The Cats Meet the Hammer (COMPLETED) (M+/FF, F/F)

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The Cats Meet the Hammer (COMPLETED) (M+/FF, F/F)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Catwoman (aka Selina Kyle), having decided to take a vacation from Gotham City, found herself on the rooftop of the NYC Art Museum, which was currently displaying the LaVafort diamond collection. She used her clawed gloves to cut a hole through the glass roof. She climbed through the hole and grabbed onto a beam that was attached to the roof. There, she spied the security system on the other side of the wall that guarded the collection’s crown jewel: the Desired Diamond, a diamond that was twice the size of the other displayed jewels.

Catwoman took from her utility belt (inspired by a certain someone’s belt) a Cat-Tail (picture a Batarang, but cat tail-shaped), eyeballed the angle she had to throw it and let it fly. The Cat-Tail ricocheted off the wall and hit the system right in the center, causing it to short-circuit. The lasers that surrounded the glass case that guarded the Desired Diamond guarded it no more. With the system down, the thief hopped down to the floor. That diamond was now her’s…

“Uh-uh, kitty. That doesn’t belong to you.”

Startled, Catwoman looked up to see that there was someone else in the room with her: the cat-burglar-turned-antihero, Black Cat (aka Felicia Hardy), who Selina noticed was standing right under from where she came in.

“Put that back now, kitty, and I’ll go easy on you,” Felicia stated with a smirk.
“I see that you were expecting me, Cat.”
“Well, three diamonds have been stolen in the past three days. It wasn’t hard to predict that the thief-being you-would strike at the biggest diamond collection in the city.”
“Listen, you made a proposal to me. So, I’ll make one to you: let me swipe this, and I’ll split the profit I make from selling this thing with you 70-30.”

Felicia shook her head. “No way.”
“Fine, we can go 50-50.”
“I mean that’s a no on the stealing.”

Selina scoffed. “What happened to you, Cat? I’ve heard stories of your exploits in this city once upon a time. You were just as good of a thief as me, maybe even better!”
“I won’t deny that.”
“But from what I’ve heard, you’ve gone soft; helping out Spider-Sap or something.”
“His name is Spider Man! And he helped me become a better person. He taught me that there’s more to life than being a thief. That’s a lesson you could learn too, Catwoman.”

“You know my name! I feel flattered,” Selina replied, the sarcasm quite apparent in her tone.

“I’m serious! I’ve heard about you too, and I know we have a lot in common; a penchant for felines, for instance. But I’ve seen the light, Catwoman. And if we’re so similar, you can see that light too.”

Selina seemed to consider this. “Hmm, perhaps. I’ve just one request before you teach me about this light.”
“What is it?”

Suddenly, Selina launched a flying kick at the glass case, shattering it upon impact. “I get to keep this baby!” Catwoman exclaimed, grabbing the diamond and running down the museum’s hallway.

Black Cat leaped down to the floor and gave chase. Much to Selina’s chagrin, Black Cat was gaining on her fast. So, she went with a favorite tactic of hers: fighting dirty.

Right as Black Cat was about to pounce on the burglar, Catwoman suddenly turned around and shot a spray from her utility belt right into Cat’s eyes, blinding her opponent.

As Felicia knelt down and tried to wipe the spray from her eyes, Selina smirked. “Too bad you won’t get to see me abscond with this beauty of a diamond. It’s a shame too; we could’ve been a wondrous thieving duo. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. Au revoir, Catty.” With that, Selina ran. She rounded a corner…

…only for a hand to clamp around her mouth. Before Selina could react, several pairs of rough hands grabbed her and pulled her into the darkness of the hallway.

Felicia was able to regain her eyesight in time to find herself staring down the barrel of a tommy gun. A quick glance told her that she was surrounded in all four compass directions by well-dressed goons brandishing machine guns.

“We gotcha now, Kitty,” the one in front of her growled.

