Second Ties m/f (tickling)

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Second Ties m/f (tickling)

Post by HydeUAI »

Hello everyone, thank you for the feedback on my first set of writings. From here on, this will be all my own work with a looser and looser foundation on the original story as more parts are written. Without further ado, here is Second Ties (m/f).

Austin was daydreaming as he watched the white board in front of him. His English teacher, a normally boring instructor, was lecturing the class about some famous 1900’s author and their impact on American writers today. Austin watched as the black ink marker made laps across the board writing what was supposed to be important information. To the right of the board was a calendar flipped to May. A warm breeze blew through the room from the open window. Austin thought back to last weekend and his babysitting escapades with Clara. How’d he’d originally started the game as a friendly competition to break the ice and eventually devoted in a full out tickle torture session. Even better: Clara had fun, and wanted more. And the best part? Clara’s parents were going away again, this time for an overnight trip. He’d initially felt guilty about this, but he’d quickly shoved those feelings aside now. His mind raced with ideas on how to take their game to the next level. Maybe he could–

“Austin? Are you going to read chapter five for the class?” His teacher suddenly called out, interrupting his thoughts.

“Huh?” Austin said, dumbfounded. He looked down, his book wasn’t even open. The class suddenly broke out in stifled giggles. Austin turned a shade of pink in embarrassment.

“Are you paying attention? I know it’s May, but that’s no excuse, especially with college admissions starting in the fall!” Ms. Thompson said. “And that goes for everyone else laughing right now. Some of your grades are looking awful right now!” she chastised. The room suddenly grew quiet. “Now, Austin please open your closed book to page 76 and read chapter five before I get any older.” she instructed.

Austin quickly opened his book and got to reading.

“Dude what happened man? You got the entire class in trouble.” questioned Roger, Austin’s best friend who sat across from him at the lunch table. Roger and Austin had been tight for as long as he could remember. He was a short and stout kid, with a mess of moppy blond hair. He was wearing a green T-Shirt with some graphic design on it from one of his favorite artists and a pair of faded blue jeans. His most distinguishing facial feature was his round nose, which frequently got him bullied in middle school, but had largely subsided since coming to high school. Despite popular belief, as long as you aren’t a complete weirdo, you won’t get bullied even if your social circle was small like Austin and Roger.

“I’m sorry, but it’s not my fault though. Ms. Thompson is so damn boring. She could put a meth addict to sleep with her lectures.” Austin retorted.

“Yeah I know, I know. But you gotta at least pretend to be listening. It’s the only way to stay on that witch's good side. I just hope I don’t have her again next year for 12th grade English. You didn’t help by looking out into space either though.” Roger said. “What were you even looking at?”

Austin blushed slightly. He hadn’t told anyone about what happened over the weekend, not even Roger.

Roger immediately clued in on this. “Were you staring at Sydney? She’s so damn hot man I don’t blame you.” Roger said jokingly.

“I wasn’t staring at her man; I was looking out the window. Besides, I'm not a creep and staring at people.” Austin retorted.

“Sure, whatever Austin. You don’t have to lie to me. Anyways, what are you up to this weekend? You wanna do another BF marathon?” Roger asked.

Austin groaned. “Ugghhh. You and BF. That game blows. Besides, I can’t. I’m babysitting for my neighbors down the street on Saturday and Sunday for $120.” Austin said with a proud gin at the pay he’d be receiving.

“Ah that sucks you’re stuck there all weekend with nothing to do. At least you’re gonna get paid pretty good. Take your switch with you or something” Roger said with an air of sympathy. Little did he know Austin thought.

“Looks like the bells about to ring.” Austin noticed, looking up at the massive clock in the large lunchroom wall. “I’ll text you later, maybe I can hop on steam later in the day on Sunday.”

“Alright sounds good Austin, I’ll talk to ya.” Roger said getting up from the table and taking his tray to the trash can.

