Natural Bonds (MM/M, MM/F, M/MF, F/M)

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Natural Bonds (MM/M, MM/F, M/MF, F/M)

Post by DarthRevan3994 »

Hey there, friends, I hope all is well. After receiving some positive comments on Chapter 1. Interrogation from Bound Through Love (which I personally feel is one of my weaker works as that was my first formal story), I decided I would post one of my fantasy-based stories. Just a little context for them: I play/DM D&D, and all of the characters I create ultimately have a part of me in them. As such, some of the characters are graced with my interests, including that of bondage. Erdan Amakiir and Torrie Amastacia would be two such characters (pronounced air-din ah-mah-keer & tor-ree ah-mah-stah-see-uh).

I think much of what's relevant is explained within the story. They are indeed Elves (I hope that's ok, Elves do have an appearance very close to humans and I've seen many people cosplay as Elves at renaissance fairs and the such, so if you do prefer more realistic settings, you can envision it as an elaborate cosplay situation between 4 friends, which is partly what inspired me to write this chapter of their story -- the possibility of me actually cosplaying/roleplaying these situations IRL).

Please do tell me what you think of this fantasy setting. I have a few other characters who also find themselves in a fantasy world with an interest for being tied up. Finally, there are a couple darker, heavier ideas that arise. I largely kept the story as light and playful as possible, but the heavier parts did provide larger context as to why Erdan and Torrie find themselves in their situation.

Without further ado, here is the first chapter of them having a tie up experieince:


Erdan didn’t really know what to make of the situation. It didn’t entirely make sense. He was at a tavern talking with Saigo. Saigo requested to have a private audience with him in his room. Upon entering the room, Erdan was jumped from behind. But Saigo was behind him. Saigo opened the door for Erdan, and his manners prompted him to let Erdan in first. But Saigo wouldn’t have done this… Would he have?

As soon as Erdan opened the door, he soon found a hand clamped over his mouth. Before he could retaliate from this genuine ambush, his hands were forced behind his back and tied together with rope. His hands were tied crossed with several wraps horizontally and vertically. Despite his efforts, he couldn’t find where they tied the knot. After his hands were bound, they decided to blindfold him. After that, they gagged him. They stuffed a cloth in his mouth and secured it with a cleave gag, knotting it behind his head. They removed all his weaponry and equipment as well. They then moved him and pushed him onto the bed, where they bound his legs together at the knees and ankles. Once Erdan was completely bound and gagged, they picked him up and carried him a bit. Erdan knew he was still in the tavern, for they clearly didn’t carry him far. They set him on the floor and about 10 minutes later, he felt someone else be set down to his back. Their captor decided to tie them together back-to-back by wrapping a long piece of rope several times across each of their chests.

It just simply didn’t make sense. Saigo had no reason to do this to Erdan. And as far as Erdan was aware, Saigo didn’t know of his interest in bondage. The only people who knew were his old team and Torrie. But his old team had died, and he hasn’t seen Torrie since he left to avenge his old team, and she didn’t know where he was currently, though she was most likely searching for him--she would no doubt come here eventually to see if she was on his trail. He knew Saigo wasn’t going to bring him in because he knew Erdan only cared for the people. Erdan just couldn’t piece it together. He was missing something.

Erdan Amakiir is a Wood Elf Ranger, dressed in leather armor over his common clothes. He has a cape and hood. His entire outfit is brown with dark green highlights. He has a lighter skin color, hazel eyes, black hair that extends down to his shoulder blades. He was a small braid on the left side of his head and four more on the right side of his head. He stands at about 5’9 and has an average build for an Elf.

Erdan guessed that about 10 minutes passed before their captor removed their blindfolds. Finally, Erdan could piece together some of the missing pieces with the sight of his captor. His captor is a Pallid Elf dressed in Samurai-esk armor but didn’t have his headgear equipped. His captor stands at 5’8, has tanned skin, has blue eyes, and his hair extends not quite to his shoulders. His captor was Saigo! The identity of his captor left Erdan with more question than answers. And who precisely was tied to him?

