The Intruder (???/M) [Prologue]

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The Intruder (???/M) [Prologue]

Post by Stoutland395 »

Welcome, 2019!

Before I Begin:

First, this story will probably unfold very slowly because I'm taking time with this one. That is, it may take a while between this Prologue and the next part of the story.

I feel the need to make say a few things before actually starting. This story is darker, especially when compared to my other stories that I've written. I'm experimenting with some new territory, but I'm still keeping it PG. So there's no nudity and no sex, which is why I chose to post it in this thread. However, the new character I've written is... unsettling at times, which is intentional. My story titles aren't generally anything fancy. It's called The Intruder. So, it's self-explanatory that this is a home invasion narrative, and the person/people subjected to bondage elements are done so in a non-consensual way.

Maybe it's because I'm not really used to writing darker stories with such characters, but I felt the need to write some kind of warning. Maybe I'm just overreacting and being overly sensitive, and people will look at the story and say, "You call that dark?" But as it goes, this story is one of a "tormentor-of-sorts" and those being tormented in some way. Characters are tormented psychologically more than anything. So, that's my warning...
Last edited by Stoutland395 5 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Stoutland395 »

The Intruder [Prologue]

David sat, exposed, clad in a pair of red flannel boxer shorts and white crew socks. They were all he was allowed to keep on. His other clothes, a light blue tank-top and black skinny-jeans, were folded neatly and placed on the dresser next to his bed.

David’s hands pressed to his face, covering his mouth. His nose nestled in the space between his index fingers and thumbs, and he sniffled. He let out a whimpering moan, but his palms formed a seal around his mouth, trapping the air and puffing his cheeks. The crew socks stuffed in his mouth gagged him, causing him to choke a little. He pushed on the wad of cotton with his tongue and pursed his lips to get some relief, but there was no spitting them out. David tried pulling his hands away from his face, but red twine webbed around them both and keeping them tethered together and over his mouth. The red twine dug into the skin between his fingers and the tops of his hands and wrists. It stung the more he pulled at it, and his eyes began to water. When it began to sting the back of his neck, he gave up, still trying to stifle his sobs.

“Plmhfm lmt mm gh, fnr,” he mumbled.

He sat on his bed with his back stuck flat against the headboard. The pillows were moved by his side underneath his elbows, meaning to comfort him, so David was told. His legs laid straight, tethered together below the knees and at the ankles with white rope. An additional piece linked his ankles to the footboard. He flexed his legs, but the rope was already pulled taut, so he couldn’t bend them. Keeping them straight for as long as they’ve been now was unbearable. More white rope wrapped around the tops of his elbows and biceps, extending out and coming together in unreachable knots on each corner of the headboard. Another strand tethered his elbows to his torso, keeping him further immobilized.

“Hm ghn't mhvm. Hm ghn't mhvm. Hm ghn't mhvm,” he mumbled, again, his voice trembling.

Being unable to move or pry his hands from his mouth, David sniffled again trying to hold in the tears. He hated the experience, and he wanted to heave again in false hope that he could finally spit the socks out. An electricity in his body charged, causing his heart to pound rapidly, shaking his body. The perspiration beneath his arms and a twitch forming on his nose pleaded with him to move. Pulled as tight as they could go in either direction, however, the ropes kept him frozen in his position. He squeezed his eyes, holding back the terrified tears that were trying to escape and run down his cheeks. A panic, a terrifying contradictory sense of claustrophobia and exposure, triggered his body. His light body couldn’t handle the anxiety. Muscles in his legs, arms, and stomach tightened and flexed, making his entire body tremble.

“Hm'm fhrrn! Jhft hntnm mm!” he mumbled, practically screaming into his gag.

A quiet voice called from the foot of his bed. “I understand that this is all confusing to you, David, but I need to you to calm down, okay?” A tall thin figure, an intruder, sat coiled at the end of the bed, sitting with legs crossed, looming over the captive trapped in that web of rope. David cringed, shutting his eyes. The tips of the intruder’s claw-like fingers pinched David’s big toes. David let out a whimpering moan when those same fingertips moved, raking the bare part of his leg with its nails. “Open your eyes, David… it’s okay, that's it! Look at me… just breathe… breathe… yes, good…” The voice was soft and gravely, slightly cracked and slow. Even when not talking, there was a consistent croak echoing from the intruder’s throat, like a low growl. It was awful, resonating in David’s ears and disorienting him.

