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The Cheerleader Chronicles- Various (F/F’s)

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:15 pm
by TiedOne
Part 1- The New Girl on the Team.

High School was a rough time, especially if you were a cheerleader. Why, well it all because of one girl, Angie Lemoss. She was one of those mean girls you’d always see on sitcoms or movies.

Well, we were on the Cheerleading team and things got ugly.

I should probably explain, my name is Kaylee Ryan, and I always hated Angie, and she always hated me so I knew some crashes would occur.

Now we joined Cheerleading our freshman year, and we quickly made friends with certain cliques. I became friends with three girls, Kelly(a sophomore), Hannah(a freshman), and Dana(a Junior). Angie already had her two little monkeys Sydney and Jill, but also befriended the captain Lana(a senior.) and Olivia(a junior.)

So, most of our early practices went without two much trouble. The occasional death glare was shot but we tried to stay away.

However one Friday night, I was walking home from Cheer since it was pretty warm. I passed a house that was clearly abandoned. Soon, my arms were pinned behind my back and my mouth was covered by a girls hand. I was dragged into the house and was forced on a moldy carpet.

The one girl tied my hands with rope, and another tied my legs together, I was unable to move, than a familiar(yet annoying) Voice came from behind me. “Oh, look at little Kaylee all tied up.” Angie laughed from behind, she walked and sat down on a small armchair as Sydney, Jill, and Olivia sat on a couch.

“What is this all about Angie ?” I asked angered and confused. “Well, Olivia here knows most cheerleaders are spiteful to each other, and she told us a small tradition most cheerleaders do to those they don’t like.”

I was confused “And that is ?” All four girls began taking off their ugg boots. Olivia chimes in “We tie the cheerleader we don’t like up and make them do this.” She than stuck her big socked feet on my face. The horrible odor, pierced my nose and I started cringing.

Angie laughed “What’s wrong Kaylee, can’t handle some stinky feet ?” Olivia pulled away and let Jill have her fun. “This is gonna be fun.” Her feet smelled like vinegar and I had no choice but to smell.

Jill pulled away and gestures to Sydney, but Angie stopped her. “No, it’s getting late and I need my turn.” She walked up got in front of me and said “I hope you like this.” She took off her socks, revealing her sweaty feet. She rubbed her stinky sweaty feet all over my face.

All the girls laughed, and Angie had a face of pure joy watching me inhale her feet stink. She pulled away, and looked at her phone. “Oh, you look at the time, I need to be home soon, kiss my feet goodbye.” I reluctantly gave her a kiss on the sole of her right foot, she gestured to the left foot and I kissed the sole again.

“Alright girls, lets leave Stinky Kaylee alone, oh Sydney take off your socks, let her have a nice taste.” Sydney took off her socks, and shoved them in my mouth. She than took a piece of cloth and efficiently gagged me.

As they left, I struggled to get out of the ropes, I was actually scared that I wouldn’t be found. Thankfully, the door busted open and Dana came and untied me. “Are you alright, Kaylee ?” I felt my wrists and said “No, I thought no one would come.” I almost started crying, Dana gave me a hug and walked me home. “You know what, why don’t we help you get revenge on those jerks.”

Soon we arrived at my house, I asked “How did you know I was there ?” She replied “I saw them walking out of the torture house, and I assumed it was you.” I was confused “Torture house ?” Dana explained “It’s where all cheerleaders go to torture cheerleaders they don’t like, I’ve been there both a torturer and as tortured.”

I hugged her, and said “Yeah, I let’s get some revenge.”

Re: The Cheerleader Chronicles- Various (F/F’s)

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:25 pm
by iliketights
Oh yes! Cheerleaders ... bondage ... me hyperventilating ...
Can't wait for the revenge part!

Re: The Cheerleader Chronicles- Various (F/F’s)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:45 am
by TiedOne
Part 2- A Plan Begins

After my little torture time with Angie and her crew, me and my friends began planning some revenge.

