Nightmare (MM/m)

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Nightmare (MM/m)

Post by alkaid_ »

The sound of a leak and the squeak that the ropes occasionally made each time they rubbed against that steel beam were the only things that took away from that desperate silence that invaded that room.

Alexander was already very very tired. He felt pain in every part of is body. Even parts of his body he didn’t know could feel pain. Alexander only wanted sleep, but he can’t do it because the tiredness and the pain in his body don’t let him. At some times he only close his eyes, but for who know for how long and when he wake up did it more tired.

The kiddo only can remembered how it began. It was the last Friday of the month and therefore the famous teachers planning meeting day and for this reason the kiddos didn’t must go to the school.

Alexander will be at his home and he asked to his parents for go to the movies with some friends, at that day. Their parents didn’t objected his son request, but just put a condition: the kiddo muist returned home before 4 at afternoon because they scheduled messaging service what gonna deliver some lamps what Alexander father gonna install that weekend.

And so what Alexander and a group of 8 kiddos at the movies. And they were gonna see the last part of scammers, race cars and thieves saga. The kiddo lost the interest in the movie after half an hour but the kiddo didn’t care abput how bad and even boring the movie was. Into the girls what where in the friends group was Evelyn, the kiddo crush since months ago. So at his 14 years old Alexander could already boast about of having his passionate kiss with a girl in a movie theater.

The movie was over and at the end Alexander came back his home very early. In the way to his home Alexander thought about he would have his home for his own for the entry afternoon. Darinka, his older sister and a senior high school student was going to a party and would returned home after midnight. His oldest sister Virginia, a 7th semester student at administration degree, was going to arrived at home at night, maybe later than 10 at night and very tired from a week were she had lot of homework and her job as an intern at a supplies distributor enterprise. And Alexander’s parents surely arrive at home as late as Virgina would.

Alexander was thinking about call Félix and invite him to a Mario Kart, Super Smash and FIFA matches for the entry afternoon. But first he needs take a lunch. The kiddo take his breakfast very early and at the movies he only take a chocolate and caramel frappe what of course he shared with Evelyn.

But the kiddo plans and happiness changed. When the kiddo arrived at his home he notice what the stay window was broken. The kiddo made a tantrum because he knew that it didn't matter what had happened or that there was an explanation for what happened with broken window: his sisters and especially his parents would say that it was Alexander’s fault. And even if it had been an accident and the parents and sisters knew about it, they would never apologize to the kiddo for accused him.

Even so, Alexander knew that everything was going to get worse if the didn’t clean that mess of the broken window and glass scattered over the stay floor. So he immediately ran to the kitchen looking for a broom and dustpan. It was there than Alexander no longer knew what happened.

The kiddo felt a punch in his head what coming from his back behind him and made him fall down to the floor and next when he try to stand up a new punch was coming from his left side to his jaw. Alexander began to see blurry, his ears were buzzing, he felt dizzy… he thought he heard the voices of 2 dudes near where he was, they were saying things he didn’t understand. Alexander tried to move but he felt that his body didn’t respond him and he only felt that one of those dudes carried him like a ragdoll.

Alexander didn’t know how much time have passed but when he woke up he barely felt the pain in his head but his jaw still hurt. The kiddo try to take his hands to the zone where he felt pain but something wouldn’t let him did it.

Alexander felt his hands behind his back, and tightly ropes around his wrist keep them binding. Also he felt ropes strictly tied around his arms to his torso. Alexander wanted move his legs but were also restrained for ropes what tightly tied his ankles and knees.

Alexander tried to yell but his throat was dry and a ball of rag were inside his mouth. He wanted open his eyes but his eyelids could barely lift them and all he could saw was dark around him. Also he began to felt a strange heat in his head because was wrapped in plastic wrap and ducktape.

The kiddo started to despair and felt lot of fear. He tried to felt where he was. He was lying over a cement floor. Alexander began to turn around to his left side trying to look for anything what help him to stand up when suddenly he found the edge of that surface. The kiddo moved so fast as he couldn’t stopped and he ended fall down to the floor.

