Adventures in Babysitting - You want to Play What? (f/f, mmmf/ff)

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Adventures in Babysitting - You want to Play What? (f/f, mmmf/ff)

Post by markusthe1st »

"Where did you say your brothers were?"

"They're out at the ball field, playing a game. They won't be back for a couple hours at least."

"Well, okay then. I guess we can play your game. What did you call it?"

"Cops and Robbers."

"I've heard of that. That's where you want to pretend to be a robber, and tie me up? Is that what you had in mind? or did you want me to tie you up?"

"Un huh. Only I was going to be the robber and tie you up. My other babysitter played it with me once and we had fun."

"A lot of kids like to play that game. As long as your brothers are out, I guess we can play it this once."


"I mean, I'm not trying to play favorites, but I'd rather not have three teen boys tie me up. I'd probably never get loose. I have a feeling I can trust you."

"Yes you can. I'm almost eleven."

"Okay. How do you want to play, then?"

"I thought maybe we could play in the kitchen?"

"Okay. I guess you have the stuff you want to tie me with already?"

"Uh huh. I was going to use my jumpropes."

"Alright. That sounds like it will work."

A moment later, Chrissy was seated in a kitchen chair with her hands together in front of her, as Rachel wrapped her jumprope around her wrists.

"You can make it a little tighter if you want. I can slip my hands free."

"Okay. I'm not very good at this. Can I try again?"

"Sure you can."

Chrissy slipped her hands free from the rope, and handed it back to Rachel. She offered her hands in front again, and Rachel started again, wrapping her jumprope around them.

Just then, her brothers walked in, one-by-one, into the kitchen through the back door.

Brian, the oldest, spoke out first: "Hey, lookeehere, Rachel is tying Chrissy up!"

"Wow," said her brother Tommy.

"At least she's doing the tying, for a change. Remember the last time we tied Rachel up?"

"I want to play, too," said Robby, the third brother.

Both Brian and Tommy spoke together, "Yeah, we want to play too."

Rachel was trying to tie the knot holding Chrissy's wrists together, but the boys made her nervous when they all walked in with their commotion. It was even looser than the first time.

"I'm not so sure about that, boys," Chrissy said. "We were just playing like two girls is all."

Rachel added: "Yeah, It's my game, not yours."

Trying to change the subject, Chrissy said, "You're back from the ball field really early."

"They're spraying the fields with something, so we had to leave the park," said Brian. "We were supposed to play a grudge match today."

Tommy said, "What, you'll play with Rachel, but not with us?"

"That's not fair," said Brian.

"Yeah, we love Cops and Robbers!" added Robby.

Chrissy thought for a moment - she really put herself in a spot agreeing to play with Rachel. She looked down at her wrists, still loosely tied and sitting on her lap.

"Okay," she said. "We can all play, then. I don't want you guys to think I'm playing favorites or anything." Chrissy knew right away that the boys were probably much better with ropes and knots than Chrissy had been so far.

Without even saying a word, one of the boys reached over and untied her wrists. Brian motioned at her from behind the chair, and Chrissy did what she knew he wanted; for her to put her hands behind her, over the top of the chair. They were off to a better start already, tying her hands behind her.

Before she knew it, all three boys were busy tying her up. Sections of rope seemed to come from nowhere. Brian tied her wrists, while Tommy and Robby each tied an ankle to the chair's legs. Rachel stood back, obviously frustrated with the way the boys stole her game.

The boys all worked together wrapping a long piece of rope around and around Chrissy's body, binding her to the chair. She was getting really tied up, alright; really fast.

"Hey," Rachel finally spoke up, "That's not fair. This was my idea, and you all just stole my game!"

"What do you want us to do?" asked Brian. "We're just better at tying someone up."

"Yeah, Sis - you know how good we can tie girls up!"

Despite the boy's arms passing the rope around and around her body, and through the rungs on the chair, Chrissy was still in-charge and spoke up: "Why don't you give Rachel something to do? Mayb she can tie me somewhere else, before there's nothing left to tie?"

Robby said, "I was thinking about tying Rachel up next to you."

"I like that idea," said Tommy.

Brian handed Rachel another piece of rope and said, "Why don't you tie her legs together there."

"You mean on top of her knees?"


"Okay! Thanks!"

