The Shibari Club - (m/f+) & (f/f+) - Chapter 4 Added

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The Shibari Club - (m/f+) & (f/f+) - Chapter 4 Added

Post by tomato »

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

"Excited Ethan?" My mom asked from the driver's seat, looking at me from the rearview mirror.

"No, not really." I replied, crossing my arms.

My mom sighed. "I don't know how many times I apologized, do I need to apologize more?"

"No, you don't." I say with a sigh. "I get it, new job as a principal in some remote part of the countryside, had to move because I can't live by myself in the city, etcetera."

She cracked a gentle smile. "Thanks Ethan, I'm glad you understand. Besides, I'm sure you're going to make some new friends here."

I try my best not to roll my eyes, and instead give a sarcastic remark. "Yeah, like I'll be able to find another Brian in a day."

As they pulled up to the school gates, my eyes widened in disbelief.

Standing before me was not the typical co-ed high school I was used to, nor the small rural high school I was expecting. Instead, it was a sprawling campus filled with vibrant gardens and elegant buildings, all surrounded by a tall wrought-iron fence.

The students too, also seemed very elegant. All wearing the same, probably mandatory, school uniform. But there was one problem: I didn't see any boys. There were just hordes upon hordes of high school girls.

As we drove into the parking lot, my confusion only grew. "Mom, where are we?"

Mom beamed with pride as she turned off the ignition. "Welcome to St. Mary's High School, sweetheart. My new job as principal starts today, and lucky for you, they have a special program for faculty's children."

My jaw dropped. "You mean... I'm going to school here? But it's an all-girls school! Not to mention a super rich private high school!"

"Which is why I mentioned the special program, and why I was so intent on moving." Mom replied, getting out of the car. "The pay is well over triple that of my previous salary."

My mind reeled, trying to process the information as I grabbed my backpack and hopped out of the car. Being the only boy in an all-girls high school? It sounded like the plot of some cheesy teen movie.

"The staff entrance is off to the side, you enter through there." Mom said, pointing to the elegant front entrance. "I'll text you after school, and be good. Oh! Here's a slip with your all of your classes and their room numbers."

She gave me a peck on the cheek. "Love you Ethan." And she hurried off.

I watched her enter the staff entrance, before turning my attention to the front entrance once again. "No time like the present." I told myself, as I walked inside.

Unfortunately I arrived a bit early, meaning all of the students were talking and walking in the halls. The second my shoe touched the marble floor, I heard a wave of shushes spread in the halls.

No joke, literally a few seconds after my presence, the hall was dead silent.

"Uhh..." I hesitated, awkwardly standing in the halls as girls began to murmur and whisper to each other.

I decided to just beeline start for my class. F-204.

Navigating my way through the bustling corridors, I couldn't help but feel the weight of curious stares following me. Literally everywhere I went, I couldn't escape the dozen eyes on me.

Trying to ignore the attention, I focused on finding my first class. But as I turned a corner, I collided head-on with a girl carrying a stack of books, sending us both sprawling to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, hastily scrambling to his feet and collecting the fallen books.

She looked up at me, her eyes widening in surprise, before adjusting her glasses and breaking into a smile. "N-No, it's my fault. I should've been watching where I was going."

I held out the books to her, and couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked, with long chestnut hair and warm hazel eyes.

"I'm Ethan," I said with sheepish grin.

"I'm Lily," she replied, returning my smile. "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen... you around before."

"Yeah, I am. My mom's the new principal," I explained, feeling a little self-conscious under her gaze.

Lily's eyes widened in realization. "Oh, you're the new principal's son! That explains it."

"Explains what?" I asked, feeling even more confused.

Lily giggled, twirling a strand of hair. "Why, every girl in this school has been talking about you since the moment you stepped foot on campus."

"But it's only been a few minutes since I stepped foot here."

"It's because your the first boy to ever do so."

Lily chuckled, and began to excuse herself. Before she left, I asked her if she knew where F-204 was, and she told me I had passed it.

Luckily, with Lily's help, I managed to find my class before the bell. I thanked her and bid her farewell as I entered the room.

When I stepped into the classroom, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being a fish out of water. All eyes turned towards me, and I could feel the weight of their curious stares.

The teacher, a stern-looking woman with glasses perched on the edge of her nose, glanced up from her desk and raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Ethan," I replied, my voice sounding smaller than I intended. "I'm new here."

