Saving her knight F/M

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Saving her knight F/M

Post by WyattW5 »

Story request from RaeGrey4477

In the thickest region of the Blackwoods. A single man rides a black Destrier charging horse. Adorned in thick gleaming armor. A shield decorated with a Lion and Dog on his left arm while his right guides the horse. Down the trail knowing full well the unearthly evil that lurks in the Blackwoods.

Sent by King Hubert to hunt the forests evil ruler a witch named Jetta Cloven. A woman who had cursed an entire village with bad harvests and sickly livestock. Ransoming the village for the entire royal treasury. The King was unwilling to bow before the witches greed. Calling upon every knight and man at arms to ride after her.

Only Sir Eric was brave enough. To enter the black woods his hand close to his sword. He stood a tall broad-shouldered man of age twenty-seven. His hair was short but brushed back behind his ears. Away from his round face, keeping his blue eyes clear.

His black horse named Samson began to stutter and spurn. moving from side to side with agitation too afraid to continue. Sir Eric descends his horse with his gloved hand began to pat and calm the unsteady horse. Having raised this horse from a foal Eric knew this horse was one of the biggest and strongest. But not necessarily the bravest.

Taking the reins of the horse Eric began to lead the horse as he turns around to see a set of yellow glowing eyes. Allowing a quick breath t escape his lips. Moving his strong horse to the edge of the trail tethering the mount so as it would not bolt.

Eric drew his sword knowing if this beast was intent on the harm he would meet the creature in an honest battle. Holding his shield up in his left hand his right pointing the sword his eyes honed and focussed on the enchantingly yellow eyes.

“Please God and angels on high watch over me with a ready sword”

Stepping toward the beast. Eric could begin to make out features as the shade from where it hid lifted like a veil. Revealing a long lengthy form large powerful muscles in his crunched up hind legs. Smaller thin muscles along its fur covered arms wide and narrow hands extended to curved claws sharp like blackened steel. its face was like that of a bat with large bulbous eyes with a sharp mean looking teeth forming a primal grin.


“Come fight me demon”

Upon this word, the Beast charges faster than any horse. Pouncing on Eric. The knight had raised his shield to keep the animal off the knight rolled the shield high making the animal roll over. The knight turned his blade and cut the creature across the face.

Upon this drop of blood, the creature became wild and relentless. Hacking and slashing at Sir Eric who bravely blocked the strikes and dodged the bite attempts. Until the Beast bit down on the shield and broke it in half. Using the distraction of his shield Sir Eric slashes his blade into the ribcage of the animal.

The creature drew back a paw over its right rib cage. Looking to the fog-filled sky. The animal let out a howl. Soon after Eric took note of angry growling and snarling a pack of five wolves eyes bewitchingly glowing surrounding him.

“Alright who is first”

“Oh my...what have we here”

Turning in shock behind the large beast stood a charming woman with pale skin wearing a black cloak over a dark-colored corset over a purple dress. The woman’s hair was long curly and black.

“I take it you are Jetta?”

“Yes, and you must be Sir Eric, son of Eckhardt if I recall”

Raising the sword in his hands point aimed for her. She steps closer a flirtatious smile over her lips as she drew closer. Her dark colored fingernails touch the edge of his sword. Noting he was firm in his stance and steady of hand.

“I am told to bring you in Jetta, come peacefully and maybe the King will show you mercy”

“I hardly believe you are the one with all the power here Sir Eric look around”

Seeing the wolves growing more agitated the knight did not let them scare him. Keeping gaze on Jetta as the woman drew near placing a hand on the blades fuller. She looks to Eric and smiles

“why not join me, become a champion for me, glory will be yours they will utter your name in fear and great reverence. Join me and we will be richer than your wildest dreams”

the knight had begun backing away. Showing some signs of fear or concern. Jetta took note of his face turn to a smile sinister and menacing. Lowering the sword Jetta believed her words were breaching the iron will of the young knight.

“Join you I’ll be known forever?”

“Your name will live on when this Kingdom has become nothing but dust”

Nodding Eric turns his weapon and cuts the tree branch allowing Samson to flea.

