The Amazing Wanda: A stitch in time (F Self) PART 3!

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The Amazing Wanda: A stitch in time (F Self) PART 3!

Post by Deleted User 769 »

It was the middle of Summer and dateless wonder that I was, I was home alone on a Friday night. Tragic though my lack of a social calendar may have been, on the plus side of the ledger, at least this offered me the perfect opportunity to work on my escapology.
Every cloud and all that.
As many of you may already be aware, my early interest in damsels in distress (read: infatuation) had gradually morphed into a far wider fascination (read: obsession) with stage magic and far more specifically being tied up in front of a paying audience. Sadly, whilst I had yet to achieve my ultimate ambition: to earn a living being bound and gagged whilst dressed in sequins and a headdress, I was already adept enough to perform a passable (if distinctly amateur) act. My party piece, then and now, was to challenge volunteers (usually family members) to tie my wrists with rope (I always kept a coil of white cotton clothesline in my handbag for just such an occasion)
It should be noted of course that professional escapology is a highly skilled art and takes years of training. However, I quickly learned that if you select (by which I mean hand pick) volunteers from an audience and ask them to bind and gag you, they generally tend not to tie you too tightly.
This was partly due to politeness, but mainly due to the fact that most people (present company excepted) have little, if any idea how to truly immobilize someone and so there is usually a certain amount of slack that you can use to shimmy out of your restraints.
Thus, left to my own devices (my parents were out of town shopping) I decided to entertain myself with a high stakes, quick fire, tie-up game in which I was cast as the young teen detective kidnapped by some dastardly crook.
I decided to use my desk chair for the game which first meant clearing it of the mountain of school books I’d previously stored on it. Naturally, as something of a precocious drama queen, I decided to dress for the part, and so, despite it being the middle of the holidays I found myself changing back into my old school uniform.
This consisted of a long-sleeved, white collared shirt (which had been starched and ironed within an inch of its life
by my overly attentive Mother) a green and yellow striped neck tie, knotted neatly and snugly at the neck (hiding the collar button) a pair of back trousers and a green school blazer with yellow ribbon around the edges over the pockets and around the sleeves.
After a brief struggle I was finally able to retrieve my collection of ropes and gags from the old shoe box I kept hidden under the bed.
Selecting a pair of die cast metal handcuffs, some lengths of old frayed cord and a handful of bandana's, all that remained was a quick (precautionary) trip to the bathroom and I was ready to begin.
I started by tying each of my ankles to a separate leg of the chair with rope.
I found, as I did so it was all to easy to lose herself in the fantasy that I was a young Nancy Drew wannabee being forced to bind myself at gunpoint.
“And be sure to make it good and tight!” I heard myself say in a melodramatic Southern drawl.
Naturally I was only too happy to oblige, cinching the knots as as firmly as possible.
(Now the gag!) I thought to myself as I opened my mouth and tied a pale green bandanna, as tight as I dared, between my teeth.
The only thing that remained were the manacles.
With a slow, resigned action that suggested reluctance (the truth was anything but) I threaded my arms around the back of the chair and locked the handcuffs tightly in place around my wrists.
I was now was bound, gagged and in urgent need of rescue.
I glanced up at the clock.
My parents were expected home within the hour, which meant I had less than 40 minutes to get myself free and change out of my school clothes before their return.
What could possibly go wrong?
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Dateless? You? Never would’ve guessed!

But this is awesome! Please tell us if you escaped in time!!!
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Dateless? You? Never would’ve guessed!

But this is awesome! Please tell us if you escaped in time!!!
Haha! I know right?! Who knew that a bookish nerd with ropes on the brain would be so terminally unpopular? ;)

Really glad you're enjoying it so far.
I sincerely hope i can escape as I think I can hear a car pulling up in the driveway,..
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Dateless? You? Never would’ve guessed!

But this is awesome! Please tell us if you escaped in time!!!
Haha! I know right?! Who knew that a bookish nerd with ropes on the brain would be so terminally unpopular? ;)

Really glad you're enjoying it so far.
I sincerely hope i can escape as I think I can hear a car pulling up in the driveway,..
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Post by MaxRoper »

Do the parents know of your infatuation with ropes? Or will they be flabbergasted to find their sweet li'l daughter all trussed up? Parents generally are nowhere near as clueless as we like to think.