Rachel tried to wrap the rope around Chrissy's knees, but at the moment, though, her knees were apart, because the other boys had tied her ankles to the side of the chair legs.

With Crissy being just over five-feet tall, her legs were not long enough to do what Brian suggested. Rachel wrapped the rope around a couple times, but it looked loose and funny.

"Not like that, Rachel," Chrissy said.

By now the boys had finished tying her to the chair, and were all looking through a samll bag full of hankerchiefs and bandannas.

"Hey, you be quiet. Don't tell us robbers what to do."

"She was trying to tie my knees, but there so far apart, it doesn't make sense unless she unties my legs from the chair and ties my ankles together too," Crissy added.

Brian took a look at the situation, and then at Chrissy. "I see you have some experience with this, huh?"

"A little," Chrissy said. "Older bothers - and cousins too."

"Then you know what comes next."


Just then, a white hankerchief was stuffed into her mouth, with a bright red bandanna wrapped around her head, holding it in place.

"They really did it," Chrissy thought. "I knew if I let them tie me up, it was going to be like this."

Dressed in a pair of skin-tight yoga pants and a two contrasting tank tops, Chrissy looked like any other 18-year-old babysitter around. Only with all the ropes tying her so well to the chair, and the bandanna gag tied around her curly blonde locks of hair, she was sure she made quite the Cops and Robbers-style damsel in distress.

Brian helped Rachel untie her feet from the chair and then showed her how to tie Chrissy's ankles together. With his help, pretty soon there were ropes around her knees and thighs too. When she shook her legs to test the ropes, one of the other boys noticed how much she could move them and tied her ankles to a crossmember on the bottom of the chair, rendering Chrissy pretty helpless. At least the tying was done.

"What do we do now?" asked Rachel.

"It's your game. What do you want to do?"

"I hadn't thought about much. I just wanted to try and tie her up."

Chrissy thought, "What was it with kids always wanting to tie up their babysitters? Even the girls wanted to sometimes, even though it was mostly boys."

This wasn't the first time she let a kid she was watching tie her up. After growing up with older brothers, she knew that games like that could be fun. It wasn't like her brothers always tied her up all the time. It only happened a few times growing up - mostly when their family got together for holidays, or on boring rainy days that seemed to go on forever. Something about putting her brothers and older cousins together always got them started.

With kids, she mostly only watched one or two at a time. If the "Can I tie you up?", or "Want to play Cops and Robbers?" question ever came up, she usually just played along. Before today, only about four other kids ever asked, and two of them asked everytime she babysat. It had actually become a good way to keep the kids busy. When Rachel asked today, only the second girl to do so, she thought it was cute.

She realized that all three boys were staring at her now, and also at Rachel.

Robby said, "Think you can get out of that?"

Chrissy nodded "Uh uh," grunting a little for effect through her gag. She struggled against the ropes, but nothing seemed to budge at all. The boys all seemed to like her answer. Nothing like a pretty babysitter all tied up, gagged, and helpless to make some boys feel in control.

"She looks lonely, Rachel. Why don't you let us tie you up too?"

"Yeah, for old-time's sake."

"Very funny. You just tied me up last weekend."

"Yeah, and you had fun, remember? You wanted to play again the next day."

"Well, not today. This is MY game, remember? How about WE tie YOU up, Robby?"

Chrissy continued to quietly struggle as the revealing conversation continued. Rachel's brothers didn't hesitate to start tying her, and did so really well - and quickly. Now she knew why.

Most of the time kids tied her up, it was really just pretend. If she wanted to, she could always get out of it pretty easily - but not this time. Even the gag was more effective to keep her from talking to her pretend robber captors.

"Not gonna happen, Sis. How about instead we move our captive, and you can help tie her up again, once we do?"

"Move her where?" Rachel asked.

"Move me? Move me where?" Chrissy thought. She didn't have any rules for something like this, and they tied her up and gagged her so fast she never said anything to the boys about what she expected.

"We could just move her into the living room if you want, and tie her up on the sofa so she can watch TV," Brian added. "Besides, we can't keep her tied up too long - that wouldn't be fair."

Chrissy almost blushed when she heard those words. What a good kid! All of a sudden she didn't feel so bad about their game. Although, keeping her tied to a chair in the kitchen was pretty straightforward Cops and Robbers stuff.

"Okay, let's do that," Rachel answered.

