Kim Kardashian Demands To Be Mummified Over and Over Again! (M/F)

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Kim Kardashian Demands To Be Mummified Over and Over Again! (M/F)

Post by Cannibalandrew »

Hi guys here's another one of my stories from DA if you want to check out the pics I made check it out down here ... -762769616 ... -762769624

Please let me know what you thought of it in the comments and I what I could do better lol ;)
so heres the full story!

Kim Kardashian was at home reminiscing on on the night she burglarized and bound and gagged in a tight hogtie with tape over her lips she couldn't get that feeling out of mind that she loved every second of it!

Being helpless and terrorized, having no control with her arms bound at the elbows, knees tied with rope and pulling back to strain her she final felt what real bondage was like and needed more!

She hires a sissy boy , a guy that will do anything that she wants him to do a slave almost, and invites him to be with her for the entire night alone. Once there he is greeted by Kim naked laying on a couch full of hundreds of feet of rope, 6 pack of duct tape the real shit, the sticky stuff with the glue, a huge roll of saran wrap about a mile long if unraveled, more rolls of black electrical tape that does not stretch when applied, 8 thick plushy blankets that where long in length, and a pile of dirty panties and thick tube socks!!

Little did the slave boy know that she was going to be wrapped up in all that shit by the end of the night and he was going to make it happen and he was the only one that could get Kim out of it but he can't, he never could it will be the most intense bondage ever and the thought of her being inescapable and helpless in all of that made her hot and wet, god she was ready!

"OK simply start by tying me up with my arms at my sides and legs together you can use these ropes"

she pointed to the red ones the piles of ropes where separated into two, one red and one white, the white thoguh was massive as if she know of whats coming!

She gets her wish as the boy ties and knots the ropes tightly and soon she is already more bound up then the robbers did! SO with layer one done she commends the next step the saran wrap

"Wrap me up as tightly as possible in the entire roll please and then quickly take one roll of electrical tape and wrap it around from my shoulders to ankles to seal the cocoon up and keep me wrapped tight"

As she ordered the boy takes the roll and starts wrapping her up in the saran wrap, with each turn the wrap sticks to the next layer and squeezes tight, compressing her muscles and thick ass and boobs.

SO many layers cocooned around her you could not see her skin anymore, just white sheets of the wrapping, she was the tube now! The roll finishes and the boy grabs and rips the black electrical tape out and presses hard against the saran wrap mummy to begin the tape wrap, pulling it put as far as he can and then wrapping it around her so the tape tightens and restricts her body more!

The roll finishes and she has black streaks across her entire body, she looks down at herself

"Well shit, this is tight mmm love it!... Now lay out one of the blankets and roll me up in it like a burrito tightly, and then wrap duct tape around every inch again just like before I DO NOT what to be able to get free at all!!"

His expression was confused and aroused, he was kinda enjoying this little game of wrap up the goddess, it's usually him who is being restrained and tortured badly!

He lays out a thick blanket and puts Kim at the end so with all his strength he tucked and rolled and burrito wrapped Kim making every wrap as tight as the next, her thick cocoon just keeps getting more thicker!

She wriggled from side to side in glee trying to think of any way she might be able to escape if her was kidnapped like this, maybe struggle hard enough to wriggle out of the blanket or maybe a pair of scissors will magically fall near her feet and she can somehow can out of it but there was NO Freaking way she could get out of this now and there was still duct tape to come!!

He takes one end of the roll and pulls it hard around her rolling her with each turn so the tape wraps around her at the tightest possible way it can be applied and he continues this forever it feels like until the roll was done and she finally looks down at herself and smiles as she sees nothing but a sea of tape and plush cocooned around her body, she totally mummified and fucked!!

"Yes This is perfect I so fucking bound up! But now I need to instruct you through the rest because you'll be gagging me very very well and I would be able to say a word so listen up and take some notes!
First your going to pack all 5 of those panties in my mouth don't worry I have a big fucking mouth and can fit them all in and then your going to take the tube socks around them around my mouth and force the panties to stay in!

Then tie them off behind my head and then wrap about a dozen layers of duct tape around all that to keep it all tightly packed and wrapped! Once I completely gagged I will moan and start thrashing around I want you to leave at this point for about 15 mins so I can have some fun screaming and muffling up a storm with the big gag on, then come back and start repeat the process with the other blankets, once you wrap me up in a new blanket wrap and bundle me up tightly again with a roll of duct tape, electrical tape or mummify me in ropes and do it over and over again until you used every on the couch and then please leave and lock the door behind you and don't tell anyone you ever did this, OK got that all?!"

Wow that was a lot to take in for the boy but he got it and was willing to do everything she told him to do, that's what made him a very loyal slave so he grabs the panties on the couch, gets a whiff of them and realizes they really smell and packs them in tight in each cheek filling her mouth up so fast and so much she was already muffling and bitching , eyes wide like she was receiving it from someone she don't want!!


The gag noises from this woman where incredible! Think of some stuck up bitch who finally just got her mouth packed and stuffed gagged for the first time and that's the scene hear!
He has to clamp his hand over her mouth as he struggles to wrap and tie the socks around her head but once the first one was on it was much easier after that and he got 4 big tube socks around her face!
Then began the tape wrap pulling and wrapping tightly with each turn he was not making it this easy for Kim she was being Fucking gagged hard and tightly but loved it so much! He snaps of the end and the gag is done, it's extremely thick and bugles like a diaper under her nose and now she could really get to have fun as he slowly left the room, as so as he left the struggled furiously!

