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Struggle Duo (M/ff) (Part 1/?)

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 2:28 am
by Reight
I am no native english speaker so i apologize about any spelling mistake. Hope anyone who reads can enjoy the story either way.


"It's good that you could come Em. I was getting very bored alone".

Jenne, a young 16 years old girl was receiving her friend Emily on her home. Emily was the same age as Jenne and they had known each other for a while.

"No problem. I didn't had any plans for the weekend either way".

Emily took off her shoes, which left her on a pair of black stockings that combined with the gray skirt and blue t-shirt she was wearing.

Meanwhile Jenny was using a white shirt with blue short. With a pair of short gray socks.

"So do you have any plans for today?" Emily asked.

"Umm, not really. We can relax for a while in my room. Maybe play some board games and other stuff".

With that both girls decided to go and have a good time.

Hours passed till the afternoon arrived.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Jenne asked her friend before getting up from the bed.

"Umm yeah. Whatever you have is good".

"Will be back on a second".

Jenny got a surprise when she arrived to the kitchen.


A tug ordered with a gun pointing to her. Jenny only obeyed.

"Crap, there was supposed to be no one here. Anyways, will have to roll with it. You stay quiet and come..."

"Jenny is everything alright?" Emily appeared from the corner and understood what was going to happen.

Before she could try something the tug pointed the gun to her.

"Freak now there is two. Ugg, what a pain. Don't get funny ideas girls, i won't hurt ya if you both cooperate".

He came close after getting some white rope from his bag.

"You... you are going to tie us?"

"Exactly. Now let's go to somewhere more private".

The tug pushed both girls back to Jenne room and then launched part of the rope to Jenne.

"Tie your friend hands and arms, don't try to make it slack, i will check".

"Sorry Em..."

"Don't worry".

Jen took her friends hands behind her and tied them in a crossed form. She made sure it was tight enough so that the tug didn't tried anything. Then she tied her arms by the elbows, this limiting a lot her movement.

"Now her ankles".

Jenne helped Emily to sit on the floor and tied her ankles side by side.

When she was done the thief took her and started to tie her up just as Emily.

"Hey, it doesn't have to be that tight!"

"Shut it".

The tug finished to tier her and then proceed to get a pair of handkerchief which used to cleave gag both girls, who didn't opposed much of resistance.

"Very well, stay here and don't make trouble. If everything goes fine i should be leaving soon".

The thief left and closed the door of the bedroom, leaving the girls alone.

Emily inmediatly started to struggle against her bonds, twisting and squirming on the floor. Jeene on the other hand just stood still. She was scared notherless but at the same time somewhat excited.

She was a detective novels fan and several times had imagine herself in this scenario. But never expected it to happen in reality.

Getting back to the situation Jeene tested her ropes, she understood it wasn't going to be easy to get unbound.

"Mrrhg!" She called to her friend who was still squirming on the ground".


Jeene tried to communicate that Em could come close enough to help her to get rid of the gag.

After a few failed tries to communicate, Emily understood and got close to her friend. It took a while but Jenne managed to get Emily gag off and then her own with Emily help.

"Thanks... I can breath better". Emily said with a sigh.

"Keep it low so he cannot hear us".

"What do we do know?"

"Escape and call the police. Let me try do undo your bonds".

They sitted back to back and Jeanne started to try and free her friend wrists but after a while she gave up. One thing was making the tie and other very different was undoing it. And with her hands behind her back it was even more difficult.

"Crap, i can't do it".

"Maybe you shouldn't had to have tie them so tight!"

"Sorry, it was that or the tug meedling in".

"Let me try yours Jen".

Emily tried the same stun as her friend but she noticed fast it wouldn't work.

"Any other ideas?"

Jenne scanned the room and noticed her phone in her night table.

With a few failed tries beforehand, Jenne managed to get to her feet and started to jump towards her phone. When she reached it, a new issue came: Manipulating the phone.

"Come on, come on".

Just when she was about to type the numbers to call the police the tug returned.

"Trying to escape huh. Seems i trusted you girls to much, let's fix that".

He dragged Jenne away from their hope to escape without she being able to do anything.

The tug made Jenne and Emily to sit on the first bed, after helping them to get there, and putted the girls back to back before proceeding to take more rope from his bag.

First of all he tied a rope that connected Jeanne arms rope to Emily arms rope. This stopped them to get to far away from one another.

Then the tug tied a rope around both of their waist and over their bound wrists, connecting the knots to make sure their hands couldn't move that much away. Finally he did the same connection between the girls but now with the waist ropes.

After that he proceeded to put rope around both girls, below and above their breasts, which ended effectively tying them back to back.

Finally he proceeded to tie both of their legs just over their knees and re gagged them as before.

"That should hold you both. Also i will be taking this so there is no distractions".

The tug took the Jenne phones and left the room once again. They were so close to call for help just to fail in the end.

Re: Struggle Duo (M/ff) (Part 1/?)

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 8:50 pm
by endofstar
I don't respond that much, just wanted to encourage you to continue this story, as I'm a great fan of the burglary scenario and gag talk. :D