Dance to the ties of time (M/Ff)

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KP Presents
Centennial Club
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Dance to the ties of time (M/Ff)

Post by KP Presents »

Did I expect it to work out the way it did? Not really – but it was certainly one of the more unusual times I have helped a family in this way. But perhaps I had better start at the beginning, with a phone call.

The woman I spoke to had heard I offer a service for family games and told me she wanted to hire me to give her and her three daughters a very special time together. We discussed exactly what she meant by that, and what my terms would be, and I said I could call round on the Friday night at about seven in the evening to do what they wanted. That seemed acceptable to her - and so it was at 6.30 I drove up to the front of their house.

It was a large house, set back from the main road, and as I got out I looked to make sure it was as advertised. I was dressed casually for the occasion, but I smiled as I walked to the front door and rang the doorbell.

It was opened by a woman in her late thirties, by my reckoning, who introduced herself as Connie Baker. I introduced myself, and we went into the front room – I saw she was wearing a short black dress with an overdress of black lace, and black dance heels.

We went into the front room, and she introduced her daughters. Katy, the oldest, was ten, and was wearing a purple knee length dress held up by spaghetti straps, as well as matching dance shoes. Emily was eight, and was also wearing a short dress and dance shoes, although hers was light green. The youngest, Sue, was seven, and wearing the same style of dress but in red.

I sat down with Connie and reviewed the terms of my work, as well as the waiver document I would need her to sign – and then I asked how they wanted to be tied. Well, Connie looked at her girls, and then said she wanted to be tied in a reverse prayer tie. I raised an eyebrow – and then raised it even higher when Katy said she wanted an elbow and wrist tie.

Emily then said she wanted her wrists tied to her elbows in a box tie, and Sue said she just wanted her wrists crossed – but they all said they also wanted their upper arms tied to their sides, with trope above and below their chests, and they wanted me to cover their hands with tape first.

I was a little taken back by this, and asked them if they were sure they wanted that – but Connie said it would be fine, and signed the documents. So I took the documents to my car, and came back with my large supply bag, before I took the silver tape out and made sure all four of them had their hands taped.

Sue asked to go first, so I crossed her wrists behind her back and made sure they were tightly secured together with the rope, before I took a longer length and tied it round her arms and body, forming two bands which round her upper arms and her stomach so that she was bound the way she had asked to be. She actually seemed to be happy she was this way, as he watched me fold Emily’s arms into a box behind her back, and then secured her wrists to her elbows, before I tied the longer rope round her upper body as well.

The two girls then stood, talking to each other as I took care of the oldest daughter – first by wrapping some rope around her elbows and drawing them together, pulling her shoulder blades back as they touched, and then using a second length to tie her wrists together. Connie was watching the whole time, as I again framed her young chest with two bands of rope, so that her arms were forced against her back, and then made sure they were tightly secured before the three girls looked at their mother.

It was fortunate Connie was as supple as she said she was – she put her hands together, palms back to back, between her shoulder blades and waited as I tied her wrists together, and then her arms above her elbows, before giving her the chest ropes as well, wondering what the girls must be thinking as their mother looked at them. But anyway – all four were bound the way they had asked to be, as they stood and talked to each other while they tried to get free.

Sue said it was really tight, but nice, and the others agreed – as Connie said it was time to keep them quiet as we had discussed. The girls all nodded in agreement, as I compressed the sponge balls and gently pushed them into their mouths, noting in particular how Sue’s cheeks puffed out before I covered their mouths with white micropore tape as the gags they requested.

“Huuhlrhthgls,” Connie said.

“Whrfhfhnmhm,” Katy said, Emily and Sue nodding in agreement as they kept struggling, and tried to talk to each other. It was obvious to me they were happy, and having the time of their lives, so I took the opportunity to go and get a drink of water from the kitchen before coming back to make sure they were not hurting themselves.

It was clear that was not what they were doing, as they twisted round – but then the three girls walked out of the room, Connie indicating I should follow them as they left the room and walked down the hallway, before stopping outside a door. I opened it and they walked in as I turned the light on – to see they had a home dance studio, with mirrors along one wall and a selection of mats on the floor.

Connie nodded to a music player, and as I started it a slow song started to play – with all four of them dancing to the music. As each song came on, they would listen, and then start to dance in time to that as well, which was a most – unusual sight. I mean, we’re talking Strauss and other classical composers – and Connie was leading them in that as they walked round the room.

To tell the truth, I was getting bored just watching them – and then Sue came over and looked at me, then looked at her legs.

“You want me to secure your legs now?”

She nodded as her sisters came over, so I went out and returned with my supply bag, took a rope out, and knelt down before I bound her legs together above her knees. A second rope went round her legs below her knees, and then a third round her ankles, each of them cinched by taking the ropes between her legs.

She jumped off as I looked at her sisters, both of them nodding as I secured their legs in the same way – and then as they jumped over to join their sister, I did the same thing to their mother as she watched me.

“Fhnnkkuh,” she said as she went to join the girls, and they started to jump around in time to the music as well. This was more – interesting, but still I wondered how much longer they could keep going.

Eventually, however, I looked at my watch and said “Well, I’m afraid our time here has come to an end. Who wants to be untied first?”


I looked at them and said “I can see you are all having fun, but I need to make sure you are free before I go.”


“I’m sorry?”


I looked at Katy, then at Emily and Sue, before I slowly turned my head to Connie.

“Your daughters have asked to be like this until Monday – this is not in our agreement.”

“Hnnhhh,” Connie said, “bhtthdlhkhtth.”

I literally hit my head against my palm – I don’t normally do long term plays, but I was free for the weekend, and at heart, the customer is always right. “Are you sure?”

All four of them nodded, and then looked at me as I said “Well, all right – but I need to talk to your mother in the morning, and you need to have breaks to eat and – other things. All right?”