As the teacher introduced me to the class, I couldn't help but feel like I was under a microscope. Every move I made, every word I spoke, was scrutinized by curious eyes.

"You'll sit there." The teacher said, pointing to the empty seat in the far back-right.

"I even got the protagonist seat." I said to myself as I sat down.

As the class dragged on, I found myself counting down the minutes until the bell would finally ring, signaling the end of the period. When it finally did, I wasted no time in gathering my things and making a beeline for the door, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the classroom. That is, before I realized I had to endure that again twice before lunch. And then another 3 times after lunch.

"I just love my life."


When it was finally lunch, the bustling cafeteria greeted me with a cacophony of sounds and a whirlwind of activity. As I entered, I felt a familiar sense of unease wash over me, knowing that I would once again be the center of attention in a sea of curious eyes. But, I braced myself, hoping that the food would at least make it worthwhile.

Sure enough, as soon as I stepped foot into the cafeteria, heads turned and whispers erupted. Girls from every corner of the room began to take notice, their eyes lighting up with curiosity and excitement.

Thankfully, they allowed me to grab lunch before a swarm of girls descended upon me like a flock of birds.

"Hey, are you new here?"

"What's your name?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

I tried to push through the crowd, but it seemed like every girl in the cafeteria was vying for my attention. Feeling overwhelmed, I searched desperately for a way to escape the suffocating attention.

That's when I spotted Lily, sitting alone at a table in the corner. Without a second thought, I made my way over to her, hoping to find refuge from the chaos of the cafeteria.

"Lily, can I sit with you?" I asked breathlessly.

"O-Of c-course, Ethan!" Lily frantically replied, shoving a notebook inside her backpack before clearing her throat.

I thought nothing of it and just sat down besides her, the noise of the cafeteria already sinking into the background. We didn't talk much, as every time I looked over, she would sheepishly turn run and face away from me, but I was glad I got some peace and quiet.

When the bell that ended lunch came, sooner than I expected, might I add, Lily hastily tried to leave for her next class, bidding me farewell.

"W-Wait!" I called out.

She stopped, and turned around. "Yes?"

"C-Can I... uh, get your phone number?" I asked, holding out my phone.

She paused for a few moments, before typing in her number and departing for her class. I looked at my new contact. "Lily Chang"

I felt my heart flutter, and I departed for my next class. Before rushing back to the cafeteria because I forgot my backpack on the floor.


As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I couldn't help but feel as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The day was finally over.

Checking my phone, I saw a message from Mom. She apologized, saying she was swamped with paperwork and wouldn't be able drive us both home. She suggested that I find a club to join because I would have to stay at school for at least an hour after classes ended.

Sighing, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and considered Mom's suggestion. Joining a club seemed like a good way to pass the time and maybe even make some friends. Plus, it beat sitting around in an empty classroom or the front courtyard waiting for her to finish.

I scanned a nearby bulletin board listing all of the available clubs and their meeting days, looking through the list of clubs available. There were multiple hobby clubs like Photography or Gaming, sports clubs like Basketball or Baseball, and martial arts clubs like Kung-fu or Taekwondo or... "Shibari"?

I had to double check that one. What was "Shibari"? It was listed in the middle of Taekwondo and Muay-Thai, so I assumed it was some kind of martial arts, but I had never heard of it before, so I interested me.

When I entered the room, I was greeted with the sight of a small group of students closely huddled around a girl, tightly bound, blindfolded, and gagged.

Upon sight, my first reaction was to instantly turn tail and run away, but the door suddenly slammed shut on me, and an almost comically short student with short beige hair blocked my path.

"Not so fast mister, you should at least introduce yourself to the Pres." She said, in an almost comically high voice.

At this point, my presence had already been detected, so I turned around. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two girls quickly carrying the bound girl into a storage room, and the others all sort of... sat there.

One girl approached me and extended her hand, I accepted her surprisingly firm handshake as she introduced herself. "You can call me Miyu. I'm the President of the Shibari club."

"Ethan." I introduced myself.

She smirked as she let go of my hand. "So I'm told. Tell me Ethan, what brings you here to my... humble club room?"

I opened my mouth to tell her I saw it on the bulletin board, but I didn't really want to be involved in all... that. So I told her I was just looking for a room to hang out and do homework while my mom finished her paperwork.

Upon hearing this, another girl went into the storage room and then came back into the main room. The girl who was once bound came out, still with some restraints on and some restraints half-removed.

I excused myself to a small island of tables where the short student was, and began some math homework.

