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A Night at Kevin's m/m

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:33 am
by drawscore
A Night At Kevin's

"Hey Doug, wait up!" the small boy yelled.

Doug turned and saw Little Kevin running up behind him. "What's up, Kevin?" Doug asked, as his friend caught up.

"Where you goin'?" Kevin asked.

"Just out and around." Doug replied. "And where have you been the last couple of weeks?"

"It was cool!" Kevin excitedly replied. "My parents took me to visit my cousins. They're Indians."

"Like through the portal?" Doug asked.

"Yeah!" Kevin said. "I thought you knew that I was one-sixteenth Cheyenne Indian."

"No, I didn't know that!" Doug replied. "Wha'did you do?"

"A bunch of cool stuff." Kevin answered. "We camped out Indian style, and Randy and Ricky had a teepee in Ricky's back yard. We slept in it three nights with my other cousins, Tony and Terry. They're twins, and 13. Randy and Ricky are 11, like me."

"Sounds like you had a good time." Doug said.

"I had a blast." Kevin said. "I taught 'em how we play 'hide and go seek,' and they thought it was neat. And they taught me how to tie up a captive, Indian style. I bet I'm a lot better than I was two weeks ago."

"And you want to see how well they taught you and how well you learned, right?" Doug said.

Kevin grinned. "Gee, Doug! I thought you'd never ask." he said.

"You teach your cousins about 'pajama Indians' too?" Doug asked, making a reference to Kevin's verbal slip at the portal gateway a few weeks back. Kevin smiled sheepishly, and said that he'd told the younger boys, Randy and Ricky, who were cousins to each other, as well as to Kevin, but not the older twins. Doug laughed. "OK, Kevin, I'll let you practice on me. Your house, or mine?"

"Mine!" Kevin said. "I got something real cool I wanna show you, and besides, you can pick up your clothes you left, when you and Scott stayed the night and helped me and Mark with our scout stuff."

Doug thought back. "So that's where my black pants are." he thought. "I bet I left Big Chris's yellow pajamas there, too."

The two boys went to Kevin's bedroom, and the 11 year old opened a box. "Isn't this neat?" he asked. Doug looked inside, and there was a set of Indian buckskins. "I haven't tried them on yet! Kevin said. Tony and Terry gave them to me just as we were leaving for the drive back. I'll put 'em on, and you can tell me what you think."

Doug backed out of the room to allow Kevin to change. A couple of minutes later, Kevin called him back in, and there he was, dressed in an ill-fitting set of buckskins. The coat was too big, and the pants too long, and maybe an inch or so too big in the waist. Kevin had a handful of them at the waistband, holding them up. Doug giggled. "Don't worry, Kevin, you'll grow into them. It may take a year, maybe a year and a half, but they'll fit you sooner or later."

"I'll get my mom to sew them up and they'll fit me tomorrow." Kevin said, indignantly.

"Let me try them on before she does." Doug said. Kevin agreed, and Doug again backed out while Kevin changed back to his jeans. When Kevin called, Doug returned, and Kevin stepped out to let Doug change.

The fit was a little better on Doug. The coat fit him almost perfectly, but the pants were still long, and the waist was just a little big. They certainly looked better on Doug than on Kevin, as the mis-fit wasn't quite as obvious. Even Kevin said that. "I bet they'd be a perfect fit for Allen or Bill." Doug told his friend. "Too bad Allen's on a picnic with his family, and Bill's on a campout with his scout troop, or we could call them over and find out."

Kevin grinned. "By the time they get back, it'll be too late." Kevin replied. My mom will have fixed them to fit me."

Doug started to peel off the coat, but Kevin stopped him. Keep it on, Doug! "You said I could practice on you, and show you what I've learned. Let me tie you up in my buckskins."

Doug shrugged his shoulders, and said "Why not?" Kevin told him to lay face down on the bed, and to put his hands behind him. Doug did as he was told, and Kevin knelt over him and pulled his hands together behind his back. Doug's wrists were crossed, and Kevin brought out another souvenir, a bag full of buckskin strips. He grabbed one, and started wrapping it around Doug's hands.