“Run lad save yourself”

Turning back to Jetta. Swordpoint aimed for her chest her sigh of exasperation audibly annoyed. As she waved her hand ropes magically drop from the tree and entwine Eric’s body. Around his wrist's his arms knees and ankles before a final rope connected his ankles from his wrists.

“Gag the boy can’t have his screams echo in these black woods”

“You will not succeed Jetta I may not be strong enough to stop you, but you will meet your end and you will not be able to escape from it”

Magically a large cloth was wound between Eric’s teeth then tied behind his head. Jetta smiled as her magic was relatively effective.. As Eric struggled on the ground fighting his bonds vigorously.

“Lmmphf mphf gmphf yumphf ruphenphf”

Mumbling incoherently as Jetta using magic she transports the boys struggling body. Through the air floating behind her. His eyes wide as he watches the black trees bend to her will. Magically camouflaging the abandoned castle. Eric had been looking for.

the largest Beast remained two steps behind the man’s keeping it’s sharp yellow eyes knights form. As they enter the gate the iron bars magically close making Eric shout into his gag fighting mid-air when the levitation wore off. And collapsing onto the ground at Jetta’s feet. The knight angrily looks up his blue eyes honing with anger.

“You know you look adorable when you snarl like that” kneeling down to pat his cheek she turns to the large creature and speaks up.

“Take him to that tower, guard him if he tries to escape bring him back”

The creature nods before Jetta places a calm soothing hand on the animals bat-like head. Before the creature took Eric by the armor and commences to drag him backward. Up to a flight of stairs and into a dungeon cell. Leaving the door open. Sir Eric could see a chance to escape all he needed was to free his hands.

(The next morning)

In the Castle of King Hubert. Princess Alessa walks the garden courtyard a great many noblemen had arrived to speak with the king and bringing their sons to court the Princess.

Alessa stood five foot four with long blond hair. Held in a gold circlet on her head like a crown. Her red and silver gown perfectly fit her well-trimmed torso. Walking her hands together in front.

Princess was well loved among nobility and peasantry alike. Often going down to the village to join local festivities and celebrations. She did not hide under a cloak and pretend to be a villager. Everyone recognized her regardless. She would go down and bring offerings for the feast. Much to her father's annoyance.

Within the next few days, Princess Alessa was expected to provide a suitor for marriage. Proof to the kingdom the young royal was indeed keen on taking her rightful spot as Queen. While all had anticipated she would choose one of the richer young sons of Barons Viscounts and Dukes. Even the humble knights brought forth their children but all the women of the court all gossipped the future queen should choose a husband just below her station. Not of the lowest nobility.

The Princess had been walking down the path of the courtyard. She noticed down the path to the stables. A great gathering of workers and guests alike. Quickening her pace. Princess Alessa had noticed the stable master holding the reins to Samson. Sir Eric’s horse. Bursting through the crowd all looked to the Princess in concern.

“Sir Eric’s horse milady, I fear the good knight did not make it ma’am”

The stable master looks to the horse as obvious proof the knight did not make it. Princess Alessa approaches the horse placing a hand on the mounts strong neck and soft mane. Reaching into Eric’s saddlebag. She collected a grip of fabric and took it as she walks off feigning a mournful appearance.

Ascending the stairs to her tower she took the moment to smell the tunic she had taken the smell of the cloth was definitely Eric. Sir Eric had basically been like a brother to Princess Alessa their fathers hers the king Eric’s father Sir Eckhardt was the most loyal and dutiful knight of her father's service.

Alessa felt as though her father was too frail and tentative to recruit a search party. And far too insecure to order the army out to the black woods. And no other knight was anywhere near as brave as Eric or his father...

“Your grace did you hear of”

Alessa turns to the middle-aged woman that was Alessa’s handmaiden. Winnie a chubby older woman wearing a wimple around her hair which Alessa only saw once when she was a child. Winnie acted like an aunt to Alessa practically raising the girl.