This wasn’t how Felicia expected tonight to go. She only expected to capture an invading burglar. Now she was being ambushed by numerous armed men?! Ah well, she thought, she could always try to catch Catwoman another time. But for now, the task at hand was to take care of the guys right in front of her.

She suddenly spun around in a circle, sweeping all of their legs in the process. The one who was facing him sprang up rather quickly and pointed the gun at the anti-hero. With lightning-quick reflexes, she kicked the gun from his arms and launched a second kick at his chest, sending him crashing to the floor.

The goon that was on her left suddenly grabbed her arms while the one that was on her right charged at her, fist cocked in the air. Felicia waited until the last second before she broke away from his grip, causing the goon to be the one to take the punch. Dazed, his eyes refocused right as Black Cat dropkicked the other goon into him, toppling both of them.

The last goon, seeing his pals getting their asses handed to them, decided to turn tail and run away. He only made it a few feet before he was pounced on, getting the air knocked from his lungs.

Felicia climbed off the goon and surveyed her work: four men knocked out cold. “Hah,” she scoffed to herself. “Piece of-mmph!”

A hand clamped down over her mouth. She turned her head to see a fifth goon standing behind her, handgagging her. A sixth and seventh one came out of seemingly nowhere, one grabbing her hands and another grabbing her legs to prevent her from running away. Two more goons ran up to her, both pointing their guns at her chin.

Felicia tried struggling around, but found their grips to be too tight (the guns pointed at her were also quite discouraging). Reluctantly, she stopped struggling and tilted her head down, signaling her surrender.

The first goon she knocked out had gotten up, placed a pair of brass knuckles on his hand and cocked his fist back.

“Goodnight, kitty.”


Last edited by TamatoaShiny123 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BindPam »

Good start for great characters!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Thanks [mention]BindPam[/mention]!

Part 2

”Well, this is not how I expected this night to go.” Felicia thought to herself.

When she woke up, Black Cat found herself tightly secured with blue duct tape on the floor of what appeared to be a penthouse apartment. Her wrists were folded behind her back and her torso, ankles and knees were all taped up. Her hands had been wrapped in tape cocoons, preventing her from using her claws. To top it off, two strips had been plastered over her lips, sealing them shut.

On the bright side, at least she wasn’t alone in her plight, for laying on the floor next to her was the woman she had been fighting earlier: Catwoman, who was bound identically to her. She was taking this much harder than Felicia, flailing about and cursing at the goons who were standing watch over them.

“MMPH! MMPH! MMMMMMMMMMMMPH!” Selina screamed out.

The door swung suddenly open. All the goons stood at attention as a man with a huge forehead and a flat-top hairstyle strutted in, wearing a blue pinstripe suit, matching pants and recently-shined dress shoes.

Black Cat growled at the sight of him. That man was none other than Hammerhead, the boss of one of the top Maggia crime families. He was no ordinary crime boss, however; after an injury, much of his skull was replaced with a steel alloy, giving Hammerhead a literal hard head.

“Well well well, whatdahwe got ovah here? It’s Black Cat and...what appears to be a Black Cat rip-off,” Hammerhead announced, earning a resentful grunt from Catwoman.

He sat down on a red velvet couch and turned to the goon that had KO’d Black Cat. “Joshy! Who’s the other broad?”
“I’m not sure, boss,” he replied. “We found her runnin’ around while we were tryin’ to nab the diamond. She had the Desired Diamond on her, so we decided to grab her. Meanwhile, we found Black Cat in there too, so we decided to take her as well.”
“Hmmph. It looks like we got two cats prowlin’ ‘round this city. Hah, but by the time the sun rises, they’ll be zero!”

He turned to address Black Cat. “See, we’ve been meaning to snatch you up, Cat. We know you’ve been hangin’ ‘round our ol’ pal Spidey. And we know you two’s close. So, logic dictates that if you...say...disappear, Spidey will get the hint that messin’ with my gang is a poor decision.”

The crime boss laughed. “But we can deal with that later! See girls, I’m on a bit of a spree right now. First, this diamond. Our next stop is NYC’S First National Bank! And we can cap off the night by giving Black Cat and her fellah feline friend some cement shoes!”

