A hotel Robbery (F/FF)

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Dany Osewat
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A hotel Robbery (F/FF)

Post by Dany Osewat »

I really enjoyed writing this story. If you like let me know who of the two girls is in the worst predicament by the end of the story

Helen and Alice were waiting for this summer trip in France for months. They had booked their flight since January. It would be the best time ever.

Helen and Alice were two really beautiful 19years old girls from Florida. And they knew it. Helen was short with ginger hair and a really nice smile. Alice was tall with long curly light brunette hair, cute cheeks and playful brown eyes. They were both ballerinas and enjoyed their time together. The economic prosperity of their families allowed them to buy expensive clothes and jewelleries, which were making their appearance much more impressive. Their favourite game was to attract boys. And they were of course really good at it.

One of the reason they chose France for their trip was to buy more clothes from the expensive European stores. And it was the first thing they did when they arrived to Paris. They spend the first three days of their trip shopping, visiting some luxury restaurants and walking around taking photos with their cameras. They had the best time, as they were expecting it. But all these changed the third evening

Helen and Alice decided to visit the bar of their hotel late that evening, to have some drinks. The barman offered them a bottle of expensive red wine and they bought it. They had started drinking it when a tall brunette girl walked near their tables.
“I really love your earrings” she said to Helen “They are magnificent”
“Thank you, you are really kind” Helen smiled. She enjoyed these compliments more than anything.
“You seem like you are from the US” the woman said then
“Yes from Florida” Helen replied “We are here for a week. Mostly for shopping”
“This is a perfect reason for travel”
“The best”Alice said “I am Alice. This is Helen”
“I am Megan. From New York. I travel around Europe every summer. Some times alone, now for example”
“Oh you can sit with us then” Alice offered
“Thank you, why not?” Megan said and sat next to Helen “Are you 20? 21?”
“We look like 21 huh? Actually we are 19” Alice laughed
“Oh wow I am 22. This is great. I like meeting girls like you in my trips”

The three girls started talking and drinking wine. They talked about boys, dresses, music, movies and more
“Oh you must see the dresses we bought today” Helen said “They are the best”
“You can come to our room. Great view. 10th floor” Alice added
“Okey, cool. Do you have anything to drink there? “
“Of course”

The three girls left the bar and went to Alice and Helen’s room using the elevator. Megan entered last and closed the door
“Hey girls?”
Helen and Alice turned around and they saw Megan holding a gun
“Hands up. This is a robbery”
“What?” Alice said
“Are you kidding us right?”
“You should know not to talk to strangers on your trips girls. Now, how about you listen to me. Alice take this and tie Helen’s hands” Megan took out some ropes from her bag and gave one to Alice

“Please don’t hurt us” Helen said
“You can take what you want, you don’t have to tie us up” Alice added “Right?”
“I have done this so many times girls. Don’t tell me how to do my job. Don’t make me say this again. Tie her hands”
Alice took the rope and tried to tie her friend’s hands
“Behind her back” Megan commanded
“Okey Okey, sorry don’t hurt us” Helen put her hands behind her back and let Alice tied them together

When she finished Megan told Helen to stay in the corner and started tying Alice’s hands behind her back also “I am sorry we met other those circumstances. You are nice girls. But that won’t stop me to take all your things”
Megan then used another rope to tie Alice’s legs and knees and then took of Alice’s heels. “You know you have really nice legs. I have tied up many girls legs and yours are maybe the nicest”
“Thank you?” Alice said puzzled
“Shut up. Helen your turn”

Megan tied Helen’s knees and legs “I want you both to tell me your credit cards passwords. If you don’t I will have to torture you. I don’t want that”
The girls didn’t reply. “Do you choose the hard way? “ Megan asked
“Please just take our dresses and leave” Helen said
Megan took a duct tape roll from her bag and put a strip on Helen’s mouth. “You are cute”Then she entered the bathroom and come out with the girls’ electric toothbrushes “As I expected it, you have electric toothbrushes. I am gonna use them to learn your passwords”
“NO” Alice said as Megan used another strip to gag her

“Who is first” She took Helen’s legs and started tickling her soles with the toothbrushes. Helen didn’t last long and told Megan her password. Alice lasted longer and that made Megan really angry. She took the duct tape roll and taped the two electric toothbrushes on Alice’s soles. Alice screamed and shook her head
“Tell me the password and I will untape them”
Alice shook her head again
“Okey, we will see about it”
Megan took again the duct tape role and started taping Helen’s body. She started from her soles and continued to her legs, torso until he reached her neck. Her whole body was mummified except her head
“Do you like it Helen?”
“Not really, please”

Megan found the girls white casual shoes and asked them if they had worn them earlier. “Yes”
“The one here is yours?”
“Yes why?”
Megan then took the socks out of the other pair “I want to gag you with your friends socks. I really like it doing this when I tie up people”
“No please, you don’t have to do that, just use the tape like before”Helen pleaded
“I do. Open up”
Helen complied and Megan put the socks in her mouth. Then she wrapped her mouth with duct tape at least ten times and continued wrapping her eyes. Her entire body except her nose and ears were covered by tape “ Lovely. We are not done sweetheart. I really like to play with my victims."

