Clara's lucky escape F/M

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Clara's lucky escape F/M

Post by lasse672000 »

Clara, dressed in an ankle length, purple, long sleeved tulle dress, her eyes held modestly on the floor and her hands held together in front of her, walked into the room, in the middle of a row of girls, all wearing similar tulle dresses, except for the colours.
She managed to look around the room, without lifting her head much, and when she saw HIM leaning against the wall she almost sighed loudly with relief, because with HIM there, she knew everything would be alright.

Jock was taken aback, when he saw HER walking into the room together with the other girls. He, of course, had seen her before, but then she had always been dressed in pantyhose and leotards or t-shirts and jeans with her long, brown hair flowing freely around her head. Now, it had been braided and put into an elaborate doo.

The auction started, and soon all the girls, except Clara, had been auctioned off. Some turned out to be real expensive, while others were bought for a paltry sum. Then, finally, it was Clara's turn. She became more and more amazed as the sums kept getting higher and higher, but she could see HIM bidding every now and again, until HE finally got her.
"I could tell you really wanted her, even before the bidding started." The auctioneer noted.
"Mm," Jock growled, "I've had her for so long I've kind of gotten used to her. I thought I'd try another one the last time, but it was a complete disaster, as I couldn't stop thinking of her. I've even played with the idea of not returning her for the next auction, but keeping her indefinitely ."
"You know that's against the rules; don't you?" the auctioneer snapped. "They must be returned in pristine condition and in plenty of time before the auction starts. If not, the penalties are severe. You know that?"
Jock, who had seen what had happened to those who had tried to break the rules, shuddered and nodded.
"I sure have." he said. "Don't you worry; I'll bring her back, safe and sound." He grabbed a pair of handcuffs and a length of rope from a nearby table, cuffed Clara's hands in front of her, and picked up the chain and a strap with a soft foam rubber ball in the middle. He pushed it into her mouth, and walked behind her to lock the straps together. He used the rope to pin her elbows to her sides. Then, he grabbed her arm, and led her to the parking lot, where he stopped beside a fairly beaten up old car. He opened the passenger back door, with a lot of difficulty, as it had almost completely rusted shut.
"Get in!" he ordered, before leaning in to fasten the seat belt

Sometime later they stopped outside a large house, and Jock helped her get out.
"Recognize it?" he asked, and she took a couple of deep breaths, mumbled "M-hm!" and nodded. When he saw she had tears in her eyes, he put his arm around her waist and gave her a light squeeze.
"Missed it that much, have you? Or, is it possibly me you have missed?"
Their eyes met, and the answer was fairly obvious.
Inside he guided gently her to the living room, where he sat in a high backed leather arm chair, and pulled her down onto his lap, where she remained for pretty much the rest of the night, safe in the knowledge she was where she belonged.

When she woke up the next morning, she noticed her wrists had been cuffed together in front of her, and that a chain connected the cuffs to bars on the left side of the bed, the right being pushed against the wall. She looked along her body, and saw she was dressed in her favourite pyjama onesie with feet. Oh, how she had missed it all, while she had been living at that other place.
As if he had heard her thinking about him, he suddenly appeared beside the bed.
"Good morning, sleepy head." he smiled.
"Good morning, sir." she drowsily smiled back.
"Have you slept well?" he asked in that special, soft voice she remembered so well.
"Better than for many months, sir."
"Good." He breathed in so sharply, it almost sounded as if he was sobbing.
"Ready for the day ahead?"
"Always ready, sir. As long as we're together, sir."
"That's my girl!" he let his hand lovingly run down her cheek a couple of times, before releasing her, so she could make herself ready for the day ahead.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Slowly, almost unnoticeably, they fell into kind of a routine, where Clara played the role of a female servant and cooked and did chores around the house by day, being shamelessly spoiled by Jock by night. In short, she had her wrists and ankles locked in cuffs pretty much 24/7.
Suddenly one day, Jock entered the room where Clara was. She was dressed in a pair of black patent leather sandals, a pair of white nylon pantyhose, a black knee length, velvet dress with a white tulle petticoat, a white frilly apron and lace on the collar, cuffs, and hem. A white lace bow tie held her hair together on the top of her head.
"Good morning, sir." she said and curtseyed deeply, as she always did as soon as she spoke to him when in "maid mode".
"Good morning, Clara," Jock smiled, as he always did. "Do you know what day it is tomorrow?"
"It is Sunday, August 1, sir."
"Yes, it is." Jock nodded. "Very good, Clara. What I meant was; do you know what is scheduled to happen tomorrow?"
"No, sir."
"I was supposed to return you, before the next auction." Tears started welling up in Clara's eyes, and she whined a little.
"If I may be so bold, sir; I don't want to go back, and if you force me, I'll run away!" She stomped her foot and pouted like a little girl.
Jock started laughing out loud, and grabbed her by her shoulders. "I know you don't," he said "so you might be pleased to hear that I have struck a deal with the others so I can keep you indefinitely."