A few minutes later I looked up to see the short student looking intently at the bondage session. "You part of this club too?" I asked. "Or you just watching?"

"Kind of both." She replied. "But for today, I'm just watching."

She then turned her attention to me. "I'm Rin, by the way."

"Nice to meet you Rin." I said. "I didn't know this was a K-12 establishment."

She gave me a deadpan look at my innocent remark, the kind of look that said "Bro, seriously?".

"I'm a Junior."

"You're older than me?!" I said, jumping up from my seat.

The club members looked over at me, and I apologized for the noise, sitting back down.

Rin looked at me with a blank expression, clearly this wasn't her first time hearing it.

"Yes. Even though I may not look like it." She replied, as if reading it from a script.

"Sorry." I apologized sheepishly.

Rin didn't respond, and instead turned her attention back to the shibari session. I figured I could finished the rest of my homework at home, so I packed up and joined her in watching.

The girl was fully re-restrained and now in even stricter bondage than before. Miyu was giving a lesson in soft words, so I couldn't hear them, but judging by the looks of the other club members, I could only assume it was a good lesson.

Then, Miyu took a length of rope connected to the girl and stood on a desk. She latched the rope to a hook in the ceiling, and yanked down on it, sending the bound girl skyward.

I couldn't help but let a small "ooo" escape my mouth as the suspended girl wriggled and squirmed. It looked strangely... cool? If that makes any sense.

About 20 minutes later, I got a text from Mom saying to meet her at the car. So I bid Rin and Miyu goodbye, and hastily scurried over to the parking lot. I spoke of nothing about my experience today, dodging most of the questions from Mom and just answering with the basic, most boring responses.

But strangely, I wasn't not excited for tomorrow. And I took one last look at St. Mary's as we turned the corner.

A.N - Even though this chapter was mainly an exposition dump, I hope you did enjoy this first chapter. Next chapter will definitely be more focused on TUGs!
Last edited by tomato 1 month ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by laz »

interesting premise, looking forward to more
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Post by Caesar73 »

The Entry is promising. It serves its purpose perfectly: Setting the Stage.
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Post by tomato »

Chapter 2: Club Room Shenanigans

After the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.For reasons I don't even know myself, I decided to head back to the Shibari Club room.

Pushing open the door to the club room, I expected to find the usual scene of students engrossed in shibari practice. However, to my surprise, the room was empty except for one figure in the center.

My eyes widened in disbelief as I took in the scene before me.

Lily, blindfolded and bound, sat cross-legged in the middle of the room, her hands tied behind her back and her ankles bound together. The sight was both startling for a moment and I was frozen in place.

Her torso contorted and twisted as her arms stretched and bent, playfully trying to free herself from her bindings. And...

Lily suddenly shifted slightly, somehow noticing my presence even though she couldn't see me. "Hello?" she called out. "Is someone there?"

I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. Should I reveal myself to Lily, or would it be better to slip away unnoticed? Before I could make a decision, Lily spoke again, her tone slight more anxious.

"I know someone's there." she said, her voice trembling slightly. "If you're there, just... just say something."

Before I could say something, my eyes fell upon a desk in the corner of the room, piled high with papers.

Curiosity piqued, I made my way over to the desk, careful to avoid making any noise that would alert Lily to my presence. I picked up a handful of papers, and I saw that detailed drawings adorned each page, depicting various methods of self-restraint. Lily had been practicing shibari on herself, and for quite some time too. My mind went back to lunch yesterday, were those the papers she hid from me?

I put the papers back down on the desk, but they fell off the desk, their soft rustling echoing throughout the room, and causing Lily to panic.

"W-Who's there?!" she said, struggling frantically to release herself from her self-imposed bindings.

I looked around the room, the entrance was too far away, so I dove into the storage room and quickly but quietly shut the door and turned the lock. I peered ever so slightly through the small window on the door, and saw Lily untying her ankle bonds. The moment she stood up, I darted down and tried to lie as flat as possible. I heard Lily hastily pack up and leave the room, and I breathed a sigh of relief. The coast was clear.

"And just what were you doing?" I heard Rin say.

The words gave me a mini heart attack, and I whipped around to see Rin hiding in the shadows in the corner of the storage room.

"R-Rin? What were you doing? You scared the living hell out of me!"

"Answer my question first Ethan." Rin said, with a sly grin on her petite face.

I hear footsteps coming back into the room. "Shh!" I whispered. "You're going to get us caught!"

"You still gotta answer my question." Rin said, a bit louder.