I could see the smile under the tape over the girls’ mouths, as they jumped over to where some mats were laid out, each of them lying along one of them. Connie jumped over with me and then sat down, before she looked down at her mouth.

“You want me to remove the gag?”


I nodded and peeled the tape away, then helped her to take the wet sponge out of her mouth. She worked her jaw and looked at her daughters as their eyes closed, before she said “not what you expected?”

“No – they seriously want to do this all weekend?”

“SO it seems – look, you’re right we need breaks for food and things – and they have to do their homework, although I think they can be tied up and gagged for that, but I will pay extra and sign any releases.”

“What gave them this idea?”

“Some friends of ours had a – visit from someone called Jay Edwards.”

I knew who Jay was, of course, so I nodded and said “Where do I rest?”

“Use the spare bedroom – you can go and get a change of clothes tomorrow while I supervise their homework in the dining room. Now, please gag me again – tomorrow they have Yoga and Ballet to do.”

“Suitably dressed and bound?”

Connie nodded as I relaced the sponge in her mouth, and pressed fresh tape over her mouth, before she lay down and closed her eyes as well. Shaking my head, I whispered “Well, here we go,” as I turned the lights off, and found that spare bedroom…

It was about eight in the morning when I woke up, and went back to the dance studio to see they were all awake. SO I sat them up, and untied Sue first. When she was free,” she said “thank you” and hugged me before she went out of the room. I soon had her sisters free, and then untied their mother as they ran after her.

“Thank you,” she said after I had removed the gag and she stretched. “Let me go and make some coffee, and we can talk.”

Half an hour later, I was sitting with Connie in the kitchen as her daughters came in, wearing bath robes ad towels over their hair. “Are we doing yoga today, Mummy,” Emily asked.

“We will – in a different way,” Connie said as she looked at me. “Katy, can you stay down here with Sue, and when we come down you can go and get ready. Emily, will you come with me now please – we will have Brunch after the session.”

“Sure, mummy,” Emily said as she went off with her mother, Katy looking at me as she said “so we will be tied up and gagged for the yoga?”

“That’s the idea – but not the same way. You can save that for the ballet training later,” I said with a smile. “This will help you to all relax together before your homework this afternoon.”

“Do we have to do that,” Sue moaned.

“Yes,” I said, “your mother insists, so that you can enjoy dancing later and tomorrow.”

“Best to get it out of the way,” Katy said, Sue nodding as I heard the shower running again. “Well, I need to keep an eye on both of you before you go up, your mother’s – request.”

A few minutes later, Connie and Emily came back down. Emily was wearing a shiny pink leotard with long sleeves, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and yellow leg warmers. Her mother was wearing a candy-striped leotard over a long-sleeved yellow top, blue tights and blue leg warmers.

I told Katy and Sue they could get ready, while I went with Connie and Emily to the dance room. Connie laid out a pink mat before they sat on either end, their legs in the lotus position and their wrists resting on their knees.

I started with two lengths of rope, and made sure their ankles were secured tightly together, the rope going around and between their legs. I then tied their wrists down to their legs above their knees, before wrapping ropes around their upper arms and their chests as it had been the previous night.

Finally, I tied a length of rope around the ropes between their breasts, and then to the rope round their ankles so they had to stay there. As I looked round, Katy came into the room, wearing a pink vest and knee length daker pink yoga pants, while Sue followed in a peach-coloured vest and black shorts.

I laid out a second mat and let them take the same position on that, before I bound them in the same way, with the rope from their chests to their ankles. Connie then said “I need to be able to be – well, understandable, so for this morning’s session, we will have cloths tied between our lips and nothing else. He will then start to play the tape while we close our eyes and you listen to the music, and to me, all right?”

The girls nodded as I pulled strips of towelling between their lips and secured the ends at the base of their necks, before I turned on the CD player and the whale sound started to play. Connie then closed her eyes, the girls following as she started to make a mumbled chant, and I slipped out of the room. I had agreed while they did this, I would prepare some food for their brunch, so I made my way back to the kitchen, put the coffee cups into the dish washer, and found some food in the refrigerator.

I had been told to allow them ninety minutes for the session, so when I returned after that time they all still had their eyes, closed their hands palm up with the rope holding their wrists to the legs. Connie opened her eyes and nodded as I turned the music off, and then gently removed their ropes before taking the gags out of their mouths.

“Go and do anything you need to do,” I said with a smile, “Brunch is nearly ready, and after you have eaten, you need to bring whatever homework you have to the dining table.”

The girls nodded as they rubbed their wrists and headed for the stairs, while Connie accompanied me back to the kitchen.

“Relaxing time?”

“Very – so what do we have…”

I watched as the girls each put some books down on the table, as well as pencil cases and the other equipment they needed.

“Good - I have to go and get some more clothes for me and supplies,” I said, “but you have homework to do, and your mother is going to watch you.”

“Where is mum,” Katy asked.

“I’ll get her in a few minutes,” I said, “For now, take a seat – and I’ll push you all in once you are ready.”

The girls nodded as they sat down, and I knelt next to Sue’s chair before I bound her ankles tightly together with black tape. I then wrapped the tape round her legs and the seat of the chair, and then round her waist and the bars in the chair back, before I pushed her into the table.

Once I had both Katy and Emily’s legs secured in the same way and had then taped to their chairs, I wrapped black tape round their heads to keep them quiet. “Now wait there,” I said as I left the room for a moment – and then came back with their mother. Connie had her legs taped, and bans of tape framing her chest as her wrists were held together behind her back. She also had black tape wrapped round her head as I helped her to sit in another chair, and then said “right – I am trusting you all to get on with your work while I leave you alone. Will you do that?”

