The Soccer Match (m+/mm)

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The Soccer Match (m+/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

It was a lovely Saturday morning, the sun was high, the sky was clear and the birds were singing. Luke could had spent that morning comfortably sitting on his favorite corner of the library or even playing videogames with Max. Instead he was forced to sit under the blazing sun watching a group of chimpanzees running around a grass field kicking a ball at each other while the crowd took it way too seriously

“Cheer up Luke! Just live the moment” he glared at the red-haired boy sitting next to him, the things he did for friendship!

“This is stupid” he sighed squinting as the sun set on his eyes “And don’t you feel it’s wrong to cheer on Kyle of all people?” he watched his least favorite person in the world strutting in front of a group of girls fawning over him.

Max rolled his eyes and placed his arm over Luke’s shoulder “You need to get out more often and meddle with other people, besides where is your school spirit? We are cheering our team, not the teammates!”

Luke shook his head “What’s the point? It’s just a game with the kids from the East Side” his quickly scanned the other team, they were all dressed in black shorts and blue t-shirts, a nice contrast with his own team’s blue shorts and black t-shirt. Hi eyes set on one of the other team’s players, a tall boy with curly brown hair talking with a boy in the stand that had blond-pinkish hair. He couldn’t pinpoint what about that boy but he felt blood flushing to his cheeks, he seemed hot… as in sweaty, not in the other way… or was it? No! His temperature seemed hot! That was it

“Finding anything interesting about number 8?” Luke snapped of his trance and quickly blushed

“Nah, we’ll go to the same high school so I might as well get used to their face” he quickly looked away
Max grinned giving him a side glance “Sure… because you’ll totally be friends with them”

The game was a drag, everyone was too loudly, the wooden benches were uncomfortable and his t-shirt was starting to stick to his skin. He somehow felt more comfortable watching the other boy… team playing. That helped him pull it through and finally a whistle was heard on the distance announcing the end of the game
“Where are you going? It’s only the half-time”

“Are you telling me there is another hour of this?” he exclaimed appalled, at least there was something good about this whole mess, for what little he could find, their team was getting their behinds kicked by their opponents and it was nice seeing Kyle’s expression of defeat as he headed back to the locker rooms with his teammates “Well, since I’m already standing up I’ll get something to drink…”

“Can you get me a hot dog?”

“I doubt people sell hotdogs here” Luke sighed.

“Then get me some M&Ms!” his friend grinned. This place was hardly a stadium, it was more like a soccer field with some rusting wooden stands, heck it didn’t had any restrooms, the parents had to rent some portable toilets for the game!

Luke was walking pass said toilets when he noticed something out of the ordinary. Kyle and a group of boys (a mix of teammates and members of his gang) were standing around one of the stalls, apparently, struggling to keep it closed. Luke tried to turn around to avoid being seen but it was too late

“Lucky! The restrooms are broken, move along!” Kyle shouted, that was far too suspicious

“All four of them?” he asked unimpressed, his eyes darted over the guys, they were sweaty and panting, it could be attributed to the game of course, but those who weren’t playing looked equally disheveled, then he noticed one of them was holding a roll of black gorilla tape. As to confirm his suspicions, a loud banging came from the toilet stall, Kyle and two other guys, Dean and Vincent if Luke was correct, had to lean their full weight to keep the door closed

“There is someone locked inside isn’t it?”

“Okay…yeah…you got us smartass” Kyle panted “You might have noticed how we weren’t doing precisely well today”

“You sucked” perhaps it was his already bad mood or the fact that Kyle clearly needed something from him, but he felt particularly courageous at that moment

“Yeah, you could put it that way” Kyle gave him a strained smile “Well, we figured we needed some extra help, so this fellow here volunteered to stand aside during second half of the game” more angry bangs came from that fellow there

“So, you kidnapped him” Luke said deadpan

“We are letting him go in an hour!” Kyle replied “And you aren’t going to tell anyone right?”