The footsteps were getting a bit louder. "Shut it! I mean it." I hissed.

"Or else what, big boy?" Rin taunted, her grin even bigger. "Make me shu-mmph?!"

In a moment of either anxiousness or desperation, I clamped my hand over her mouth and held it tightly in place. Rin tried to pry it off, but I couldn't tell whether or not she was playfully fighting back or just seriously weak.

Although the purpose of Rin's handgag was to keep her quiet, her heavy panting from behind my hand felt louder than her taunts. Luckily, after a few moments, we both heard the steps receding, and I released my grip from her mouth.

"Pwah!" She gasped. *cough cough*

"A-Are you alright?" I said worryingly. "I didn't mean any harm and-"

"You are forgiven." Rin said, almost immediately.

I wasn't too convinced, as her tone was the "die where you stand" kind of tone. But before I could press her again, she bolted out the storage room and ran into the halls before I could really react.

"W-What? Hey, wait!" I called for her, but she was probably already 2 blocks away.

I sigh and flop into a chair, but soon after I have to get up after Mom texted that she's ready.


The next day, I stood hesitantly stood in front of the club doorway, before taking a deep breath and entering.

This time, there were only 3 girls present: Miyu, Rin and some other girl I didn't recognize. They were all talking about something before they all suddenly turned to me. Rin's huge smirk, Miyu's look of anger, and the other girl's frightened demeanor all told me that I was most definitely in deep trouble.

Miyu stormed towards me and threw something at me and almost instinctively, I ducked and the projectile hit the wall behind me with a audible slam.

I looked back, and a bundle of bright red nylon rope laid on the ground. I looked back at Miyu.

"Rin told me everything." Miyu said angrily. "I'm not going to accept someone, not to mention a BOY, touching a club member."

"W-What does that have to do with the rope?" I peeped.

"Rin struck a deal so that I don't smash your skull in." Miyu replied. "She... she wanted you to tie her up."

"You're... joking right?" I say, before pointing to myself. "Me? Tie her up?"

"Yes, and you better say 'thank you' for not being dead." said Miyu, before storming out of the room.

The girl I didn't recognize ran after the club president, leaving me and Rin alone.

"Well?" Rin said, presenting herself. "You gonna fulfill the Pres' orders?"

"I don't really have I choice." I grumbled, picking up the bundle of rope.

"Great." Rin replied, turning around and crossing her wrists behind her back.

She looked back over her shoulder. "Chop chop! Don't keep a girl waiting."

"What have I gotten myself into?" I muttered.

With one hand holding Rin's wrists, and another one holding the rope, I began tying her wrists. I knotted the rope after the first loop, did a couple more loops, and...

"What the hell are you doing?!" Rin angrily cried out.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Tying you up!" I replied.

Rin broke free from my grasp (after I let her go) and proceeded to effortlessly shake and slip off my hard work. She held the amalgamation of knots up for me to see.

"You mean this? This is you tying me up?" She said, pointing at it with her other hand.

"Yeah, and you just ruined it." I responded.

"That is NOT how you tie someone up!" Rin frustratingly cried out.

"Then how do you?" I said, confused and annoyed.

Rin spend the next 30 minutes (10 of those were spent just undoing my knots) teaching me the basic fundamentals of wrist ties.

"So, repeat that all back to me." Rin said.

"Double up the rope, cinch it around the wrists, and tie it off after a few loops." I repeated robotically.

"Good." Rin said, turning her back and crossing her wrists once more. "Now do it again, but like how you just said it."

Picking up the rope again, I proceeded to double it up, loop and cinch it around Rin's wrists, and then began looping it.

"Feels good so far." Rin commented, squirming slightly.

I finished tying the wrists by looping it one last time through the middle and tightly tying a knot. I step back and let the judge decide her verdict.

"Feels snug. Not too tight, but not loose. Good job Ethan." Rin commented, a genuine smile on her face.

"T-Thanks." I said, not sure how to receive such a compliment.

Rin then sat down on the floor with her legs straight out in front of her. "You still gotta tie my legs." She said.

Having gotten the compliment, I was riding the wave, so I took another bundle of rope from the storage room and tied her ankles and legs together much like her wrists.

"Very nice." Rin said, struggling against her bonds playfully. "You see that bag on the tables there?"

"Yeah?" I replied, seeing the black duffle bag on the table.

"Open it and pick one out for me."