“Whwwhlll,” Connie said as the girls picked up pencils and pens, and opened their books while I shook my head again. Connie had signed the additional releases, and this was their wish, so I slipped out of the house - I needed to head home, have a shower, pick up more supplies and clothes, nd then head back…

“So – homework all done?”

Katy, Emily and Sue all nodded as I came back in, and looked at Connie. As she nodded, I said “all right – I am ging to free your mother, and she will prepare some food for you to eat – are you going to be all right staying there for a short while?”

All three nodded as I used some scissors to cut connie free, and then we both headed back to the kitchen. I was now wearing a black rollneck sweater and joggers, as Connie said “Well – and you have some clothes for the next couple of days?”

“I do – I am ging to presume they will want to be tied tightly like last night?”

“I want to suggest a little change or two – but we can talk about that while I prepare the food.”

“Please do not take offence, but you are one strange family,” I said as I shook my head.

“Well, I hope you don’t take offence, but you run a service of fun bondage family events - isn’t that a little strange as well?”

“You have me there,” I said with a smile. “How did this get started?”

“My late husband – he started to do it to help them with their poise for dance classes, and it went from there.”

“Forgive me, but…”

“Four months ago – it was sudden, but they recently asked if we could do it again. I had no problem; save I could not take part if I was doing the binding – and then I heard about your service.”

“So they have done a weekend before?”

“Yeah – so if they start crying for some reason…”

“The gags come off, but the ropes stay.”

Connie nodded as I said “all right then – what are they going to eat…”

IT was about seven in the evening when the three girls came into the dance room – they all had their hair up on their heads in buns, and were wearing blue sleeveless leotards, white tights and white ballet slippers.

I had the ropes ready, so I started with Katy this time, doing what I had done the previous evening – using the first length of rope to keep her elbows together behind her back, and then a second length to secure her wrists together. I then used a longer length to hold her arms against her back, forming two bands - but then I tied the rope round the bands behind her, before I fed it under one arm, up and around the back of her neck, and then under the other arm before securing the ends.

“Did Mum say you could do this,” she asked as she twisted her body round.

“She did – Emily, you are next.”

She walked over and stood with her back to me, as I once again folded her arms and tied her wrists to her elbows, and then tied the same longer rope round her upper arms and body. I then bound Sue’s wrists and upper body as Connie came in, wearing a white body stocking with a black lace skirt fastened round her waist, as well as the ballet slippers.

“All right girls,” she said as I secured the ropes behind Sue’s back, “start you warm-up exercises while the man makes sure I am secured as well, and then we will begin.”

I watched the three girls as they started to bend and move their legs, and put them up on a bar to stretch out, before I made sure Connie’s hands were together, back-to-back, between her shoulder blades and then secured her wrists together with one length of rope. “They were surprised by the ropes under their arms,” I said as I started to wrap the long rope round her own arms and chest.

“I can imagine - but I want it for me tonight, and I want us all to be the same way. Do you understand that?”

“But you all have your arms bound in different ways…”

“Let me rephrase that – different ways at the front.”

I nodded as I pulled the ropes tighter, the bands sinking into her arms as they framed her chest, and then made sure they were tightened in the same way as well. I could see the girls were giggling now as they started to perform jumps and turns in the air with their arms secured.

Now, surprising as this may sound, I do know a bit about ballet, so I had to admire the way they were performing plies and pas of various types. Connie then called then to attention as they made their way over to the barre on the wall, and started to perform a series of exercises including stretching their legs up on the wooden support, arching their heads back as they arched their backs. There really was no denying their suppleness…

The three girls then lined up as Corrine looked at me, and I gagged them in the same way I had the previous night – the compressed sponge ball in their mouths and white tape on their lips and chin. She then asked me to put a record on a player, and as the music from Swan Lake started she got all three of them to dance across the floor, performing a very well-coordinated and choreographed set of moves and jumps to the music.

She seemed to be pleased with them, and as the next movement of the music started I gagged her as well before she led them in the next sequence. She was a very good ballet dancer as well, leading them in a series of jumps and turns across the floor as they hummed along to the music. It was certainly quite a sight to watch, but I could see they were getting tired as they stopped, and looked down to their legs.

I took the ropes and once again made sure each of them had their legs secured above and below their knees, as well as their ankles, before they jumped across the floor and lay down on the mats. That was when I saw Katy bend her legs back and look at me. Corrine nodded, before I placed each of them into a tight hogtie, their heels resting on their bottoms as they slowly went off to sleep.

I made my way back to the spare room I had been sleeping in, wondering how I had got myself in this position. Four hostages willingly hogtied and gagged – and they had another day of this to go. I just hoped they were ready to ask forgiveness of me come the morning….

They were all awake and rolling on the mats when I came in on the Sunday morning, wearing an open necked shirt and a suit. It took me a little while for them to be untied and stretch out, and then remove their gags, before they walked through and had breakfast with me.

“You seem to be very good at ballet,” I asked once they had all settled down.

“Well, I sued to dance in a company before I got married and Katy came along,” Connie said. “As they grew up, I taught them to dance as well – ballet, classical, free dance.”

“Free dance?”

Connie smiled as she said “find out later. But it is Sunday, and we should be going to Church – today, however, we dress and watch a live stream.

“With your help.”

The girls looked at me and smiled as I shook my head again. “What sort of church is it anyway?”

“Assembly of God – we would like to jump around and try to sign along…”


Sue nodded as I secured her legs together below her knees, and then stood up. The three girls were sitting on the couch in the front room, all wearing short sleeved white dresses, and white shoes – and all with their wrists tied together in front of them, and bands of rope round their waists and their upper arms. They also had their ankles tied tightly together, and strips of brown sticking plaster were pressed firmly down over their mouths.

“Are you girls ready,” Connie said as she sat herself in the armchair, and held her hands out for me to bind her wrists together with rope. Her ankle and legs were already bound, as she sat on her short sleeved white dress and heels. The screen on the television was showing a countdown, as I bound her arms to her sides.

