Brothers games 01-First Experience(m/f)

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Brothers games 01-First Experience(m/f)

Post by Amm1973es »

Brothers games 01-First Experience(m/f)
By amm2es 22:17 15/08/2018
Marcos: an outgoing and studious dark-haired boy of fourteen, not that he is very physically handsome but could not be considered ugly either.

Laura: her sister of the same age, just as studious was on the contrary rather introverted and somewhat shy of strangers. Her hair is also dark and she was one of the most beautiful girls in the town with a figure that many envied.
As every Saturday afternoon after lunch they were about to watch a family movie that their parents chose, this time it was an old vhs tape that their father found in the wash the other day checking it, in it there was a scene where an actress was kidnapped by a criminal and later held in a house tied and gagged for almost the entire film. During the viewing of the same Mark noticed something almost imperceptible in the face of his sister to see her more interested in these scenes than she used to be for those old movies of their parents, a fleeting look of his sister made him stop watching and to focus on the film himself.

At the end of the movie, his father put the tape back in his box leaving it in a piece of furniture where he still kept some vhs that did not let them touch.

- Do you mind if I go out for a while before dinner? .- Marcos asked his parents.

- Not at all, but you know you must go back before dinner. - Your mother replied.

- I'll go out to the garden for a while to read.- Laura said.

- As you wish daughter.- Said his father looking at her as he took the book he left on the table in the living room.

When sitting in one of the chairs of the garden I see the town where they moved just four years ago after selling their parents their bar-restaurant in the city and buy another in a cross at the entrance of it, for his brother was a tough This change of life was reversed, for her the change of air was most pleasant.

- I see that reading another book, you should socialize more with the people of the town.-
When she heard her brother, she distracted herself from reading the book, saw him in front of her reclining in another piece of furniture in the garden.

- You know too well that I already do, although not as much as you would like everyone. Neither do I think I'm a hermit. "She replied something slightly pissed off.

His brother sat in a chair next to his smiling.

- You always fall, no matter how many times you say it, little sister! .- He said putting his hand on his shoulder.

- You're an evil brother, as if I did not have enough with dad and mama telling him!

He hugged her even closer to the chair by putting an arm around her back.

- You know that I love you as a sister and being the oldest is my responsibility to take care of you.

- You're only two months and a week older than me, do not exaggerate! .- Laura replied somewhat irritated.

Her brother made a move to get up, but she stopped him by grabbing a shoulder.

- Wait, there's something I want to ask you about and that gives me trouble to ask our parents.

- Of course, if your little sister, it will be a pleasure to advise you as much as possible and be able. I'm all ears. - Said sitting in front of her with the chair.

- I know you've had several girlfriends, and you may know how to tell me what happens to me. I have seen that you have noticed my reaction to certain scenes of the movie that we have seen this afternoon, and it is easier for me to confess with you that at least you already know that with papa or mama. And ... I'm attracted to that kind of scenes where the actress is tied and gagged, is that something bad? .- Solto armandose worth.

Her brother looked at her smiling at him affably as he put his hands on her knees covered by black leggings.

- Nothing further from reality, if you had searched online you would know what happens to you.

- It's not that I have not tried, but the pages I needed to investigate were blocked by the library's firewall and we do not have access to the internet or a computer at home to look for it here.- she answered.

- Better not say anything to our parents Laura, your concerns are natural and there is nothing wrong. What do you like about the tying or tied scene? "He asked without qualms in a low voice.
Laura astonished with the ease with which she tackled a topic that had been bothering her for a couple of months, she answered.

- It attracts me to be in the role of the actress who is tied and gagged. - She answered almost stammering.

- You should not be ashamed of your tastes, that others do not understand and censor does not mean they are wrong. They are yours and as long as you respect the law and do not harm any person, nobody has the right to criticize you.

Laura hugged him effusively kissing him on the cheek.

- You're the best brother I could have, even though sometimes you make me mad! I should have had less doubts and consulted a couple of months ago ... and not overwhelm me with this. I was already considering asking our parents.

- Well, you better not do it, since ...- Marcos shut up instantly when listening to footsteps behind them.

- What was better than not consulting us Laura son? .- asked his father from the corner of the house.

Laura released her brother and they both looked at their father in front of them.

- That I did not need to ask for dinner, you can almost smell it from here.

- Do not be late in entering, or it will get cold. Start making and time to eat out here, like next week we can love.

Laura observed her brother somewhat tense, had the ability to detect details that others were missing.

- We will continue talking after dinner in our room, for now forget the subject. It will be the best, we will have dinner.- He said taking her arm.