The rest of the school day couldn’t go by quick enough Austin thought. As he boarded the bus home, he noticed the heat of a light near summer breeze. He was looking forward to summer. He’d be taking his second attempt at the SATs and visiting some in-state universities. His mom had gone to university so obviously she wanted him too as well. His dad on the other hand was a tradesman; electrician to be specific, and while he didn’t want to push him in one direction or the other, he only asked that he pursue a high paying degree field, like engineering or IST. Something that would ensure his student loans would be worth it. But that could wait. For now, the weekend is here. As he looked out the window, he watched the trees and houses pass by in a blur. Suddenly, the bus came to a stop and the bus driver called out. “Everyone for Goodsprings Community Development, here's your stop!” he yelled out. A good chunk of the kids on the bus got up with Austin as he rose to his feet to file out. Austin stepped off the bus into the hot muggy May air and been his trudge into the housing development, following behind all the other kids in the pack. As he began to break a sweat, he saw his house in view. It was a small townhouse with light blue siding and a nice light gray door. The roof shingles were a mix of orange, brown and gray leading up to a silver exhaust pipe. In the front yard was a large oak tree towering over the property. His parents had planted it years ago when they first moved in. As he approached the front door, he reached instead the mailbox and grabbed a handful of mail, all appeared to be trash such as marketing magazines and the like. He opened the door and stepped inside to be greeted with a sweet relief of AC. His Mom must’ve left it on when she left for her shift at the St. Huberts Medical Hospital. He noticed a note on the kitchen table. It read:

“Hi Honey, Sorry I’m gonna be home tonight and I’ll probably miss you tomorrow morning as well. The hospital is super busy right now. Dad’s also going to be staying on site over the weekend, so you have the place to yourself tonight. Have fun at the Bell’s this weekend! Call if you need anything. Love, Mom.”

Austin sighed and looked in the fridge for something to eat for dinner. At least there was leftovers from last night, he thought. He closed the fridge and walked upstairs to get changed into something more comfortable; a pair of pajama shorts and a t-shirt before settling in for a night of Beelzebub IV. When he next looked up his room was pitch black and the stars were out. His alarm clock read 10:06pm. Time for bed he thought, turning off his PowerSystem 5 and settling under the covers for a night of rest before a big day tomorrow.

Austin awoke with a start to the sound of a lawnmower engine churning, looking at his alarm clock, reading 7:45. He got out of bed and took a quick shower before drying off and getting dressed. He’d recently overhauled his closet, partially on a count of his last growth spurt finally ending. His parents always moan about his constant need for new clothes, but thankfully it was soon coming to an end. He would likely end at around 5 '11 on the account of his doctor at his last check-up, much like his father. The Miller family men just couldn’t break 6 feet it seemed. Austin picked out a pair of 9-inch inseam tan shorts and a dark blue polyester t-shirt before slipping on a pair of black socks and sliding into a pair of black sneakers. He grabbed out another t-shirt, this one gray, underwear, and socks before stuffing them into a backpack he’d packed for the weekend. Slinging it over his shoulder he thumped down the stairs and looked through the window to the driveway: empty. True to Mom’s word she’d started for an overnight shift. COVID numbers were low, but a sudden outbreak at the old folks' home must’ve really taken its toll he thought. He cooked himself a quick scrambled egg and grape toast jelly breakfast before noticing the clock read 8:47am. He’d promised to be at the Bells by 9am, so he cleaned up the kitchen, turned off the lights and grabbed his backpack and house key before locking the front door. He walked over to the shed on the side of the house and pulled out his bike. It was a 10-speed bike with a white base coat and red accents. He rode this bike all over town but was excited to trade it in for a car when he (hopefully) got his license once he passed his driver's test. As he pedaled his bike down the sidewalk to the Bell’s he felt his heart pumping harder as he approached. He was anxious, but excited. Nervous, that Clara had said something to her parent’s and when he got there, they’d think he was crazy and tell him to leave. He knew these fears were semi-irrational, but they still were eating away at him. He approached the Bell household and was struck again by the beautiful house. Firstly, the house sat along in the neighborhood, rare amongst all the townhouses. The house was a red and black brick, two stores with an awesome lawn and (appeared) large backyard. There was a black metal fence surrounding it and he could see an inground pool, still covered from the winter. In the driveway was a nice red Yord pickup and black Royota TAV-4. Both were clearly newer than 2-3 years old. He parked his bike at the front of the house, kicking down the kickstand. He didn’t bother locking it up, Goodsprings wasn’t that type of neighborhood. He walked up to the nice ruby red front door and knocked.