The strength of the punch was felt in his left shoulder and the zone from his jaw were punched earlier.

Alexander started to cry for fear, despair and impotence. He tried to get into a fetal position but the tightly ropes around his body didn’t allow him to do so without feeling pressure in his body.

His cry didn’t allow him hear the sound of a lock and a door being opened, nor the footsteps that were approaching him. But Alexander was startled when he heard the voice of one of the subjects.

“Look like our guest finally woke up …”

That voice remined of Alexander an opera singer or a famous soccer commentor. The kiddo felt a pair of hands were holding him from the ropes around his chest and lift it up from the floor for put him again un that cement surface.

"Lets leave it clear, kiddo, either you keep quiet or you are going to starve."

Alexander started to sayed yes with his head. The kiddo felt too uncomfortable and hot and sweaty so he promised behave if he could eat something and drink water after a long time.

The kiddo felt a sharp object under his right ear, a small prick and a slight burning sensation but suddenly that plastic mask began to be unwrapped from his head.

Alexander felt a bottle of water was put in his lips. He began to drank, it wasn’t water, the flavor was disgusting. When the kiddo was able to open his eyes and begin to distinguish what was in front of him, he noticed that it was a bottle of serum.

Alexander began to saw where he was. It was a room, maybe 3 and a half meters wide and 6 meters long. The cement surface where he was sitting was a size of a single bed, set against a wall across the width of the room and centered and it was a meter height.

On the other side of the room was a concrete base at a height of just over a meter in height and below it a series of shelves and locked drawers.

In the ceiling there were three metal beams that ran the length of the room but were not completely glued to the ceiling, there was a gap of maybe 30 centimeters between the beam and the ceiling.
He also managed to notice some metal rings on the walls and floor of the room.

The doorway was in the middle of the wall on the right side of the room. On the ceiling there were four spotlights that gave a dim light and on each side wall of the room were three small dark balls. Alexander had seen those kinds of objects before and he knew they were CCTV camaras, he knew those guys had been watching him.

Alexander take sips from the serum bottle and a white cheese and ham sandwich. There was nothing Alexander disliked more than white cheese but in the situation he was in he couldn't get demanding.

In front of the boy were 2 guys. One was tall, maybe 1.90 meters, he was robust and reminded him Braulio, the football player who was his Virginia’s boyfriend in his last year of high school. That guy was the one with that voice that he thought was that of the famous sports commentator.

The other dude was only a few centimeters shorter and quite obese. His voice was look liked a vulgar gang member, the kind of vulgar voice that always made Alexander laugh of lot, but in this scenario, more than laughter, that dude’s voice made him a felt lot of terror.

While the robust one finished feeding the obese one, took out a key ring and opened one of the shelves, took out a rolled up mattress and a roll of ducktape. Alexander was done with that little lunch and the tall guy immediately put the ball of cloth back in his mouth and then 4… 5…6…7… several wraps of ducktape around his lips and neck and then over his eyes.

The dude made Alexander stand on the floor while the obese dude set up the mat. Alexander ended up lying face down, bound, gagged and blindfolded. The dudes left that room and closed the door. The kiddo began to writhe and fight against his restraints, he tried to scream for help with all his might...

Alexander lost track of how long he had spent in the hands of those dudes. He didn't know when it was day or night. He managed to notice that there was a white light what coming under the door of that room that was always on, so perhaps he thought he was in a cellar, in a basement, in some abandoned place or perhaps in a room in middle of a house.

Although he did notice that there were some actions that were repeated, they feed him ate twice every so often and they also let him relieve himself twice. Although for this he had a bucket that stayed on the opposite wall at the entrance to the room. The bucket was covered with a thick black bag and was where the boy made shit or peed. The dudes would leave that bucket uncovered and change the bag every so often.