As they entered inside he noticed how the restlessness that had caused him to hide that was disappearing, his brother could be only 14 years old physically but he was more mature than many adults he knew and trusted his criteria.
When he sat down at the table, his mother began to serve the food to everyone, while his father put the news on television.

- I like how you take care of your sister Marcos, to see if you can make more friends.- Said the mother.

- Mom! .- Exclaimed Laura.

- Child, is that at your age I had many more friends than you and I related more to them.

- You should be more sociable, it's something necessary in life. I say it for your own good, you could come to work someday at the local and that way you would talk to the clients.- His father added.

- For whom you have to meet in this town ..., my sister does well .- Marcos intervened.

- Do not go back to the same topic as a new son, in his day it was a wise decision. Nobody could suspect that so many surrounding companies suddenly closed down. The lucky customers allow us to get ahead. - His mother said.

- Son, I know what you think about our situation and I understand, it is not necessary to see the state in which the reforms of the house were stopped for lack of money. And that even you share a room is something that neither I, nor your mother we like, but for now little can be done without a source of extra income. And daughter may your mother or I be somewhat heavy on the subject, but as parents it is our obligation to worry.

Laura, who had been listening in silence, spoke again.

- I understand you, but you do it too and respect that my character is different from yours.

Of little more they talked during the dinner since they had to be practically silent the rest of the news the two children, at the end of eating they were in charge of picking up the table while their parents sat on the sofa to watch a television program .

- Thanks for your help during dinner, Mom seems not to understand my character. - Laura thanked her brother.

- They do not deserve, I know you're not very talkative and with that you only get them to insist more.

- It's not that I'm not very talkative, it's that I do not like to talk about talking about something that I think you should understand perfectly at this point.

- If I understand you little sister, I'll put the plates and cutlery in the dishwasher, you clean the table.

- Then we will go up to talk about what you consult? .- I ask the ear.

- We better go out with some cold soda that we will have more tranquility.- Marcos answered as he passed by her in a low voice.

They both hurried to finish their tasks and went out to the garden after communicating it to their parents with a soft drink each in their hands sitting on a rocker at the end of it.

- Of course our father is right, he almost wants to eat out.

- The truth is that Marcos, continue where you left him before they interrupted us.
His brother took air and continued where he stayed.

- Older people are full of complex and self-censor their tastes not very socially accepted, hence you better not tell them anything. Actually it is more correct to call them fetishes and they are more common than you think, maybe even our parents share them in one way or another. Although of course some children would not never say it.

- How do you know so much about the topic ?, you too ...- I exclaim in surprise.

- Exact sister, although from what I know you I think we play in different leagues. Have you ever seen any bdsm movie?

The question caught the girl unaware, she replied half ashamed.

- He put a Patricia about a month ago when I went to study at home and his mother had to go to work after a call.

- What do you think about it?.

- We did not see it all because my friend did not like it and I saw it in pieces, I liked it when there were ties but nothing more. Patricia disgusted everything and of course I also said the same to ask.

Her brother stared at her for a while with his typical smile and began to be scared of what they had been talking about.

- It will be better to forget the subject, you can rest assured that I will not say anything of your tastes to our parents.- He said drinking something from his bottle.

- They are Fetishes little sister and in your case they are what is called "damsels in distres" or "damsels in danger", you can accept or deny it and that option is only in your hands. I trust you as a brother and I know that what I have told you, do not repeat it, as I do. For you to release this I think it will not have been easy and I admire you for it. Can you sleep behind your quiet curtain knowing this about me?

- It is complicated to express what this generates me now, I know that you are still my brother and I am not afraid of you, but on the other hand I am inspired by fear and pleasure what you could do to me.

- Maybe this conversation was a mistake from the beginning, now the damage is done and can not be repaired.

- Not at all brother, is just the one I needed to clarify and I doubt that our parents could have given me. What is your fetish ?, Out of curiosity .- He said kissing his cheek.

- You would be surprised ..., I identify with the role of Dominant, yours would be Bottom.

Laura was surprised to remember that term of the movie she saw with Patricia.

A voice took her away from those issues, it was her mother calling them.

- It's time to go to bed children.

- Right away, let's go breast- Responded Marcos.

- Do not be late, you still have to brush your teeth.

- I know it can be hard at first to recognize your own role, we link it with social values ​​and nothing further from reality. As I told you this afternoon while respecting your partner, it is still something consensual.

Both entered the house and after going to the bathroom to brush their teeth, they went straight to their shared room with two beds separated by an opaque curtain installed by their father.

- Who taught you so much? .- Laura asked.