To be honest, it was so much fun hanging out and attempting to get revenge of Angie. So, Angie would be hard to get alone, but Sydney was kind of a Ditz and we planned to get her first.

Me and the girls worked hard to get the stinkiest feet we could. At the expense of our poor shoes and boots. I learned an effective way to stink up your feet was just to wear slides.

So, the day came, our chance was perfect. Practice just ended and Sydney was still changing as Angie and her crew left. Kelly and Hannah left ahead of us, to be in front, me and Dana tailed from behind.

Sydney was just about to pass the torture house, but perfectly to plan, Kelly and Hannah were able to subdue her, and dragged her into the torture house.

I tied her up, more extravagantly as I tied her arms to her torso, and hogtied her. She struggled for a bit but gave up and asked “What’s this all about, Stinky ?”

Dana spoke up “We don’t like the way you’ve treated Kaylee.” She took off her black ugg Tasman and waved it front of Sydney’s face. Her reaction to the smell was priceless. “Please don’t do this.”

I turned to Dana “Give her a taste of her own medicine.” Dana smiled and said “My pleasure.” She took her Tasman and tied it around Sydney’s nose with left over rope. I was happy seeing Sydney inhale the stench of Dana’s Tasman.

Soon, Dana wanted to go all the way, she took off her shoe off of Sydney’s face, and pushed her big black socks in her face. “So, you since you like stinky feet so much, have a nice smell.”

Hannah and Kelly were dying, since I wasn’t like Angie was gonna let them have there fun. Kelly’s feet were cooking in a old pair of converses and Sydney couldn’t handle them.

Hannah was wearing her moccasins and they produced such a stinky scent that even we had to cover our noses when she took them off. For a little freshman, she had some stinky toes.

At last it was my turn. I slid my socked feet out of my slides and said “Well, look at how the tables turned.” She gave me a look of concern “Just be quick.” I placed my sweaty socked sole right on her face. She sniffed slowly, I could feel her breath on my feet.

I removed my foot, and said “Just wait till Angie gets hers.” She looked up “You’ll never get to her, she’s Lana’s little pet now, you’ll never be able to get to her.”

This information threw a wrench in my plan, if Angie was in line with the captain, than she couldn’t be tortured without ratting me out.

“Girls, I think we’re done here today, but first let’s have her say goodbye.” I held my foot in front of her “Kiss, my feet.” She obliged and gave a peck to my toes.

Dana said “Not good enough.” She turned to Sydney. “Kiss all of our feet , and say you’re a stinky foot girl.”

I held my foot again, Sydney said “I’m a stinky foot girl.” And gave a longer kiss to my toes. Soon, she kissed everyone’s toes, and we untied her.

It was getting late, and we were heading home, Dana walked with me again as we had a fun laugh. “That was so much fun, I like the time we had together.”

Dana smiled and stopped me “Hey, I was wondering to you wanna get dinner tomorrow after practice ?” I looked confused but than grinned “Are you asking me on a date ?”

She blushed and replied “I know, you’re only a freshman but I think you’re really cute and...” I paused her “Yes, I’ll go.” We hugged again and she walked home. I was so ecstatic, revenge may have halted but I may have my first love.

I hope everything goes well.

To Be Continued.

Re: The Cheerleader Chronicles- Various (F/F’s)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:26 pm
by TiedOne
Part 3- A Dinner Date

I was nervous, my date with Dana was tonight, and I couldn’t contain myself. I always knew I liked girls, but for another girl to like me made me feel so excited.

After Sydney’s stinky night, I was still thinking about how to get revenge on Angie without her telling the captain about it.

Soon, it came time for practice and I could see Angie making death glares at me, I didn’t threat since I wasn’t going to pass the torture house tonight.

Practice came to an end, and I got to Dana’s car. We drove to a local fast food restaurant, not exactly high class but for a first date it was pretty nice.

“So, How long have you liked me ?” I asked nervously. Dana blushed “Well, since we first met.” We laughed. I held her hand, she held mine it was so sweet.