“Mmph!” Both women squirmed around in anger (and slight fear; after all, cats notoriously hate water!) as they were each picked up by a goon. “Stuff ‘em in the closet and let ‘em ponder their watery future,” Hammerhead ordered.

Both women squirmed about, but were unable to stop them from picking them up and carrying them off.


Both girls were now locked inside a closet, goons standing guard of both them and Catwoman’s confiscate utility belt. Annoyed at each other, the two started arguing. Normally, the tape over their lips would be a real conversation-stopper. Luckily for the readers of this story, their profession resulted in them being gagged numerous times in the past, so they were able to communicate with each other surprisingly well:

“Mmm mmm aaaad oo eel at imund, int oo?” (You just haaaad to steal that diamond, didn’t you?)
“Oh un old oo oo op ee, At.” (No one told you to stop me, Cat.)

Felicia suddenly crawled against the wall. She used the wall to slowly push herself up to her feet. But just as soon as she got up to a vertical basis, she was met with a kick to the knees, knocking her back down.

“Mmww! Oo irk!” (Oww! You jerk!)
“Mmee, ih uh n ahihint.” (Sorry, it was an accident.)

Felicia was about to kick her in the nose when she noticed on top of the shelf in the closet a small knife. She head-gestured first towards Selina, then towards the knife. The thief’s eyes widened in understanding.

“Hmm mm gih tht knf.” (Help me get that knife.)
“Uhkuh!” (Okay!)

Both crawled towards the shelf and started kicking the leg of the shelf, inching the knife closer and closer towards the edge.

There was a slam on the door. “Hey! Keep it down in there!”

Finally, with a pair of kicks, the knife fell to the floor. Kicking off her boots, Felicia grabbed the knife’s handle with her nylon-clad toes and started to cut away the tape on her folded wrists. With a few careful slices, she was able to get her hands in front of her. Keeping the knife between her toes, she slowly cut her taped fists free. Now able to release her claws, the tape was easily sliced through. Lastly, she pulled the tape off her lips, grunting as the tape peeled off her skin.

Black Cat crawled over to Catwoman and suddenly ripped the tape off her lips, causing the still-bound woman to bury her face in the carpeted floor to scream so that they weren’t caught.

“Oww! What the hell?!”
“Sorry, it was an accident,” Felicia replied with a smirk. “Now, hold still while I cut you loose.”
“You’re actually gonna free me?”
“Of course. I’m gonna need help stopping Hammerhead and his gang from robbing that bank.”
“And why should I help you?”
“I’m sorry, but I thought you’d like to take revenge on the man and the gang who not only tied you up, but also stole your precious diamond.”

The thief’s eyes widened. “Cat, cut me loose so we can go kick their ass.”

The two kicked the door open, knocking down the goon standing directly in front of the door. Shocked, the other goon in the room-who had placed his gun down on the floor while he took a smoke break-reached down for his gun, only for his nose to receive Felicia’s knee.

As that man fell, two more goons burst in the room, guns drawn. The two ladies were able to duck the volley of bullets shot towards them and connected with surprisingly synchronized dropkicks to each gunman’s knee, causing them to kneel down. The two stepped back and launched missile dropkicks right to each chest.

One more man entered the room: Joshy, the man who KO’d Black Cat before. He looked uneasy and somewhat frightened that his pals were taken out. He drew his pistol.

“Ladies, don’t move,” he shakily ordered, pointing the gun at Catwoman. He went to quickly point the gun at Black Cat, but quickly realized she had disappeared from his sight. He turned to the side, only to eat a flying side kick to the head from her.

As Black Cat kicked Joshy in the nuts for good measure, Catwoman gazed at their surroundings: one of the penthouse apartment’s bedrooms. Selina spotted a drawer on the side of the wall. She opened up the bottom drawer and pulled out her utility belt, placing it back around her waist.