“I heard Winnie thank you, uhm could you ask the cook to put together a few snacks for a picnic tomorrow I will be a way I want to have a picnic with my mother and Eric’s father”

“Oh, of course, milady I will tell cook immediately but do not be surprised if your father wishes ye to hold back a wee bit”

Alessa watches as Winnie leaves the room. Alessa walks over to her dresser behind it she had her bow and quiver. Eric had taught her to use a bow when they were both very young. He himself was never a good shot, but an excellent teacher. He gave her this bow on her sixteenth birthday.

Smiling at the memories she had with this bow. Whenever she snuck out she used this bow to protect herself. Though seldom anyone would attempt to attack her. Readying herself Alessa waits for Winnie to return with a little basket of food. Knowing full well she would need some help. No man or woman would dare join her on this adventure. But she knew one person she could always count on.

(A few hours later)

Alessa had been able to get through all of the dinners with her father and nobles without so much as whispering her plans. Even sneaking out some sweet berry tarts into her picnic basket.

Slipping into the stable. Alessa commences to pet and rubs Samson on the neck and muzzle. Kissing the horse on the cheek the horse looks down on her a funny quizzical look on his face.

“I need your help”

the Horse almost gave a bow before lowering itself for the Princess to set herself on. The horse stood and commence to ride out his heavy hooves softly pommelling the dirt below slipping through the sleeping guards with ease.

Riding out to the woods Alessa began to feel pride as she had managed to sneak out of the castle again without so much as a word or an indication she was being followed. Cheering herself for her cunning Samson began to slow as they reached the edge of the wood. Descending the large horses back she smiles patting the big stead on the shoulder.

“I do not expect you to come with me you may go back to the castle”

Alessa removed her bow from her shoulder unraveling the bowstring before advancing. Alessa found herself walking through the first columns of trees to hear the hooves of Samson not two feet behind her.

Alessa walks into the woods now wearing a brown short dress with matching legging and tan skin boots her hair bound in a long braided ponytail behind her head. Her bow in hand quiver on her hip and a basket of food on her shoulder.

“Mary come here girl Mary... come along please Mary, oh I know it’s late but”

Samson looks cautiously on the girl when the horse's ear perked up to the sight of a small black bear sleeps below a log. Making the horse jump and call in surprise. Alessa sees this and turns her gaze. Approaching the bear Alessa reaches the mouth of the cave.

“Hello there Mary”

Hearing the girls voice the bear did not stir. But when her hand touched the bear's velvety fur on her head. Did the hundred fifty pound bear stir from her slumber. Licking her lips sniffing the Princess and licking her chin and cheeks.

When Eric had taken Alessa out for a picnic. They had stumbled across a deceased bear with a cub nuzzling into her fur. The two had taken the small cub in fed her and took care of her. Now Mary was large and strong in her own right. But never lost that hint of puppy in her.

Holding the cloth from Eric’s tunic the Bear gave it a sniff and grumbles. Standing on her two feet the Bear commences walking leading the trail for Alessa and Samson. Handing Mary a treat every now and then the Bear led the way.


Mumbling to himself in his bonds Sir Eric hated his predicament. Kicking his feet he managed to get his boots off and loosened his leg bindings. But he still needed to get his wrists free.

He could smell the creature guarding him. An awful stench of sweat, saliva, and blood fill the air when the animal’s glowing yellow gaze circled on him. Angrily cursing the animal through his poor gag.

Sir Eric had managed to get to his knees believing he had an opening. He exploits the open door. Looking at one side of the hall to the other. He commences to try and slip down the halls. His armor shuffling softly along the walk.

Keeping his ear open and senses keen. Sir Eric moves down the hall climbing the stairs down until he got to a door leading to the walls walk. Looking around he couldn’t see anything that would spot him.

Moving quickly Sir Eric had managed to get halfway down the walk when the Beast growl caught Eric’s attention. Falling to his knees he laid flat on his back so his metal chest plate didn’t sound off. The creature snarled and growls aloud walking just below him.

Kicking his feet and hoisting his shoulders up and down to act as legs. Eric made his way into the other tower. Waiting until he was under cover of the walls to shuffle to his feet again. Growling into his gag Eric rubs his face into the stone wall using the edge he manages to get his mouth free from the cleave gag.

