Two Short Stories M/F and F/F

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Deleted User 2162

Two Short Stories M/F and F/F

Post by Deleted User 2162 »

Two short stories around 500 words each on writing promos given to me. A bit of a peril element here so FYI.

500 Words or Less

“Enterprise ~ We Will Pick You Up” (M/F)

Morgan kicked around in the trunk of the car. She cried into her gag with a soft whimper. She had been recently hired by Enterprise as a manager. Their management program was a bit of a joke. It was just an excuse to hire pretty young girls out of college and make them work for cheap while working through a management training program. The redhead was new and thus had to work the overnight shift at the local airport by herself. The worst part was that you STILL had to wear business attire even at night. She wore a button up white blouse, grey blazer, and a black split skirt that went just above her knees and a smart pair of heels.

Two Middle Eastern men had shown up at her kiosk shortly after 3AM. She was the only one left in the lot. As she did final inspections on the car – specifically the trunk, she was grabbed from behind and one of the men pulled zipties out of a black duffel bag and quickly tied her hands behind her back – she didn’t even have any time or chance to fight back. She tried to cry for help but a rag was quickly pulled into her mouth and tied behind her head – gagging her. The men pushed her into the trunk and ziptied her ankles before slamming the door shut. They were speaking in Arabic and she couldn’t understand what they were saying.

After a 20:00 trip the car slammed to a stop and the men opened the trunk. Each had a bundle of rope and duct tape. They went to work putting Morgan in a tight hogtie and wrapped duct tape over her gagged mouth. They also took the time to blindfold the defenseless sales associate with more duct tape before slamming the trunk shut. The last thing she saw was what appeared to be a rest area out in the country. Morgan’s muffled cries did not good as she felt the car pull away from the reststop.

What Morgan couldn’t see was the timebomb the men secured to her chest. It had a three hour countdown. More than long enough for the men to park their car near their target and get away. They didn’t have anything against the lone airport worker – they just had to tie up all the loose ends.
In the trunk Morgan struggled in her tight hogtie – the rope pulling against her fair skin. She had no idea the real danger she was in. Still she persisted. Her bonds were tight and the gag relentless.

She wouldn’t give up.

The bomb ticked down.

“Competitive Edge” (F/F)

Anna was an avid weightlifter and strength athlete. Her plump ass filled out the Crossfit booty shorts nicely as she hit another set of heavy squats. She was sweating and the sweat dropped from her sculpted abs to the floor of the lifting platform.

“UGH!” Anna grunted before racking the barbell.

Anna was entered in a competition that was only one day away. She wanted to prime her body to make sure she was podium ready. Anna liked to lift alone so she often lifted shortly after midnight. She liked to keep her training secret. She hadn’t actually meant to go this heavy today but her rival Kara was also at the gym. The two went back and forth competing for first. Anna wasn’t going to let that skank win.

Kara was doing deadlifts and she could see the blonde haired Anna lifting in her tight little booty shorts and sports bra. Kara kept an eye on the woman until she grabbed a towel and headed for the changing rooms. Kara followed quickly and quietly. Anna had sat on a nearby bench and started to untie her lifting shoes. Kara snuck up and grabbed the towel sitting on the floor and pulled it over Anna’s face – suffocating her. Anna fought in the confusion but quickly lost the will to fight and passed out. Unfortunate for Anna, Kara was also a Brazilian Jiu Jutsu competitor.

Kara went to work, she drug Anna back out to the main gym and placed her onto a bench press platform. Kara grabbed some sports tape and vet-rap from her gym bag and started tying the athletes arms to the barbell. Kara then went to town on the woman-s legs taping them to the bench and splaying the ankles to the side and securing them to two 100lb dumbbells. Kara went back to her gym bag and grabbed a pair of the nastiest panties she had worked out in – she shoved them in the woman’s mouth before wrapping her head with the vet-rap sealing the wadding in.

Kara grabbed a load of 45lb plates and loaded up 405lbs on the barbell. No way this bitch could move this now. Kara slapped the bound and gagged Anna across the face and the woman blinked as she fought for consciousness.

Anna grumbled as she woke – her arms and legs felt heavy. It didn’t take her long to figure out that she was bound and gagged looking up at her rival. “HRHRPMMM THMMMM FFHHUUCMMMMKK!” Anna yelled as she realized that she was tied to a loaded barbell.

Kara mocked her fellow athlete and told her of her nefarious plan. She was going to leave Anna all tied up as she went to win the competition.

Anna cursed into her gag and pulled at her bonds. Her muscles flexed and strained against the heavy weights they were tied to. Kara grabbed another pair of her panties and pulled them over Anna’s face, she wrapped tape around the stinky silk securing them to the already angry girls face.
Anna struggled and squirmed. She almost choked on the fowl smell.

“Have a good workout hun!” Kara laughed as she left the girl alone in the gym – completely helpless.