- It was with a friend that we accidentally got into a porn website while looking for information for our school work, he enjoyed what he saw while he did not say anything to me and when clicking on the bdsm tab, things took turns to enchant me. me and disgust him. After that try to inform me about it and I could check the wide range of roles and fetishes that covered that world.

- How many more are there ?.

- Daddy, mammy, submissive, dominant, rope top, bottom, etc ..., each with their differences.

- I never imagined something like that, I'm surprised.

- Now it would be better if we go to bed. - Said his brother after putting his clothes on a chair near his bed and put on a black tracksuit pants.

- Brother, I would like to prove how I feel bound and gagged. Could you do it ?, please!

Marcos let out a snort when he heard her.

- Are you sure you want that?

- If I'm honest, it terrifies me and attracts the idea equally, and I will not leave the doubt until I try it. I will understand your refusal if you do not accept and I will not keep it in mind, calm. "She said after running the curtain in front of him.

He was wearing an old pink T-shirt stamped with flowers that showed something of his belly when he came and something small and a pink pajama pants with similar prints.

- For now let's lie down, we'll see when our parents go to bed. They do not have to catch us, and have problems later.

Laura was awake with nerves on the surface waiting to hear the steps that ascended the stairs and that after locking her mother who both slept taking a look at her room closed the door again to go them to his right in front of the his closing the door when entering.

- Shhhh! Marcos is already in his room.

- Wait a bit, when they fall asleep. - I answer.
After about ten minutes his brother got up.

- Laura, now we can. I will not be able to tie you with ropes since they will leave you marks, I will need something that does not mark your skin.

- Well I want you to use ropes, then I'll put cream on my skin and if they notice a lot I'll cover them with clothes or some jewelry.- Replied her.

- I do not think we should play it that way, Laura.

- Same is my first time of many that you tie or tie me and I want it to be perfect. - She insisted

- Ok then, it'll be sane.

He pulled a few rolls of rope from a drawer of the dresser and unrolled them approached the bed of his sister who was trembling slightly, put his hand on her shoulder to reassure her.

- Nothing happens little sister, if at some point you tell me to stop I will stop in the act and I'll let you go.

The girl had coĺocado upside down on her bed and indicated with the look that began. Carefully remove the sheets to your feet and with the smaller piece I attach the hands that previously together with her still undecided not too strong and making sure to leave some slack to reduce the marks.

- Well for the moment? Continuous?
Upon receiving an affirmative answer, I help her to turn around and later I tie her ankles and knees without so many precautions when wearing the pajama pants.

- How do you feel Laura?

- It's a strange mixture to not be able to move, but it reassures me that I'm immobilized.
His brother began to caress his feet and clearly saw his positive reaction to his act.

- I'm going for a gag, I need to silence my little sister in distress.

That comment provoked a smile on her sister as she accepted the gag between her teeth opening her mouth, with the help of her brother she could see herself full-length in the closet mirror and was pleased with the vision.

- I'll take some pictures, do you think it's a good idea?

His face lit up at such news and he posed before his brother in different poses until he considered it enough and left the camera on the bedside table.

- Remove the gag please.- she asked speaking with difficulty after kissing her brother on the cheek.

Marcos withdrew it instantly, taking care that his long brown hair did not become entangled with the handkerchief when he removed it.

- I untie you now? It starts to be late and the marks could be a problem.

- Not yet, hug your little sister in distress for a little while in bed. It relaxes me to be this way.

- You liked my play on words for what I see.- He said stroking her hair while she rested her head on his shoulder.

- I would stay like this for hours with you.

- Lucky that your first string game was with me, with any other something that was inappropriate for our age would have happened.

- Do not overdo it and enjoy this moment, and keep stroking my hair.

After half an hour untied his sister, Marcos picked up the ropes and the handkerchief to keep it while his sister put cream where she had the ropes.

- It would be better if we go to bed, it's too late. - Suggested his brother.

- You said seriously what if not my brother had already passed something inappropriate for my age before.

Marcos looked at her while he still applied cream on his knees ready to respond.

- Absolutely seriously, you're one of the prettiest girls in town and so tied you still looked more like the proper eyes. Look at the photos and check it out for yourself, and that that way of tying was very basic.

The girl, seeing herself portrayed, understood what her brother was saying, and when she heard the second part of her comment, she left the camera excited.

- Are there more and better ways ?, Will we try them ?.

- If you want for me there is no problem, although I have to keep in mind that those are more difficult for me to do because I do not have someone to practice it properly.

- Well, you already have me, when could we do it?
Her brother stared at her for a moment.