“Alright now just gotta find something sharp to cut these ropes”

Creeping down to the bottom level of the tower Sir Eric found nothing but old tankards floor covered in straw. Wooden chairs and benches all rotted in their age. Sir Eric looks around the table where dust-covered plates and bowls but no utensils. Deciding to climb the towers top floor.

Entering a room Sir Eric found himself in the middle of what appeared to be a ceremonial area. White was drawn into a circle and cross on the floor candle unlit in the corners. Salt piles on the edges of the crosses four corners.

“What the devil is this?”

Looking around the room. Eric saw what appeared to be a ceremonial dagger in on a table adorned in a decorative box. Walking over Eric had managed to lift the blade and was trying to hold it so he could cut the rope.

After about three twitches Eric found the edge of the blade close to the handle wasn’t very sharp. Taking it sweet time to cut. As he continued to twitch forcing the rope through. Eric felt a disturbing presence but he could not see anything.

“My god I can’t see!”

his eyes totally blinded as he looks around total blackness. Then he felt some cloth being tugged behind his head tied behind his ears.

“Naughty boy” Jetta’s malevolent voice playfully calls as she strides into the room.

“It appears you were able to evade my beast but not smart enough to escape my castle. Just like your father”

“My father? You know what happened to my father?”

“Of course, why do you think King Hubert practically raised you after your father went missing, now you will are missing, King Hubert will have to decide who will be the next Kings pet”

laughing at Eric's expense the Knight yelled in anger physically fighting to force the blade in his hand to cut deeper into the rope. Until Jetta smiles raising her hand and she speaks the words.

“In these binds, I do so wind”

Magic commences to float from her fingers and encircle Sir Eric’s legs and torso. Beginning to form into ropes in which Eric attempted to get away finding himself only cornered by them.

“with my minds magic entwined”

the rope began to move around his shoulders elbows and his chest. As the other end snuck around his ankles and knees. Eric felt as though a snake had been encircling his body giving a twinge of concern.

“Your hands will grind the rope in hopes to find, a knot of any kind”

Her rhyme ended with all the ropes knotting themselves around him. As he fell to his bound knees the rope clung tight to his chest pinning his arms to his torso. His eyes look deep into Jetta’s purple gaze. Kneeling down before him.

“Oh you are so cute tied up, mayhap I’ll keep you like I did your father for a good faithful pet”

“I will never obey your commands sickly evil witch”

“Oh your father had much more colorful language for that kind of talk but for now lets silence your lips an old fashioned way”

Filling his mouth with a cloth Jetta took a purple sash from her robe and tied it over his mouth. Behind his head.

“There we go much nicer this way you are”

Rubbing his chin. He shook his head away from her hand before the boy cursed below his gag shaking his shoulder fighting with every fiber of his existence.

Jetta brushes his hair with her hand before kissing him making him growl and spurn falling face first into the floor grumbling as the armor had begun to dig into his stomach and shoulders. Casting another spell Jetta vanished from Eric's view. But the young knight did not give up his futile struggles.


Alessa was behind Mary as the great keen black bear followed the scent taking little treats of berry tarts. Coming upon a large castle abandoned in its condition. Vines and moss had gathered over the castles stone walls.

Approaching a large hole in the wall Alessa crawls through first her brown eyes wide with amazement. All these years this castle remained in the forest but it looked completely defensible considering.

Walking along the courtyard Alessa crept in slowly getting a look around the courtyard. Around the castle had three towers standing the tallest appeared the most damaged by time. But at the base of this large leaning fractured structure. Stood a beast, unlike anything Alessa had ever seen.

It was lean but large muzzle and face like a bat. Lean muscular arms connected to hunched shoulders drool dragging from its menacing teeth. Alessa drew back taking a deep breath.

Returning to Samson and Mary who look curiously on her. The Horse and Bear listen intently on the Princess’ plan to lead the Beast away. And all three made themselves ready for the plan.

(A few moments later)

Samson trots through the gates of the castle catching the attention of the creature. Eyeing it with wide-eyed anticipation the Beast began to draw closer to the horse. Who drew back letting the beast take a step closer to him. Samson took off to a mad bolt when the animal gave chase.

