The intruder M/f

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The intruder M/f

Post by lasse672000 »

It was the middle of the night. As it was summer, David slept with some windows slightly ajar, to let the cooler night air in. As it was a fairly closeknit neighbourhood, where everyone knew everyone, he felt no need to fear intruders. Until now.

A sudden thump in the living room woke him up, and he decided to go investigating. He tip toed out of the bed room and was just about to turn on the light in the living room, when he saw a shadowy figure moving around. It was quite short and slender and apparently dressed in a black cat suit, and ballet slippers. He snuck back inside his bed room and went over to the dresser, where he kept some things, like handcuffs, ropes and bandanas. You see, he was member of a TUG club, and always kept some supplies at home, to be used at their meetings.
He grabbed a pair of cuffs, and returned to the living room, where the figure was still looking through his drawers. He snuck silently behind the intruder.
"You're not going to find any valuables in there!" he said and pushed her (judging from the body's slimness and size it almost certainly had to be a girl) head first onto the sofa. He quickly cuffed her behind her back, and went to turn on the light.

When he turned around again, he got the chock of a lifetime, or at least of a very long time. The girl who had rummaged around in the room, was none other than his neighbour's daughter, Shawna. Now, she was dressed in a black hooded cat suit, and black, soft shoes.
"Shawna?" he gasped. "What in the world are you doing?"
"What's it look like, numb scull? Looking for your valuables, of course!" she defiantly answered. "Not that it's much here! Seems to be mostly junk."
"Hey! Don't you use that tone with me, young lady! I caught you snooping around; remember?" David snapped. "And to reply to that last, obviously sarcastic, remark; of course I don't keep my most valuable things here. I have them locked away in the bank down town, or in the safe in my room."
"Well; of course you do." she despondently said, and sighed deeply. "Just my luck to try to burgle someone who is so careful, as to get both a deposit box at the bank, AND a safe at home."

David quickly fetched a couple of coils of rope from the bedroom, and a chair from the dining room, grabbed her elbow and placed her in it, before tying one rope around her waist and the back of the chair, thus trapping her arms, and then used the last two coils to tie her ankles to the legs of the chair. Then he fetched a second chair, placed it in front of her, and sat down. He had a note pad and a pen in his hands.
"Now," he said, "You and I are going to play a little game called "Jeopardy", where I ask the questions, and you give me the answers. Here are the rules: every time you give me a correct answer, you get a bit closer to regaining your freedom. But, and this is important; every time you do not answer, hesitate for more than two seconds or give me an outright lie, I will make a mark on this pad, and that moment of freedom is pushed back, by, let's say, half an hour for every one of them. Yea; half an hour would be about right; wouldn't you agree?"
"Does my opinion matter?"
David took a deep breath, before he said: "No. Not really."

"Now, the first question is as easy to answer as it is obvious; why? Not 'why' as in 'why me?' but why as in 'why did you become a burglar in the first place?"
"To get some extra money", she replied without hesitation.
"M-hm, I see. Why not ask your parents, or get a job?"
She answered his question with one of her own. "My parents are too mean to give me more than a couple of quid a week, and besides; who'd hire someone my age and size?"
"She does have a point," he thought to himself. "She is rather young, not to mention small and weak."
"How many more homes have you broken in to?"
"This was the first one."
"Do you realize how stupid, yet lucky, you were when targeting me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well; stupid enough to pick your neighbour, yet lucky enough that I won't call the police. I've decided to keep you here for the time being, and help you instead."
Won't my parents wonder where I've got to?"
"Undoubtedly they will; but you're going to write them a letter explaining that I'm going to help you do some work, and that we'll be out of touch, for the time being."
"What about school? I'll get thrown out, and then I'll really be in trouble."
"Let me worry about that!" he said reassuringly. "Besides, you should have thought about that before you embarked on you criminal journey; shouldn't you?"
He got to his feet, nad started walking towards his bedroom.
"Hey; Aren't you forgetting something?" she screamed.
He stopped and played dumb.
"No," he thoughtfully said, and slowly shook his head. "I don't think so."
"Aren't you going to let me go?"
"Of course I will; only not just yet. Good night!" he turned off the light, and went back to bed.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Good Start to story. Can't wait to read more and see what happens next chapter
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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