“Erdan. Torrie,” Saigo said.

What?!?! He tied Torrie to him?!?! How?!?!

While Erdan couldn’t see Torrie, since they were tied back-to-back, he could only guess that she was in a very similar position as himself. Sure enough, Torrie Amastacia, a Wood Elf with lighter skin, hazel eyes, brown hair that extends just past her shoulders, standing at about 5’6 with an average build for a female Elf, she has blue tribal markings on her face, she is donned in white common clothes, and leather armor (aside from her pauldrons, which were removed), was tied very similarly to Erdan. She had a gag in her mouth secured with a cleave gag knotted in the back, her wrists were bound crossed, and her legs were tied cuff-style at her ankles and knees. Of course, she also was tied to Erdan with a long piece of rope that wrapped around her just above and below her breasts.

“Hmmph?” Erdan was confused by these revelations.

“Please do not be upset. Torrie may have let slip your guys’ mutual interest a while back. And I do have a solid reason for binding you two together. For your love for each other is quite obvious. The others and I agree as such. Even you guys admit liking the other whenever we talk. You guys tease the idea of getting romantically involved all the time. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. When I learned that Erdan frequents this tavern to meet an associate of his, Ander Stormwind, I decided to recruit him to help me with this,” Saigo explained in Elvish, a language that came much more natural to the three Elves.

Ander was the one who helped Saigo bind them! Ander was a human male with dark brown, shaggy hair and a light stubble for facial hair. He has lighter skin, blue eyes, and is dressed in nicer clothing, but is still equipped for whenever an encounter should arise. Ander wasn’t currently in the room with them. He must’ve only agreed to tie them up. In either case, Saigo continued his explanation.

“When I arrived, Erdan was here waiting for Ander to show up, but little did he know, Ander was waiting for us up here to ambush you two. Once I confirmed that Erdan still hadn’t made any moves to enter a relationship with you, Torrie, I told him I needed a private audience with him and as soon as he entered Ander’s room, we sprung our ambush. I clamped my hand over his mouth ensuring he couldn’t call for help while Ander bound his hands together, blindfolded him, and helped to gag him more effectively. We then disarmed him and bound his legs together and carried him over here into my room,” Saigo continued to explain in Elvish.

Wow, Saigo really thought this through. But he knows why Erdan can’t enter a relationship with Torrie! She’ll only get hurt! And Erdan can’t allow that! Erdan can’t let Torrie get hurt!

Saigo continued, “Once Erdan was all set, we reset our trap and I had a seat downstairs. A few minutes later, Torrie came in, and as predicted, asked if I knew where Erdan was. I said, ‘Yes. He’s upstairs. I’ll take you to him.’ But I took her instead to our trap. And once more, I held my hand over her mouth as Ander bound her hands together, blindfolded her, helped me gag her, disarmed her, and bound her legs before I brought her over here and tied you two together. I must ask for your forgiveness, and I do apologize for the deception, but this is genuinely to help you guys.”

And there’s proof that Erdan will only hurt Torrie! She literally got bound and gagged because of him! Yes, she likes it, but Saigo and Ander ambushed her!

Saigo went on: “Both of you guys really like each other. So, here’s how this is going to work: I am going to ungag you two. I merely want you guys to talk. Confess your true feelings. Only then, will I release you guys. And should you guys attempt to get free, I will know, and I will come in here to add to your bonds. Should you call for help, I will come back in here and gag you guys again. Alright?”

Erdan sighed through his gag and nodded.

“Mm hmmph,” Torrie nodded.

Saigo ungagged Torrie then Erdan, untying each of their cleave gags then helping them remove the rags in their mouths.

“Saigo, please. You know why we can’t. Keep me here, I don’t care. Do what you need to do, but please at least let her go,” Erdan pleaded, something he has never done before.

Saigo halted as he heard that. Torrie remained silent, understanding Erdan’s protest, somewhat enjoying being bound to him, and hoping Saigo keeps a strong will and keeps them like this as least for a bit longer.