"Does that mean I have to stop wearing these, stop calling you 'sir' and being a maid by day?" she held up her cuffed wrists.
"Would you want to?"
"No, sir; I wouldn't. I've become too used to it by now."
"Well then, by all means; we can keep our daily routine intact, in that case. For now, at least. Who knows what the future may bring?"
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Post by slackywacky »

Very interesting story. Wonder where the next auction is... :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by lasse672000 »

It was a chilly autumn night, and the wind was howling outside. Inside, a fire was roaring in the fireplace, in front of which was a couch, and on it Clara lay, as usual dressed in her maid's uniform, her wrists being cuffed in front, and a chain connecting the cuffs on her wrist to those on her ankles. But she wasn't alone; her head rested in Jock's lap, his right hand absentmindedly petting her hair, the left resting heavily on her waist and stomach.
"Hello? Planet Earth to Jock! Come in, Jock?" Clara smiled.
"What?" Jock flinched, apparently a million miles away, lost in thoughts.
"Just checking to see if you had fallen asleep. I hope I didn't interrupt anything important?"
"I was just thinking about you, actually."
"Me? Why?" Clara sat up and put her feet on the floor.
"Well," Jock said and pulled her down onto his lap again, "I thought you might be getting a bit lonely, and a bit run down having to take care of this big house almost completely by yourself."
"It can get a bit much, from time to time." she admitted and looked dreamily into the fire.
"So, what would you say, if I got someone to help you?" he asked. "Only with the chores, of course!" he added when he saw her face.
"And where would you find such a person?"
"The same place I got you." Jock calmly said. "They have a preview site where you can look at what's on offer online . I've had a quick look , and found one or two potentials. I thought I'd leave the final decision to you."
"O.K. Show me!"

Jock sat down at the computer with Clara standing behind his right shoulder. After having negotiated his way past several password protected sites, he finally arrived at the one he wanted, and started scrolling slowly.
Suddenly, Clara gasped, and said: "Excuse me, sir, but could you scroll up a few pictures?"
"Why? Was there someone you recognized?" Jock wanted to know.
"I think so, sir," Clara hesitantly replied, "but I'm not sure."
"O.K. You just tell me when to stop."
Jock scrolled up, until Clara suddenly whispered "Sir? Stop."
The girl on the screen was called Angel, and according to the statistics maybe a year or two younger than they, and that it was her first time being sold and that she could be quite feisty at times. She was about average height, had curly, brownish black hair, brown eyes, and a dark complexion.
Clara looked at Jock with tears in her eyes.
"Please, sir?" she begged. "Please buy her."
He looked at the name tag. "Angel? Why her? What's so special about her?"
"She's my sister, sir."

It was the day of the auction, and Jock stood in his usual spot, with Clara by his side. He was dressed in a grey three piece suit, white shirt and a light blue bow tie, she was wearing her black, knee length maid's uniform with a white, frilly tulle petticoat, beige nylon pantyhose and black leather shoes. Furthermore, she had a big piece of cloth in her mouth, with a bandana tied over her mouth, and her wrists were tied together behind her back, and she had cuffs on her ankles with a chain that was just about long enough for her to shuffle along.
The other girls were sold off one by one, some were expensive, while others were cheap, but at last, it was Angel's turn to go under the hammer. The bidding started, but Jock looked as if he wasn't interested. The sums went up and up, and when they stopped, and the auctioneer was about to put the hammer down, Jock threw in a bid that was almost twice as high as the previous, which meant he secured the item.
He looked down at Clara, bowed and said: "You're welcome."