"Well, go ahead and untie her then. Just remember to keep her hands tied, so she won't try to escape," Robby said.

Tommy added, "You might want to keep her gagged, too, so she won't try to yell for help."

"Standard Cops and Robbers stuff," said Brian.

"What are you boys going to do?" Rachel asked.

"Just call us when you're ready - we're gonna make some calls and case the joint!"

Chrissy thought that this was a little surreal. How many times had they played this game before? Did anyone else besides their little sister also play with them? Other babysitters, maybe? Or their mother even?

Suddenly the kitchen was empty, except for Chrissy. Everyone, including Rachel, just took off. She heard the TV in the distance. It sounded like the boys started a video game.

Without her captors watchful eyes, Chrissy tested the ropes tying her wrists together. Brian had used the whole jumprope to tie them, and the other boys wrapped the long rope around and between them when they tied her body to the chair.

The whole thing was tight enough to keep her from moving much at all, but at least is didn't hurt her by being too tight. Her legs and ankles were in the same situation, with ropes wrapped around them from her thighs to her ankles, with her ankles also tied to the bottom of the chair.

"So this is what if felt like to be really tied up," she thought.

Just then, Rachel walked back into the room.

"Sorry about my brothers. As you can see, they really know how to tie someone up," Rachel said. "They really like it, too."

Chrissy murmphed into her gag, trying to talk back.

"I'm not supposed to take your gag out yet."

"Murumppg, mmoomayy."

"I knew you would understand. You're my most favorite babysitter ever."

Chrissy thought, "Ohh, that's so sweet."

"Usually, they tie me up, and I wanted to see what it was like to tie someone else up. That's why I wanted to play Cops and Robbers."

Rachel walked closer, and then around Chrissy, so she was standing behind her.

"So this is what it looks like. I can never see my wrists when they're behind me. I think I get it now."

She spent a moment grabbing at the ropes holding Chrissy in the chair and continued, "Older brothers. Jeesch!"

Chrissy murmured "Mmm..hmmm," and nodding in agreement. She was starting to wonder if Rachel had changed her mind about moving her or not. It had only been about ten minutes since the boys finished, but if she was going to stay like this as part of the game, the couch and TV seemed a lot more comfortable than the wooden kitchen chair.

Rachel continued, "You didn't put up much of a fuss when the boys started tying you up so well."

"Hmmmmmphh," she replied. If Rachel was going to have to talk like this, she wished she would just take the gag off so Chrissy could reply.

"Does that mean that you like it?"

Chrissy thought: "Just how am I going to answer that?"

"You can nod - I know you can't talk right now."

Still, Chrissy didn't WANT to answer her. It was none of her business, and what if she nodded "Yes". Would she tell her brothers and use it as an excuse to keep her tied longer?

Just then, Rachel started untying Chrissy's ankles. She was planning to mover her after all.

"Sometimes, I do," Rachel said. "I mean, I know I'm only ten going on eleven, but I mostly have fun when my brothers play games that get me tied up."

Rachel started untying the ropes above and below her knees.

"One day, my aunt came over to visit. She caught my brothers tying me up, and when she said something, Brian asked if she would play too. He said the game would be more realistic if an adult was tied up by the robbers too."

Chrissy started listening more intently. She had a feeling that the way these boys tied her up so fast, that they had done it before a lot.

Rachel kept untying, and talking: "I thought she would say no way and yell at the boys for tying me up like that. Instead, she was like, 'Oh, how cute.' And then she said, 'Okay, as long as you don't keep me tied up too long - that is, if I don't escape.'"

Finally, Chrissy's knees were free. She thought Rache's story was getting better all the while.

"So, Brian was like, 'Okay, thanks for playing.' A couple minutes later, the three of them were tying her up, a lot like they did to you."

Rachel worked at the knot holding the long rope that held her to the chair, behind Chrissy's back, just above her bound wrists, trying to loosen it. It didn't want to budge.

"My aunt was really getting into the game, telling the boys stuff like, 'You'll never get away with this,' and 'Your ropes won't hold me for long.' Brian and Robby played along, but I think it just made them tie her up tighter and use more ropes on her."

Chrissy shook her head to the side and shrugged, as if to agree with Rachel.