Both ladies opened the bedroom’s window. “Come on,” Black Cat called out. “Let’s go foil that bank robbery!”

As the antihero climbed out the window, Catwoman began to follow her, but stopped. On a hunch, she returned to the dresser and opened the top drawer. Inside was the Desired Diamond. She picked it up and gazed at it lustfully...

“Put it back, Catwoman!”

Startled, Selina turned around to see Black Cat back in the room, staring at her expectantly.

“But Kitty-“
“Now, Catwoman!”

Grunting, the thief stashed the diamond back in the drawer and followed Black Cat to the bank, hoping to stop Hammerhead.

Last edited by TamatoaShiny123 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Reidy »

Great continuation. Looking forward to seeing who comes out on top.
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Post by BindPam »

Another good chapter, can't wait to see what's next!
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Post by Caesar73 »

BindPam wrote: 5 years ago Another good chapter, can't wait to see what's next!
Me too :D
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Well [mention]BindPam[/mention] and [mention]Caesar73[/mention], here it is:

Part 3:

The two cat-costumed ladies leapt onto the rooftop of the bank. One listen into the building confirmed that Hammerhead and his gang were inside; there were shrieks of fear from the bank tellers. The two glanced down at the entrance, where two men-clearly goons in street clothes- were standing at the doorway.

“What’s our plan?” Selina asked her reluctant partner.
“First thing’s first: take out those goons without raising the alarm.”

Catwoman drew a Cat-Tail from her utility belt. She jumped to the floor, throwing the Cat-Tail against the wall as she fell. It ricocheted off the wall, striking the first goon in the nose, knocking him to the floor. Before the second one could react, Catwoman leapt behind him, grabbed one of his arms with her arms and handgagged him with the other. Black Cat dropped down in front of him and launched several hard punches to his gut. They both forcibly shoved him against the wall.

As he slumped against the wall, both ladies peeked inside the glass window. Two goons were holding the clerks in the corner at gunpoint. Meanwhile, the bank vault’s door was wide open.

Catwoman handed Black Cat one of her Cat-Tails. “Here.”
“You want me to use it against at one of those guys?”
“Well, since there are two of those guys with guns, I can’t make two separate throws, can I?”
“But how do I-“
“Just concentrate. Visualize it bouncing off the wall and onto that asshole‘s face.”

Both took a deep breath, cracked the bank doors open and threw the Cat-Tails. Catwoman’s landed perfectly, connecting with one of their skulls. Black Cat’s wasn’t as perfect, hitting the other guy in the shoulder.

On the bright side, it did result in the goon dropping the gun. With the gun gone, both ladies were now safe to go in without threatening the hostages. Rushing inside, the antihero grabbed a chair close to the entrance and hurled it as the goon tried to pick the gun back up. Though a more unorthodox weapon, it struck with better accuracy, hitting the guy on the top of the skull.

With the armed goons knocked out, the clerks were able to safely run out the doors. As they did, Hammerhead, along with three of his armed gang members, exited the vault, bags of cash in hand. Seeing the fleeing clerks, the goons aimed their guns at them, but their boss held up his hand to stop them.

“Don’t bother with ‘em. They ain’t our target,” he told them before pointing his finger at the two girls. “They are.”

With that, the three goons slowly aimed their tommy guns at the duo, making them feel a bit unnerved, to say the least.

“Well, it appears these pussycats have escaped the pound,” the gang boss haughtily taunted. “I was gonna drown yous both, but I’ve grown impatient.”

He turned to his men. “Boys, put ‘em to sleep.”

Immediantly, they launched a barrage of bullets at the two, forcing them to duck behind a bank desk to formulate a survival plan.

“How do you plan on getting us out of this alive?” Catwoman asked, doing her best to keep every part of her body away from the bullets.
“Uh...I’m not sure right now.”
“Ok, just let me think...uh...”

She turned to the table that was shielding her. “Battering ram!” she exclaimed.