They made their way to the delivery desk, where Jock paid and they picked up Angel.
"Clara?" she said when she saw her sister. "Are you O.K? We've been worried sick about you!"
"That's enough!" Jock sternly said. "You will be allowed to talk when we get back, and not before!"
He shoved a piece of cloth in Angel's mouth and tied a bandana over her mouth, tied her wrists behind her back, and put cuffs on her ankles. Then he grabbed Clara's right and Angel's left arm, and walked them to the parking lot, where he placed them in the back seat and buckled the seat belts around them.

When they got home, he placed them in chairs in the kitchen, and tied their waists, to the back rests wrists to the sides of the back rests and their ankles to the legs of the chairs, before taking their gags out.
"Now you girls get a chance to catch up, while I cook us some dinner." He gave Clara a stern look. "You know what to do; don't you?"
"Yes, sir." she softly replied.
"Good girl!" he patted her on the head. "Then you can tell your sister how things are done in this house?"
"Yes, sir."
"O.K. I'll leave you now, to get a bed ready for Angel. I'll have to put it in your room, Clara. I hope you don't mind sharing?"
"No, sir. I don't."

"Why do you keep calling him 'sir'?" Angel asked when they were alone.
"That question is a bit difficult to answer." Clara thoughtfully said. "Having said that, it is also very simple. You see, when Jock bought me, I had just come from having served in a very strict family, where I wouldn't have been permitted to talk as freely as I talk to Jock. If I had to address anyone I was taught to call them 'sir' or 'madam' and that training kind of stuck, as I'm pretty much doing the same things here as I did there. That's why I call him 'sir' most of the time.
I begged him to buy you, as the house is quite big and I'm kind of swamped at the moment. The main thing to remember is: he eats before we do, unless he invites one of us to join him. If he does he will cuff the wrists of the lucky one behind her back, and then he will feed her. He has done so with me a couple of times, and I felt like I was the luckiest girl on earth for the rest of that day.
As for the chores; we'll figure out who's doing what and when. O.K?"
"I think so."
"Good. Now; tell me all about what's been happening back home, since I left."

The girls soon worked out a schedule where they took turns waiting at the table and in the living room, while the other one had her wrists and ankles strapped to a dining chair and fed by Jock. They usually got to bed around 9.30, and he strapped Angel's left wrist and ankle and Clara's right wrist and ankle to the side bars of their beds. At first, Angel found it a bit uncomfortable not being able to move around as she normally did in bed, but she soon got used to it.

One day, Jock asked them to come into the study. He sat behind the desk and the girls stood in front of it, with their hands cuffed in front of them, and a heavy chain, just long enough for them not to lose their balance when they walked, fastened to cuffs on their ankles.
"So, girls!" Jock put his fingertips together so they formed a triangle, "How have you liked your stay here so far?"
"Yes, sir. We have, sir!" they answered in unison.
"Good. Good." Jock thoughtfully said. "The reason I'm asking, is because it's nearly time for me to return Angel to the auction house. Or would you rather I worked out a deal for her to stay indefinitely, as I did for you Clara?"
"Oh, sir." Angel said, with tears in her eyes. "Please try, sir!"
"M-hm." Jock nodded. "How about you, Clara? Would you like your sister to have the same opportunity as you?"
The girls looked at each other for several seconds, before Clara nodded and said: "Yes, sir! I would, sir!"
"Right. It is settled, then! I'll give them a ring tomorrow, and work out the details. Shouldn't be too hard, I don't think. Well; that'll be all, girls!"

He smiled fondly when he heard their happy giggle on their way out.
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Post by crow3467 »

Excellent story I hope to see more soon ;)
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