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The record deal (mm/m)

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 5:12 pm
by EzraMarubayashi
Travis could not believe this was happening to him. He was on his way to New York to meet David Michaels. A week ago he had finally recieved an answer from his idol's manager. They seemed pretty interested in the song he had written for David and wanted to talk to him in person.

Travis was an 18 year old boy from Alabama. He had a nice face, framed by his dust blond hair. In spite of this, he had always been a little shy, maybe due to his slender complexion. He just wasn't as confident as the other guys. He also had a natural talent for music. Everyone who knew him told him that he should give it a try in the industry, but he didn't enjoy having so much attention put on him. Instead, he wanted to write songs. This one in particular was awesome and he knew it, that's why he chose to offer it to his music idol.

David Michaels was only a year older than Travis. His brown hair and killer body made him very appealing. Unfortunately, in the entertainment business, there are plenty of handsome guys and though he had had some mild success, his big shot was yet to come. At least that was the opinion of his fans.

When he finally shook hands with David, Travis felt he was running out of air. Not only he was better looking in person, but he seemed so charming and easy going, he felt they were lifetime buddies. Since this was his fist time in the city, David offered to give him a tour and hang around with his friends. This was way more than Travis was hoping for so he didn't hesitate and went to take a bite of The Big Apple. He wasn't much of a drinker, so he was getting a little wasted before it was even 11pm.

- What do you think of the girls? They're way more open minded here, you can trust me on that.- said David as he put his right arm around Travis shoulders, while they were seated in a club. We can take you to meet the hottest ladies in town, buddy. What do you say?
- I'm not really into girls.- Travis couldn't believe he had just said that and immediately blushed.
- So, dudes?- asked David with a smirk. It's OK, there are a couple of gay clubs nearby. We could go there if you want to.
- No, this place is great. I'm having a great time.- Travis rushed to say, hoping his latest confession was soon forgotten. He didn't want to make David uncomfortable and he was having a great time. David hadn't taken his arm off his shoulders yet and he was happy about it. David smelled really good.

As the night went on, they were talking about all sort of things and they began commenting about their likes. David's friends told some bold and kinky stories about themselves and about David, like that threesome he had had with some fans of his. Of course, being a great looking celebrity had its benefits with the chicks. Travis was now officially drunk and talked about his interest in tickling somebody wildly. He probably wasn't aware he had said so.

The next morning, after the meeting with the label executives, David´s manager dropped a bomb on him. He had decided to stay at home and rest and was shocked to hear that the executives wanted to give Travis' song to Lil' CJ, one of the hottest rappers around and the star of the label.

- What?! But it's not even a rap song!
- I know, but they said that with some arrangements, it could be the greatest hit of the year. They put a big check on the table for Travis. He refused but they started playing rough. They did their homework. They checked his backgrounds and since he comes from a poor family, they reminded him of the many ways he could use the money. On top of that, the CEO in person came to tell him that it was gonna be Lil' CJ's song or nobody's, that he could ban him in the industry so that no one accepts the song. He didn't even give Travis time to respond. He just gave him 'till tomorrow to accept the deal or the consequences.

David felt devastated. He was sure this would be his big chance. He would understand if the boy took the money for he needed it, but he knew that both would be beneficiated if Travis stood by him. The CEO was just bluffing. He told his manager that he needed some time to think and asked not to let Travis know about this conversation.

Later that day, when Travis came to Davis' as he was supposed to, he felt so confused. He really wanted David to have te song, on the other hand, he really needed the money. The maid let him in and told him to wait in the living room, that David had been out with his friend and would be back very soon.

He heard a commotion and what he saw later made his heart skip a beat.Two of David's friends came into the room carrying him with his hands tied behind his back and his feet bound as well. He was wearing a tank top and sweat pants. One of his shoes was off and the other one had the shoelaces loose, presumably from the fight to get him tied up

- Get off me, you sons of b*#@$!- The huge smile on David told that he was actually having fun. His boyish, yet masculine voice sounded so appealing.

They put him on his feet and while he was trying to hop to the couch, where Travis was, he was pushed from behind and landed right on the boy's arms.

- Tickle him!- shouted one of his friends as he took his feet up and took off the other shoe.

Is this for real?- thought Travis. He was holding his major crush tied up as the boy's feet were being tickled. David's clear laughter filled the room. His skin felt so soft and his body, so warm. His smell was simply delicious and manly.

- C'mon, join the fun!- said one of his friends. As both of them seemed pretty busy holding his legs and tickling his feet, Travis thought the only logical option was to help them with the upper body, that happened to be wrapped in his arms.

He had his arms crossed over David's chest, so he moved them a little futher to get each of the boy's armpits. He dug his fingers in and started to wiggle them, increasing the squirming of the victim and sending his laughter to another level. He could feel the boy's underarms grow moist as he kept tickling them. He was getting so excited, but if David noticed something, he wouldn't tell.

He moved his hands to the boy's ribs and kept tickling. He was so intoxicated with the whole experience that he could barely notice when the guys left, saying that they had something to do and that David was in good hands. It passed a couple of minutes before he realised they were now alone and started to slow down until he finally stopped. David was still laughing a little and was trying to catch his breath.

