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Schooled in Bondage (FFFFF/F)

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:26 am
by Newdayrocks
This is another story from my deviantart page which I've included so you can read this and other stories I've written. Some are better than others.

Anyway, this is based on the Equestria Girls spin-off from My Little Pony and features some harmless school based bondage. TamatoShiny123 recommended I put this one up here, although it's not exactly my best work.


It was a normal day in an alternate world that was similar to our own. And, on this day, over at the school known as Canterlot High, a group of familiar girls were sitting down for lunch.

“I really can’t tell you how much I appreciate you girls accepting me as your friend,” the human version of Twilight Sparkle said to the others.

“Think nothing of it darling,” Rarity replied.

“Yeah, I can tell we’re going to have lots of fun times together,” Pinkie Pie added.

“I hope so; this is actually the first time I’ve ever had real friends,” Twilight replied, bowing her head a little in sadness.

“Yeah, we kind of figured,” Rainbow Dash noted “your old Crystal Prep buddies didn’t seem to like you very much.”

Twilight sighed “you don’t know the half of it,” she said “when you happen to be the smartest kid in a school that encourages being the best, it kind of puts a giant target on your back.”

“How bad could they be?” Rainbow asked.

“Pretty bad,” Twilight replied “in fact, the problems started all the way back on my first day…”


Sometime ago in the past, Twilight had just finished setting up everything in her new room at her new school.

“Wow, I can’t believe it, my first day at Crystal Prep!” she exclaimed happily “this is one of the most prominent schools in the city. And the curriculum is supposed to be quite challenging; yes, I’m looking forward to studying here.”

Just then, there was a knock at the door “who could that be?” Twilight asked “perhaps someone from the faculty, here to offer me congratulations on coming here?”

She opened the door to her room, and soon wished she hadn’t, as she was immediately set upon by several masked assailants.

“What’s going on here? Who are you?” she asked, but her assailants said nothing as one grabbed her arms and held them behind her back.

“Let me go, hel-mmph!” was all Twilight could manage before another of the mystery persons shoved a black cloth, which Twilight recognized as a necktie worn by the students, into her mouth, knotting it behind her head.

“MMM MMMPH!” Twilight yelled, as the first of the attackers secured her wrists behind her with a coil of rope. Once that was done, they began to wrap rope around her arms and torso.

“Pllss, llltt mmm gggg” she tried to say through the tie, only for a bag to be placed over her head, blocking out her senses.

She could feel her legs and ankles being secured with rope, and once that was done, her assailants lifted her up and carried her out of the room.

“Hlllpp! Hhhlllp!” she tried to scream, but the gag and sack over her head muffled her cries. Who was kidnapping her, and why? Would anyone notice she was missing? And where was she being taken? All of these questions raced through Twilight’s mind as her mysterious abductors continued on their way.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Twilight felt herself being set on her feet. The sack was pulled off her head, and she was surprised to find that her kidnappers were girls about her own age.

“Hey there, I’ll bet your probably wondering what this is all about, aren’t you?” asked one, with pointed blue hair and goggles, which caused Twilight to nod her head in agreement “don’t worry, we’re not gonna do anything to you. See, this is a little initiation we do to all the newcomers here at Crystal Prep; we tie you up and put you in the custodian’s closet, and then leave you to get free. If you can’t get loose in a half hour, we’ll come back and let you out, understand?”

Twilight nodded her head again “good,” the girl replied “okay girls, you know what to do.”

Before Twilight could make any sort of protest, two of the girls grabbed her by the arms and escorted over to the nearby janitor’s closet. One opened it, then shoved Twilight inside, causing her to utter a muffled grunt when she hit the ground.

“Okay, we’ll see you in a half hour,” Indigo Zap said “but, if you’re as smart as they say, you should be able to get free on your own,” she added, before closing the door, leaving Twilight inside.

Once the door was closed, Twilight immediately began to work against the ropes holding her, but found little slack she could use to free herself.

I guess I’ll be in here for the whole half hour, she thought this is sure a strange way to greet newcomers though.


“Well, they never came back for me,” Twilight finished in the present “and I spent most of the day tied up in that closet, at least until the janitor came to pick up something. Needless to say, he was quite surprised.”

“Oh, that sounds just awful,” Fluttershy said compassionately.