Doug immediately noticed that he wasn't being tied with rope, and looked around to see what Kevin was using. "What's that?" he asked.

"Buckskin strips." Kevin replied. "My cousins gave me them, too."

Kevin continued to wrap Doug's hands, using all of the eight feet of buckskin that he had. The stuff was maybe an eighth of an inch thick, and half an inch wide, and Doug thought to himself that he'd never been tied up like this. He felt confident that he could get free, but this was a new and different Kevin from the one two weeks ago. This new Kevin knew how to tie, and Doug liked it. "He's gonna give me a challenge almost as good as Charlie or Ronnie." he thought. Then, after Kevin tied his feet, Doug changed his mind. "Damn!" he thought. This is as good as what Mike Houghton and Mike Hayworth do, and damn near as good as Wayne Sommers."

Doug was roused from his thoughts by Kevin asking him about his favorite color. This was an old ruse, and Doug knew it. No matter what color he said, that would be the color of his gag. Kevin looked at him again, and said "C'mon, Doug. What's your favorite color?"

Doug tossed Kevin a curveball by saying "Brown!" He knew that there weren't any brown neckerchiefs or bandanas around, and wondered what mental gymnastics Kevin would try. But Kevin was a step ahead of Doug. He already had two red bandanas rolled together. "Sorry, Doug, but brown isn't available. You'll have to be happy with red." With that, he tied the bandanas over Doug's mouth, and said "Let's see how long it takes you to get out of that." A familiar looking kitchen timer was set to 20 minutes, and started. Doug looked at it, and thought that he must have left that here with his pants and Chris's pajamas. No wonder he couldn't find it.

Doug started to struggle against the buckskin strips that held his hands, and found that there wasn't too much slack. Before Kevin had gone off to visit his relatives, nine times out of ten, Doug didn't even need to pull his hands under his butt to get free, but this time was different. Between the lessons that he'd gotten from Allen, Scott, Charlie, and Doug, and the lessons he'd learned from his cousins, Kevin had suddenly become a whole lot better at tying, and in a very short time.

The skinny teenager "mmmppfff'd" into his gag, and Kevin untied it. "What?" he asked.

"Damn, Kevin, you've gotten pretty good." Doug said. "This is gonna be harder than I thought. What happens if I don't get out in 20 minutes?"

"Let me think about that." Kevin said, then re-tied the gag over Doug's mouth. Then, another thought hit him. "Hey Doug! Tied up prisoners have to do whatever the guy who captured them wants, right?" Doug nodded. "OK," continued Kevin, "You're gonna invite me to sleep over at your place tonight." Again, Doug nodded, then glanced up at the timer, and noted that he now had less than eight minutes to get loose, or pay an even greater penalty.

Doug redoubled his efforts, and finally got his hands under his butt, then untied his feet. A minute later, he had stepped through his tied hands and pulled down his gag. Then, he started to gnaw at the knot in the buckskin strip that held his hands. With just under four minutes remaining on the clock, Doug was free.

"Wow!" said Kevin. "Sixteen minutes plus. I don't think I've ever had anybody tied up that long. I should get something special for that."

Doug laughed. "You should have demanded something special when you had me tied." he said. "But just out of curiosity, what would you want?"

Kevin turned red, and said "I'll tell you, but you gotta promise not to laugh."

Doug said "Go ahead."

"I'd want you for a 'permanent prisoner' for 24 hours!" Kevin replied. "That means that for a full day, you have to do whatever I say, and you have to let me tie you up as much as I want, and wear whatever I want you to wear."

Doug thought for a moment. Kevin had learned how to tie well; much better than Charlie or Ronnie. Only Wayne and Big Kevin had ever held him for longer than 16 minutes, and even Mike and Mike, as good as they were, the best they had ever done, was 14 and a half minutes, and that was when they had hog tied him. Kevin had just tied Doug's hands and feet.

"OK!" Doug told his younger friend. "I'll be your captive like you say, if you can hold me for 20 minutes or longer, and for each full five minutes after that, you can have another day." Doug was sure of himself, and figured that he could easily get loose from Kevin in 20 minutes, even though he took 16 to get free from just a wrists and ankles tie. But there was one condition. Kevin would have to let Doug change back into his jeans.