Also in those days the kiddo had time to ask himself many questions. What if his parents thought he had run away of fear of being reprimand for the broken window? Surely the reprimand would be forgotten when they found out that he had been kidnapped and those guys called their parents to demand ransom.

Or perhaps his father betrayed to his mother again? What if his dad's new whore was vengeful and when he refused to left away his family, she took revenge by kidnapping the kiddo?

And if was one of the dissatisfied clients of his mother's real estate business, who were looking to get his money back? No, surely it was Sebastián, his sister Darinka the vulgar ex-boyfriend. Two weeks ago they had broke and Sebas took it badly. That fight was so intense that his father threatened that dude and told him that if he touched his daughter, no one would find his remains. Yes, it was Sebas's revenge and he asked for help to his vulgar friends.

Alexander also couldn't forget that maybe someone wanted revenge on Virginia. Her oldest sister didn't mind being hated. She was the kind of girl student who reminded the teacher to check the homework he had forgotten to review. Many questions that left him more and more confused.

Alexander noticed that these guys took turns taking care of him, feeding him, letting him relieve himself and torturing him. And that's why he was also sure that every day he spent with that dudes could be more terrifying.

The kiddo had been tied up in ways he never imagined could be posible. Sometimes they covered his eyes, but they always sealed his mouth: with pieces of cloth and duct tape, or sometimes with just tape. Sometimes with foreign objects like a leather belt with a plastic ball in the middle that was adjusted behind his neck.

On one time they left him sitting in a fairly heavy and shapely chair, and they put a leather belt on him with a ring in the middle that was inserted into his mouth. The dudes forced Alexander to drink several liters of water. The boy felt great despair due to the desire to pee and in the end he found relief by wetting his pants.

They had slapped him, spanked him with a wooden board, had pinched his nipples, they throw ice water on him to bath him. He had been tied with his hands attached to one of the ceiling beams, standing on his tiptoes, and used as a punching bag. And they had even covered his nose to play with his breathing.

On another occasion he spent a long period tied up and lying on that uncomfortable cement base. His arms and legs stretched out to four rings embedded in the four corners of that bed. Blindfolded, gagged and earplugs. Alexander felt the greatest despair of his life…

Since several hours ago Alexander was in a completely new situation. Those guys had gone in and taken a lot of ropes off those drawers. The boy was placed face down and his arms were held as if he were being held in a wrestling move hold. His arms were also tied with various ropes but those guys made a special tie that also went around his waist, crotch and thighs. Alexander felt those ropes like the arnes what he used a long time ago when he went to some climbing walls with his friends

When they finished they made the boy walk to the middle of the room and they began to pass the ropes over the central beam and little by little the kiddo was hanging from his tip toes. The dudes began to tie the ankles separately and in the end his legs were semi-flexed, as if his heels almost touched the boy's buttocks and he hung from the end beams.

Alexander had a plastic object in his mouth that reminded him of the plastic bone he used to play with Chicote, his dog. The kiddo had given up. He had yelled for help with all his might but no one was listening. Every time he tried to fight against his restraints, he got hurt and when he resisted those dudes, the punishment and torture was worse.

Alexander believed that he couldn’t be able to cry anymore, he thought that at some point his tears should dry up. But the reality is that once again he cried inconsolably while he hung just over a meter above the floor.

And in that situation, tied up and hanging, Alexander thought it was a bad idea to wear so shortly socks that they didn't stick out from his tennis and wear pants as not as long so his ankle bone left exposed. His ankles had suffered from the tight and strong ties: the long time bound with ropes, handcuffs, chains and ducktape had already caused his skin to become dry, hurt and feel unbearable burning and scars. Every time he thought of stretching his feet, the friction with the rope made him scream in pain through that uncomfortable gag. To his good luck his hands had been protected by the long sleeves of his gray t-shirt.