Now all the eyes were on him and for some reason Luke wasn’t feeling too courageous anymore. Sensing the danger looming over him, he started stepping back towards the stands “Sure... my lips are sealed buddy” he totally was going to tell someone as soon as he could get rid of them “I’ll just go back and watch you win! Go team!” he nervously raised his fist and turned around, ready to run for his life but a hand grabbed his arm dragging him back

“Oh Lucky! You are such a bad liar” Kyle glared at him, a mocking smile on his face

“I wasn’t lying…I umm… just need to find something to drink and... umm... you know… HELP! HEEMLLPPPP!” a piece of tape was plastered over his mouth and roughly wrapped around his head. Panic set in but this time he was determined to go out with a fight and started kicking and trashing around. Unfortunately, this time there were even more people than before so it was barely a fight for Luke. His hands were pulled behind his back and quickly wrapped in tape. The kids kept wrapping the tape around his torso, all the way from his shoulder down to his waist; not satisfied, they kept going, down his thighs until, by the time they had reached his ankles, they had finished the whole role

“Lmt mm hht nhh mmhnnmf!” Luke angrily shouted. The tape was snug, making it impossible for him to move any muscle; the others laughed at his attempts to keep his balance.

“Well Lucky, you chose a bad time to grow a pair” Kyle teased him and shoved him forwards; Luke hopped helplessly, unable to decrease the momentum, towards the toilet stall. Just as he was going to crash against the blue door, it was abruptly opened. He only managed to catch a glimpse of the boy taped up inside before he crashed on top of him, his face buried in his lap. He could hear the laughter behind but before he could even turn around, the door was closed, hitting his behind and shoving him once more against his fellow captive

“Fhrrn” he mumbled squirming to get away from the other boy

“Nh prhblmm” the other mumbled, now that he had a better view of their predicament, he recognized the prisoner as the brown-haired boy he saw earlier. He had been taped like him, except that clearly more tape had been spent on the more important prisoner, his whole body was covered in tape from his ankles up to his shoulders, with the exception of his hands and a few bits of skin and cloth here and there. He didn’t look all that bad despite being covered in tape and locked in a filthy toilet. In fact, the tape seemed to be complimenting him, making his muscles more notable, not that it was important at the moment!

He tried to get up and squirm away from his fellow captive but the tape around his ankles was so tight the he finally lost his balance, falling against the wall and slowly sliding down until his butt hit the regrettably wet floor.
Looking back up at the other boy, he noticed the boy’s cheeks were bright red, either with indignation or for being squeezed by the tape around his lower head; Luke thought the door should have already melted from the way the other kid was glaring at it, not that he could blame him. That bathroom stall was small, hot, stinky and the floor was covered in liquids whose origin he didn’t want to know. Luke didn’t look forwards to spend the next hour there

Luckily, spending so much time with Max seemed to have made a few things rubbed on him and one of those was looking for a way to escape. Unlike the other boy whose gag looked tight and effective, Luke’s gag had been done in a hurry which should work on his favor. The boy started contorting his face, trying to flex his jaw and after a while he managed to loosen the tape enough from his lips to open his jaw and bite down on it turning it into a cleave gag, his speak was still muffled but he could enunciate better

“Hey kih!” the other kid was pulled from his staring contest with the door and turned towards him surprised “Cone cloher!” the kid cocked his head for a moment and looked hesitant to the floor but at Luke’s insistence, he leaned forwards, being careful to keep his balance. Unfortunately, he failed and fell down, half his body landing on top of Luke

The door immediately burst open and Vincent, one of Kyle’s goons, looked down on them with a surprised expression while holding a bottle of coke, probably he didn’t expect to find both kids on the floor, one lying on top of the other, the two looked up at him, nervously blinking, unable to say anything (not because of the gags mind you) “If you really need to do it at least keep quiet” he grunted rolling his eyes and slammed the door in their faces

After a short time recovering their quite damaged egos, Luke set to work, leaning forwards until his teeth could graze the kid’s cheek, it was surprisingly soft! His fellow prisoner flinched surprised but soon relaxed and let Luke work when he realized what he was trying to do. It took a wile but Luke managed to rip the tape from his mouth, letting it hang around his neck like a collar

“Thanks dude” the boy grunted, licking his dry lips “Here, let me help you” he leaned over Luke and following his example, used his teeth to remove the tape. For some reason, Luke particularly enjoyed that part. He sincerely hoped the other kid didn’t noticed it

“Sorry you got trapped here” Luke said once he was able to speak freely, looking aside to hide his red cheeks “Kyle is a true moron”