"Dang, this knot is too tight," she said. "I need to get one of my brothers." She continued, "Before I do, I just wanted to say that I never thought about it being fun, until that day with my aunt. Once the boys finally finished with the ropes, we were both all tied up on the floor in my bedroom. They even tied my aunt's hands and feet together, so she could barely move at all."

Just then, Brian walked in. "What's taking you so long?"

Rachel pointed to the knot she couldn't untie and with a couple pulls from Brian, it finally loosened.

"There you go," he said. Now hurry up so we can tie her up in the living room.

"Okay, okay!"

Rachel worked the rope loose, walking around the chair in the process.

"My aunt and me tried to get free, and pretend called for help. The boys kept checking in and poking my aunt, saying stuff like, 'They're still holding,' and laughing. Afterwards,when they finally untied us, my aunt told me that they were just being big brothers, and letting them blow off steam like this was okay every once in a while."

Chrissy basically felt the same way as her aunt, which was funny, because who expected a conversation like this? Rachel sure has given this all a lot of thought.

The last few wraps of rope fell onto the floor. Except of having her hands still tied behind her, and the gag still thoroughly in place, Chrissy was mostly free.

Rachel looked at her and said, "The next time my aunt came over, she blurted out in front of my mom about how the 'robbers' tied us both up, and how she couldn't escape their 'clutches'. Total drama queen. I thought my mom would freak out, but she didn't. Instead, she started poking fun at my brothers. Next thing I know, they were tying my mom AND my aunt to chairs right here in the kitchen! I really have a strange family, you know?"

Rachel picked up all the pieces of rope and brought them into the living room, leaving Chrissy alone for a moment. Of all the times she had let her charges tie her, this was turning out to be the wildest. This was her second time babysitting Rachel, but first time with her brothers. She understood Brian now a lot more - it was obvious that he learned some manners from his tie-up games with his aunt and mother.

Rachel returned a moment later. "Ready?"

Chrissy nodded and found herself being lead off the chair and into the living room, where the boys all waited.

"I have the captive," Rachel said, all serious-like.

Chrissy noticed that they all had pieces of rope in their hands, waiting for Rachel to sit her still. She was lead over to the sofa as promised, where she had a seat. Only, instead of tying her up, the boys turned to another woman that had just walked in.

"Hi, I'm Marge," she said, waving at Chrissy.

Rachel ran over an gave her a hug, saying "Hi Auntie," in the process.

"Don't worry about me," she said to Chrissy. "I called to check on the kids and they said they were playing Cops and Robbers. I couldn't resist when they asked if I wanted to play too."

Chrissy couldn't help but notice how young and healthy Marge was. Long blonde hair, just like her and Rachel, tied in a ponytail, with a pair of denim shorts and two tank tops, just like Chrissy. She was quite pretty.

"Don't worry, you're still the babysitter. No one's going to dock your pay," Marge said. "So, boys, what's the game here?"

Brian spoke out, "You came home to find the babysitter a little tied up, and when you tried to help, the robbers had to do the same to you."

"Okay, I like a good Cops and Robbers game. I'm going to say it right now, "You'll never get away with it!"

As if on cue, all three boys practically tackled Marge, bringing her down to the carpet. She put up a struggle, but not a very hard one. Once they had her face down on the carpet, she said, "Okay, you got me. How do you want me?"

Brian yelled over to Rachel, "Get the chair in the kitchen," as he pulled Marge's wrists together behind her, setting them in the small of her back. Robby held onto her ankles, as Tommy grabbed a piece of rope.

By the time Rachel came back with the chair, Brian had bound Marge's wrists tightly together.

"Your ropes can't keep me tied," Marge said. "When I get loose, I am so going to escape, and you'll be sorry."

Chrissy sat back and watched the show, as they manuvered Marge off the floor and into the chair.

"Nobody gets free when I tie them up," Brian said, looking straight into Marge's eyes. Chrissy struggled a little, feeling her wrists still tightly tied together. She had to agree.

"We'll see about that," Marge shot back, defiantly. "You don't have enough rope to hold me." She was still pretending to struggle, but not really. "Rachel was right about her being a bit dramatic," thought Chrissy.

"We'll see about that," Brian said, all serious-like. He started tying another piece of rope around her wrists, and wrapping it around her waist, pinning her to the chair. Seconds later, Robby and Tommy joined him, and the three boys all went to work. Chrissy knew how she felt.

