How to Behave at Granny's House (mf/Ffm)

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KP Presents
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How to Behave at Granny's House (mf/Ffm)

Post by KP Presents »

“I suspect they are going to look for valuables after they have made them secure,” Christyne said as she wriggled round, and then looked at Steve. “Go on, tell me what you are thinking.”

“I think you look amazing like that Grandma – is this the first time you’ve been tied up like that?”

“Nope – happened a few times, and sometimes – well, this isn’t one of those times,” Christyne said with a smile. She then looked at Steve, and said “I can see how excited you are.”

Steve glanced down, then blushed as he said “Grandma…”

“It’s all right – I’m not going to say anything, and I get the feeling you’ve tied yourself up a few times as well. Anyone else?”

“Not… Not until today.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“I think Tammy did – is that wrong that we both enjoyed it?”

“No, it’s part of growing up – they have robbed you before, right?”

As Steve nodded, Christyne said “I guess that was the first time you realised you liked seeing girls tied up, and you liked been tied up?”

“Yeah – I want to say something, but…”

“It’s all right – look, I think we’re going to be quiet soon, so what did they say last time.”

“Bert – he tied me up in my room, gagged me, and told me to let go and just enjoy myself. I… I’d like to do that again.”

“Then do it – I can’t stop you,” Christyne said with a smile as she wriggled round, Steve looking at her chest. “When you’re older, you might find a girl who likes been tied up as well – that’s the time to have conversation about it. Until then – look, if you ever feel you want to, call and see if I am free, all right?”

“You’d let me tie you up?”

Christyne nodded, and then looked to the door as the two masked men came back in.

From “How to Behave at Halloween”

“Hi Gran!”

Christyne smiled as she looked up and saw her grandson standing in the doorway. Steve was wearing a checked short sleeved shirt over a red t-shirt, as well as tan coloured pants and white tennis shoes. “Well now -this is an unexpected pleasure,” she said as she took her glasses off and put them to the side, “did your mother drop you off?”

“Yeah – she has to go into town, so I was hoping you wouldn’t mind me stopping with you for a couple of hours?”

“Not at all – do you want something to drink,” Christyne said as she stood up. She was wearing a black top with elbow length sleeves, a tiger print belt round her waist, and a long lemon coloured pleated skirt that came down over her knees. Her legs were in dark hose,, as well as a pair of short black leather boots.

“Can I have some coke,” Steve asked as they walked to the kitchen, and he watched as his grandmother poured some of the dark liquid into a glass before handing it over. “So – how have you been?”

“I’m good – but…”

Christyne smiled as she said “go on….”

“Granny – remember when you said if I wanted to tie someone up…”

“I said you could tie me up,” Christyne said as she folded her arms and looked at him. “Yes, I remember – why?”

Steve blushed before he said “Well, I wondered if you would let me do it today.”

“I see -well, I have no real plans for this afternoon,” Christyne said, “but I want you to tell me why you want to do this today.”

“I’ve been looking at some films online, reading some stories,” Steve said quietly, “and I guess I was getting – well…”

Christyne nodded as they walked back into the front room. “Let me guess – you got excited as you did when you were tied up by the robbers?”

“Yeah – but I don’t know why I feel this way. I thought fi w could talk…”

“Have you tied talking to your mum and dad?” She looked at Steve and laughed as she said “yeah, silly question – all right. Well, in that case, I want you to go to the garage, and you can bring through a large white box that is there.”

Steve nodded as he went out of the room, returning with the box and placing it on the floor. “Open it, see what is in there,” Christyne said as she stood up, “I need to go to the toilet before we begin.”

As she left the room, Steve opened the box and looked in it, his eyes widening as he listened for his grandmother coming back. “Gran,” he said as he came back in, “Where did you get all this?”

“Oh, you can buy most of this on the high street - so long as you know what you are looking for,” Christyne said as she sat down. “The ropes have been washed and dried, so they are soft – but still will do the job. So, what would you like me to do first?”

“Well – would you let me tie your hands behind your back first?”

“Okay then,” Christyne said as she turned and put her wrists behind her back, Steve taking a length of rope from the box and doubling it over, before he passed tit round her wrists and pulled them gently together.

“I… Bert said it had to be tight, or it would be no good,” Steve said, “but tell me if it hurts, Granny.”

“You’re fine so far,” Christyne said as she felt the bands pressing on her wrists, Steve taking care it keep them neat before he took the ends between her wrists and then tied the ends off out of reach of her fingers.

“Well – I can’t bring my hands round now,” she said with a smile as Steve walked round and looked at her. “You have done a good job there, Steve.”