- Man, that was intense!- said the sweaty boy gasping for air.

Travis moved from under David and layed his friend's body on the couch. He was also gasping and stopped to admire the sexy image in front of him. The singer was helpless laying on his side, with his hands perfectly knotted behind his back. It was obvious that his fiends knew what they were doing. There were marks all over his visible skin: around his wrists, under his arms, and even on his neck and arms. They were not so notorious given that the boy himself was as red as a tomato because of the laughter. He was mesmerized by the sight.

- Are you letting me go now?- asked David. His motionless body and tired voice made him seem even more vulnerable and the playful grin that he gave together with his suggesting look made impossible for Travis to do so. Then, he noticed that there was some more extra cord on the one tying the feet, just hanging there.
- I don't think so buddy.
David sighed and asked with a defeated smile- C'mon, what more are you gonna do to me?- letting his head rest on the couch.
- I haven't had a chance to tickle your feet yet. That's not fair.
- No, please- said David with an exausted laugh.

He approached the singer and rolled him on his stomach. Then he grabed the extra cord and pulled it until the feet were almost touching the hands.

- Hahaha, ouch. You're taking advantage that I'm too tired to fight you.

Travis finished the hogtie and started to remove the socks. When he saw the rope marks on the ankles, he was brought back to reality. He dug his finger between the rope and the skin to make sure it wasn't extremely tight and then asked concerned- Does it hurt?

- No, I'm OK. I can take it. Do your worst- said with a half-smirk, turning his head to look at Travis.

Reality vanished once again and there was only him and David in the world. He started touchng lightly the soles with his fingertips, exploring the zone. David was already laughing. He got to the part where the toes grow and stopped there for a while, as his friend's laughter went silent and just the spasms let him know he was still feeling it. He gave him some moments to rest before starting a new attack.

Even though he was loving every second, he realised David had had too much and started to untie him. After the boy was free, he didn't move a muscle. He just stayed there, breathing deeply. Travis sat next to him and pating his back told him that he would fight for him, no matter what.

The next morning, David was too tired and anxious to go to the meeting. Still, he could hardly wait to know what happened.

Like he said, the CEO was just bluffing. Travis stood his ground and despite the threats, he got the deal for David to sing his song. David was so happy with the news that they went to celebrate big time in the city. As predicted, the song was a huge hit, giving profits to both the singer and the songwriter, creating also a strong friendship between them.

Re: The record deal (mm/m)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:35 am
by Veracity
Nice story. Thanks for sharing it.

Part II

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 4:26 am
by EzraMarubayashi
A lot had changed within a year: David was the star du jour. His face was everywhere. Travis used his earnings to go to the university and the record company kept asking him for new hits, but he said that had to take some time to focus on his studies. He really wanted to make a career in music, one that lasted longer than a couple of years.

They remained as friends and used to hang around a lot. They had to hide from the paparazzis and from David’s growing legion of deranged fans, but they were having a great time. David also used to go to Travis’ place to hear him play his new songs, and while he really liked them, both knew they were not going to be hits.

David was very thankful for what Travis had done for him and his career, but he started to fear that he would become a one hit wonder and began to look for new songs that could keep him on top and while the record company wanted him to stay a success, they were also looking for a new star. Their eyes were not that far away, though. They had noticed Travis’ good looks and soft, caressing voice and wanted to convince him to sign as a singer, but the boy’s shyness kept him off the stage.

One night, Travis wanted to show his famous friend his new songs, as usual. The first ones were nice and warm love songs, excellent to fill the album, but not to be lead singles. Then, as the boy was playing the number four, David knew this was going to be huge. He was so happy. He could have another hit. He was about to ask his friend for the song when his cellphone rang and delivered some terrible news: his sister had just had a car accident. The boys left everything behind as they got into the car towards the hospital. Fortunately, the girl’s condition was stable, but she had to remain there for a week at least. Her brother was here all the time, looking after her. And while Travis also visited her often, he also had a call of his own. The studio wanted to hear his new material as well and when he played that song, they went crazy.

Travis hadn’t noticed the potential of the song yet, so he went there expecting nothing and that’s why he felt overwhelmed by the reaction of the executives. They made him a great offer for the song, but they wanted him to be the voice behind it. He strongly refused at first, but when they made him hear it with his voice and some quick arrangements, he had no option but to admit that it sounded terrific. He hadn’t signed anything just yet, but the ideas were running though his head when he went that night to David’s to the small welcome party he had organized for his sister.

After some small talk and a long conversation with David’s sister, the boys finally had some time to talk alone as they were having some beers in the garage. David started by remembering the events of the other night and asked him for the song. He was so excited about it. Travis knew that his friend was afraid to be forgotten so easily, but a new idea had been planted in his brain and it was growing stronger by the minute. He told him that the studio had heard it and they wanted to give it to someone else.

-No way, dude! Again?!

Travis didn’t have the courage to tell him this time he wanted to sing it himself.

-You want me to beg you for it, don’t you? - said David as he made the cutest puppy eyes.