“I take it that you know him” the other boy replied leaning against him ruefully, Luke’s cheeks couldn’t be more scarlet “I can’t believe I’m gonna spend the game stuck here!” Luke gently nudged him trying to express his sympathy, it was in moments like this he really despised Kyle. “I hope my friend notices I’m gone and find us” he added with a hopeful sigh

“Friend!” Luke exclaimed so loud that the other kid flinched and fell aside “I have a friend here too!” he added in a whisper in case Vincent heard them

“Good to know” the boy replied deadpan

“No! I mean, if you can reach my phone I can text him telling him where we are!” the boy’s eyes opened wide and a huge grin appeared on his face, Luke had to admit he had a nice smile

“That’s brilliant!”

“Hopefully he doesn’t get captured by Vincent” Luke added

“Don’t worry about that IDIOT!” the other boy replied “We’ll find a way to get rid of him” he started scooping closer to Luke “I’m Dylan by the way”

“Luke” he replied turning away so Dylan could reach his pocket. The boy panted and grunted as he twisted his body but finally managed to sneak his hands inside his pocket and grabbed his phone

“No! I dropped your phone to the ground and now it’s broken!” Dylan exclaimed aloud, Luke immediately caught up with what he was trying to do and played along, he didn’t believe Vincent might have hear them but it was best to play it safe

“Dang it! Now we are trapped here with no way to warn anyone!” the kids giggled quietly, judging by the laughter outside, Vincent had bought up their story

“Okay, look in my contacts for Max” Luke whispered, Dylan craned his neck, trying to look behind him as his fingers tapped the screen “Got it? Good, now write SOS, toilets, now!” he payed attention to the door, hoping that the guard hadn’t figured out what was going on

“Not the smartest bloke, isn’t he?” Dylan smirked while trying to type and Luke drowned another chuckle “Can you check if I sent it?” Luke crouched over his phone and confirmed the sent message. Unable to high five each other, the merely bumped arms together and let out another chuckle

“What’s so funny?” Vincent asked from outside

“Your stupid face!” Dylan replied and both kids burst out laughing, that got them a shower of coke, well a sprinkle to be precise since Vincent had finished most of it. The bottle still hurt when it hit Dylan’s head. Once alone again, the two kids lay against the wall, silently testing the tape in case they were able to rip it off

“I wish they had used ropes, they are more comfortable and easier to escape” Dylan sighed, Luke chuckled feeling a déjà vu

“I guess it’s not the first time you’ve been tied up?”

Dylan blushed and mentioned it was a long story “I guess it’s not your first time either?”

This time it was Luke’s turn to blush “Let’s say that I’m starting to see a pattern of how I make new friends…”
“They all got tied up with you?”

“By Kyle” the poor door turned into a stand in for Kyle, receiving the full blaze of hateful glares from the kids. Luke started to wonder how long they would have to wait, what if Max didn’t get his message, or what if he let himself get captured, Luke was well aware of Max’s strange interest after all. Just when he was starting to get worried, he heard the voices of the guard outside

“Hey, what’s up with your hair faggot?” he looked at Dylan and noticed a huge grin on his face “What are you doing with that…. OOOOOWWWWW!” they heard the most blood-curling, high-pitched scream ever followed by the sound of something heavy hitting the ground.

“What was that?” Luke asked surprised

“Tom” Dylan replied smiling proudly. Suddenly the door opened abruptly, momentarily blinding them by the sunlight. As Luke’s vision got accustomed, he saw the grinning red-haired boy standing outside

“Man, you didn’t have to do this to avoid watching the game with me” Max joked shaking his head, Luke would have hugged him if his hands were tied. After helping them get out, Max pulled out a pocket knife and effortlessly cut the tape from them. Vincent was laying on the floor, silently sobbing while the blonde-pinkish haired kid was sitting on top of him looking pleased with himself

“What did you do to him?” Dylan asked struggling to rip the tape from his legs

“Kicked him where no one should be kicked” he replied proudly, Luke would have felt sorry for Vincent if he hadn’t locked them in the stall

Dylan laughed loudly standing up “You’re my hero Tom!”