Not fully understanding what she mean, but deciding that the full context would make itself clear once I had opened the bag, I walked over and did so. My jaw instantly hit the floor, literally dozens upon dozens of ball gags of all sorts of different sizes and colors were inside. I held up a large orange one. That thing must've been the size of my fist. Could it really fit in someone's mouth without breaking their jaw?

"Hey! That's not funny!" Rin snapped. "There's no way that's gonna fit me!"

"O-Oh, sorry." I said, putting it away.

I surveyed my options one more time, before picking out a black ball gag roughly the size of a golf ball. I walked back to Rin and knelt down to her level.

"That seems to fit." She says. "Good choice."

Rin then opened her mouth to accept the gag. "Here, aaaah..."

I gently placed it into her mouth and fastened the belt behind the nape of her neck. "D-Does it feel alright?"

"Pmrmfft fmtt." She mumbled, a smile forming behind the ball gag.

I didn't really understand what she said, but the tone told me everything I needed. I sat down at the tables to wait for time to pass, watching Rin struggle. She rolled around on the floor back and forth, occasionally stopping to struggle against her bindings.

When it was time for me to leave, I asked Rin if she would like to be untied. But she shook her head.

"Amm fmnn. Lmmvv mm hrmm." She said.

"Uh... okay..." I said hesitantly, stepping away from the bound and gagged Junior.

As I stood in the doorway, I looked back at her one last time, concerned if she would truly be okay being alone while tied up. But, Rin just gave me a wink, and having received that confirmation, I left the club room.
Last edited by tomato 1 month ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by nitronovice »

I'm loving this story so far!
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Post by GermanTUGFriend »

A great and well written story so far ! Keep up the good and exciting work !! :)
No proper TUG without gagging and hooding ^^ And don't forget a blindfold ;)
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Post by Syko Sith »

Interesting concept. I like it. Already waiting for more. :D
Hogtied and loving it
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Post by tomato »

Thank you @laz, @Caesar73, @nitronovice, @GermanTUGFriend and @Syko Sith for all of the comments! I'm glad you like the story so far!

Chapter 3: The Club President

"I'll be back soon!" I say to Mom, before locking the apartment door behind me.

I take a deep breath of the suburban city air. "Ahh..."

Mom had suggested I explore the city, urging me to step outside my comfort zone for once and get to know my surroundings better. With nothing better to do, I decided "why not?"

So here I was, wandering the streets with no particular destination in mind, hoping to stumble upon something interesting.

As I strolled through the winding streets, I passed by cafes with inviting aromas wafting from their open doors. The scent of freshly brewed coffee was mixed with the sweet aroma of pastries.

I also passed a local plaza, a bustling hub of activity where vendors sold everything from handmade crafts to exotic foods, alive with the chatter of locals and haggling between shopkeepers and shoppers.

Eventually, I found myself drawn to a charming restaurant nestled in a quiet corner of the city. I stepped through the door and was greeted by a waitress, who sat me at a restaurant booth next to a window.

"I'll have someone be right with you sir." She politely said, placing a menu on the table before going to tend to other customers.

I saw the waitress go to another employee. This other employee had long, flowing black hair, and looked kind of like Miyu.

Wait... Miyu?!

The employee was actually Miyu? She was wearing attire exactly like the other waitress, but even without a school uniform, there was no denying it.

I don't know if I was just being anxious, but I can swear I saw the fires of Hell behind those eyes when she looked over.

I held my breath as she approached. When she was within speaking range, she pointed her finger at my throat as if it were a dagger.

"I don't know if you think this is funny or not, but you're clearly stalking me." Miyu said. "I thought this place was far enough from any distractions but I was clearly wrong. You're going to answer a lot of questions after my shift, Ethan. Every. Last. One."

I gulped as she removed her finger away from my throat. She then cleared her throat and pulled out a little notepad.

"What would you like, sir?" She said, her tone suddenly turning bubbly and cheerful.

"An omelette please..." I squeaked, before returning the menu.

When my food arrived, I felt as if I suddenly lost my appetite. But it tasted good and it would be a shame to waste food, so I ate it anyway.

Miyu worked early morning shifts, so her shift ended at about 11:00am. It was about 10:50am when I finished, so I just waited around the entrance. When Miyu arrived, I was quite shocked at the sight.

I half-expected Miyu to be wearing some beautiful casual wear, but instead, she came out with a simple hoodie and sweatpants combo as well as a messenger bag decorated with a couple bunny pins.

"What the hell are you staring at?" Miyu said accusingly.