“Are you sure you will not join us?”

“No offence,” I said as I picked up the roll of brown material, “but I am not exactly a religious person. I’ll make sure the joint you put in the oven is taken care of.”

“Of course – I’m ready.”

I nodded as I tore a strip of plaster from the roll and pressed it down over her mouth, as the music started to play and all four of them wriggled froward, standing on the floor as the first hymn started to play, and I heard their muffled signing as they started to jump up and down.

It was certainly a strange weekend – but as I walked into the kitchen, and inhaled the aroma of lamb starting to roast, I felt it would be better if I got things ready for later. Even as the music came through, and I heard them having fun as they worshipped.

It was only when the music and jumping stopped, and I looked in to see them sitting down as someone was talking on the screen.

“In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.”

And that got me thinking. In the service I provide, some do it for their personal gratification, some do it so they can enjoy each other in their various ways, and some do it for the challenge. This family – Connie and the girls – they did it because they enjoyed it, not for any other reason. And that was refreshing. I actually allowed myself a smile at that point, and then also a thought.

What did Connie mean by free dance?

Once we had eaten the meal, Connie and the girls sat and talked about the week ahead, but not before they gave me some instructions for what was going to happen later. With that, they made their way to their rooms, and I made my way to the dance floor to make my preparations.

It was Connie who came in first, wearing a white sports bra and what looked like a short skirt, but was actually a pair of shorts. She also had white ankle socks and trainers on her feet.

“Do you have the CDs I suggested ready?”

“I do – are you prepared?”

She nodded as she folded her arms behind her back, and then I wrapped the rope round her wrists to hold them together – and then tied a second rope around her elbows so their arms were held parallel to each other there. Both bands were cinched, before I wrapped the rope round her upper arms and chest so the two bands framed them.

I then took a rope over one shoulder, and passed it round the lower band between her breasts, before taking the rope up over the other shoulder. This was why Connie had come first to be bound – she knew what tit would do to her, but the girls did not need to know about it at that stage.

As I secured the ropes off, Sue came running into the room. Her youngest daughter was wearing a matching top and shorts, pink with black and white stars on the material. The top was a cropped vest top, the shorts going down to her knees.

“Wow mum, that looks tight,” she said as she looked at Connie.

“IT is – but it’s your turn now, so put your hands behind your back.”

Now, unlike, the first night, on the Saturday night I had not taped their hands into fists, and I had not done it for Connie tonight either. But for the girls, I had agreed to tape over their hands again, so I gave her two sponges to hold in her hands before I covered them with silver tape.

I then crossed her wrists behind her back as before and made sure they were tightly bound together with rope, and then wrapped the ropes round her arms and body so it formed two bands as well, one going over her bare stomach. I then tightened it in the same way as her mother, the two of them talking to each other as Katy and Emily came in. Both girls were wearing crop tops and shorts with butterflies printed on them – Emily in a white set, and Katy in a pink set.

A few minutes later, they were also bound again – in the same way as for the previous two nights in terms of their arms behind their backs, but like their mother and sister in front.

“Ready to dance?”

All here girls nodded as I turned on the player, and started to play the first CD. I’m not a great fan of S Club 7, but they had a great time dancing round and swinging their bodies intime to the music.

That was then followed with a selection of boy band, but they kept dancing and moving round the room, Connie joining in before she came over to me and nodded. Opening her mouth, I pushed in the compressed sponge – not a sponge ball, but a sponge, which expanded as she closed her lips over it and pushed her cheeks out. I then peeled the end of a roll of white tap free and wrapped it tightly round her head, covering her mouth and chin so that she was silenced.

“Oh yes – my turn now,” Katy said as she walked over, while Connie went and danced with the other two. And so it was, one by one, they had a half sponge pushed into their mouths – I’m not that cruel – and the tape wound tightly round their heads to gag them, before they danced again.

But I had slipped in a disc of my own choosing - one of a sixties pop band – and they were both surprised and glad when I joined in dancing with them to that one.

But it was getting later, so I fetched the extra ropes and made sure they all had their legs tied together above and below their knees, and also around their ankles, before they jumped around to the sound The Kinks – another choice of my part, and they seemed happy with it.

Well, they could not exactly object, could they?

But they were also getting tired, so I helped them to hop over to the mats – but before they lay down, each of the girls gave me a tape gag kiss on my cheek as did their mother. Then they lay down, I hogtied them, and stood to watch as they slowly drifted off to sleep…


“It is,” I said as I released Sue from her hogtie and let her sit up and stretch out, before I removed the ape and sponge.

“Wow – I wish you could stay longer,” she said as I untied her arms.

“Well, I can’t” I said as Emily started to stir, “so untie your legs, and then go and do what you need to do. After all, your may have the day off school, but your mother wants to take you somewhere.”

“Oh – where?”

“Into the city to see a dance show,” Connie said as she stood in the doorway, wearing a track suit, “s go and get sorted out, while he releases your sisters.”

“Okay Mum,” Sue said as she stood up and ran out of the room, Katy opening her eyes and watching as I released her sister.

“Come and join me in the kitchen,” Connie said, and a few minutes later I came in.

“I’ve paid you the fee – and a bonus for giving me and the girls a safe and fun time,” she said as she handed me a mug of coffee.

“Thank you – I am pleased to give satisfaction. The bruises will heal given time.”

“Oh it’s jumpers and pants for all of us today,” Connie said with a laugh,” but we all felt safe and trusted you – you’re good that way.”

“Tell your friends,” I said with a smile, “I’m just glad nobody came to see you when ~I was away on Saturday.”