Also, what about those bananas?
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

MaxRoper wrote: 5 years ago Do the parents know of your infatuation with ropes? Or will they be flabbergasted to find their sweet li'l daughter all trussed up? Parents generally are nowhere near as clueless as we like to think.

Also, what about those bananas?
Ha, ha! Banana’s are an excellent source of potassium ;)

I think they probably suspect,.. Maybe we will get a definitive answer in later chapters/ future stories?

As ever, thanks for reading ;)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

The flickering torches in the torture chamber were burning low. I had lost all track of time, dungeons, much like Vegas casino’s being notoriously averse to both windows or wall clocks, but I anticipated it was a little after midday, almost lunch time judging by the rumbling in my stomach.

The stainless steel folding chair at my back was cold, despite my layers of clothing and the shackles that bound my hands were chaffing. In short, the accommodation was sub-par, bordering on medieval,..

The heavy wooden door swung open and a burly guard poked his head round the door inside the cells, presumably to confirm that I was still present and correct, although since I was currently bound and gagged in a locked basement it was surely more of a pro-forma inspection,..

“Still here I see” He surmised

“Glmhrln” I replied, somewhat discourteously

“And are you okay?” He asked in a polite tone that belied his gruff exterior. Despite his stern appearance (he looked like someone had shaved a primate and stuffed it into a suit) Steve The Guard was actually a big sweetie – and he seemed genuinely concerned that I wasn’t in any real discomfort

There seemed to be little point complaining about the less than five star treatment/ lack of spa facilities/ poor wi-fi signal

“Besides the obvious inconvenience you mean?,.. I’m fine, thanks for asking” which, admitedly sounded closer to - “Bmfndmf thm hbvnhhf Hmnghnvmnnmngm nhh mmhn?,.. Hm’m fnnm, thhngf fhr hfgnng”

“Sorry, I can't understand you with that thing in your mouth” He apologized, lifting the cloth gag from between my teeth so it hung loose around my neck “There, that’s better isn’t it?”

“Much” I said licking my chapped lips

“Oh, I’m so sorry, where are my manners? I bought you this!” he said producing a water bottle which he held up to my mouth.

“Thanks” I said gratefully taking several deep gulps of the water “being gagged can really dry out your throat”

“You’ve very welcome. Now is there anything else I can do for you while I’m here?”

“If it’s not too cheeky a request, have you got anything to eat? I skipped breakfast this morning”

“Well, I really shouldn’t,.. the rules are very clear on feeding prisoners-”

“Don’t worry,” I assured him “I won’t tell if you won’t”

Steve the Guard appeared to mull this over

“Erm,.. Okay,” He said producing a candy from the lining of his suit jacket “but you must promise not to tell,..”

“Cross my heart-” I said

“Is it okay?”

“Mmmm, it’s delicious” I mumbled between large mouthfuls of nougat “Thanks again”

“Happy to help. Besides, it was kind of selfish of me really”

“Selfish, in what way?” I said swallowing the last of the snack bar

“Well, in addition to my duties as a guard I’m also in charge of keeping the cells tidy. If I was to let you expire here I’d have had to clean up the mess”

Despite myself I found I was smiling “Well, I’m grateful none the less”

“Anything else?”

“No, I’m all good thanks”

“And the restraints?”

“Still all present and correct” I assured him

“And they’re not too uncomfortable?”

“A minor inconvenience” Of course I didn’t want him to examine my restraints too closely since I’d been hard at work picking the locks of my handcuffs since my capture.

“Then I’ll leave you to it,.. - but don’t worry I’ll be back to check on you again in an hour or so,..”

“It’s a date. Wait, Steve The Guard-”

“Steve’s fine”

“Okay- Steve, aren’t you forgetting something?-”

He looked confused. Like a Labrador trying to fill out it’s tax returns.

“The gag” I reminded him

“Oh yes- sorry. I’m all fingers and thumbs today-” He said fumbling with the cloth before replacing the scarf between my teeth “There. All done. Comfy?”

I nodded “Pmrfmgt!”