"N-Nothing! It's just, I kind of expected you to be wearing something more..."

"You think all girls have enough time to have a wardrobe fit for a Queen?" She said, cutting me off.

"No! Not at all. It looks good on you." I reply.

For a brief moment, Miyu's face flushed red, before the sight dissipated. "Your cheap flirts won't work on me."

She took me by the sleeve of my shirt and led me to a place called the "Silver Petal Outlet". A rather large and lavish-looking outlet I had somehow missed on my weekend tour.

"So, why are you mad at me exactly?" I asked as I was being led down the corridors of stores.

"You first say you want nothing to do with my club. Then you assault my club's VP, and she somehow wants you to tie her up?"

Miyu suddenly stops and turns around, pressing her finger on my chest. "Just give me an answer: Are you in the club or not? Because I have zero tolerance for anyone who touches another person without their consent. Especially someone who isn't a club member. And especially not a boy."

"I-I... club. I'm in the club." I stammer. "Mhm. I wanna join."

She raises an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yup. 100%. Totally dedicated."

At that point, I just said that to be able to live to see the sunrise again. However, Miyu seemed not entirely convinced.

"Then prove this so called 'dedication' of yours." She said, crossing her arms.

"How? Do you want me to tie you up to?" I reply.

A couple of heads turn at the remark I might've said a bit too loudly. Miyu's face flushes red as she hurryingly grabs my arm again and runs away.

We stop at a quiet an isolated park to catch our breath.

"W-What the heck were you thinking?" Miyu scolded between breaths. "And why'd you say it so loud?"

"My bad." I apologize.

Miyu caught her breath, but looked down at her feet soon after. "But... you're not wrong. That is what I intended on doing."

"Ah." I say, nodding my head. "So, do I do it right here or something?"

Miyu instantly snapped back. "No you idiot! At my house! In my room! You know, not in public?!"

"My bad." I apologize.

Miyu leads me rather hastily through the city, taking sudden turns and shortcuts through alleyways. Eventually, I see that we're headed for a rather modern suburban home.

Miyu unlocks the door and drags me behind her. We're headed for the stairs when...

"Ah, Miyu! Back from your shift?" I hear someone say. "Oh! Who'd you bring along?"

"A classmate. We're going to be studying for an upcoming test. Don't bother us please." Miyu replies instantly.

The person I heard, who I assumed was her father, gave a barely audible "ah." before he resumed reading his afternoon newspaper.

I followed the club president up the stairs and into her room. Upon entering, my eyes were blasted with the pastel and pink that was her room.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best idea..." I head Miyu say to herself, her face tomato red.

She took a deep breath and turned to me, her eyes staring through my soul. "You tell anyone about this, you die."

"Yes ma'am." I replied.

Miyu told me to "lock the door and make yourself comfortable, I guess." while she looked for her bundles of rope. I did as ordered, and sat down on the fluffy pink rug on the floor.

I watched as Miyu searched for her gear. Now that I think about it, this was the first time I've been in a girl's room, huh? I beamed at the thought.

Suddenly, a box crashing into my lap snapped me back to reality. "Wipe that smile off your face, you're creeping me out." Miyu said, disdain in her voice.

"My bad." I apologize.

I take a look at the contents of the box. Bundles of red rope, a half-used roll of duct tape, and a ball gag harness. Interesting.

"Do with me as you wish for your 'test'." Miyu said, sitting on her knees.

I uncoil my first bundle and bind Miyu's wrists behind her back. She tests their tightness by squirming a little. Luckily, Rin's training proved effective.

"Not too shabby..." Miyu commented.

I ask her to sit flat on the floor with her legs out. She does as asked and I tie her ankles, as well as the area below the knees. Using the final bundle of rope from the box, I take her elbows and use the rope to force them together.

It was here I noticed at how surprisingly flexible she was. I took a step back and let Miyu struggle for a minute or two, testing and grading my handiwork.

I peered into the box again as Miyu delivered her final verdict. "You passed." She said. "But just barely. You've got a lot of work to do Ethan."

My eyes were fixated on the ball gag harness. I was certain it was significantly bigger than the one I used on Rin a few days ago.

"Ethan? Do you hear me?" Miyu repeated, a bit louder this time. "I said you pass-"

I hold the gag in my hands, right in Miyu's view. "Oh no Ethan, I don't- mrrrggh?!"