“Oh I didn’t say that.” Connie handed me a piece of paper as she said “this is my friend Emma – she and her children might appreciate a weekend with you as well…”
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Post by Beppejolly »

KP Presents wrote: 7 months ago Did I expect it to work out the way it did? Not really – but it was certainly one of the more unusual times I have helped a family in this way. But perhaps I had better start at the beginning, with a phone call.

The woman I spoke to had heard I offer a service for family games and told me she wanted to hire me to give her and her three daughters a very special time together. We discussed exactly what she meant by that, and what my terms would be, and I said I could call round on the Friday night at about seven in the evening to do what they wanted. That seemed acceptable to her - and so it was at 6.30 I drove up to the front of their house.

It was a large house, set back from the main road, and as I got out I looked to make sure it was as advertised. I was dressed casually for the occasion, but I smiled as I walked to the front door and rang the doorbell.

It was opened by a woman in her late thirties, by my reckoning, who introduced herself as Connie Baker. I introduced myself, and we went into the front room – I saw she was wearing a short black dress with an overdress of black lace, and black dance heels.

We went into the front room, and she introduced her daughters. Katy, the oldest, was ten, and was wearing a purple knee length dress held up by spaghetti straps, as well as matching dance shoes. Emily was eight, and was also wearing a short dress and dance shoes, although hers was light green. The youngest, Sue, was seven, and wearing the same style of dress but in red.

I sat down with Connie and reviewed the terms of my work, as well as the waiver document I would need her to sign – and then I asked how they wanted to be tied. Well, Connie looked at her girls, and then said she wanted to be tied in a reverse prayer tie. I raised an eyebrow – and then raised it even higher when Katy said she wanted an elbow and wrist tie.

Emily then said she wanted her wrists tied to her elbows in a box tie, and Sue said she just wanted her wrists crossed – but they all said they also wanted their upper arms tied to their sides, with trope above and below their chests, and they wanted me to cover their hands with tape first.

I was a little taken back by this, and asked them if they were sure they wanted that – but Connie said it would be fine, and signed the documents. So I took the documents to my car, and came back with my large supply bag, before I took the silver tape out and made sure all four of them had their hands taped.

Sue asked to go first, so I crossed her wrists behind her back and made sure they were tightly secured together with the rope, before I took a longer length and tied it round her arms and body, forming two bands which round her upper arms and her stomach so that she was bound the way she had asked to be. She actually seemed to be happy she was this way, as he watched me fold Emily’s arms into a box behind her back, and then secured her wrists to her elbows, before I tied the longer rope round her upper body as well.

The two girls then stood, talking to each other as I took care of the oldest daughter – first by wrapping some rope around her elbows and drawing them together, pulling her shoulder blades back as they touched, and then using a second length to tie her wrists together. Connie was watching the whole time, as I again framed her young chest with two bands of rope, so that her arms were forced against her back, and then made sure they were tightly secured before the three girls looked at their mother.

It was fortunate Connie was as supple as she said she was – she put her hands together, palms back to back, between her shoulder blades and waited as I tied her wrists together, and then her arms above her elbows, before giving her the chest ropes as well, wondering what the girls must be thinking as their mother looked at them. But anyway – all four were bound the way they had asked to be, as they stood and talked to each other while they tried to get free.

Sue said it was really tight, but nice, and the others agreed – as Connie said it was time to keep them quiet as we had discussed. The girls all nodded in agreement, as I compressed the sponge balls and gently pushed them into their mouths, noting in particular how Sue’s cheeks puffed out before I covered their mouths with white micropore tape as the gags they requested.

“Huuhlrhthgls,” Connie said.

“Whrfhfhnmhm,” Katy said, Emily and Sue nodding in agreement as they kept struggling, and tried to talk to each other. It was obvious to me they were happy, and having the time of their lives, so I took the opportunity to go and get a drink of water from the kitchen before coming back to make sure they were not hurting themselves.

It was clear that was not what they were doing, as they twisted round – but then the three girls walked out of the room, Connie indicating I should follow them as they left the room and walked down the hallway, before stopping outside a door. I opened it and they walked in as I turned the light on – to see they had a home dance studio, with mirrors along one wall and a selection of mats on the floor.

Connie nodded to a music player, and as I started it a slow song started to play – with all four of them dancing to the music. As each song came on, they would listen, and then start to dance in time to that as well, which was a most – unusual sight. I mean, we’re talking Strauss and other classical composers – and Connie was leading them in that as they walked round the room.

To tell the truth, I was getting bored just watching them – and then Sue came over and looked at me, then looked at her legs.

“You want me to secure your legs now?”

She nodded as her sisters came over, so I went out and returned with my supply bag, took a rope out, and knelt down before I bound her legs together above her knees. A second rope went round her legs below her knees, and then a third round her ankles, each of them cinched by taking the ropes between her legs.

She jumped off as I looked at her sisters, both of them nodding as I secured their legs in the same way – and then as they jumped over to join their sister, I did the same thing to their mother as she watched me.

“Fhnnkkuh,” she said as she went to join the girls, and they started to jump around in time to the music as well. This was more – interesting, but still I wondered how much longer they could keep going.

Eventually, however, I looked at my watch and said “Well, I’m afraid our time here has come to an end. Who wants to be untied first?”


I looked at them and said “I can see you are all having fun, but I need to make sure you are free before I go.”


“I’m sorry?”


I looked at Katy, then at Emily and Sue, before I slowly turned my head to Connie.

“Your daughters have asked to be like this until Monday – this is not in our agreement.”

“Hnnhhh,” Connie said, “bhtthdlhkhtth.”

I literally hit my head against my palm – I don’t normally do long term plays, but I was free for the weekend, and at heart, the customer is always right. “Are you sure?”

All four of them nodded, and then looked at me as I said “Well, all right – but I need to talk to your mother in the morning, and you need to have breaks to eat and – other things. All right?”