- I created a monster, you will not want a game room like Gray's. - He said smiling.
His sister was upset at his last comment.

-Neither crazy would enter the room you mention, that roll does not go.

- Do not get sultry, it was just a joke. And being honest I'm glad that my sister is not a submissive.
Laura approached him to kiss his cheek again excited.

- And that?.

- I have a brother that I do not deserve, you are most attentive with me and instead I am a nefarious sister most of the time.
Her brother got up to put her in bed and tuck her in.

- Let's go to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow about when to make the next games and do not think that now you'll be the only one anxious. I need a model to learn shibari, and I think you will be.

- Nice to be. - Said she falling asleep.

Marcos lay down on his bed, while he slept watching his sister. His work as a protective brother had new functions and would be to monitor the future relations of her, was too good and he was aware of the danger that would go on entering alone in a relationship with a boyfriend that corresponded to his peculiar tastes and was something more than what she wanted.

The next day he woke up watching his sister dressed in a green tank top with print letters on the front, white shorts and white sandals in front of the wardrobe mirror.

- What time did you wake up?

- There'll be a half hour, am I pretty?

- Beautiful, will you be able to go out into the street like that? And the marks of the strings?

- If you would come with me ... I would be very grateful. I know that I can not avoid according to what behaviors by my character, but within my possibilities I will try to socialize as you want. The marks are barely visible. "He said pointing to where he had her tied.

- I see, perfect then. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to dress up.

When he left the room he saw her waiting to go down next to him as he feared the reaction of his parents, they were left without words accustomed to seeing his daughter with different clothes more discreet.

- Good morning.- His brother said to cut the ice.

- Good morning children.- His father said even surprised.

- Child, those clothes are not the ones that buy you, they will be in the city for a few months.

- Yes, I decided to release it today with this good day. You were all right and I needed to let go of something, I can not change being shy and introverted, so today I asked Marcos to accompany me and I hope to improve my sociability little by little.

- I do not know what will have caused that change in you daughter, but whatever it is is well received.- He said embracing her.

- That wardrobe I see something excessive for this small town daughter, would not be better pants or a skirt ?. We are not in the city.- Said the father.

- Unfortunately your father does not lack reason, for when we go to the city it will not matter, but in the town something more discreet is better. Let's go to your room and I'll help you choose something in between.

Marcos sat down to have breakfast with his father and after a while they both went down, the shorts had been replaced by a black miniskirt that he never dared to wear.

- Much better. - Said the father when he saw her.
They had breakfast and at the end, as Marcos had promised, I accompanied her through the town, where she attracted the attention of all the boys because they were not used to seeing her so well groomed. The girls, on the other hand, looked at her suspiciously for their change of attire.

- They're afraid you're stealing their boyfriends now, little sister.

- But if I dare not talk to a boy right now.- she exclaimed.

- And it will be the best, you have always been good at analyzing people and that is something you should use first of all. In fact it does not matter as seen, the right guy will notice you with any clothes.

- Why did not you say that at home ?, Dressing like that in the street makes me something violent.

- Look at the rest of the girls, they go like you more or less, the clothes sometimes help to show themselves in another way. You have also given our parents joy when they saw you, and with your words today I think they will understand that they should leave your space to develop socially by visually demonstrating your desire to change. It is useless to try to be like me or them, you are unique as well as your way of relating.

- Little brother, the woman who is your wife one day can be considered a lucky one. I would like a boyfriend like you attentive.

- Someone will be waiting for you, for now maybe we are too young to think about those things.

- Now I'm calmer even with these clothes.

- Also if you look and do not pay much attention to you either.

Laura looked at the group of boys and her brother was right, as they got into their discussions.

- Clothing is not everything ..., it seems to be.

- Sometimes if, having gone out with your initial attire, I'm sure you'd still be eaten with your eyes in this town. If you exceed the costumes prepare to be the center of attention.

- I already know that for dear brother and you did not tell me anything about it when I saw you when you woke up.

- Guilty, although he had compelling reasons. The first is that when you see the first thing that occurred to me is to remove the ropes from the drawer and the second and more rational is that it was women who should talk to mom personally.
The answer left the girl who broke away from her brother unsettled.

- At least you're sincere, and I respect that. I admit that sometimes I think the same. "He said approaching him again.

- You and all, it's something human. By the end of what happened today I have already thought of a game for when we can do it again, you will surely like it.

Laura looked at her brother without saying anything, imagining what she was referring to, at least more or less believing to get an idea more or less.

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Post by Amm1973es »

Fixed the spaces between paragraphs and some words that were filtered without translating
The link for the second part ... 055#p24055
I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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