Princess Alessa had slipped through the hole in the castle's wall. Arrows nock on the bowstring. The girl ascends the stairs. Checking each corner as she turned surprised she had expected more guardians around the castle.

But if the castle was as abandoned and camouflaged. Alessa wondered if the Sorceress had counted on these two facts to shield her hideout from curious eyes. Ascending the stairs of a lone tower she opens a cell gate.

Finding rope and Sir Eric’s seal of service. A padlock like a piece of iron with a kings seal. Only given to knights sworn in under the Kings service. It had to be Erics. Hiding it in her bosom Alessa checks the halls and other cells to find nothing save remains of fallen knights and soldiers.

Finding the entire tower clear Princess Alessa decided to follow along the broken walls diminishing walk. Treading slowly expecting each cobblestone to collapse below her meager weight. She managed to cross without trouble.

Entering the cracked doorway Alessa began to hear angry grunts from above. Walking bow in hand to see the knight curled up on the floor. Dropping her bow she leaped to the Knights side.

“Primphfphf plmmphf gmmphf sphmmphf wuphf kuphf yuphf!”

“I need to save you first you would do the same for me”

upon this sound a loud swoosh was heard over their heads. Looking around Alessa ran back to collect her bow when a mist-fogged her mind. Alessa looks from the bow to the mist that was surrounding her disorienting her.

From the Mist of purple, a black-gloved hand came out and struck Alessa in the face. Knocking the Princess down Alessa stood up quickly before a slap crosses her opposing cheek.

“Alepha Behumphf ymphf”

hearing the words Alessa turns and swings her fist into the mist crossing the mist. What she heard after gave her a start, the sound of Eric’s painful grumbling in agony. Alessa closed her eyes focusing on the sounds of Eric’s voice.

When her eyes opened the fog was no longer there and Jetta stood over him her hands on the knight's throat. Princess Alessa looks from her bow which had become unconnected during the dispute.

Obsidian made ceremonial dagger dull on the edge but sharp at the point. Picking up the Ebony handle Alessa charges at Jetta who was too busy choking Eric to notice.

Attempting to push the dagger into Jetta’s skin the Princess’ force threw Jetta into a wooden bench crashing her head through the thick oak like it was basswood. Knocking Jetta out Alessa looks to Eric who was catching his breath.

Kneeling next to him she tried to untie the gag, then the binds but none of it came undone. Alessa wraps her arms around Eric’s broad muscular shoulders.

“I am glad I got you in time”

“Uhmphf lmmphf ymmphf”

“Don’t talk now Eric lets get you to safety then find a way to unite these come on” helping him stand Alessa helps him hop down the stairs out to the courtyard where Alessa had put her shoulder into Eric’s hops.


Alessa and Eric look in shock as the Beast that had guarded Eric now stood just ten feet from them. Alessa turned her bow to the Beast turning to Eric.

“Hop to safety I can hold it back a few seconds”

“Uhphf ohphf”

the knight shook his head standing his ground looking the beast in the eye. Standing his shoulder nudging Alessa’s arrow arm she looks to the knight shaking her head.

“It is time a Princess fights her own battles go on hiding I can handle this thing”

Releasing another roar the Beast charges with the speed of lightning. Alessa had fired her arrow and without thought jumped on top of Eric. Shielding him from whatever attack was imminent. But none came in its stead the Beast snarled and snapped in anger as a lower more guttural grumble.

Both the knight and Princess turn to see. The Beast had been dragged back by Mary standing on her back legs she roared even as small as she was she still toppled this Beast by at least three feet. Swiping her paw into the Beasts batlike face.

But the Beast was not so easily defeated striking Mary in the muzzle the bear drew back when the Beast jumped on her back nibbling and chewing on the Bears velvety fur. Alessa readied another arrow to fire.

Unable to get a shot when the Bear had stood back onto two legs. And fall onto her back crushing the beasts left side. The bear bit onto the Beasts good shoulder and started dragging it. As the Beast swipes at her again.

Alessa drew her bowstring back and fired. The arrow had stuck into the beasts back. Making the Beast charge for her the Creature was sent flying backward as a set of black hooves rose up and kicked the creature in the face.