Rachel watched them for a moment, but then walked over to be with Chrissy.

"See, I told you my family was crazy!"

Chrissy nodded and shrugged her shoulders. Hard not to agree as she sat there gagged with with her hands tied behind her. At least they were having fun, though.

"While they're busy with her, I'm going to finish tying you, okay?"

Chrissy nodded in agreement as Rachel started tying her ankles together. Unlike the last time, though, she seemed to know what to do. Rachel used a much longer rope than the last time, and once she was done, Chrissy could barely move her ankles.

"There, much better," Rachel said. While she grabbed another piece of rope and started tying Chrissy's knees together, across the room, Marge was getting even more tied up than Chrissy had been in the kitchen, or at least it seemed that way.

Ropes were wrapped above and below her breasts, and tied around her waist, and the top of her lap. Her knees were tied, but each ankle was tied to a separate chair leg. At the moment, one of the boys was going through the bag of hankerchiefs while the other two were tying off knots at different points on her body.

"I'll never talk," Marge said, still in character. "You may have me all tied up like this, but..."

Just then, Robby stuffed a white hankerchief in her mouth, as she continued to talk.

"Iwww mmmumphooo."

"We have you right where we want you now, so be good and don't cause any trouble. We have more rope if we need it," Brian said. Chrissy was starting to like this kid more all the time - he really know what to say, that's for sure.

"Don't try anything funny," Rachel said out loud to the room, cracking up in the process. She remembered one of her brothers always said it to her after they had tied her up.

Just as the boys finished gagging her, Marge started struggling against the ropes. Chrissy noticed that with her, the boys had also tied her elbows together, and had ropes from there wrapping around Marge's chest and the chair. One thing was certain, she was really tied up, and playing it for all she had.

"Are you finished?" Brian asked Rachel.

"I think so, but what do you think?"

He looked at Chrissy. her hands were tied behind her, and her ankles and knees were bound by the ropes Rachel had added. Compared to the way she was tied earlier - and to Marge - she was not very tied at all.

"I think we could at least add one more piece of rope, don't you? I mean, we don't need her hopping over and helping our other captive, do we?"

Rachel's eyes lit up, as if to say, "Ah ha!" She knew exactly what her brother meant.

Chrissy did too, so it came as no surprise to her when they had her lie face down on the sofa. Her ankles were brought closer to her wrists, and a moment later, they were tied together. Her brothers and cousins had done this to her a couple times before.

Brian had left her on her stomach, where Chrissy assessed her new situation. On the soft cushions of the plush sofa, it was really hard to move.

The room was still filled with Marge's struggles and grunts. She sure had a lot of energy for someone in her predicament. From Chrissy's new position on the sofa, she could no longer see Marge's struggles.

Brian spoke to the room, but mostly Marge and Chrissy: "That should hold you two for now. Just sit tight and it'll all be over soon. If you cause any trouble, we'll tie you even tighter, got it?"

Both Marge and Chrissy nodded yes.

"Good. Me and my partners have some things to steal now."

"I'll stay here and guard the prisoners," said Rachel.

"Okay, Rachel. Are you sure you don't want to join them?"

"No. I don't. Do YOU?" Rachel shot back.

"Alright already. Calm don - I was just asking."

The three boys grabbed Marge's chair and carried it over to the edge of the sofa, with Marge facing the TV. Brian turned on the set, which was already set to some movie on some channel she didn't know.

He handed the remote to Rachel.

"You have the first shift."

Brian turned to Marge and Chrissy and said, "Just do as you're told and this will all be over soon."

Marge struggled even harder, making indistinguishable noises through her gag. Chrissy had managed to roll onto her side. When she looked down her body towards her legs, Marge was in plain sight once again.

All three boys left the room and seemed to disappear altogether.

Marge caught Chrissy looking in her direction, and they made eye contact. She seemed like she was really enjoying the game. Marge motioned with her head, as if to get Chrissy's attention.

"Heepphh EEEE," screamed Marge.

All the while, Marge made sidewards nods with her head, as if to say, "Come over and help me."

Chrissy looked up at her guard, Rachel.

"It's okay, I won't tell."

Marge continued to grunt and shake her head - and even the chair - until Chrissy finally started to move. So much for relaxing and watching TV, but once the idea stuck, it stayed with her. The look on the boys face seeing them untied would be priceless. It was clear that Rachel wasn't going to help them get free, but seemed to be okay with them trying to untie themselves.