“Yeah, I hope you reported those jerks!” Rainbow added.

“I tried, but outside of Indigo, I didn’t know who else was responsible” Twilight explained “but I did report the next instance.”

“You’re not saying this happened to you more than once?” Rarity asked, rather shocked.

Twilight nodded “sadly, that was just the first of several times,” she added “like when I scored the highest on a math quiz, for instance…”


“Don’t you think this is a little extreme?”

Twilight asked this as she sat in a chair in her room, her wrists secured behind her with duct tape, and more of it wrapped around her to secure her to the seat.

Twilight had been quite ecstatic about her excellent grade, as she had made her way back into her room. Unfortunately, that meant she was unaware of the unwelcome company that waited for her; her classmates Sunny Flare & Sour Sweet then easily managed to jump her and tape her up, despite her protests.

“I can’t believe this is all because I did better than you on some test,” Twilight continued “if you two really want to do better, perhaps I could tutor you.”

“Oh, that would be great,” Sour Sweet replied sweetly “too bad that doesn’t help us now!” she replied angrily.

“Tell you what, if you let me go right now, I won’t say anything about this to Dean…mmmmph!” Twilight said, before Sour Sweet placed a strip of tape over her mouth.

“Thank goodness, I thought she’d never shut up,” Sunny Flare said, as she got up from taping Twilight’s ankles “and just to make sure,” she added, taking the roll of tape and putting another strip across the first one over her mouth.

“You’re supposed to be a genius, let’s see you get out of that,” Sunny Flare said, before she and Sour Sweet left, closing the door behind them.

After they left, Twilight struggled and pulled against the tape, but couldn’t find any slack in it. She sighed and resigned herself to her fate, figuring someone would come and free her eventually.


“Goodness, that was rather mean of them,” Rarity commented.

“Sadly, that wasn’t even the worst of it,” Twilight told her.


“Thanks for helping me with my football training,” Indigo said to Twilight, as she stood out on the field.

I fail to see how this is helping Twilight thought.

The nerdy girl was regretting accepting her classmate’s offer to help her with football. Moments after they stepped onto the field, she was again ambushed and tied to a goalpost and gagged.

“Don’t worry, I’m pretty good at getting the ball through the posts,” Indigo told her “so I probably won’t hit you…too many times.”

With that, the girl set the ball up and began running towards it to kick, as Twilight closed her eyes, hoping she made it.


“Man, if there’s anything I hate, it’s when people use sports for mean stuff like that,” Rainbow commented.

“Actually, Indigo managed not to hit me the whole time,” Twilight told her “but that didn’t make it any less terrible.”

“How come you never said anything?” Fluttershy asked.

“I was afraid that if I did, they’d do something even worse,” Twilight explained “I was already intimately familiar with the inside of the lockers, if you know what I mean.”

“Well, you won’t have to worry about those kind of things with us,” Sunset Shimmer told her “we would never tie you up against your will.”

“Yeah, that kind of stuff can be dangerous,” Pinkie added, “I heard about this one incident when some girls tied up one of their friends as a joke, but she ended up choking on a jawbreaker and dying.”

“Uh Pinkie, that was a movie, it didn’t actually happen,” Applejack pointed out.

“Oooooh, that’s where I heard it!”

“Even though those experiences were bad, I feel better now that I had a chance to tell someone about them,” Twilight said.

“Shucks, that’s what friends do, we help ya through your problems,” Applejack reminded her.

“I know, and I’m very lucky that I have friends like you,” Twilight said.

“And I know you didn’t like the whole ‘being tied up’ deal, but if we ever decided to, not that we would, it would totally be like a game, and not for any other reason,” Rainbow told her.

“Thanks for saying that,” Twilight said “I definitely didn’t like being tied up; but, if my friends were the ones behind it, well… maybe it wouldn’t be so bad then.”

“We wouldn’t do anything you weren’t comfortable with,” Sunset told her.

“I know,” Twilight said “but hey, I don’t know what the future holds. All I know is, as long as I have you supporting me, it won’t be so bad.”

“Awww!” the others said, as they leaned over the table for a group hug.

Re: Schooled in Bondage

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:05 am
by Johnsnow
[mention]Newdayrocks[/mention] As i mentioned on one of your other stories be sure to gender tag! It really helps keep the site organized, thanks in advance.