Kevin agreed, and Doug changed. Then, Kevin again tied his hands behind his back with the buckskin strips. As soon as Doug's hands were tied, Kevin rolled up two bandanas, and said "This ought to keep you quiet while I'm hog tying you."

Doug looked at him, and said "Hey, wait a minute. You're not supposed to gag me until after you've got me tied up."

Kevin laughed, and said "You're my prisoner, and I can do whatever I want." Doug rolled his head, and fought Kevin's attempt to gag him, but it was no use. The thick double rolled bandanas soon slipped between Doug's teeth, and the ends were tightly tied behind Doug's neck. Doug could just barely get off a soft "mmmppfff!" after Kevin had tied it in place. Then, his ankles were tied together, and lashed, and he suddenly began to doubt the wisdom of his bet with his young friend.

After tying Doug's feet, Kevin wrapped another length of buckskin strip around his arms, and cinched them. Small beads of sweat were starting to form on Doug's forehead, as Doug realized that he might have to make good on the bet. But Kevin wasn't done. More buckskin was added above Doug's knees, and then, Doug's legs were folded back for the hog tie, but instead of tying the hands to the feet, Kevin ran the buckskin from Doug's ankles, to the wrap on his legs, and after making the first wrap, gave the buckskin thong a yank that pulled the heels of Doug's feet right up to the back pockets of his jeans.

"Boy, this is one tough hog tie." Doug thought, as Kevin set the timer for an hour, said "GO!" and pressed the "start" button on the timer. It was time for Doug to put up, or shut up.

Doug started wiggling around, trying to find some slack in the buckskin strips that held him, and got nowhere initially. His long nimble fingers started exploring the strip that held his ankles and legs together, but Kevin had tied the knot up by the shoelaces of his sneakers, making it hard to find and untie. And even as skinny and agile as Doug was, there was no way he could bend his back to the point where he could throw his tied hands over his feet, and bring them around in front of him. Still, Doug felt that he could get loose. It would just take a while.

Seven minutes had passed, and Doug was still as tightly tied as he had been when he started. Just minor progress had been made, as he had managed to push the buckskin on his legs, closer to his knees, and thus, get a little slack in the hog tie. He was still having trouble finding the knot that held the hog tie in place, but finally got to it, and started picking at it. Three minutes of struggle and sweat paid off, as the knot fell loose, and his feet fell flat on the bed. It had taken him ten minutes to get this far, and there was still a lot more to do, before he was free.

Doug's arms were cinched, so he couldn't just roll his shoulders, and have the buckskin strip ride up, as he'd done when his arms weren't cinched. And the fact that they were cinched, again made it harder to pull his hands under his butt. His hands reached for his leg ropes, but again, Kevin had tied the knot in front, and it was almost impossible to reach. "Well, let's try the ankles!" Doug thought, and folded his legs back up where they were when he was hog tied. The knot was in front, but easier to reach, and with a little picking, he was able to get it loose. Now, to get his hands down, and step through.

Doug brought his right leg up to his hands and pointed the toe, thinking he might be able to get his hands over the toe of the sneaker, and bring his hands partially in front of him. He stretched and struggled, and finally got it, but by the time he did, he had just two minutes to free himself, or pay the price. Then, he found that he couldn't quite get his wrists to his mouth. There was enough room for him to hook his fingers around the gag, and pull it down, which was a small victory. At least, now, he could talk without penalty, and told Kevin that he wished he could visit Kevin's cousins, so he could learn to tie this good.

Kevin grinned at the praise, and asked Doug if he wanted to be untied. "Not only NO, but HELL NO!" Doug shot back. "I'm getting loose from this if it takes the rest of the day."

Doug repeated the efforts with his left leg, and finally his hands were in front of him. He turned them over, looking for the knot that held them, found it, and got his hands free. Then, he was able to slide the cinched rope down his arms, pull his hands out, and rid himself of the buckskin that held his arms. He reached around the back of his neck, untied the gag, and tossed it on Kevin's bed, then reached up and stopped the timer. It read 28:45.

"Thirty-one minutes and 15 seconds!" Kevin gleefully shouted. "You're mine for three days!"