“Okay, see you soon-”

However just as I was beginning to lose myself in the fantasy of being a kidnapped pirate princess, back in the real world I could hear someone at the front door. It was still only 6-30. My parents were back from shopping half an hour early. Suddenly gripped by blind panic I began to desperately thrash about in my restraints as I struggled to retrieve the small handcuff that I kept hidden in the sleeve of my blazer.

“Sam honey, can you come help get the bags from the car” Mum called up in a jaunty voice.

Working quickly I finally managed to unlock one of the manacles from my wrists before springing from my chair like a coiled spring, only to immediately find myself crashing face first to the ground.
As I lay in a twisted mess of limbs on the carpet I slowly became aware that, in my haste to get loose I had neglected to untie the ropes that kept me tethered by the ankles to my desk chair.

“Sam. What was the bang?” Mum cried out, sounding concerned

“Nothing” I finally managed, plucking the gag from my mouth “I’m fine”

But by then she had already raced up the stairs and was right outside my bedroom,..
As ever TBC?
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Don’t worry! Maybe she’ll be blinded by your amazingness, giving u ample time to hide all the evidence!
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Don’t worry! Maybe she’ll be blinded by your amazingness, giving u ample time to hide all the evidence!
I only hope so. If not I’m going to need a pretty good excuse. Any suggestions?
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Maybe a burglar broke in. U escaped and he just left as they got in
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Maybe a burglar broke in. U escaped and he just left as they got in
Nice thinking!
Although this doesn’t explain why nothing was taken, or why I was inexplicably wearing my school clothes in the middle of the Summer holidays,.. ;)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

...surprise summer school?
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago ...surprise summer school?
Ha, ha! Brilliant! My only concern is that I’d get grounded as punishment for failing my classes (and keeping it a secret)
Also, how did the burglar get inside without breaking in? And, more to the point, why didn’t they steal anything?
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

He convinced u that he was a seller of “Damsel Defense Kits” and u let him in. And when u escaped, u used ur karate moves to beat him up
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago He convinced u that he was a seller of “Damsel Defense Kits” and u let him in. And when u escaped, u used ur karate moves to beat him up
Ah, the classic ‘rope salesman’ trick- I love it! I cannot see how this gambit could possibly fail ;)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Me neither! I even came up w/an example of what a rope salesman would sound like:
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Me neither! I even came up w/an example of what a rope salesman would sound like:
How wonderfully forward thinking of you. How did you know that one day I might need such an ingenious, if easily disprovable, lie to get me out of some hot water? #Nostradamus
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Doesn’t sleuthing involve the occasional...stretch-of-the-truth?
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Doesn’t sleuthing involve the occasional...stretch-of-the-truth?
Oh definitely. One hundred percent.
However I am a notoriously unconvincing liar, especially when being interogated by my parents- I have a rather unfortunate tendency to blush a deep shade of crimson when caught in a lie,..
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Maybe convince them to interrogate u w/blindfolds on?
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Maybe convince them to interrogate u w/blindfolds on?
Ha, ha! A wonderfully inventive solution, but I’m not sure they could be persuaded to give up their 100% successful lie detector (me!)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

So, how do YOU think you’ll be getting out of this one?
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago So, how do YOU think you’ll be getting out of this one?
To be honest I’m fresh out of ideas at the moment.
Truth be told I was kind of hoping that this would all turn out to be some terrible anxiety dream related to my decision to eat an entire packet of American cheese before bed, but since this is looking increasingly less likely I fear I may have to confess all and throw myself on the mercy of the court,.. What say you?
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago So, how do YOU think you’ll be getting out of this one?
To be honest I’m fresh out of ideas at the moment.
Truth be told I was kind of hoping that this would all turn out to be some terrible anxiety dream related to my decision to eat an entire packet of American cheese before bed, but since this is looking increasingly less likely I fear I may have to confess all and throw myself on the mercy of the court,.. What say you?
Just pray that your Mom will go easy on u
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Post by MaxRoper »

Something I learned long ago: Do NOT lie to the parents. They will know and things will be worse. So yes, throw yourself on the mercy, etc.

OTOH, maybe you were smart enough to lock the door?
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