further. Maybe you're getting me closer to the resolution!
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Post by Deleted User 122 »

harveygasson wrote: 6 years ago Really cool story thanks for posting it on the board
Thank you Harvey. I'll post more
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Post by FelixSH »

sockgagged wrote: 6 years ago Hey man thanks for chiming in about that issue! Hmmm... I follow you in concept but I believe the ascii garage effects text that may be different to each one so a replace all solutiln may not do the trick. But lemme investigate further. Maybe you're getting me closer to the resolution!
Yeah, I didn't realize that different symbols would all get replaced by the same nonsense, and then only sometimes. The only possible solution I can see here is to use the search function to find the nonsense (looking for € should be enough) and replace them all by hand. Shouldn't be too long, as there aren't that many, I think?

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Post by fratboydanny »

I remember this story from before and loved it just as much this read. Oh, for that to have happened...
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Post by Veracity »

I've been meaning to read this story for ages, so why am I just now getting around to it? Excellent job, but I think it definitely calls for a second chapter.
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Post by Manlyducttape »

This was one of the hottest stories I've read. Sock gags. Tape. Smelly cups. Young men forced to inhale several jock's scents. Well written. The only part I didn't like was the part that said "THE END." I realize that means you have no intention of continuing, but I wouldn't complain if you returned to these characters and their baseball hazing rituals. It was a hot read and I'd love to read even more.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Manlyducttape[/mention] Hear hear! I couldn't agree with you more.
Welcome to the forum by the way ;)

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Post by Deleted User 122 »

[mention]fratboydanny[/mention] [mention]Veracity[/mention] [mention]Manlyducttape[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] et al....

Thank you for the positive comments! Hmmmm.... I'll have to think about continuing this story or the characters. Its now on my list of things to do!

In the mean time, I've written a very short story that I'm gonna post you guys will like.
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Post by GoBucks »

sockgagged wrote: 6 years ago @fratboydanny @Veracity @Manlyducttape @bondagefreak et al....

Thank you for the positive comments! Hmmmm.... I'll have to think about continuing this story or the characters. Its now on my list of things to do!

In the mean time, I've written a very short story that I'm gonna post you guys will like.
Don't keep us waiting too long! I look forward to your stories almost as much as BondageFreak's ;)
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

sockgagged wrote: 6 years ago @fratboydanny @Veracity @Manlyducttape @bondagefreak et al....

Thank you for the positive comments! Hmmmm.... I'll have to think about continuing this story or the characters. Its now on my list of things to do!

In the mean time, I've written a very short story that I'm gonna post you guys will like.

Fyi, here's the link to the story I refer to. Click here:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks for the compliment, to both Jason ([mention]sockgagged[/mention]) and myself.

From having shared the board with Jason for several years now, I can tell you that you're among a select few that enjoy his AND my stuff. I don't think anyone would put into doubt our respective levels of zeal when it comes to sock gags and sneaker fetish stuff, but we do not generally cater to the same demographics.

While we're both in the same niche of interests, Jason is the undisputable King of horny, quick-paced, action packed, light hearted, fluid-inducing (yes, I went eh 8-)) hazing/frat/jock-themed tales.
And a very prolific one at that!

I'm more like the self-proclaimed King of sock/sneaker-related soap operas ;)

I really enjoy Jason's style. It's fun, kinky, makes my blood pump (among other things) and always makes me either laugh, smile or chuckle in delight.

So yeah, in short, I'm thrilled to see readers (like you) who enjoy both sides of the coin, so to speak.

Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago @GoBucks
Thanks for the compliment, to both Jason (@sockgagged) and myself.

From having shared the board with Jason for several years now, I can tell you that you're among a select few that enjoy his AND my stuff. I don't think anyone would put into doubt our respective levels of zeal when it comes to sock gags and sneaker fetish stuff, but we do not generally cater to the same demographics.

While we're both in the same niche of interests, Jason is the undisputable King of horny, quick-paced, action packed, light hearted, fluid-inducing (yes, I went eh 8-)) hazing/frat/jock-themed tales.
And a very prolific one at that!

I'm more like the self-proclaimed King of sock/sneaker-related soap operas ;)

I really enjoy Jason's style. It's fun, kinky, makes my blood pump (among other things) and always makes me either laugh, smile or chuckle in delight.

So yeah, in short, I'm thrilled to see readers (like you) who enjoy both sides of the coin, so to speak.
Bondagefreak, nicely said and thank you friend! What a compliment coming from you, who I consider THE king of bondage sock smell stories lol. :)
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Post by The slave »

excellent story its 3 there are really a lot of chances lol
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