Flopping around and rolling and straining to push her arms out but nothing moved an inch you might be able to see little bits of movement form the hands squirming under all the layers but she fought with all her might and screamed and grunted into that gag like kidnapped victim!
This was her ultimate victory she dreamed of she was finally a mummified cocooned bound up massively gagged inescapably tied up bondage lovely woman cumming juicing and stewing in all of it!!!!

Kim Kardashian was fuming mad into the huge wrap gag, squirting her juices everywhere and soaking the carpet and blanket tightly cocooned around her held all together with many layers of duct tape!

Her did a magnificence job mummified her into total helpless and her was fucking humping the floor try to rip the bounds off but she was the most bound up woman on the planet at this moment but it's was her ultimate dream pleasure!

The slave boy returns and see the sweaty and exhausted Kim laying on the floor waiting for the next steps as she demented him to mummify and tightly bind every blanket around her cocooning and bundling her tighter and tighter in all 7 blankets!

The boy lays out the next blanket and pushes Kim to the end and begins to wrap her up again like before covering all the duct tape and first blanket quite nicely! Now Kim is wrapped in a new dry blanket and the boy gets to pick what he should use to wrap her up with this time!

He takes the black electrical tape, tightly secures it to the cocoon and rips on the roll pulling it out all the way and rolling her with it as he lays it down making the wrap of the tape as tight as possible, crisscrossing along her body from head to toe now restraining the second blanket around her! She moans and gags talks


she was having fun with this, she really felt more helpless and the cocoon was much thicker she thought it might take a couple more layers to get the massive but the mummification was so intense she couldn't bend her knees anymore or barley sit up and look at her feet!

Only her huge ass and breast could be seen as the shape of her became more cocooned, and so the boy repeated the process again and again with blankets 3 and 4 the third wrap with clear electrical tape and well he took his time on the forth!

He can hardly move Kim giant cocoon at this point but manages to get her sitting on the couch so he can wrap 500 feet of rope around the blanket! Kim didn't remember getting that much rope out how did he get soo much more rope to bind her with? He works slowing from the shoulders to the ankles covering every inch not leaving a single spot left only so now Kim looks like a giant white yarn spull of rope!!


Kim really feeling the incredible tightness and restriction of this gargantuan cocoon wrap! She's as stiff as broad and as solid as a rock for real! Boy slides her down on the floor again looking in Kim's eyes she really doesn't want to take more but he most no matter what follow her demands!!

Her screaming is louder then before more in peril like she fighting and begging to be released


she grunts but boy does it again with the 5th and 6th blankets new layers covering all the ropes and both taped down with even more tape blue and red vinyl respectively!

"UMMMPPHH it's too Tight... It's too Thick I can't Breath I am totally Fucked!!!!"

Kim shook her head and belted out all the curses at the boy but he know she wanted this badly there soo close he most finish her off!!

The 7th blanket is wrapped and tucked, sows it on with gaffer tape, a giant massive cocoon lays at his feet and now for the final part!

With blanket 8 the final one he pulls her up on the couch showing amazing strength, he reveals a new roll of pallet wrap, he took it for another room in her house!

Kim eyes light up as she angrily stairs daggers a t him fro taking that wrap and snooping in the house, he the handles and runs pulls on the wrap and wraps Kim up again and again and again as if she can feel any of this because she can't and just as to stand there and take it!!

He uses the entire roll up and Kim is once again mummified! Her head is tiny compered to the enormous, shiny cocoon encasing her now! He has one more roll of tape left and it's very sticky almost impossible to break caution tape!

It comes of the roll easily but sticks to all the pallet wrap making the final mummification so much faster, he could tightly compact all the layers down really tightly and once she was on the couch he could finally cover up everything even her feet!


Kim finally met her match and was absolutely done for she had nothing left she couldn't fight she couldn't roll she could barley breath her wide eyes jumping out of her head she completely fucked her self as good as ever and the boy was gone! Just like that he felt like he fulfilled her wishes and shut the lights out and locked the door!

Her pussy juices exploded releasing all over herself she came soo hard so felt on her hands and ass!! "Fuck I'M helpless it feels like I being squeezed by 10 anacondas at once Jesus Christ!!!

She was the massively thick cocoon was 20 layers thick if you count all the 8 and tape around each one plus the ropes and saran wrap on her body and the tape around that and the pallet wrap and caution tape AND the rope mummification in the middle of this thing she was the most inescapable cocooned mummified bitch not just on the whole planet at this time but of all history!!!!

"MMMPPHHMMMMMPPPhhhhmhmmm mmmhhhppuummmhh!!!"

She hobbled and wriggled and tried to fight it all once again and the cocoon every held inch super tightly as the sounds of crunching pallet wrap and squeaking tape filled the empty dark house is this what she really envisioned?!
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

Hey guys if you haven't given this story a read try it I think its pretty good and underated, lots of mummifying thick layers for her to fight in! :)
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