But at same time as Alexander felt pain, the kiddo felt lot of anger too. The boy had been raised by a mother and a pair of sisters who were extremely scrupulous in grooming, cleanliness, and order. The kiddo was seeing his blue jacket, the one he had worn that day he was caught by those guys, lying on that dirty floor and throws as a ball of cloth, made piss him a lot.

He was also very angry about his personal claennes. For moments that room could be hot as a sauna. And even though the boy hadn't been doing any physical activity, he still sweated a lot. The stink odor from his t-shirt as well as the fetid aroma that came from the bucket where were his pee and poo from the last four times made him was very pissed.

Alexander didn’t forget his ripped t-shirt…there were rips at his shoulders and ribs and his t-shirt also have footprints stains made when those dudes pressed his body against the floor.

The kiddo was also anger to see what had happened to his white sneakers. The boy had begged to his parents to buy him that pair of that looked like a race car driver sneakers. His father had been reluctant to buy them because they were a bit expensive, however he gave them to his son as a 14 bday present.

Because of the times he was dragged on that dirty cement floor, his sneakers had already been scuffed up and dirty. Alexander had always taken care and tried that his sneakers were keep them and looked neatly white.

The boy also felt furious because of his pants, also stained by the times he had spending lying on the floor, had being dragged and the times where he was forced to pee in his pants. And more he also felt anger from feeling the dry saliva around his lips and cheeks, his dirty face and the blood stains caused when those dudes slap him and when that vulgar dude spit his forehead a few hours ago.
Alexander had a lost seight, his head bowed deafeted and his spirits destroyed. He just hoped that a miracle would come.

But the only thing that happened is that door room was opened and those 2 dudes walked in. Alexander turned to see those guys and felt more afraid than ever. His kidnappers entered without the balaclava, the eyemask or the masks that they used to wear when enter to that room. Now their faces were uncovered.

His faces were unfamiliar to Alexander, but he also knew it was a bad omen. The boy began to writhe in his restraints and moan for help once more time again. Those dudes approached to the boy's feet and began to untie his sneakers.

Alexander turned more and more pissed and anger when the stocky dude threw his right sneaker into the piss and poo bucket but then he started to feel more fear when his shortly socks were removed from his feet and he ender barefoot.

The kiddo never satayed without socks, no matter how short they were, even when sleeping. The only places where Alexander could be barefoot was when he was in the shower and went to the beach every year in the summer, and at his swimming class.

Alexander felt uncomfortable, it was the first time he was completely barefoot since those guys kidnapped him and that made him felt so vulnerable and more terrified than he had experienced in those days.

Those dudes removed their belts and began to whip the soles of the boy's feet. Alexander was screaming in pain, and the tightly restrains made him felt more and more pain. He cried inconsolably, begged for mercy. His punishment lasted several minutes until he finally felt a stinging heat on his soles. The boy's feet were completely sore.

Those dudes went to the boy's ankles and began to untie the ropes that kept him hanging from the beams and in the end the boy's feet were a few centimeters above the floor.

Those dudes went to the ropes that tied Alexander's chest and waist to the beams and began to loosen them and eventually released them so that the boy hit the ground. The kiddo falled down and punch his tummy and jaw.

Alexander felt as if a ball had knocked his stomach and felt like he lost the breath. While he was lying face down on the floor, that dudes untying his ankles at complete, because were still slightly dangling from the ceiling beams.

The obese and vulgar dude lift Alexander from his hair and the kiddo ended standing from his knees.
The stocky dude came up in front of Alexander and dropped to a crouch and suddenly landed the first punch into his hostage stomach.

Alexander cried out in pain and barely had time to react when the second punch came. Alexander felt agony when felt the third hit. But this was different, the boy began to felt something strange, a kind of heat began to invade his body.

The boy had kept his eyes closed since the first punch, opened them and looked down at where the man's fist was still. But he was horrified, it wasn't the dude’s fist that was still in the boy's belly, but a its long knife.

