Megan, Perfactly Incased - Short Story (F/F)

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Megan, Perfactly Incased - Short Story (F/F)

Post by Princeps04 »

"Right this way inspector!" called the prison warden, Tara. The inspector hurried along the hallway, his gaze was transfixed on the rows and columns of cells, each holding a different prisoner. "Let me show why we're the most famous prison in the state" said Tara as she slid a key card into a thin slit and walked through a doorway which opened at her will, "As you know, we hold many famous inmates, the most famous of which is through here" Tara said as another row of sealed steel doors were opened remotely.

"Megan Smith, as I'm sure you know, has broken out of the previous seven institutes she was located at after murdering a police officer. That was until, she came here." The warden fumbled with keys in her pocket before opening a solid steel door into an empty dimly lit room with two viewing screens. "We built a special cell just for her, putting her decade long string of escapes to an end" she said.

The two looked through the solid glass window into the brightly lit room where Megan was contained. She sat upon a large chair - the throne is what the guards called it - her forearms rested on the arms of either side of the chair, large black leather buckles closed around her forearms and were padlocked in place under the chair. The same treatment was given to her wrists, thighs, ankles, stomach and upper chest. Her body would not move an inch besides her head which occasionally swung around with delirious anger. Megan's hands were slotted into large leather mittens which were secured to each of her wrists and prevented her fingers from moving around.

"Every inch of the throne was covered in soft rubber spikes which irritate her if she tries to struggle. Each muscle movement means a unique prickling sensation in her skin" Tara said with her arms folded, looking through the glass impassively. Megan wore an orange tight prison issue latex jump suit, "What's with the uniform?" Asked the inspector as he too looked through the glass. The warden glanced in the direction of the inspector while still facing the prisoner, "it's too ensure that she doesn't hide anything on her, any sharp objects that she can get her hands on means that she will get out" said the warden.

Megan's face was fully covered by a large black leather hood with her black pony tail flowing out of a small hole in the back of the hood. Underneath the hood, large leather straps hugged every corner of her face, a rubber plug filled her mouth, exactly fitted to the proportions of the inside of her mouth like a mouth guard. As well as her gag, a pair of earplugs were secured into each of her ears and of course the hood itself acted as a blindfold.

The exterior of the hood had padding around Megan's mouth, ears and eyes, reinforcing the disconnect of her senses from the outside world. Two small holes close to her nostrils allowed her to intake air.

"What's that... Thing, around her face?" Asked the inspector as he turned his body to look at the warden. "It's a gag. She's been known to be quite persuasive so we need to keep it on her at all times" Tara shifted from her original position and made her way towards the door which separated the cell from the observation room.

The door clicked and unlocked, soon followed by the inspector and warden entering the large white padded cell. The lights and the white walls almost over powered the inspector's senses however he made his way over to the prisoner in the middle of the room. A low hum echoed through the room, bouncing of every wall and surface, amplifying itself. Megan's body shifted in its place, as though she were trying to find a comfortable position, but she never could.

"So. What does she do throughout the day" said the inspector, bewildered by what he was seeing. The warden slowly walked around the throne, "Three times a day, she is briefly released from her chair where she is cuffed up in a separate room. She gets fed, watered, washed and what have you... Apart from that, she moans and struggles" said Tara.

"Would you not see this as... Over-the-top?" asked the inspector as he got a closer look at the struggling prisoner who squirmed and squealed. The warden snapped her head to look at the inspector, "I see this as well-deserved. I see this as perfectly reasonable given her record. For now she is better off to sit on her throne, perfectly incased."