The two picked the table up and charged with it at their attackers. One of them was able to dive away in time, but the other two were sent flying across the bank. The one who dove out of the way aimed his gun at Catwoman. However, that meant that his focus wasn’t on Black Cat, who punished him with a jumping knee to the chin. The two goons who were sent flying by the table got back to their feet at this time.

“I’ll deal with these two,” Catwoman told her partner. “You deal with Hardhead!”
“Got it!”

As Black Cat charged at the gang boss, the other lady focused on her two new targets. One of them charged at her, swinging his gun towards her face. Luckily, the gun was pretty cumbersome, allowing Selina to easily duck the melee attack and connect with an elbow to the nose.

“Bye, Cat!”

She turned around to see his partner aiming his gun at her. He pulled the trigger, and...he was out of ammo. He was met with a swift uppercut to the jaw.


Catwoman turned to see Hammerhead using one hand to both handgag Black a Cat and hold her against his chest and the other to hold a pistol to her temple. She started to run at him.

“One more step and she gets it, Catwoman,” Hammerhead warned.

The thief hesitantly stepped back. “You know who I am?”
“Yep. I’ve met with the Carmines in the past, and they’ve mentioned you a few times as well as your diamond-thieving reputation. So, I offer you a proposal: I give you the Desired Diamond and you surrender your cat friend here.”

The gang boss scoffed. “You really think I left that diamond in the room by accident. I know you know it’s there, doll. So, I’ll let you take it for free. All you have to do is leave Black Cat with me and never bother me or my boys again.”

Selina thought for a minute. On one hand, she could just take the diamond and leave him the woman who had gotten her wrapped up into this mess in the first place. She had only met her earlier that night, so it’s not like she’d gotten attached to her.

Catwoman turned to leave, but chanced one last look at the woman she was practically leaving for dead.

“MMPH!” Black Cat shouted, her eyes pleading for Catwoman to stay.

On the other hand...Catwoman knew what she had to do.

Fight dirty.

She suddenly turned around with the spray she used on Black Cat earlier and shot it at the two. The captive was able to close her eyes in time, but Hammerhead wasn’t as quick. As the spray hit his eyes, he howled in pain, causing him to drop both the pistol and his captive. He desperately tried to rub the spray out of his eyes, which he was able to do...a second before both ladies hit a synchronized kick... the balls.

As the crime boss fell to the floor clutching his parts, both women victoriously stood over him. “It’s a shame your head is the only part of your head made of alloys,” the antihero quipped.


Soon enough, the police were called. Both ladies stood on an adjacent building rooftop watching a limping Hammerhead and his goons being led to a police van in cuffs.

“Hey, Catwoman...” Black Cat started.
“I wanted to thank you for saving my ass back there.”
“It was nothing.”
“No, it wasn’t. You could’ve easily left me there to die at the hands of that guy in exchange for that diamond, but you didn’t.”

Catwoman went to say something, but she stopped when she realized something...

“I’m telling you,” Black Cat continued. “You are more than the thief you are. I can help you be like me; help you fully realize the heroic side you displayed toni-Catwoman?”

Catwoman was gone. Had she left her without saying a word? No, she wouldn’t have done that, right? Where did she go?

A lightbulb went off in her head. She started to run back to the apartment...

To Be Concluded
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Part 4:

As Black Cat had predicted, Catwoman was back at the apartment where the two had been held captive earlier that night. The apartment was abandoned; having heard of their boss’ arrest, the goons left in the apartment, like rats on a sinking ship, fled the building.

The thief slipped through the window. She opened the draw where the diamond was before, and sure enough, it was still there. Finally, the diamond was her-

“Hold it right there, Kitty.”

Damnit! Why did she keep getting interrupted?!

“Look, I’ll make you a deal: if you return that diamond to the museum, I’ll let you go free.”
“I’m not leaving without my Desired Diamond.”
“You don’t need that diamond, Catwoman. You could have so much more as a hero.”
“Like what?”
“A sense of self-worth, for instance.”
“Ohmygod, do you hear yourself?!”