Mrs. Bell opened the door with a warm expression, wearing a dark blue dress. “Hey Austin, thanks for coming. You’re doing us a huge favor. Don’t tell Clara, but she’s been basically bouncing off the walls since last weekend. I don’t know what changed, but you must be magic!” Mrs. Bell said.

Austin slightly blushed. “Oh, wow really? I’m glad Clara had fun last time.” Austin stammered, scratching the back of neck in a self-soothing gesture.

“What did you guys even get up to last time?” Mrs. Bell asked.

“Oh uh, just played some games and watched TV. That sort of thing I guess.” Austin replied. While it wasn’t the whole truth, it also wasn’t exactly a lie either.

“That’s good. Clara loves her video games I’ll say.” Mrs. Bell said as she rummaged through her white handbag, making sure she had their hotel reservations, and wedding invitations. “We’ll Dave and I need to be going, or else we’re going to hit traffic.” Mrs. Bell said, zipping up the handbag and walked over to the staircase leading upstairs. “Daavvveeeee! We need to get going. Clara, you come downstairs too!” Mrs. Bell yelled up the stairs.

Austin heard the tumble of footsteps jumping up and running to the staircase, growing louder as they approached. Clara thundered down the stairs, skipping a step or two along the way before halting at the bottom of the stairs. Austin was immediately caught by surprise. “You’re finally here! You ready to hang all day?” Clara exclaimed with glee.

“Yeah definitely.” Austin said with some slight shock. He looked her over. Her jet-black hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, the tips ending at her shoulder blades. She was wearing a gray cotton t-shirt, black and white 1-3in inseam athletic shorts, and white ankle socks.

“Awesome, I have some many fun ideas! Mom, when are you and dad getting out of here?” Clara joked.

“As soon as your father gets down here. Looks like he's coming now.” Mrs. Bell replied as a heavier set of steps descended down the stairs. He was wearing a nice navy-blue blazer, khaki pants, white shirt and salmon tie.

“Ah, you're here. Austin, right? Thanks for watching squirt here tonight.” he said.

“Daaaadddd, don’t call me that!” complained Clara.

“What? You’ve always been Squirt, Squirt.” Mr. Bell joked.

“Alright, alright Dave lets go or we’re gonna be late.” Mrs. Bell interjected, grabbing her husband's forearm and walking out the front door. “Have fun you two! Foods in the fridge, but feel free to order out using money on the table.” Mrs. Bell said over her shoulder before closing the car.

“So, we’re alone, so now what?” thought Austin.

“So, you wanna play Mega Fight Bros? I’ve gotten way better since last week!” Clara asked.

“Sure, but I’m still gonna whoop you like last time.” Said Austin.

“Wanna bet? Same as last time?” Clara challenged.

“Well, that didn’t take long.” Austin thought. “You’re on. Go and get your Swap set up while I lock up my bike.” Austin instructed. Reaching into his backpack he pulled out a black combo bike lock and walked outside to lock his bike to the fence. Walking back inside, Clara was setting up the two-player head-to-head battle-mode.

She handed him a controller and they started round one. She’d chosen a different character this time, some type of dog with a bird on his back. And she was surprisingly pretty good. He was down to 1 life quickly, before he could even get one of hers. Not soon after, he’d lost. Clara jumped up with glee.