“Yeah that was great” Max rolled his eyes although he was smiling too “But Dylan, you should hurry up, your team is losing pretty badly with one player less”

The kid thanked them profusely and rushed to back to the field. Once free from that cursed tape, Luke turned to Max surprised “How did you-”

“Knew his name? Well Luke, while you and Dylan were having quality time in the bathroom” Max teased making Luke blush “I found out I wasn’t the only concerned citizen looking for his best friend”

“Yeah, I figured you two would be together, when Max got your message, my suspicions were confirmed” added Tom getting up from Vincent

“So we made a plan and got you out of this mess”

“We should make a detective agency” Tom proposed

“That would be so awesome!” before Luke could learn more about their business enterprises, a large roar interrupted them. The three turned around to see Vincent getting up, despite still crying, his murderous intent was clearly discernable in his eyes

“I think we should start running now” Max proposed

“I think you are right!” the three ran away, Tom in a different direction. It was only once they were safe in the stands that they noticed him taking a seat on the stands across the field.

Despite Dylan’s team initial setback, they managed to turn the tide once he rejoined them. When Dylan made the ball bounce on Kyle’s face and straight into the goal posts, Luke was the first to cheer on him, Max was right after all, soccer wasn’t as boring as he thought it would be.

Once the game was over (Dylan’s team won of course), Max and Luke hurried out of the field, wisely assuming that Kyle and his friends wouldn’t be too happy with them. They had almost made it to the parking lots when someone called Luke’s name.

He turned around to see Dylan running towards him, his teammates and friends including Tom, were waiting for him by the cars. “Congrats on the win” said Max high fiving Dylan

“Wouldn’t have done it without you” the boy replied beaming proudly “You two are my heroes!”
“What? I… g-got c-captured too” Luke blushed wile stammering, Max smiled rolling his eyes

“Well, if you hadn’t been captured I would still be locked in that damned bathroom so stop being so modest” Dylan playfully shoved him against Max, for some reason, Luke couldn’t stop smiling “anyway, we are having a pizza party at a friend’s place, you can come with us if you want!”

Luke gave him a nervous smile, probably hanging out with the rival team wouldn’t help their social lives “Are you sure?” asked Max as if reading Luke’s mind “We are from the West Hempborough and you are from the East…”

“So? We’ll be in the same high school in a couple years” Dylan shrugged “are you coming or what?”

Luke’s face brightened up, Dylan had made a good point. He turned to Max with a smile “We should get used to their faces, right?” he hummed before happily sprinting after his new friend.
Last edited by cj2125 6 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for this. A nice, sunny story. Let's hope it pressages more fun in the future.
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Post by FelixSH »

Sunny is a good word to describe this story, I can nearly feel the mild spring breeze before summer, with a near cloudless sky. Interestingly (well, to me ;) ) the one where Max and Luke became friends feels like it played during Fall, with the two following stories feeling like winter stories, which sort of fits the theme of the corresponding story. But I might be reading too much into this. :lol:

Anyway. point is that it feels like a lot of time has passed since Max and Luke met, and it's nice to see it having a positive effect on Luke. Also, like for the disregard of pointlessly dumb rivalries between sport clubs.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Well done!

I have a thing for non-consensual bondage, so the forced taping/mummification was definitely a highlight for me.
The description of the toilet the boys were taped up in was quite horrific, only adding to the fun ;)

The gag-talk was also really good and sounded realistic.

Very much enjoyed this.
Always looking forward to more from you CJ.

Just don't forget to add this to the Story Catalogue.

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Post by Veracity »

Really enjoying your stuff. Thanks for posting.
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Post by Chris12 »

That was a really good example of a sequel story. Its got the same characters, same captor and the same ''main'' captive but by placing them in such a different situation and by introducing a new captive you avoid retreading old ground.

Also Luke seems braver meaning he grew since the last story which is nice.
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Another really amazing story! Kind a shame that Max was not bound and gagged too XD! He escaped this time! Haha!

But the story is very amazing! I liked that the theme of this one was football so it's nice to see they tied up with football uniforms too! I liked how Dylan was almost completely mummified and Luke was just the wrong guy at the wrong time and got captured too! Love how he was also bound and gagged and the gag talk was fun! They really are very smart and figured a way to escape!

Really amazing story!
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