Samson neighed with a loud huff turning around stomping his heavy hooves. Alessa smiled as the horse found his courage. Raising his front hooves the Beast looks up to Samson the horse was larger than the bear and much... much harder to take down.

The horse rushes forward making the Beast back up. Seeing he was no outnumbered the Beast went running before the ears on his head perked up again. Turning to Alessa the weakest link of this trio the Beast began to charge her.

Alessa looks up to a wall hearing Jetta chanting telling the creature to destroy her. Pulling a new arrow from her quiver Alessa turns her bow to the sorceress having her attention set on the Beast.

As the arrow released from her bow. Alessa felt herself being tackled to the ground. Finding Sir Eric on top of her before the Beast pounced just over Eric’s shoulder making him fall to his back on his arms and wrists.

Looking back to the arrow Alessa eyes widen as she knew the arrow would miss their target. Going high to the right. The arrow struck Jetta in the neck drawing blood from her shoulder and neck the Witch fell backward and over the edge of the castle's wall.

When the witch vanished the clouds over the castle broke into sun. Alessa looks around to see the Beast no longer a bestial form but the one of a man gaunt and sickly.

“Sir Eckhardt?”


The older man spoke turning around in his crouched position. His eyes a gentle olive green around his face and head covered in reddish-brown hair. She could see Eric’s resemblance through his bushy features.

“Forgive me, Princess, I did not know”

“you did not know what you were doing I understand, Eric ...where is Eric”

She spoke as both look around trying to find Eric who had managed to free his hands. The ropes binding his chest arms and legs no longer there. Only the ropes around his wrist remain and the gag. As he struggled with his wrists Alessa tackles him into the ground.

“You foolish boy you silly foolish silly boy” kissing him over his eyes cheeks and gag.

“Whumphf arphf yuphf”

hugging him she cuddled into his armor feeling his neck and shoulder below.

“I think when we get home we are all gonna have a good long talk with my father”


“I know it is unconventional but would you consider being my husband”

Eric lay wide-eyed as he listened to the Princess’ words looking into her eyes the man took two deep breathes before nodding the Princess clung to the knight's chest. Giggling in joy.

(Next day)

Before a grand assemblage between nobility gentry and even peasantry. Princess Alessa stands before the crowd wearing a white and gold gown with her gold circlet in her hand holding her hands fold in front.

“Thank you all, thank you for coming and presenting your sons as suitors for my hand. I care deeply about you all and equally. But I can only hold one closest in my heart”

Taking a deep breath she turns to her father who nods and Sir Eckhardt beside him dressed in fine red and gold tunic. His sword proudly on his hip and his seal on his heart.

Alessa turns to the crowd once again and smiles holding back her excitement.

“I call Sir Eric Son of Sir Eckhardt of Helgie to be my husband”

Standing forward in the crowd wearing his families colors. Blue and silver a sheepdog and a Lion decorating the chest of his tunic. He stood before her bowing to one knee she looks down on the Knight before her.

“Sir Eric... will you do me the honor of being my husband to have and to hold for the rest of my days”

“Your majesty I...”

the entire court froze as he struggles to find the words swallowing her fear he looks up to her and smiles.

“The end of your days will surely not be enough, I would be honored”

The maids and butlers cheer and the suitors all groaned in disappointment but shrugged and the entire courtroom erupted in applause.

And surely the Knight and Princess were indeed married the next week the kingdom reveled for a fortnight afterward. But the young couple remained in love through the thickest of trials and thinnest of challenges.
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Post by RaeGray4477 »

I love it, and I love the image. Thanks so much! :D
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Post by SupermanFan522 »

Wonderful story!
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

great tale my friend.

I loved every bit of it!!

Eric is the perfect type of character for me, someone who is brave and strong but never capable of saving himself!

Good job
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Post by WyattW5 »

MountainMan_91 wrote: 5 years ago great tale my friend.

I loved every bit of it!!

Eric is the perfect type of character for me, someone who is brave and strong but never capable of saving himself!

Good job
glad you liked it my friend usually I have Characters like Eric do the rescuing fun but different having him be the rescuer for a change lol
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