Megan then took a large suitcase and opened it. She took of all the stuffs that were inside and put it on the bed open. Then she grabbed Helen and lowered her inside the suitcase. Her legs and head were outside the case, but Megan used the tape and quickly hogtaped her victim. Helen was completely helpless

Megan looked at Alice who still had the toothbrushes on her soles and asked her if she would like to tell her the password. Alice nodded and Megan took the gag off
“818391” Alice said
“Thank you darling”
“Untape the toothbrushes please”
“You know what? I think I like them there. You can keep them”
“NO PLMGG”Megan was quick and gagged Alice with Helen’s socks. Then she wrapped her head ten times with the duct tape roll “Perfect”

She spend the next ten minutes looking at the girls clothes. The ones she liked she put them in an empty suitcase. The ones she didn’t like, she put them in the suitcase Helen was inside. “These you can keep them. These I will take them with me and I will sell them”
When she finished she closed the suitcase lid so now only Helen head was out of the suitcase. She took a pair of tights of her bag and started pulling one of the legs down over her head. Helen tried to scream, completely helpless

“I found more socks of you” Megan said and put two socks in front of Helen’s nose “I don’t know if its yours or Alice’s. Anyway enjoy smelling them”

Megan then turned to Alice and made her lie on the floor. She used a rope to tightly hogtie her and another to connect her big toes with her upped body. She then secured the electric toothbrushes with more tape. She finally blindfolded her taping her eyes. She also tapped her palms together

Megan spend the next twenty minutes searching over the room. She put anything valuable in the other suitcase, to take them with her
“I am taking your clothes and jewelleries, your phones and cameras, all your cash. I am taking your credit cards, I am gonna buy many expensive things with them first thing on the morning, before you are able to cancel them. And also tomorrow by noon I will be in another country. I have done this many times girls. Don’t expect the cops to find me”
“Also I will take your cosmetics. And your tickets for the US. I won’t used them, but I want them as souvenir”

Megan took some photos of the girls with their cameras “But I won’t take your shoes. You can have them” He took Helen’s shoe and tape it in Alice’s nose putting more socks inside and then she taped Alice’s shoe in Helen’s nose after doing the same

“Some final touches before I go”
Megan picked up Alice and put her above the suitcase Helen was into in the opposite direction. Her tied up legs were above Helen’s head. Then she used another duct tape roll and tape Alice’s body to the suitcase

“Now you are together in this. Wait I didn’t finish”
A last rope was tied around Helen’s head and the shoe that was taped up in her nose and brought up and connected to Alice’s soles.
“Now every time you try to move your legs to get rid of the toothbrushes, you will unleash a new wave of smell on your friend’s nose. The smell of your shoe. How smart I am”

One minute later the girls heard Megan talking on the phone with the reception “Yes, it is room 1032. We don’t want you to come tomorrow for housekeeping if that’s okey with you. Alright perfect. Thank you. Goodbye”
The girls screamed helpless. They were going to stay like this for more than one day

“Before I go. I have some last things for you”
“Alice do you remember in the bar. I casually asked you your favorite song. Then I asked you for a song you hate. So now I am able to make your position worst” She put some pink headphones in Alice ears and Friday song by Rebecca Black started playing on low volume “MGGHHGPS” Alice screamed
“On repeat. You will hear it until the headphones battery is over. And for Helen who didn’t have a answer. I have some earplugs. Totally sensory deprivation for you. That’s why I use the pantyhose too”

“It was so nice I met you girls. Thank you for all the things you offered to me. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. Have fun Helen” Megan said and put two earplugs under the tights on Helen’s ears
Megan took the suitcase with the girl’s belongings and close the lights. “Thank you for letting me sit with you Alice. Have fun. Byeee”

Before she went out, she tapped on her phone increasing the volume on the headphones. Alice tried to scream helpless, when Megan was closing the door. She locked using the girls keys and put the “Do not disturb” sign on the door, before she walked away
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Post by latin-self-bound »

Awesome story! I love thefact the robber has a well planned modus operandi, and she is very creative to torture her victims. I'd love to read another story of Megan.
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