I could see the smile under the tape over the girls’ mouths, as they jumped over to where some mats were laid out, each of them lying along one of them. Connie jumped over with me and then sat down, before she looked down at her mouth.

“You want me to remove the gag?”


I nodded and peeled the tape away, then helped her to take the wet sponge out of her mouth. She worked her jaw and looked at her daughters as their eyes closed, before she said “not what you expected?”

“No – they seriously want to do this all weekend?”

“SO it seems – look, you’re right we need breaks for food and things – and they have to do their homework, although I think they can be tied up and gagged for that, but I will pay extra and sign any releases.”

“What gave them this idea?”

“Some friends of ours had a – visit from someone called Jay Edwards.”

I knew who Jay was, of course, so I nodded and said “Where do I rest?”

“Use the spare bedroom – you can go and get a change of clothes tomorrow while I supervise their homework in the dining room. Now, please gag me again – tomorrow they have Yoga and Ballet to do.”

“Suitably dressed and bound?”

Connie nodded as I relaced the sponge in her mouth, and pressed fresh tape over her mouth, before she lay down and closed her eyes as well. Shaking my head, I whispered “Well, here we go,” as I turned the lights off, and found that spare bedroom…

It was about eight in the morning when I woke up, and went back to the dance studio to see they were all awake. SO I sat them up, and untied Sue first. When she was free,” she said “thank you” and hugged me before she went out of the room. I soon had her sisters free, and then untied their mother as they ran after her.

“Thank you,” she said after I had removed the gag and she stretched. “Let me go and make some coffee, and we can talk.”

Half an hour later, I was sitting with Connie in the kitchen as her daughters came in, wearing bath robes ad towels over their hair. “Are we doing yoga today, Mummy,” Emily asked.

“We will – in a different way,” Connie said as she looked at me. “Katy, can you stay down here with Sue, and when we come down you can go and get ready. Emily, will you come with me now please – we will have Brunch after the session.”

“Sure, mummy,” Emily said as she went off with her mother, Katy looking at me as she said “so we will be tied up and gagged for the yoga?”

“That’s the idea – but not the same way. You can save that for the ballet training later,” I said with a smile. “This will help you to all relax together before your homework this afternoon.”

“Do we have to do that,” Sue moaned.

“Yes,” I said, “your mother insists, so that you can enjoy dancing later and tomorrow.”

“Best to get it out of the way,” Katy said, Sue nodding as I heard the shower running again. “Well, I need to keep an eye on both of you before you go up, your mother’s – request.”

A few minutes later, Connie and Emily came back down. Emily was wearing a shiny pink leotard with long sleeves, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and yellow leg warmers. Her mother was wearing a candy-striped leotard over a long-sleeved yellow top, blue tights and blue leg warmers.

I told Katy and Sue they could get ready, while I went with Connie and Emily to the dance room. Connie laid out a pink mat before they sat on either end, their legs in the lotus position and their wrists resting on their knees.

I started with two lengths of rope, and made sure their ankles were secured tightly together, the rope going around and between their legs. I then tied their wrists down to their legs above their knees, before wrapping ropes around their upper arms and their chests as it had been the previous night.

Finally, I tied a length of rope around the ropes between their breasts, and then to the rope round their ankles so they had to stay there. As I looked round, Katy came into the room, wearing a pink vest and knee length daker pink yoga pants, while Sue followed in a peach-coloured vest and black shorts.

I laid out a second mat and let them take the same position on that, before I bound them in the same way, with the rope from their chests to their ankles. Connie then said “I need to be able to be – well, understandable, so for this morning’s session, we will have cloths tied between our lips and nothing else. He will then start to play the tape while we close our eyes and you listen to the music, and to me, all right?”

The girls nodded as I pulled strips of towelling between their lips and secured the ends at the base of their necks, before I turned on the CD player and the whale sound started to play. Connie then closed her eyes, the girls following as she started to make a mumbled chant, and I slipped out of the room. I had agreed while they did this, I would prepare some food for their brunch, so I made my way back to the kitchen, put the coffee cups into the dish washer, and found some food in the refrigerator.

I had been told to allow them ninety minutes for the session, so when I returned after that time they all still had their eyes, closed their hands palm up with the rope holding their wrists to the legs. Connie opened her eyes and nodded as I turned the music off, and then gently removed their ropes before taking the gags out of their mouths.

“Go and do anything you need to do,” I said with a smile, “Brunch is nearly ready, and after you have eaten, you need to bring whatever homework you have to the dining table.”

The girls nodded as they rubbed their wrists and headed for the stairs, while Connie accompanied me back to the kitchen.

“Relaxing time?”

“Very – so what do we have…”

I watched as the girls each put some books down on the table, as well as pencil cases and the other equipment they needed.

“Good - I have to go and get some more clothes for me and supplies,” I said, “but you have homework to do, and your mother is going to watch you.”

“Where is mum,” Katy asked.

“I’ll get her in a few minutes,” I said, “For now, take a seat – and I’ll push you all in once you are ready.”

The girls nodded as they sat down, and I knelt next to Sue’s chair before I bound her ankles tightly together with black tape. I then wrapped the tape round her legs and the seat of the chair, and then round her waist and the bars in the chair back, before I pushed her into the table.

Once I had both Katy and Emily’s legs secured in the same way and had then taped to their chairs, I wrapped black tape round their heads to keep them quiet. “Now wait there,” I said as I left the room for a moment – and then came back with their mother. Connie had her legs taped, and bans of tape framing her chest as her wrists were held together behind her back. She also had black tape wrapped round her head as I helped her to sit in another chair, and then said “right – I am trusting you all to get on with your work while I leave you alone. Will you do that?”