“Thanks, Gran – do you mind if I tie your ankles together next?”

Christyne nodded as she lifted her legs and put the heels of her boots on the coffee table, her skirt falling down and covering her legs as Steve took another length of rope and wrapped it round her covered ankles. She heard the squeak as he pulled the rope tighter and her boots rubbed together, and saw his smile.

“Do you like that sound?”

“I remember when the girls were tied up, the sound they made when they tried to move their legs,” he said as he wrapped the rope around and between her ankles, and then tied the ends off as well. “There – try to move them apart.”

Christyne twisted her ankles, and then said “good job – but you need to secure my legs as well.”

“Can I?”

“Fold my skirt back so you can see my knees, and then use another rope below them – all right?”

Steve nodded as he slowly folded her skirt back, and then tied her legs together below her knees, stoking her legs as he did so.


“Yes, Steve?”

“How does it really feel to you when this is done to you?”

“The first time it happened, I was scared, I’ll admit that” Christyne said, “but I realize the ropes were not something to be afraid of.”

“It was the person tying the ropes?”

Christyne nodded as she said “sometimes, it was what happened afterwards.”

“What happened?”

“I’ll have to tell you another time,” Christyne said as he tied the ends off, and then folded her skirt back as she lowered her feet to the floor. Steve looked at her as she looked over and smiled.

“So, anything else you want to do?”

“If you’ll let me Granny?”

“Well, could I stop you?”

Steve nodded as he picked up a longer length of rope, Christyne turning to the side as he doubled it over, and then went behind her, passing it round her body and then pulling it tight under her chest.

“Gran – how does it really feel when someone does that to you?”

“I remember you said it was like being hugged – it’s a bit like that really, except…”

“Except what?”

“Well,” Christyne said as he passed it round her upper arms, above her chest, and then pulled it tight there as well, “a woman’s chest when it is framed by bands of rope can be – well, pushed up and out for want of a better word. Can you see?”

Steve just nodded as he wrapped the rope round her again, above and below.

“Well, when that happens, it can feel a bit strange, but so long as you don’t struggle too much, it can be all right.”

“How does it feel now?”

“Honestly – nice,” Christyne said as Steve passed the rope round one more time, above and below, and then tied the bands together behind her back. “Very nice…”

“I liked it when Bert did it to me as well,” Steve said as he looked at his grandmother. Her chest has indeed been forced up and out, her top stretched over it.



“Can I – can I tighten it like Ernie did to you?”

Christyne turned and looked at him, and then nodded as Steve took two shorter lengths of rope, and tied them between her arms and her body, making the bands tighter as he looked at her – but he also heard her gasp as his hands passed over her chest.

“Sorry – did I do something to you Granny.”

“Yes… No… Don’t worry about it Steve, I’ll be all right.”

Steve could not take her eyes off Christyne as she wriggled round – and then he blushed as she said “Do I look that exciting to you?”

“Well – yeah, but…”


Steve and Christyne looked to the door as his ten-year-old cousin Tammy came in. The young blonde was wearing a blue long-sleeved top and white leggings with a blue floral print, the bottom half of them covered by a pair of knee-high black fabric boots.

“Oh wow,” she said as she looked at them, “are you playing a game of robbers?”

“Yeah – is Abigail with you?”

“She’s coming round in a little while – she went to the park first,” Tammy said as she went and looked at her grandmother. “Is that tight, Granny?”

“Yes it is,” Christyne said with a smile, “why?”

“I guess the bad robber would have to tie me up and keep me quiet as well,” Tammy said as she looked at Steve. She then stood in front of Christyne and put her hands behind her back.


“You have to, I think,” Christyne said as Steve took some more rope from the bag, and then crossed Tammy’s wrists behind her back.

“It’s just like Hallowe’en,” she giggled as he wrapped the rope around and between her wrists, and then tied the ends off out of reach of her fingers.

“Yeah – but you get to stay with Gran this time,” he said as he found a longer rope, and then tied it round tammy’s arms and chest, forming two bands as she stood there smiling.

“I wish Jilly was here, she could have been tied up as well,” Tammy said as he tied the ropes off, and then hopped up onto the seat next to Christyne, her feet hanging off the edge of the couch. Steve just shook his head as he made sure her ankles were secured together as well, and then bound her legs together below her knees and on top of the cuffs of her boots.

“All right, dear?”

“Yes Granny,” Tammy said as she wriggled round and rubbed her head on her grandmother’s arm. “Is the bad man going to stop us talking as well?”

“I think he might do – Steve, look in the box and you will find a roll of white tape.”

As he looked in and took the wide roll out, he said “is this the tape they used on us?”