As Rachel started flipping through the channels, Chrissy shook back and forth to edge her knees toward the edge of the sofa. Marge nooded her approval, saying "Mmm Hmm, mmm hmm" through her very thorough gag.

With her knees over the edge, she inched them down onto the floor. To her surprise, Rachel had placed a pillow on the floor for her knees to fall into.

"There you go."

"Ahh,"" Chrissy thought, as her knees landed softly. She was now on her knees, facing the sofa, and still had a way to go.

"Better hurry up. The boys might come back at any time."

Just what was Racel up to, saying something like that? Chrissy felt that she had gone over and above already with their tie-up game, and she just kept getting pushed further. When Rachel first asked to tie her hands in the kitchen, she never anticipated a hogtied race to help ANOTHER woman get untied in another part of the house!

"If they see you off the sofa, they'll think I'm helping you. Then I'll get tied up and they'll never let me go."

Chrissy suddenly realized what might be going on. If they did get free, they would have to tie Rachel up, to save her from her brothers. If they didn't get free, but got caught trying to escape, then her brothers would tie Rachel up. Either way, she was going to get tied up. Is that what she wanted all along? If so, she was quite clever. Maybe even too clever for her, Chrissy thought.

As Crissy rolled over and got close to Marge, she realized how well the boys had really tied her to the chair. Coils of rope wrapped around each ankle, with the ropes being tied off at another part of the chair she couldn't even see.

She edged herself up the chair against Marge, and ended up on her knees again, resting against the side of the chair, between the sofa and chair. From this angle, looking down on Marge's knees, and directly at her upper body, the situation looked even more hopeless.

The ropes wrapping around her breasts held her tightly to the chair, despite her very active attempts at struggling to get free. The ropes binding her knees together showed no signs of knots anywhere. The only knot she could see was tied in front of Marge's waist - somehow the boys had also wrapped a rope around her butt, that came up between her legs! Chrissy wondered what that must have felt like to Marge.

With the struggling, the knot had worked closer down to Marge's "flowery private area". Just at that moment, as Chrissy tried to reach it, she realized that there was no way she could. The gag made it close to impossible to bite down on anything, and her wrists were tied to her ankles.

Chrissy slumped down onto the floor, and rolled onto her side.

"Mmm hepphh eee?"

Marge struggled even more. Chrissy wondered where she got her energy from.

Just then, the boys came back into the living room.

"Oh my god! What happened in here?"

Brian looked around the room, pretending to be shocked at what he saw.

"Yeah, who tied you up like that?"

Robby played along, acting just as surprised.

"I just walked in right before you and found them," Rachel added.

"Let's get them untied."

As Chrissy felt her hands break free of their bonds to her ankles, she breathed a sigh of relief. And another when her wrists were untied, and no longer behind her back. She gently rubbed them as she watched the boys untie Marge.

"My heroes!"

Marge was still in character.

"There were like four of them, you know? They tied us both up. Who knows what they would have done to us if you hadn't arrived in the nick of time?"

Just as quickly as she was free, she grabbed her purse and left, barely saying anything to Chrissy.

Finally, with the ropes all put away, the house seemed "normal" again. As normal as you could expect with all the casual bondage going on at any given moment.

"Thanks for being a good sport, Chrissy," said Brian.

Both Tommy and Robby said at the same time, "Ya, thanks!"

"Well, thanks for not keeping me tied up too long. Maybe we can play again sometime."

Just as the words came out of her mouth, she thought to herself, "Why did I say that?"

"Okay," said everyone in the room.

"I didn't mean today. I'm bushed."

Just then, their mother walked in, about a half-hour earlier than expected.

Chrissy couldn't help but wonder how the rest of the summer would go now that she blurted out she was up for another tie-up game.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Lovely story! Hope to hear more from u soon!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
Deleted User 2162

Post by Deleted User 2162 »

That was really something! Great job! Glad Marge didn’t ruin the fun!
Deleted User 1665

Post by Deleted User 1665 »

Awesome story :D

Also, welcome back!
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Post by markusthe1st »

Thanks everyone! Yeah, I thought this site was gone forever, so glad to see it was resurrected.
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Post by markusthe1st »

Thanks. When I get more time I have a few ideas brewing.
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