“Whwwhlll,” Connie said as the girls picked up pencils and pens, and opened their books while I shook my head again. Connie had signed the additional releases, and this was their wish, so I slipped out of the house - I needed to head home, have a shower, pick up more supplies and clothes, nd then head back…

“So – homework all done?”

Katy, Emily and Sue all nodded as I came back in, and looked at Connie. As she nodded, I said “all right – I am ging to free your mother, and she will prepare some food for you to eat – are you going to be all right staying there for a short while?”

All three nodded as I used some scissors to cut connie free, and then we both headed back to the kitchen. I was now wearing a black rollneck sweater and joggers, as Connie said “Well – and you have some clothes for the next couple of days?”

“I do – I am ging to presume they will want to be tied tightly like last night?”

“I want to suggest a little change or two – but we can talk about that while I prepare the food.”

“Please do not take offence, but you are one strange family,” I said as I shook my head.

“Well, I hope you don’t take offence, but you run a service of fun bondage family events - isn’t that a little strange as well?”

“You have me there,” I said with a smile. “How did this get started?”

“My late husband – he started to do it to help them with their poise for dance classes, and it went from there.”

“Forgive me, but…”

“Four months ago – it was sudden, but they recently asked if we could do it again. I had no problem; save I could not take part if I was doing the binding – and then I heard about your service.”

“So they have done a weekend before?”

“Yeah – so if they start crying for some reason…”

“The gags come off, but the ropes stay.”

Connie nodded as I said “all right then – what are they going to eat…”

IT was about seven in the evening when the three girls came into the dance room – they all had their hair up on their heads in buns, and were wearing blue sleeveless leotards, white tights and white ballet slippers.

I had the ropes ready, so I started with Katy this time, doing what I had done the previous evening – using the first length of rope to keep her elbows together behind her back, and then a second length to secure her wrists together. I then used a longer length to hold her arms against her back, forming two bands - but then I tied the rope round the bands behind her, before I fed it under one arm, up and around the back of her neck, and then under the other arm before securing the ends.

“Did Mum say you could do this,” she asked as she twisted her body round.

“She did – Emily, you are next.”

She walked over and stood with her back to me, as I once again folded her arms and tied her wrists to her elbows, and then tied the same longer rope round her upper arms and body. I then bound Sue’s wrists and upper body as Connie came in, wearing a white body stocking with a black lace skirt fastened round her waist, as well as the ballet slippers.

“All right girls,” she said as I secured the ropes behind Sue’s back, “start you warm-up exercises while the man makes sure I am secured as well, and then we will begin.”

I watched the three girls as they started to bend and move their legs, and put them up on a bar to stretch out, before I made sure Connie’s hands were together, back-to-back, between her shoulder blades and then secured her wrists together with one length of rope. “They were surprised by the ropes under their arms,” I said as I started to wrap the long rope round her own arms and chest.

“I can imagine - but I want it for me tonight, and I want us all to be the same way. Do you understand that?”

“But you all have your arms bound in different ways…”

“Let me rephrase that – different ways at the front.”

I nodded as I pulled the ropes tighter, the bands sinking into her arms as they framed her chest, and then made sure they were tightened in the same way as well. I could see the girls were giggling now as they started to perform jumps and turns in the air with their arms secured.

Now, surprising as this may sound, I do know a bit about ballet, so I had to admire the way they were performing plies and pas of various types. Connie then called then to attention as they made their way over to the barre on the wall, and started to perform a series of exercises including stretching their legs up on the wooden support, arching their heads back as they arched their backs. There really was no denying their suppleness…

The three girls then lined up as Corrine looked at me, and I gagged them in the same way I had the previous night – the compressed sponge ball in their mouths and white tape on their lips and chin. She then asked me to put a record on a player, and as the music from Swan Lake started she got all three of them to dance across the floor, performing a very well-coordinated and choreographed set of moves and jumps to the music.

She seemed to be pleased with them, and as the next movement of the music started I gagged her as well before she led them in the next sequence. She was a very good ballet dancer as well, leading them in a series of jumps and turns across the floor as they hummed along to the music. It was certainly quite a sight to watch, but I could see they were getting tired as they stopped, and looked down to their legs.

I took the ropes and once again made sure each of them had their legs secured above and below their knees, as well as their ankles, before they jumped across the floor and lay down on the mats. That was when I saw Katy bend her legs back and look at me. Corrine nodded, before I placed each of them into a tight hogtie, their heels resting on their bottoms as they slowly went off to sleep.

I made my way back to the spare room I had been sleeping in, wondering how I had got myself in this position. Four hostages willingly hogtied and gagged – and they had another day of this to go. I just hoped they were ready to ask forgiveness of me come the morning….

They were all awake and rolling on the mats when I came in on the Sunday morning, wearing an open necked shirt and a suit. It took me a little while for them to be untied and stretch out, and then remove their gags, before they walked through and had breakfast with me.

“You seem to be very good at ballet,” I asked once they had all settled down.

“Well, I sued to dance in a company before I got married and Katy came along,” Connie said. “As they grew up, I taught them to dance as well – ballet, classical, free dance.”

“Free dance?”

Connie smiled as she said “find out later. But it is Sunday, and we should be going to Church – today, however, we dress and watch a live stream.

“With your help.”

The girls looked at me and smiled as I shook my head again. “What sort of church is it anyway?”

“Assembly of God – we would like to jump around and try to sign along…”


Sue nodded as I secured her legs together below her knees, and then stood up. The three girls were sitting on the couch in the front room, all wearing short sleeved white dresses, and white shoes – and all with their wrists tied together in front of them, and bands of rope round their waists and their upper arms. They also had their ankles tied tightly together, and strips of brown sticking plaster were pressed firmly down over their mouths.

“Are you girls ready,” Connie said as she sat herself in the armchair, and held her hands out for me to bind her wrists together with rope. Her ankle and legs were already bound, as she sat on her short sleeved white dress and heels. The screen on the television was showing a countdown, as I bound her arms to her sides.