Black Cat placed a gentle hand on the thief’s shoulder. “Listen to me: I had a rough past. I thought stealing stuff would fill in the holes in my heart I had. But with the help of an amazing man, I realized that thievery wasn’t the answer; helping others and stopping evil was. And you’re so talented! Just imagine how those talents could be used for good. Hell, I can be that person who can help you. What do you say?”

Catwoman thought about her offer. She seemed so passionate about this “going good” thing. And she seemed genuine in wanting to help her.

“Think about it,” Black Cat softly stated. “People can change. Why can’t you?”

With this, Catwoman made up her mind.


“You know what, Kitty? You’re right! I want to be a good girl! I want to use my talents for good; to help the less fortunate and protect them from the people I used to be like!”
“Quiet, Kitty. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for helping me see the light! You were a hundred percent right! People can change!”
“For instance, I changed from a person without the Desired Diamond...”

She picked up the diamond from the draw it was being held in. “ a person with the Desired Diamond!”

Black Cat was lying on the bed, listening to the thief’s faux face turn while all tied up. Her wrists were folded behind her and tied with rope. There was further rope around her torso, ankles and knees. A white scarf that was found in the bedroom’s closet was tied between her teeth.

As she listened to the speech, Felicia was furious at herself. When she heard that Catwoman wanted to become good, she was elated. However, this lowered her guard long enough for the alleged newly-turned good girl to get the pounce on her.

The thief gently stroked her captive’s hair, playing with it along the way. “I’ll be honest with you: I find you to be so cute! It’s just a shame that you’re a gullible idiot.”
“Mm mm uh-ih ih!” ([CENSORED])

Catwoman patted her on the head. “Oh, hush. I made sure you’re claws were still free. You could easily cut yourself loose. However, by the time you do, I’ll be long gone.”
“Mm ill uh oo ow!” (I will you hunt you down!)
Her captor scoffed. “I don’t think you will. See, I’m a pretty sneaky girl.”

The thief turned to the door, but paused. “Ah hell, might as well hear some clear parting words from you,” Catwoman said as she removed the scarf between her teeth.

“Traitor!” Black Cat spat out as soon as she could speak again.
“Me? A traitor? Never!”
“What the hell, Catwoman? You’re really doing this to me?! I thought that we’d bonded beating up Hammerhead!”
“We did, Kitty! It’s just that I bonded with the diamond more.”
“I just want to help you!”
“Wanna help? Just hush, Catty.”
“I will not!”

As Black Cat continued to blab about “seeing the light” or something, Catwoman checked around the dresser until she found a white sock. Upon seeing the sock, the antihero’s eyes widened.

“Don’t you-MMPH!”
“Ah, put a sock in it, Cat.”

She grabbed the scarf that had been placed to the side. “There. Now you’re a nice quiet kitty cat,” the burglar purred as she tied the scarf around her mouth to keep the sock in. As she tied the final knot, Catwoman felt her belt vibrate. She pulled her phone from a pouch in her utility belt.

“Hello, Harley...yes I was able to get the Desired, I won’t give it to you! ...because I spent at least two hours bound and gagged by a crime boss! ...yea, I encountered her too,” Catwoman said, eyeing her captive. “...yea, I took her out. She’s laying down next to me right now. ...’get rid of her’?”

Black Cat’s eyes widened before hearing her captor chuckle. “Nah, she’s too cute to get rid of! ...look, I’ll call you back in a bit when I get the diamond to a safe location, ok? ...great. Bye, Harley.”

Catwoman walked to the window, Desired Diamond in hand. “Well, I’m off now. I hope we meet again. I love you, Black Cat.” With that, the thief blew a kiss to her and jumped out the window.

The second Catwoman was gone, the bound antihero started to struggle around, trying to position her clawed fingers onto her ropes. She was angry that she was fooled into believing the thief would turn good. As her claws started to pick at the rope, she vowed that she wouldn’t be fooled again. She’d track Catwoman down. And she would make her pay.

The End
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice twist at the end 😊
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