At the same time, Travis was recalling what had happened the other occasion and was feeling excited again.

-Do you remember what I had to do last time? – asked David with half a smirk.

-No- answered the boy, trying to hide his blush.

-Hmm, I thought it had been good but maybe I need to do it better this time.

As he finished saying this, Davis started unbuttoning his shirt, slowly and with teasing looks from time to time. Travis was frozen. He had realized that the tie up thing of last time had been a setup just recently, and nothing remotely similar had happened between them ever since. So, the sight of his biggest crush removing his top, dropping it to the floor and grabbing a coil of rope was more than his brain could process.

-This time, you do it- David gave the rope to Travis and turned around, crossing his wrists behind his back.

Travis’ eyes moved from the rope in his hands to his half naked friend in disbelief. He had been dreaming of this ever since he had had him hogtied on the couch, but he knew it would mean to give up to his chances of having a singer career.

When David noticed his friend hesitating, he turned to face him.

-Would you prefer me spread out on my bed. I would be more vulnerable.

God! How can he look so innocent and devilishly inviting at the same time? – thought Travis but didn’t move a muscle.

-I know you enjoyed having me all helpless and tickle the hell out of me- said David with the sexiest smile.

-When I first met you, all I ever wanted was to be your friend- answered Travis after what seemed like a long silence

-You are- a puzzled look appeared in David.

-I don’t like forcing you to do anything to get a favor out of me.

-You’re not.

-This is not your thing. I’ve seen you with many girls.

-I know, but…

-Then why do you offer me this? Are you the kind of person who would do whatever it takes to succeed? Are you my friend just because of my songs? What if I could no longer give you any?

-I’m not a prostitute- David was now as upset as Travis- Don’t you think I would have gotten to the top a lot earlier if that was the case? Why do you think they don’t want me to have these songs of yours? And who’s that shmuck they want to sing your song?



Things became quite clear for David now. Why didn’t he see it coming? His friend was handsome in a cute way, had a beautiful voice and was a great songwriter. It was bound to happen.
-Congratulations, buddy!!- he said with sincere enthusiasm as he hugged him. Why didn’t you say that first?

Travis got lost in the emotion for a second. He could tell that his friend really meant it (and he was being hugged by his super-hot, half-naked crush)

-I was afraid that you would presume I wanted to make you aside. That we wouldn’t be friends anymore. And then you started doing that and I didn’t know what to think.

-I’m sorry. I never wanted to make you feel used. Although, I did believe you had made this up so you could tickle me again- a shy smile formed in David’s face.

-Why would you let me do that? – Travis voice was calm and curious. There was not a trace of accusations this time.

-I knew from the very beginning you just wanted to be my friend, but also that you were a little infatuated.

Travis got instantly red.

-I trust you. There’s no way I would let anyone tie me up just like that. And maybe I was trying to make you feel better around me. This is just for fun. Friends do that sometimes, you know?


-If you had wanted me on my bed, I would have been clad in just my boxers.

-Aw, C’mon!

-You have seen me tease my female friends, right? Why would you be different?

-‘Cos I’m a guy

-A guy that likes me like a girl would. A guy I feel comfortable enough with to do that. We can play like that, can’t we?

Travis really liked this cynical teasing jerk he had as a friend/crush. He couldn’t help but laughing.

-What was I thinking? – said Travis after a little while- I’m not a singer. I just saw you all this time and thought this was something I could do, something I wanted. Now I realize that I don’t have it in me. I want a to be in the industry, but not like a singer. The song is yours if you still want it.

-What are you talking about? You would be phenomenal! I don’t want that song. It is yours!

-No, I mean it. I HATE being on stage. Please accept the song.

The little argument continued for a while, until David accepted the song, not before making sure his friend didn’t really want it. The paperwork was made, much for the executives disappointment.

A few weeks later, when they were hanging in David’s, they were sitting on the couch watching TV. David was wearing a black tank top and some jeans. They were supposed to watch an important show. It was SNL and David was the guest. He had been thinking in giving acting a try and this was one of his first attempts.

David was actually funny. He could be a great comedian. The sketches went on and Travis was enjoying them until one scene caught his attention. It was David in his underware. He was bound to a chair, with his hands behind, tons of rope around his torso and a huge ballgag in his mouth. He was playing himself and supposedly a fan had kidnapped him. As part of the gag, she produced a giant feather and started tickling him all over.

When it was over, he turned to see his friend sitting next to him. He had his arms up, with his hands crossed behind his head, and he could see his casually vulnerable pits just a few inches away. Travis couldn’t hide a huge smile.

-Do you happen to have any rope around? I think I remember seeing a coil in your garage the other day.

-Sure, what are you gonna do with it?

-I have some things to take care of. I was about to do it a couple of weeks ago, but now is a good time.

-Maybe I can help you, just that the rope is in my room.

-You’re so going to regret this- said Travis with a wicked smirk.

Re: The record deal (mm/m)

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:53 pm
by jonson000001
very good story! I liked it very much!

Re: The record deal (mm/m)

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:22 pm
by szlm1515
Cute and lovely story with a goid amount of kink😍
Good job buddy😄