“I’m sorry, old friend. It’s for the best,” Saigo left the room closing the door behind him.

Erdan and Torrie sat like that for about 10 minutes in silence. Erdan was wondering what to say. How could he enter a relationship with her when she’ll only end up getting hurt? Torrie was also wondering what to say. She knew Erdan’s reluctance for them entering a formal relationship, but she disagreed with it. They were both Rangers. Both dedicated to protecting the people and nature. If she did get hurt *because* of him, then she would be happy to do so. For he cares so much for her, would die for her. Fearing the worst is understandable, but the worst isn’t even likely to happen.

“Erdan, I know you’ve been through so much. I know you’ve lost so much. But you can’t keep blaming yourself. Much like your willingness to sacrifice yourself for the people, they too had the same desire. Your mentor, your team. They not only knew the risk but accepted their possible fates. I assure you, they all rest at peace. They are with you and hate you beating yourself up,” Torrie explained.

“Torrie, that’s….” Erdan started.

“Please…. I’m not quite done,” Torrie interrupted.

Erdan kept silent.

“I… I love you. I do. I have for a while and always will. I know you’re scared. But the worst won’t happen. You won’t allow it to. I won’t allow it to. We won’t allow it to. Because we’ll be together.” She giggled slightly, “Even if Saigo has to tie us together again.” This caused Erdan to smile a bit.

A relatively long moment of silence occurred as Erdan pondered everything she had said.

“Torrie… I love you too… And… I can’t promise that my fear won’t give me doubt. But if you believe we can overcome anything thrown at us, I have no reason to not believe you. I trust you. As you trust me. You have my word that I won’t let anything happen to you, to us. I really do love you, Torrie,” Erdan finally replied.

Another moment of silence as the two Elves considered all that had been said. Until eventually Erdan asks, “So, you told Saigo of our interest?”

She giggled, “I may have let it slip when I was talking about the ‘training sessions’ I did with your team. You know the ones where you guys would tie each other up and the goal was to get out as quickly as possible. Well, I told Saigo about one time when you were the one who tied me up and accidentally said that I really enjoyed it. That shocked him a bit, so I told him our mutual interest. I didn’t know what else to say! I was a bit embarrassed at first, but he was very understanding.”

“I see,” Erdan replied.

“But if I never told him about that, then we wouldn’t be here, would we?”

“No, we probably wouldn’t,” Erdan chuckled. “So, do you like being my prisoner or a fellow prisoner with me more?”

“They both have their pros and cons. I do enjoy being tied up by you but being tied up with you certainly has perks. I do wish that we weren’t tied back-to-back as I’m sure you look very cute!”

“Alright, if you’re going to talk like that, Saigo needs to come back in here and gag you again.”

Torrie giggled. “I can’t help it that you’re cute! And I bet watching you struggle, beg, and plead would be absolutely adorable! Under different circumstances, your pleading with Saigo would’ve been adorable!”

“Oh, I see how it is! Let it be known that Torrie Amastacia likes seeing people who care for her struggle and beg,” Erdan teased and chuckled subsequently causing Torrie to giggle some more.

At this moment, Saigo came back in to check on his captives. “So? How are you two doing?”

“You’ll be happy to hear that Torrie convinced me to fight my fears. We are official now,” Erdan answered. Torrie smiled.

“Good,” Saigo replied. “I feel I must ask: do you guys want to be untied now?”

A brief moment of silence passed before Erdan asked, “Torrie?”

“Hmm,” She considered her options. “Sure.”

Saigo untied the rope binding them together. He helped sit Torrie on the bed before untying her hands. As soon as her hands were free, she leaned into him and whispered into his ear, “Would you mind if we had some more alone time? Or would you know if there’s another room available for us?”

Saigo smiled before he whispered his reply, “None at all, you can use mine. I got it for the sole purpose of kidnapping you two.”

“Care to explain what you two are whispering about?” Erdan inquired.

“Nothing!” Torrie replied as she started to undo the rope binding her knees together as Saigo untied her ankles.