Alexander saw the blood began to flow from his stomach and that dude hand began to stain in red. The boy began to beg for help and mercy but the dude did the opposite. The dude pulled the knife out of Alexander's stomach and stabbed his hostage again, and the boy let out a blood-curdling scream of terror…

Alexander had sat on the bed, he was sweating as if he had a fever, his breathing was more than agitated, he was crying non-stop and he was very afraid.

The kiddo began to see around him, he was in his room, in the safety of his home. Little by little he began to understand the reality, once again that horrendous nightmare had awakened him.

In a matter of minutes the door of his room were opened, it was his father.

Are you okay son? The boy nodded his head even though he was barely catching his breath.

Do you want to tell me what happened? The boy didn't know what to answer, he only said that it was something strong and that had scared him too much. Alexander's family knew that the boy had been having sleeping problems.

Alexander's father hugged his son and the kiddo felt again that warmth and security as when he was a five-year-old in todder in his father's arms.

The father left the room but left the light on, he did it so that his son would calming down and prepare to go back to sleep.

Alexander took his phone and saw that it was 4:30 in the morning. As soon as he was alone in his room again, the kiddo uncovered his sheets and looked closely at his feet. He took off his socks and touched his soles. They were lukewarm, as they should be, and a normal, natural pink color.

Alexander was afraid to go back to sleep and dream the same nightmare again. It had been a recurring nightmare in the last three weeks, and this time was the first time that the kiddo woke up completely scared and terrified.

Alexander turned on the television and his X-box to watch some funny videos on YouTube. After almost an hour the boy fell asleep again.

It was almost noon when Alexander woke up again, he didn’t had that nightmare again, the one where he ended up kidnapped and stabbed by a couple of strangers.

It was the last Friday of his easter holidays and he was surprised to find out that he was home alone. A message from his mother told him that his parents would be late and that his 2 sisters would go to a party so he gonna have the house for himself until evening.

The kiddo took a shower and while the water fell on his body he thought about the strangeness of the situation. He thought that the best way to deal with that was to call Felix and invite him to spent the afternoon at his house watching a series or playing video games.

Alexander was brush his hair in front of the mirror when suddenly something made him feel a chill: maybe he did subconsciously but he had wearing the same clothes as in his nightmare: the same jeans, the same gray long-sleeved t-shirt, the same sneakers, the same black socks and the same blue jacket.

Immediately Alexander changed change a little his outfit: he put on a red polo shirt and left that blue jacket in his closet.

Félix told Alexander that he would arrive at his house around 3 in the afternoon, so the kiddo decided to take a walk with Chocote and on the way go to the store to buy a bag of chips and a soda.

As soon as he returned to his house, Alexander released Chicote so that the dog could run in the yard and go to his place where he had his water tank. Alexander opened the front door and stepped into the house. He stopped suddenly, he noticed that the window of the stay was broken. The same window from his dream.

Alexander began to take steps back towards the door of the house, he began to whistle the way he called Chicote. The boy took the phone from him and started calling Felix.

The kiddo opened the front door to the house and suddenly…
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Post by Boytaped »

a really powerful story I look forward to reading more
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Post by BDBrit »

Sounds like a horrible nightmare. I hope Alexander will be OK.
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Post by alkaid_ »

well i love the mystery and suspense so its an lot of things what would happen in Alexander's home when he opened the main door...

[mention]BDBrit[/mention]: thats right... Alexander had a very bad dream... Hopefully it's not something prescient
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Post by Carelesshealer »

Poor boy wonder if his nightmare is really over hope Jim wow the guys have a foot fetish if he (dreams) again 😍😍
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Post by alkaid_ »

Carelesshealer wrote: 1 year ago Poor boy wonder if his nightmare is really over hope Jim wow the guys have a foot fetish if he (dreams) again 😍😍
well... alexander has a lot of possibilities... that window could be just an accident or.. well... the kido had a premonitory dream.

i dunno if the bad dudes have a feet fetish... they just kidna sadic dudes
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