To be honest, I didn't really know what I was thinking. Must've wanted a death sentence, I reckon. But at the time and for some unexplainable reason, I guess I just really wanted to see the president bound and gagged. I quickly fastened the buckles behind her head as she vigorously shook her head, trying to shake it off.

Luckily, I managed to secure her gag before she could shake it off. Miyu then began to struggle furiously, thrashing and squirming uncontrollably.

And wow. Just wow. I don't know how to put this in words, but it just felt as if the club president was made for being bound and gagged.

Her hair was slightly messy and unkempt from attempting to shake off the gag, the gag perfectly fit her and the ropes that bound her had found themselves the perfect places to really accentuate the damsel. I mean, I had no words. But I guess Miyu did.

"Ymmr smm dmnph!" She cursed, her eyes burning with hatred.

"I'm sorry." I apologize. "I guess I just really wanted to see you gagged."

I don't know what about that statement was flattering, but it got her to calm down a little. Guilt, by this point, was starting to catch up with me. So, I ungagged her.

I went to go untie her bindings, but she resisted. "Not now, Ethan." She said. "They're just right."

She did some kind of stretch or something, and let out a satisfying sigh. I was perplexed at this sudden change in mood, given that she was fueled with the rage of a thousand suns just a few moments prior.

I thought to myself, perhaps she doesn't like being gagged, as I watched her roll around on the rug.

Miyu was rolling back and forth, the ropes that bound her felt just oh so nice on her. She took a moment to realize something, and turned her head to me.

"Hey Ethan?"


"I'd... like to apologize. I believe I've been too harsh on you lately."

"Apology accepted."

Miyu gave me a light smile, before breaking into a cheery chuckle. She continued to enjoy the rope's embrace for a little while longer. When she asked me to, I untied her and put the ropes back into the box. She then stored it back on top of a shelf.

With nothing else to do, we kind of just... sat there. In the room. Occasionally I'd try to say something, and Miyu would just give a short response (or vice versa) and the conversation would die out.

"Well then, I guess I've better get going." I say, getting up.

"Ah, ok." Miyu responds, getting up as well.

She escorts me to the front door and bids me farewell. However, just before I leave the front lawn...

"Ethan! Wait!"

I turn around to see Miyu running over to me. "Do you mind if... if I get your number?"

"Oh! I- uh, sure." I reply, typing my contact onto her phone.

What happened next, I can't really describe. Miyu gave me this small, gentle smile. The kind that you can tell conceals a fountain of happiness, and that you can tell what you're seeing is just barely a drop of that fountain.

It was quite... magical. To say the least.

"I'll see you Monday." Miyu said.

"Yeah. See you Monday." I reply.
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Post by TightsBound »

Enjoying this story so far! I think you have a solid premise that can carry itself as a series. Looking forward to more!
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Post by Neostardustdragon101 »

This story is great I really hope we get to see more especially with Ethan and Miyu I love bondage stories with some romance
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Post by Caesar73 »

Neostardustdragon101 wrote: 1 month ago This story is great I really hope we get to see more especially with Ethan and Miyu I love bondage stories with some romance
Could not agree more :) Ethan is learning the ropes and obviously a quick Study! Excellent!
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Post by tomato »

Thank you @laz, @Caesar73, @nitronovice, @GermanTUGFriend, @Syko Sith, @TightsBound and @Neostardustdragon101 for the comments. I'm glad you enjoy the story!

Chapter 4: Learning the Ropes

After the weekend's... incidents, I noticed a few things change around the club.

Firstly, and most obviously, Miyu has been dropping some real big hints lately. And I mean BIG.
Secondly, and most confusingly, Rin seems to be as well.

While sure, I'm over the moon at girls fawning over me, something that never happened back at my old school, it's getting to a point where I am getting nervous about their friendship.

For example, about a week and a half after receiving Miyu's number, I walked into the club room on a usual meeting day to find it empty except for the club president.

"Miyu? What are you doing here? Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"I called off the meeting today." Miyu replied, walking over to me. "It's just us today."

Miyu was suddenly reeeeaaall close. "W-Why?" I stammered out.

"Why? Some quality bonding time, if you know what I mean." Miyu said with a wink.

Before the situation got too, *ahem*, out of hand, Rin suddenly walked into the room, drinking a slushie.

Miyu pushed herself away from me to confront Rin. "Didn't you see the message? I said meeting was cancelled today."

"Sure doesn't look cancelled to me." Rin replied, sipping away at her drink.

I could see that Miyu was fuming, her quiet afternoon alone wasn't quite turning out to be how she pictured.