When Torrie was fully untied, Saigo left and as he was closing the door, he gave Erdan and Torrie a devilish smile.

“Well, it seems my suspicions were correct: you ARE cute tied up!” Torrie teased as she knelt down in front of him.

“Torrie… what’re you doing???”

“And I bet you’d look even cuter gagged!” She teased. “Is that ok?” She asked sincerely.

Erdan sighed wondering what he got himself into. “Sure, I don’t mind.”

Torrie gagged Erdan with a new rag and secured it with a red cleave gag. Torrie moved Erdan onto the bed to give him a more comfortable spot to be her captive.

“Hmm, a shame Saigo kept our armor on…”

“Hmmph?” Erdan asked confused as to what she was trying to convey.

“Well, I think we are all wondering: Is The Erdan Amakiir ticklish?” Torrie asking tauntingly.

A brief moment of fear found itself on Erdan’s face as he shook his head, “Mm mmph!”

This caused Torrie to giggle quite a bit. “You betray yourself, Erdan!”

“Mmph! Anph eeph alph ahou iph?” Erdan asked as he tried to beg her with his eyes not to experiment.

She giggled some more. “Next time, you’ll need to make sure Saigo unties you first!”

Erdan gave her another pleading look. ‘If there is a next time, Saigo and I are going to have a looonnnggg “talk”,’ he thought to himself.

“You. Are. Cute!” She exclaimed as she booped his nose prompting a “mmph” from Erdan. She then quickly moved her fingers to his armpits, the tickling causing him to squirm and thrash about. His struggling to fight her off made it so he could no longer sit up but was instead now lying on the bed. She used her opportunity to sit over him to make his struggling near impossible.

After a few minutes she stopped, and they stared into each other’s eyes. Once he had caught his breath and calmed down, she leaned down and kissed him on the forehead, prompting another “mmph” from him in protest. She then removed his gag gently and they shared their first real kiss, Torrie tenderly touching Erdan’s cheek as she did so. They loved each other for a while now, and it took an old friend to kidnap them for them to truly realize this was what was best for them.

After their moment passed, Torrie untied Erdan beginning with the ropes binding his legs, then rolling him over to untie his hands. She helped him sit up and asked, “Now that we confirmed a few things, I am curious: Will The Erdan Amakiir seek revenge?”

“He might. He just might,” Erdan responsed.

“I should hope so!”

Erdan and Torrie gathered their gear before heading downstairs for a meal. They ordered their meal from the barkeep and sat down at a table Saigo and Ander were sitting at.

“Ah, Erdan! Good to see you! I was worried, I heard you got a little tied up!” Ander teased having had a direct role in their predicament.

Erdan gave him a look. “Yeah, one could say that. Thankfully, Torrie and I managed to identify our captors, and make no mistake, we will seek justice.”

“All in good time, friend. All in good time. Sai used to like those kinds of situations.” Sai would be the name of his wife. She was captured by an evil organization, and Erdan and Ander were working together to follow up any leads that came their way, but they have yet to get anything of major use.

“And Saigo,” Erdan said, “I think next time it might be best if you don’t give Torrie that kind of power…” Erdan gave Torrie a look.

Torrie giggled.

“Well, it seems you two enjoyed yourselves. Besides, who am I to deny Torrie her requests?” Saigo retorted.

And the human and three Elves would spend most of the rest of the evening enjoying everyone’s company. Erdan and Torrie specifically pondering how Erdan could get his revenge on her.

Hey, y'all, hope you enjoyed. I debated whether or not I wanted to divide the chapter into 2 parts on account of its longevity. I opted not to since the spots where it would've made sense to split it, ended up leaving one part still a bit long and another a bit short--and it would've conflicted with my theme of having a collection of isolated stories for the characters. I do apologize for that, but do let me know what you think of Erdan and Torrie. Do you want to see more of these 2 Elves? Would you like to see the adventures of some of the other fantasy characters? Did you like the third-person narrative taking Erdan's perspective or would you prefer it if Erdan directly conveyed the story to you?