“Let's go!! I win!!” She cheered.

“Still best 2 out 3 Clara, you haven’t won yet.” Austin corrected.

“Whatever, I have the advantage now. Everyone knows winning game 1 is the most important.” She gloated.

“Oh really? Wanna up the stakes? How about loser has to be tied up for 30 minutes this time?” Austin proposed.

“Hmm, deal.” Clara said with confidence. Little did she know; Austin had planned this the whole time. He’d purposely chosen a weaker character and let her win for a false sense of confidence, and now she’d fallen right into his carefully laid trap as he changed his character this time to a black and white thief with red gloves, an S tier character in his experience. He swiftly wiped the floor with her.

“Still feeling confident?” Austin teased.

“Whatever, that was a fluke. Pick your next character.” Clare snapped back between gritted teeth.

Austin swiftly wiped the floor with her again. 2-1, he’d won.

“WHAT?!?! How’d you win? You’re a cheater!” Clara exclaimed.

“Maybe you just suck Clara.” Austin joked.

“Alright, fine. Tie me up.” Clara said, putting her hands behind her back.

“Not like that. Lay down on the couch and raise your arms up.” Austin instructed. He walked over to his backpack and grabbed out a few older winter scarves. With his back turned, Clara revealed a sly grin. Austin walked back over and began to tie her wrists together before pulling them over her head and tying the ends to the legs of the couch. He then walked down to the end of the couch and did the same to her ankles, propping them up on the couch arm. Clara tested the give of her restraints. One word: Tight. Austin surveyed his young ward: she was stretched out across the couch, her t-shirt was riding up a bit, revealing some midriff, and fingers we’re attempting to pick at the bindings. He’d made sure to tie the knots out of reach as he’d read online.

“Alright Clara, just like last time, you’ve got 30 minutes and then I’ll untie you.” Austin said typing 30 minutes into his phone clock. “I’ll be back, you want anything to drink?” He asked.

“Water please.” Clara said. As she watched Austin leave the room, she began to push and pull her wrists back and forth, attempting to create some slack before relaxing seeing the futility. Yet again; she’d been beaten by Austin’s seemingly unbeatable rope work. Only this time; she felt much more vulnerable and helpless, being stretched out like a slab of meat. On top of that there were certainly more “opportunities” for roaming fingers unlike last time in this position. Clara felt an odd butterfly feeling at that prospect, like when she’d rode that loopy-loop rollercoaster last summer. “I think they called it an adrenaline high” she thought. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by Austin's return.

“I brought you a glass with a straw, here” he said, offering the straw to her lips. She took a slurp before letting go.

“Thanks Austin. Was kinda thirsty I guess.” Clara thanked.

“No problem. How’s your circulation feeling?” He asked, as he walked over to her wrists checking for signs of digging or stress.

“Feels fine, if you turn the TV on, I could stay like this for a while.” she joked.

Austin inspected her wrists first and didn’t notice any signs of marks and walked down to her ankles to do the same. As he checked her ankles Clara stifled a giggle from him grabbing her socked foot. Austin suddenly got a devious idea.

“You know Clara, these socks are really dirty. Who taught you it’s okay to walk around with such dirty socks?” Austin questioned.

“What do you mean?” Clara tensely asked.

“You have so many dirty smuggies! Here, let me show.” Austin said as he began scratching at different areas of her socked soles.

“What do-hehehahahheh. Yo-you don’t hahahahhhahahave to dohuhuhuhu thatahahhahah!” Clara exclaimed between cackles.

“No no, I think I’ll just have to teach you a valuable lesson!” Austin said with a smirk.

“NOTHAAHAHAHAHA AGAHAHAHAIAN.” Clara exclaimed with laughter.
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Post by JohnnyRockets »

Again, I really like your writing! This story feels more detailed and fleshed out than your previous efforts.
Looking forward to the continuation.
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