Dinner went well, we laughed, talked gossip, and just had a great time. It was around 5:45, and she asked if I would go to the park with her. I agreed and we headed to the park.

It was empty when we got there, we sat on a bench by the lake and looked at the ducks playing. I kicked off my ugg boots and she kicked off her Tasmans. She turned to me and said “You do have some stinky feet.” I laughed “There much better than yours.” She laughed to “Hey, that’s not true, take a whiff.”

She raised her socked feet to my face and I raised mine to her face, we both laughed like goofballs. She then lowered her feet, placed her hand on my chin. I looked at her eyes, and she gave me a kiss on the lips. It lasted only five seconds, she pulled back “I’m sorry, I don’t know what overcame me.”

I looked awestruck and turned to her and said “Your lips tasted like my feet.” She looked at me, than we both started cracking up. I gave her a peck on the lips too, she smiled.

Before we could even talk, Kelly came running up to us, and asked “Have you seen Hannah ?”

Me and Dana looked up concerned, I asked “What do you mean, how did you find us ?”

She was stuttering up a storm “I didn’t walk home with me, and I heard you came to the park, and I don’t know where she is.

Dana stated “Angie.” I knew what she meant, we put on our shoes and ran to the torture house. We entered to see poor Hannah, tied up with her face in a pile of stinky socks. Kelly ran up to her, and turned her over revealing she had been gagged with tape.

Kelly ripped it off but the three word that came from Hannah’s mouth scare me to death. “It’s a Trap.”

I was suddenly grabbed from behind and my arms were being bound together. I was forced on my knees and my legs were also bound together.

Soon Dana and Kelly were tied up, the same way. I struggled at my binds before Angie walked up to me. “Hello, Stinky, long time no see.” She sat in the armchair as Olivia and Jill stood by her side. Sydney was on her back under Angie.

Angie removed her socks. “You can never find any good friends can you ?” She looked down at Sydney. Sydney nodded “Yes, Queen Angie.” Angie smiled and placed her feet on Sydney’s face.

She looked at me. “I know you want revenge, this little loser told me.” Kelly asked “Why are you doing that to Sydney ?”

Angie laughed. “This little loser got captured, and now she has to be punished.” She began rubbing her soles on Sydney’s face.

Dana kept struggling “Oh, look at Dana trying to escape.” Olivia mocked as she removed her moccasins. Angie halted Olivia. “You may only torture when I say you can.”

Olivia stepped back and sat on the couch. Jill joined her.

I looked at Angie. “When is this gonna end ?” Angie didn’t answer, she was more concerned with Sydney. She said to her foot stool friend. “If you are this stupid again, you’ll be my foot slave till college.” Sydney cried under the feet “Yes, Queen Angie.”

Hannah and Kelly were still struggling at this binds. I looked at Angie with more disgust than ever. “Are you making Sydney a servant ?”

Angie removed her feet from Sydney’s face. Sydney had sweat covering her face, and she began to cry “I won’t be stupid again, Queen Angie.” Angie gave a wicked smile and said “Now, since it’s late I’ll let you four go, but next time I’ll do what I did to Sydney, to you.”

She turned to Olivia and Jill, “Release them, and take the loser home.” As she left the torture house.

Jill and Olivia untied us and left to. Kelly commented “Poor Sydney.” I nodded and suggested we should get home. Dana drove me home, before I left the car. I turned to her and said “I’m sorry, I can’t let you experience that again.”

Dana just sighed “It isn’t the first time, Olivia used to tie me up and torture me the same way, but don’t worry we’ll get them good.” She smiled, which made me smile. “Goodnight, baby.” I gave her a kiss and I got out of the car.

Now it means business, Angie has to be taken down a peg.

To Be Continued...

Re: The Cheerleader Chronicles- Various (F/F’s)

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:28 pm
by TiedOne
Part 4: Angie Gets Leverage

So the cheerleading season has come and gone. However, my drive to get revenge on Angie, only increased. Seeing the way she treats her friends just boils my blood.