Doug grudgingly acknowledged his loss, but still could take comfort in the fact that he did get loose. But it was his second big loss to a younger and smaller boy, and that grated on him. "It's a good thing I made that rule about not tying the hands to the belt or belt loop!" Doug thought. "If Kevin had'a done that, I'd still be laying there hog tied, and asking him to untie me!"

Doug suddenly started grinning, and Kevin asked him what was so funny. "Aww, nothing!" Doug replied. "It's just that I just realized that I'm gonna have three days of the best challenges at getting loose since the time Wayne Sommers spent ten days at my place, while his parents went on a second honeymoon."

"So you think I'm that good?" Kevin asked.

"You're every bit as good as Wayne, and maybe even a little better." Doug replied. "I think I'll set up a contest between you and Wayne, and we'll see if you really are as good as he is."

"Gee, thanks, Doug!" Kevin said. "That'll be a challenge for me, too, and if I can beat Wayne . . . ."

"Fat chance!" Doug cut in. "Wayne's four years older than you, and he knows his knots better than anyone except for maybe Big Kevin." Kevin smiled, and said that if he could beat Wayne and Big Kevin, then maybe nobody would call him Little Kevin any more. "You're probably right!" Doug said.

"Oh, one more thing." Kevin said. "I appreciate the praise and flattery, but it ain't gonna get you anywhere."

"Wha'd'ya mean by that?" Doug asked.

"I'm gonna take my first day tomorrow, actually starting tonight, when I sleep over at your place."

"Yeah, OK!" Doug said. "What of it?"

Kevin had a grin a mile wide. "Tomorrow is gonna be a 'sick day' for you." Kevin told him. "You ain't gonna get out of your pajamas, unless it's to change into another pair, 'cause it's payback time for all that crap you ever gave me about the 'pajama Indians' incident. And I'm bringin' the buckskin strips, too, so be ready."

Doug just realized that he'd been had, and by an 11 year old, to boot. But Doug really didn't mind. His thoughts were on the challenges Kevin would present, and how much better at escaping he'd be after practicing against this youngster. One thing that did play in his mind, was that Kevin might teach his newly acquired skill to Mark, Little Jeff, Little Chris, Jimmy, and the rest of the younger and smaller kids. Doug thought that he and his friends would be in a hell of a mess if Kevin ever got that thought into his head.

Doug tossed his clothes that he had left, Big Chris's pajamas, and the kitchen timer into a bag, and went home after telling Kevin that he'd see him later when he came over to spend the night. All the arrangements were made and permissions given, and Doug was thankful that his parents would be at a party tonight, and wouldn't be home until late, and that they both had plans for tomorrow, as well, and wouldn't be home during the next day, either. He knew full well that he was going to be tied, gagged, hog tied, kidnapped, and maybe even staked out and spread eagled by Kevin, and tested to his limits. He thought to himself that if he was going to be a captive, he might as well have some company. A wide grin crossed his face, as he went down to his mom and asked her another question, which drew an affirmative answer. His grin widened as he walked down the hall, picked up the phone, and called his best friend, Scott. "Hey Scott!" he said. "How'd you and Allen and Charlie like to spend the night with me? I've got a surprise for you that you ain't gonna believe."


Re: A Night at Kevin's m/m

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:34 am
by cj2125
Nice story! Loved how the little kid tricked Doug into becoming his prisoner! Keep posting!

Re: A Night at Kevin's m/m

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:17 am
by Xtc
Good to read this one again. Good detail and well structured.

Re: A Night at Kevin's m/m

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:04 pm
by LK3869
That and the comics you posted, you do have a thing for little indians ... :)
Was fun and easy to read, contorsions to get the tied hands from back to front pass the butt and legs are expertly described :mrgreen:

Re: A Night at Kevin's m/m

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:12 pm
by MaxRoper
Excellent! Well written, expertly edited, and a fun read. I like these kids. Wish they'd been in my neighborhood back in the day.

Re: A Night at Kevin's m/m

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:45 am
by Risperdaltied
Really good story! Regret missing out on some possible TUGs in my youth....

Re: A Night at Kevin's m/m

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:43 pm
by Veracity