“It is – I want you to tear a strip off and put it over Tammy’s mouth first, then she can lay her head on my lap before you keep me quiet as well.”

“Ready, little cuz?”

Tammy stuck her tongue out at Steve, and then pursed her lips as he peeled a length of tape from the roll, and then pressed it down over her lips, covering her chin as he did so. He then helped her to lie down with her head on Christyne’s lap, before he pressed a longer length of the tape down over her own mouth.


“Amazing,” Steve whispered as both Christyne and Tammy wriggled a little, and he was aware of something happening…

“Oh lord – not again!”

“Hey Abigail,” Steve said as he turned and looked at his older cousin. She was the same age as him, and had a padded blue gilet on over a grey cardigan, that in turn over a purple t-shirt, and blue jeans with the legs tucked into a pair of knee-high black wellington boots with yellow soles.

“Did he do this to both of you,” she said as she looked at her sister and grandmother, both of them nodding as she saw a smile on their lips under the tape.

“I thought those burglars would have scared you off ever doing this – I know I never wanted to be tied up again,” Abigail said as she looked at Steve.

“I know – but – well, I find the thought of tying someone up, and been tied up – exciting?”

“You do? You are weird…”


She looked at Christyne and saw her grandmother shake her head, before she said “okay, I take that back – out family is a bit weird.”

Steve had been looking at her, before he said “well – will you tie me up?”

Abigail stared at Steve, and then at Christyne as she slowly nodded.

“You’ll have to show me what to do?”

“Sure – go into the box, find a length of rope about as tall as me, then come back and double it over.”

Abigail shook her head as she fetched a length of rope, then put Steve’s hands together behind his back.

“Okay – wrap the rope round my wrists, pull the ends through the loop and back until my wrists are held together.”

“You are weird,” Abigail said as she did what Steve had said, before she did what he had asked, Steve closing his eyes as he said “good – now wind it round three times, and keep the bands on top of each other. Then tuck the ends under the top loop, separate the ends, and take them between my arms before you tie the ends off.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah - don’t worry, you’re not hurting me,” Steve said as he felt the ropes tightening, and then the tug as Abigail tied the ends off on top of the binding. She took a moment to look at it, before she said “I guess I need to tie those ropes that man tied round my arms and chest, right?”

“Yeah – get the longest length of rope in the box, double it over and bring it back.”

Tammy was watching, the interest clear in her eyes as Abigail brought back the rope, and wrapped it round Steve’s upper arms before she pulled it tight in the same way as his wrists.

“Yeah, that’s right,” he whispered, “now take it round my arms below my elbows as well, and do that a few times – try to keep the coils neat if you can.”

“IS that an order?”

“No – a request. It’s just more – comfortable if you do that.”

Abigail shook her head again as Christyne looked down to see Tammy’s eyes closing as she fell asleep, comfortable and happy. Steve was happy as well as he felt the pressure of the ropes on his arms, “Thank you – tie the ends off so the bands come together behind me, then find two shorter lengths and tie them between my arms and my body.

“Honestly,” Abigail said as she tightened the bands, “you like feeling like this? I was scared as heck that night, but you and Tammy – and Granny…”

“Yeah, I do like it,” Steve said quietly, “and you are doing a very good job as well. Have you been practising, by any chance?”

Abigail looked at Christyne and blushed as she said “I… I may have tied Tammy up a couple of times since.”

“Thstshhlrht,” Christyne mumbled as Steve sat himself down on the floor, and stretched his legs out.

“Let me guess,” Abigail sighed, “two more lengths, one round your ankles, and one below your knees?”

“Yeah – yeah,” Steve said as he felt that familiar feeling while Abigail found two more ropes, doubled one over and tied it round and between his ankles, the coffs of his pant legs flaring out under the bands of rope. After she had tightened and tied off that length, she passed the second length round Steve’s legs below his knees and started to tie them together.

“Hey - you all right?”


She looked over at her grandmother, who nodded as she watched her tie that binding off as well. Steve had his eyes closed, as he said “tape over my mouth.” She peeled a length of white tape from the roll and pressed it down over his mouth as he wriggled round, and then looked down – before she walked over to where Christyne was sitting.

“IS Tammy all right?”

“Sheefhhhn – shhssthf.”

“Gran – is he?”

Christyne slowly nodded as she said “hdnnuh?”

“Well, I’m going to get a drink,” she said as Steve moaned softly. “Hwlong?”

“Hbbhthnhr – hllrht?”

Abigail nodded as she said “maybe he can tie me up when he gets free – with you Gran.”

Christyne slowly nodded, as Abigail smiled and left them to walk to the kitchen…
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