But, Angie always finds a way to ruin my plans. This one was personal.

Basically, Friday at school, I was going to the bathroom during Psychics. To my chagrin, she entered with a big wicked smile on her face. “Hey, Stinky.” I didn’t respond. She continued “So, I just saw something, that might peak your interest.” I turned to face her “Yeah, What’s that ?”

Her smile grew even more evil, she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture. To my shock, it was Dana smoking behind the school. I knew we only recently started dating, but I couldn’t believed she wouldn’t tell me about this.

Angie continued “Well, if you don’t want this little picture going to the principal and have you girlfriend kicked out of school. You’ll have to do something for me.” I had no choice, if Angie revealed the picture to the principal she’d be suspended and kicked off cheer. I couldn’t do that to her.

With great distain, I asked “What do I have to do ?” Angie grinned “Come to my house, after school. We’ll talk more about it there.” She began walking out the bathroom before turning around and saying “See ya later, Stinky.”

The rest of the day I dreaded what was to come. Even seeing Dana during Lunch didn’t help. When the period 8 bell rang, I reluctantly got on Angie’s bus. She saved a seat for me, and was giving me an devilish smile.

We reached her house, her parents wouldn’t home till eight due to their work. She has six hours to do whatever she wants.

She led me up to her room, locked the door, shut the blinds, and took my phone. She took some rope from her closet, she beckoned me to turn around, and she bound my wrists together.

Then, she removed my shoes, remarking about my stinky feet, and binded my legs and feet together. I was force to sit on my knees as she sat in her bed in front of me.

“Okay, Kaylee, here’s the deal, I won’t show the principal the picture, if you become my little slave.” I was raging mad at this point. “Never.” She picked up her phone “Well I guess Dana is gonna get kicked out of school.”

I paused and with a sigh of defeat I said “Fine, I’ll be your slave.” Angie giggled “I’d knew you eventually submit.” She took off her ugg tasmans. “Now, we both know how stinky uggs can make your feet.” She picked up her black slipper and took a whiff. “PU” she waved her hand across her nose.

She than forced it on my face, holding it so I could inhale all of her sweaty, stinky stench. “You like that, don’t you Kaylee.” The only reason I kept breathing in the stench, was because I’d knew she wouldn’t hold up.

She pulled away the slipper, and laid it on the floor. “Now, that was fun, wasn’t it slave Kaylee.” I Shot her a death glare. She took offense and said “Don’t give me a threatening look slave Kaylee, now you’ll need to be punished.”

She took off her other tasman, than her black socks. She held her big stinky feet right in front of me. “Now, you’re punishment is to lick my feet clean.” I was gonna detest but I was in no position to disagree.

“Yes, Angie.” She stopped me “Yes, Queen Angie.” I felt humiliated “Yes, Queen Angie.” Than began licking her sweaty foot. It was so gross and salty.

She was loving this worship. “Now get this stinky little toe cheese.” She pointed to her toes. I groaned and began licking between her putrid toes. I got a bunch of toe cheese on my tongue, which I ended up swallowing some, gross right ?

Soon after almost a half hour of licking her feet. She got up, and said “Now, I have a date in an hour, I’ll be home around 6, so I’m gonna have to keep you hidden away.” She started thinking, than she got an idea. “She untied my legs and walked me down stairs into the basement. It was dark and dank.

It smelled horrible, Which was when I realized that all of her cheerleading socks where in a big pile. “I never washed them, stinky right ?” She laughed. She retied my legs and held me right in front of her. She held out her foot. “Now kiss your queens foot.” I gave her a kiss on the toes. She giggled “I like that do, it again.” Again I kissed her toes.

I was than turned around and she laid my face right into the sock pile. She than piled more on top of my head. It dimmed my sight and hearing. But I was able to hear her running up the stairs shouting down. “Have fun, stinky.”

Now I’m in a bad situation.


Re: The Cheerleader Chronicles- Various (F/F’s)

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:43 am
by trainer
Great story! Really disappointed to see you haven't posted in a while :(