“I need you to understand why this happened to you,” the intruder explained. Narrow arms hugged equally narrow legs, and the line that made up the mouth pressed into a pair of knobby knees. Those plastic eyes looked unnatural, light and covered in a false green fog. “Set aside your feelings and just do the job. That’s what she told me when I started, and I tried my best to keep my distance. But as time went on, I became conflicted. You, David, have spread some nasty natsy rumors – awful lies, they were. Abhorrent… It just so happened you picked on the wrong people with the right resources, so here you are. Those people didn’t deserve all that, David. When I heard the things you’ve said and written, how easily those things spread, it was infuriating. So many crippled by words. Yet… we’re here, and you’re not just a story anymore – you’re a person. That’s what’s so hard about this job, David. That’s why she warned me… and I couldn’t do it.”

David looked at the intruder, who now blurred from his wet vision. Although blurred somewhat, David saw what looked like red rings in the whites of the intruder’s eyes as they stared back, unblinking. The intruder mumbled something incoherent and continued, “I will carry my job out as I promised. It's been how long? Two hours? It must be uncomfortable for you, with those socks in your mouth... How much longer do you think you can bare? Poor David... Just know that it kills me now, seeing you like this. I wonder – the people who wanted this for you… how would they fare? Seeing how they felt when they approached me – my heart broke for them. And now, I see you, David, and it’s breaking all over again. Has justice been delivered? How will you fare when I'm gone? I can only imagine the stillness in this house, and you... alone... in this moment... It makes my heart race, David.”

“Lmt mm gh, plmhfm! Plmhfm!”

David mumbled, pleading. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He gagged on the socks again, sobbing. The intruder got up and took a handkerchief from a pocket, dabbing David’s eyes. David looked up for a moment, then shut his eyes again watching the intruder bring the tear-stained handkerchief to a pointed nose, inhaling deeply. This... thing... wasn't human. He felt slim fingers combing the damp strand of his brown hair away from his forehead. Another hand came from behind, cradling the back of his head. The intruder’s hot breath brushed the top of his head, followed by a gentle kiss on his forehead that knocked the wind out of him, sending him into a panic. “Just focus on your breathing, David, remember.” David tried pulling his hands away from his face, but the rope stung again, and he stopped, still shaking uncontrollably.

The intruder grabbed a Polaroid camera off the desk.

David panicked, pleading with his eyes and shaking his head as much as the ropes allowed. Snap! Snap! Snap! A bright flash of blue blinded David and left him seeing shades of blue, green, and yellow. Several black photos popped from the slit. The line that made up the Intruder's mouth twisted into a grimace as the photos became clearer. Reaching again, the intruder pulled several other photos from a different pocket, showing them to David. The intruder hissed, “Shame on you, David. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have taken this job, but this… these aren’t just rumors. They’re shameful lies.” David's eyes widened, noticing the photos depicting all the things he’d written on bathroom stalls, gym lockers, even his social media posts and texts. “So sad to see a youth become so corrupted... That wrong but be set right, yet despite your horrendous actions, your eyes... So sweet and innocent... You really do have my pity, David.” The older photos fluttered down, landing on the bed by David’s side, and the newly taken photos were replaced in the intruder’s pocket.

“It’s still early,” David was told. The boy looked out of the corner of his eye. The alarm clock on his dresser flashed 9:30am in bright red. “You’ll be here for a while, David. I doubt the school will call your parents if they haven’t by now. As far as they know, you’re at school; as far as the school knows, you’re out... sick, perhaps. I imagine, then, you’ll be staying like this until your parents get home.” David shook his head again, pleading and mumbling.

“Nh-nh-nh! Dhnt lmt mm hmrm!”

His parents wouldn’t be home until around four in the afternoon, maybe five.

The intruder grabbed the camera and draped the strap over a stick-like neck. David pressed himself against the headboard, trying uselessly to avoid the intruder leaning in on him. He cringed again, feeling the intruder’s fingertips brush the fine hairs on David’s forearms. “Let this be a lesson to you, David. You can take the time to feel sorry for yourself, being stuck like this. At the same time, David, take this time to reflect on your actions… Learn from this experience. Remember how you ended up here… How you put yourself in this position. When the time comes, and you feel like taking a swipe at someone’s reputation, think about those socks you're holding in your mouth… then bite your tongue. Let us hope, David, I don’t have to see you again.”

David began screaming into his gag, muffled by the socks and his hands, as the intruder left the room, slamming the door.

To be continued... eventually...
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