“Are you sure you will not join us?”

“No offence,” I said as I picked up the roll of brown material, “but I am not exactly a religious person. I’ll make sure the joint you put in the oven is taken care of.”

“Of course – I’m ready.”

I nodded as I tore a strip of plaster from the roll and pressed it down over her mouth, as the music started to play and all four of them wriggled froward, standing on the floor as the first hymn started to play, and I heard their muffled signing as they started to jump up and down.

It was certainly a strange weekend – but as I walked into the kitchen, and inhaled the aroma of lamb starting to roast, I felt it would be better if I got things ready for later. Even as the music came through, and I heard them having fun as they worshipped.

It was only when the music and jumping stopped, and I looked in to see them sitting down as someone was talking on the screen.

“In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.”

And that got me thinking. In the service I provide, some do it for their personal gratification, some do it so they can enjoy each other in their various ways, and some do it for the challenge. This family – Connie and the girls – they did it because they enjoyed it, not for any other reason. And that was refreshing. I actually allowed myself a smile at that point, and then also a thought.

What did Connie mean by free dance?

Once we had eaten the meal, Connie and the girls sat and talked about the week ahead, but not before they gave me some instructions for what was going to happen later. With that, they made their way to their rooms, and I made my way to the dance floor to make my preparations.

It was Connie who came in first, wearing a white sports bra and what looked like a short skirt, but was actually a pair of shorts. She also had white ankle socks and trainers on her feet.

“Do you have the CDs I suggested ready?”

“I do – are you prepared?”

She nodded as she folded her arms behind her back, and then I wrapped the rope round her wrists to hold them together – and then tied a second rope around her elbows so their arms were held parallel to each other there. Both bands were cinched, before I wrapped the rope round her upper arms and chest so the two bands framed them.

I then took a rope over one shoulder, and passed it round the lower band between her breasts, before taking the rope up over the other shoulder. This was why Connie had come first to be bound – she knew what tit would do to her, but the girls did not need to know about it at that stage.

As I secured the ropes off, Sue came running into the room. Her youngest daughter was wearing a matching top and shorts, pink with black and white stars on the material. The top was a cropped vest top, the shorts going down to her knees.

“Wow mum, that looks tight,” she said as she looked at Connie.

“IT is – but it’s your turn now, so put your hands behind your back.”

Now, unlike, the first night, on the Saturday night I had not taped their hands into fists, and I had not done it for Connie tonight either. But for the girls, I had agreed to tape over their hands again, so I gave her two sponges to hold in her hands before I covered them with silver tape.

I then crossed her wrists behind her back as before and made sure they were tightly bound together with rope, and then wrapped the ropes round her arms and body so it formed two bands as well, one going over her bare stomach. I then tightened it in the same way as her mother, the two of them talking to each other as Katy and Emily came in. Both girls were wearing crop tops and shorts with butterflies printed on them – Emily in a white set, and Katy in a pink set.

A few minutes later, they were also bound again – in the same way as for the previous two nights in terms of their arms behind their backs, but like their mother and sister in front.

“Ready to dance?”

All here girls nodded as I turned on the player, and started to play the first CD. I’m not a great fan of S Club 7, but they had a great time dancing round and swinging their bodies intime to the music.

That was then followed with a selection of boy band, but they kept dancing and moving round the room, Connie joining in before she came over to me and nodded. Opening her mouth, I pushed in the compressed sponge – not a sponge ball, but a sponge, which expanded as she closed her lips over it and pushed her cheeks out. I then peeled the end of a roll of white tap free and wrapped it tightly round her head, covering her mouth and chin so that she was silenced.

“Oh yes – my turn now,” Katy said as she walked over, while Connie went and danced with the other two. And so it was, one by one, they had a half sponge pushed into their mouths – I’m not that cruel – and the tape wound tightly round their heads to gag them, before they danced again.

But I had slipped in a disc of my own choosing - one of a sixties pop band – and they were both surprised and glad when I joined in dancing with them to that one.

But it was getting later, so I fetched the extra ropes and made sure they all had their legs tied together above and below their knees, and also around their ankles, before they jumped around to the sound The Kinks – another choice of my part, and they seemed happy with it.

Well, they could not exactly object, could they?

But they were also getting tired, so I helped them to hop over to the mats – but before they lay down, each of the girls gave me a tape gag kiss on my cheek as did their mother. Then they lay down, I hogtied them, and stood to watch as they slowly drifted off to sleep…


“It is,” I said as I released Sue from her hogtie and let her sit up and stretch out, before I removed the ape and sponge.

“Wow – I wish you could stay longer,” she said as I untied her arms.

“Well, I can’t” I said as Emily started to stir, “so untie your legs, and then go and do what you need to do. After all, your may have the day off school, but your mother wants to take you somewhere.”

“Oh – where?”

“Into the city to see a dance show,” Connie said as she stood in the doorway, wearing a track suit, “s go and get sorted out, while he releases your sisters.”

“Okay Mum,” Sue said as she stood up and ran out of the room, Katy opening her eyes and watching as I released her sister.

“Come and join me in the kitchen,” Connie said, and a few minutes later I came in.

“I’ve paid you the fee – and a bonus for giving me and the girls a safe and fun time,” she said as she handed me a mug of coffee.

“Thank you – I am pleased to give satisfaction. The bruises will heal given time.”

“Oh it’s jumpers and pants for all of us today,” Connie said with a laugh,” but we all felt safe and trusted you – you’re good that way.”

“Tell your friends,” I said with a smile, “I’m just glad nobody came to see you when ~I was away on Saturday.”

“Oh I didn’t say that.” Connie handed me a piece of paper as she said “this is my friend Emma – she and her children might appreciate a weekend with you as well…”
Good story!
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