"Come with me Ethan, we're going somewhere else." She ordered.

"Not so fast." Rin said, blocking her passage. "What's gotten into you Miyu? You're different! You're not the person to cancel a meeting for your desires!"

Miyu let out a frustrated sigh. "What do you want from me then?"

"To slow your roll and take a step back. So you don't fall head over heels from love." Rin replied. "And also, to include me in your 'bonding' time."

I believe the VP's words of reason really got to the Pres. Miyu subtly nodded her head, and Rin smiled. "Thanks Miyu."

With Miyu and Rin both satisfied on the ground rules, I stood awkwardly there as both office members each got out a duffel bag of restraining gear. Both girls set the bags on the ground and sat down with their hands behind their backs.

"Care to tie us up Ethan?" Rin said, her drink aside.

"Sure." I replied, taking out a bundle of rope.

I first began with Miyu, tying her wrists behind her back tightly but snug. Then did the same with Rin.

"Shouldn't you be teaching him some more techniques Miyu?" Rin asked.

"I should!" Miyu replied, her eyes lighting up. "Hey Ethan, over here."

"One sec." I say, grabbing my water bottle.

I take a swig, grab another bundle of nylon rope, and walk over to the president.

"Wrap that rope around my chest." Miyu says.

I spit out my water upon hearing that sentence. "W-Whaat?!"

"Don't be so immature Ethan!" Miyu scolded. "Now clean that mess up!"

After wiping the water off the floor, I hesitantly unbundle the rope and double it up.

"Wrap it over, tighten, then wrap it under." Miyu guided.

I tried my best to follow along, my hands trembling. Luckily, I managed to do it without any incidents. Same went with Rin as well.

I took a huge sigh of relief and wiped a bunch of sweat off my forehead. But I still wasn't done yet.

"Tie our ankles and the area just under our knees." Rin said. "I'll show you how to hogtie us."

I complied with the orders, and then approached Rin with a short length of rope.

"Same thing here, double it up." Rin said. "Then, loop and tie it between my wrists."

I did as told, and Rin seemed to approve of her bindings. "Good, now take that end and tie it to my ankles."

I begin to wrap it around the ankle tie, when Rin adds a comment. "Oh! And don't hesitate to tightly pull on the rope. The shorter the rope, the stricter the hogtie. And I like it strict."

"O-Okay..." I said, a bit nervous. I then tightly pull on the rope, causing a small squeal to escape Rin's mouth and bending her upper torso upwards.

I secure the knot and take a step back to admire the handiwork. "How does it feel?" I ask Rin.

"Just perfect!" She exclaimed, wriggling around.

I notice Miyu getting impatient, and possibly even envious, of Rin's hogtie, judging by her pouting.

Luckily, a strict hogtie turned that frown upside down, and Miyu was soon playfully tugging and squirming.

"Ah! Ethan! Aren't you forgetting something?" Rin said. She then opened her mouth wide to signal for a gag.

"Rin! You know I don't like being gagged!" Miyu replied, still squirming.

"Just this once, please?" Rin begged. "Besides, a gag suits your face so well it's a shame you don't like being gagged."

Miyu sighed. "Fine, just this once."

I take the same gag I used for Rin last time and put it into her eagerly awaiting mouth. After buckling it in place, I take out another ball gag that I believed was roughly the same size as the one at Miyu's house. Although, I wasn't sure.

I hold it in front of the Pres' face, but she tries to turn away from it. "I still hate the idea of being gagg-grrmd!"

"Gmrm!" Miyu grunted as I secured the buckle. "Ahmm thmss issm wmmy."

"Ymrr fmmnn." Rin mumbled back, understanding gag-speak much better than I do.

I let the girls struggle to their hearts content for the next half-hour or so, until I received the text that my Mom was ready to leave. I untied the two and we packed up the equipment.

"I'll uh... see you both tomorrow." I said, bidding them farewell.

"Bye Ethan!" Miyu said.

"See you later." replied Rin.

I grab my bag and walk out the door. Upon exiting the main building, I chuckle at my predicament. What kind of situation am I getting myself into?
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Post by laz »

cute chapter
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Post by Syko Sith »

This story keeps getting better! I'm ready for more when you are. :D
Hogtied and loving it
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Post by Neostardustdragon101 »

Oh bad move Rin, bad move! Aw well I'm hoping for you next time Miyu and I got a feeling she'll enjoy being gagged soon enough
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